
Michael Lohan Fires Back at Dina

You didn’t think Dina Lohan was going to be the only one to chime in on Lindsay did you?

After Dina proclaimed to Matt Lauer that Lindsay was soon to be released from rehab, and that she was going to try and get her back to New York for some R&R, but of course, Michael disagrees!

Michael says in a statement:

“Dina says that Lindsay is coming back to New York after rehab. The funny part is, every time Lindsay comes back to New York, she doesn’t stay at the house like she should. She stays in hotels in the city, and that gets her in trouble. She (needs) a clean house to get away from all the people. She can’t go to the same places she used to go to. She can’t do the same things and go out and party at night. She’s gotta change her life completely… (Lindsay might) come back (to New York) for a little while, but she’ll get back out there (Los Angeles) again. She needs to get away from everything… I’d like to see Lindsay step out of Hollywood. I’d like to see her get her life back, then decide what she wants to do.”

He’s sort of right, and one thing is for sure, he is clearly not the problem in Lindsays life, simply because she doesn’t consider him a part of her life!

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