
Disick Gets His Head Shrunk

We’ve been watching Kris Jenner attempts at neutering Scott Disick the way she has Bruce Jenner and it looks like she’s almost done it! People Magazine is reporting that Scott Disick’s plunge into therapy, (the real kind, not the retail kind the rest of the Kardashians constantly seek) has made a world of difference in his ability to get along with the family.  With season 5 starting up,producers have to be bummed at the new happier family dynamic as a show without any real conflict becomes, well The Hills.

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One Response to Disick Gets His Head Shrunk

  1. August 11, 2010 at 9:59 pm #

    You know Kris, you could stop shopping and sitting in the sun and start watching your grandson Mason and giving your poor daughter a break. She is going through a really hard time right now. As well as being a single parent, she is dealing with an alcoholic partner, and every image of you on the show you are sitting in the sun, shopping , or bitching at Scott. STOP IT!! Be a true family member and take Mason for an afternoon, give your daughter a break- god knows she needs it. Quit being so selfish!!

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