
Dash-NYC Casting For New Reality Series

We have never seen a family capitalize on something like the Kardashians do with reality television!

You’ve kept up with them in LA, they’ve took Miami, and now New York?

Bunim/Murray, the company that produces both Kardashian shows has posted a casting call for full time employees at a clothing store for a new series in New York City.

A hot and trendy new women’s clothing store is about to open in NYC and we’re looking for stylish full-time employees with a passion for retail. The store will be featured on a reality TV show, so applicants should not be camera shy!! Retail experience is preferred but not required – if you’re a dedicated worker don’t hesitate to apply. If you are currently looking for a full-time job in retail and are outgoing enough to be a part of a reality show, please contact our team at: NYCRetailCasting@gmail.com or visit www.bunim-murray.com.

Make sure to include your name, age, contact info *including phone number*, a brief paragraph explaining your interest, work history, and describing your personality, and attach a recent photo. Our casting team will follow up with you!

A few notes about our search:
– you must be able to work full time beginning October 1, 2010
– this is not an acting job – you’re being yourself… just on camera!
– you must be age 18 or over
– both male and female applicants are eligible

Kourtney has been in New York recently on business, and it’s closer to Scott’s family, so it only seems right that those two would spin off to their own show.

Khloe and Lamar have been angling from their own show as well, so don’t be surprised if the Kardashian brand gets it’s fourth spin-off in the next year!

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