
The Social Network: The Movie to End Justin Timberlake’s Singing Career?

Justin Timberlake is everywhere this week!   Being the biggest name in the weekend’s most anticipated film, ‘The Social Network’ has landed him on talk shows, magazine covers, and likely a #1 box office weekend.

So is it the end of music from JT?

Here’ are some excerpts from his interview with Entertainment Weekly discussing his return to music:

[Long pause] When someone starts alluding to that, it gets shut down so fast. It’s like, “Talk all you want. Predict what you want.” I’m talking about people that work with me. “Ask me what you want, but know that I’m going to do what I want.” Does a painter make a painting because he has to make it by December 21st? No, he doesn’t. It happens when it pours out of him. That’s how music is for me. It’s not methodical. It’s so much more of an outburst of emotion. That’s the way my two albums have been. And when it does, it’s like Niagara Falls. I’m constantly creating. I’m into photography, I’m into music, I’m into film. I’m into a lot of things, but I don’t think that every idea I come up with is the greatest idea ever. I don’t have to tweet that I’m going to the bathroom in a song.

EW: Do you think it’s dangerous to wait so long? Christina Aguilera waited four years between albums, and her fans don’t seem to care about her right now.
Timberlake: If you’re asking me, no. I never stop making music. I don’t know what else to tell you, except that I just don’t know [in] what capacity I want to be involved anymore.

EW: That sounds very final.
Timberlake: No. All I’m saying is, in very simple terms, I’ll know when I know. And until I know, I don’t know. Every time I’ve gone against my gut, I’ve made the wrong decision. Call that New Agey if you like. I don’t give a s—. I know that I could wake up next year one day and be like, “Hey, I want to go on tour again, so I want to put a record out.”

We aren’t going to worry, he’ll be back.

As for ‘The Social Network,’ just from midnight showings alone we are hearing nothing but great things.   We have even heard some Oscar chatter from some people who really know their stuff.

Will you see it?

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