
David Beckham to Donate Prostitute-Suit Money to Charity

Because they really do not need the money, It’s been revealed that David and Victoria Beckham will be taking any amount of money they earn from the  cheating allegations lawsuit, and donating it to charity.

A rep for David Beckham reveals:

“David doesn’t want a penny of this woman’s dirty money. But that doesn’t mean some good can’t come out of this,”

David is suing for libel, slander, and intentional infliction of emotional distress.

The money will be given to the Victoria and David Beckham charitable trust.

Earlier this month, David was accused of having an affair with a $10,000 a night prostitute, while another woman watched. Both instances David is denying.

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One Response to David Beckham to Donate Prostitute-Suit Money to Charity

  1. April 1, 2011 at 9:14 am #

    I don’t know if that’s good news or not. Well, donating the said amount to charity is a good deed so I consider that as a nice gesture still. What’s important is he thinks its better to make good use of that money.

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