
Situation Releasing ‘Guide to Creeping on Chicks’

The Situation money-making machine is rolling on, and you can now pre-order a copy of his book ‘Here’s the Situation.’

“A guide to creeping on chicks, dodging grenades and getting in your GTL on the Jersey Shore.”

The book will be released on November, 2 but unfortunately for Sitch, the price has already been slashed, to just $10 bucks!

Here’s the product description.  Read it twice, you might need to in order to comprehend.

Here’s how to get your situation up to the level of the Situation

Listen, dawg. You’re probably hitting the gym, doing your tanning, and picking up fresh laundry every day. And maybe you’ve had some success beating up the beat and creeping on chicks in the club. But do you really think your situation is where it needs to be? Be honest with yourself, bro.

This book here will take your game to a level thought unattainable, given your physical limitations (because we can’t all look like Rambo, pretty much, with our shirt off). We start with GTL-the bedrock of life itself. And then we hit the GTL Remix-the rules for getting your personal grooming did. From there it’s my guide to the Jersey Shore, battle plans for the club, a primer on grenades and wingmen, and tips for ridding yourself of all levels of clinger. Then I look at the big picture: how to cook the perfect lasagna, how to find a life partner, and how to deal with being one of the most famous people on the planet-which is guaranteed if you follow my advice.

This is the bible for Situation Nation. Read it, live it, and crush it.

You can click here to order.  Or you can click here to go to our favorite site and save yourself ten bucks; ‘Is it Thursday yet?’

iherb discount coupon


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