
Starzlife Weighs in On Karissa Shannon’s Fifteen Minutes

Either there is a sex tape featuring Heidi Montag and Karissa Shannon, or Karissa Shannon is just playing the Speidi game and enjoying her 15 minutes.

Lets think about this here.  Spencer Pratt made claims to have this amazing sex tape library, including a video of Heidi and playmate Karissa Shannon getting it on with one another, but it has all yet to surface.

The person who you would most expect to call their bluff, is Karissa Shannon.  Nobody wants to be part of a sex tape scandal, right?

Wrong.  The Shannon twins made their name by dating the 80+ year old Hugh Hefner while they are only in their twentys, nothing says I wanna be famous more than that!

We here at Starzlife are starting to think the whole thing is a ploy by Heidi and Spencer to make headlines while vacationing in Costa Rica, though we wouldn’t be surprised if they actually released something for that same reason.

We also think this Shannon twin is just milking it for what its worth.  If she does have a video with Heidi, she’s hoping it comes out to keep her name in lights, because if nothing ever surfaces, she’ll disappear faster than you can say “bye.”

Props to you Karissa Shannon, but you are learning from the master!

What about you Kristina Shannon?  Where have you been during  all of this?

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