
‘Inferno’ Producers Re-Casting Lindsay Lohan’s Part?

Even though Inferno director Matthew Wilder was trying to visit Lindsay at the slammer and has claimed to be 100% behind her the whole way, there must be a breaking point.

Wilder and the production team of the Linda Lovelace biopic had originally planned to halt production of the film, which was originally scheduled to start filming in August, until Lindsay Lohan was released from jail, but could they be looking for a plan B behind closed doors?

According to this report, the producers of Inferno had a secret meeting with an up and coming actress by the name of Sarah Scott yesterday in Los Angeles, to discuss her replacing Lohan on the film.  Scott has made appearances on hit shows such  as True Blood, Arrested Development, and Nip/Tuck, but this would mark the first starring role for the actress.

With Lindsay set to serve a full 90 days in an Orange County rehab facility as soon as she is released from jail, production of the film would be stalled until at least November.  Three months is a long time for an indy project!

Plus, now that Lindsay has built the film up to where it is today, they’ve got all the press they need to go forward, and it’s not like nobody can beat Lindsay in the talent department either.  The film will probably be better with Scott playing Linda Lovelace.  The only downside is she’ll always be known as the girl from that movie Lindsay Lohan was supposed to be in.

We have a feeling Lindsay is going to be getting the hearbreaking news as soon as she’s back out on this side.  Hey, maybe that’s even wat Matthew Wilder was trying to visit to discuss?

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2 Responses to ‘Inferno’ Producers Re-Casting Lindsay Lohan’s Part?

  1. July 30, 2010 at 5:04 pm #

    She does not need this movie – its a blessing in disquise.

  2. July 30, 2010 at 7:10 pm #

    Well, that’s the way the cookie crumbles sometimes. Everyone has bad luck etc, and Lindsay has also had a huge share of good luck. She can always do another movie some other time..

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