
Biebers Revenge!

This is so high school, but Justin Bieber is only sixteen!

On Saturday Night, Justin Bieber tweeted the phone number of an enemy to his 4.5 million followers, which eventually lead to the guys phone getting blown up with calls.

Biebs quickly deleted the post shortly after posting it, but it had already been re-tweeted hundreds, if not thousands, of times, so the damage was done.

The back story between the two guys is something that only those with Bieber fever could follow, so we won’t even attempt, however the guy whose number Bieber outed did later tweet the following:

“I never asked for it, @justinbieber is a dick. I still like him, but this was so low.”

Still like him?

A) Why did you like him in the first place.

B) Why would you STILL like him after he basically cost you your cell phone number.


What do you guys think… Is Justin Bieber a dick?

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