
‘Grenade’ Launching Lawsuit Against “the Situation”

Looks like the Situation may have himself ANOTHER situation…

His new app for iPhone, which happens to be one of the top selling apps out even at the hefty price of $4.99, may be the front and center of a new lawsuit.

The makers of the app, which features a game called ‘Grenade Dodger’ where you dodge grenades falling from the sky, wanted the thing to be so authentic, that they sent their team out to nightclubs and took photographs of ugly girls, (deemed grenades by Jersey Shore standards) and used them as the actual grenades in the game.

At least one of the girls has come forward threatening legal action over the use of her face in the game.

Imagine that.  Thinking you were a hot girl, out at the club, having your photo taken, calling other girls ‘grenades’ because you love the Jersey Shore like everyone else.   Next morning you wake up and BAM you’ve been named a grenade by The Situation himself.

Bummer chicks, but get a life.

Then again… top selling app, $4.99 a pop, get yourself a chunk of that change girls!

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