Who’d Make the Best (worst) Dad For Lindsay’s Baby

Everyone knows Lindsay has a problem being left alone and can you blame her, would you want to be left alone in a room with her?  InTouch is reporting that her new solution is to have a baby. Apparently she told a friend she really wants one, the baby would act as a constant companion and motivation for her to keep sober. The kid isn’t even conceived yet and already has more responsibility than Lohan.  Leave it to Linsay to not consider therapy or tenacity to work through her problems but come up with the most insane solution.

If you believe two wrongs make a right as we do, we have some suggestions for the fathers that would produce the most amazing child with Lindsay.

Spencer Pratt

Mel Gibson

Lil Wayne

Joran van der Sloot

Mickey Rourke

Although we wish it was medically possible but don’t want to overlook that Lindsay is into chicks, Danielle Staub

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