
Justin Beiber’s “Ultimate Wingman”

During a recent interview when asked who his ultimate wing-man would be, Justin Bieber responded that he’d like to pick up chicks with Robert Pattinson.

“My ideal wingman would be Robert Pattinson. We should go to a few showbiz parties and see what happens. He landed back in L.A. last week, so maybe we can go and work some of the magic…

“Robert says his hair is a great ice-breaker, so maybe we can go up to girls and be, like, ‘Do you wanna touch our hair?’ How about that for an opening line?”

Keep dreaming, Biebs.  RPattz wouldn’t want to hit up the showbiz parties, and he definitely wouldn’t pick up chicks by asking “do you want to touch my hair.”

The good news is, Justin Bieber will never have a problem picking up a chick.  For some reason…

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