Once upon a time Jared Leto dated the hottest girls in Hollywood, Lindsay Lohan, Scarlett Johansson, Ashley Olsen and Cameron Diaz to only name but a few.
Since Jared’s music carrer has taken off in a huge way, you barely hear of any playboy antics from the Hollywood heartthrob. So we were wondering if there is someone special in his life and Leto is just keeping it on the hush hush. Surely with his Rockstar status there must be more than usual number of gals throwing themselves at him.
We are going to have a nose around this week to see if we can find out. Do any of our snoops out there have any scoop they want to pass along?
i think we should just leave him alone about this… if he wants the world to know that he IS dating, then he will take the time to tell his fans
ilovejared. he is hot
Who Leto dates is his business. Whether he has someone or not, is none of our business. Give the guy some privacy. At least in his love life.
Jared said a couple months ago that hasn’t a girlfriend and that he’s married with his band lol
There’s some rumours he’s dating his own assistant, Emma. Is it true?
His sleeping with assistant ))
I think he’s secretly with his assistant Emma
i think he is sleeping with his assistant too.
Last July, he was dating an adult film actress named Cristal.
I’ve heard about this Cristal, too… but are there any evidences like pics or something?
Nope, no pics of Jared with Cristal or Crystal… It’s just a rumours
To Sarah: and what about his relationship with his assistant Emma, what do you think? Only rumours or it could be real?
Well the only evidence would be in crystal’s vagina. It’s full of Jared’s baby batter.
hmmm maybe
haha I don’t know
She’s Crystal lol http://jaredleto.com/thisiswhoireallyam/2010/08/05/1233/
To Steverniss:
you’re right! 
To Sarah: Yep, it could be! I’ve heard she’s got many tatooes and boobs, so…
To Me: LOL! but the person in the pic is a boy … a transvestite :O
To Sarah: Yep, I know! I was kidding, of course… JJ’s comment was very explicit!
To Me: haha but I think that Jared and Emma are a good couple
Yeah. Her name is Crystal but her porn name is something else but i don’t know it. Well, not really a girlfriend but they’re definitely fucking. She lives in LA. She used to dance at Crazy girls in hollywood. Then she started doing porn. Now she doesn’t do porn anymore. A bunch of people saw her at the 30 stm EpiCenter Show a couple weeks ago. At first, fans saw her with Shannon hanging out and then she went with Jared. Jared passed everyone with her and they walked off.
She’s very small. Maybe 5 ft. 95 pounds and about 10 of those pounds are in her chest. She has a really nice butt though, that I’m jealous of. hehe. And she’s from South America with an accent and yeah, a lot of tattoos.
lol.Sarah no that’s not Crystal. Crystal actually looks like Megan fox a little bit, with dark eyes and bigger boobs.
To Jasmne: Oh oh oh. I think you’re confused or you come here for the comments people make…. Jared at epicenter with a brunette girl yes. but her is stylist of him (It’s the same as that seen with them after the vma’s), unless he hold some kind of relationship with her (you know). so, girl, you don’t believe in everything that read
I love him and respect him. But i wanna know how the hell sleep with the guy..
To Sarah: his stylist is this brunette?
(On the right pic, outside the Katsuya Restaurant)
To Me: Yep, the same
Actually, you might be confused. I was talking about Crystal the adult film actress that he is seeing. That’s not Crystal in the photo that was posted of the girl walking behind him. I’m not sure if his stylist was at the epicenter show but crystal was there people saw her. Crystal is different than the girl in the photo. Crystal is smaller than the stylist or Skinnier. Bigger boobs and has alot of tattoos. She looks like a punk rock porn chick. She is the girl that is having sex with Jared, not the girl behind him in the photo. That is not crystal.
@Jasmne how do you know all of this things about crystal? Do you know her? How long they’re dating?
@jasmine Do you know something about Shannon? Does he has a gf?
@jasmine How do you know all of this things about Crystal? do you know her? How long they’re dating?
To Jasmine: Supposedly that Jared dating with Crystal in July, really? you have pics of she at the epicenter show?
TO JASMINE :THIS TATTOOS GIRL ITS CRYSTAL?http://www.thecobrasnake.com/partyphotos/malibuepicenter/thumbnails/IMG_6899.jpg
TO JASMINE: this tattoos girl its crystal??
That definitely looks like her body but I can’t see her face. The hair looks darker but it could be the picture. How did you find this? I remember having more tattoos on her arm but I can’t recall. Ive met her before. She lives in LA and her brother owns a old school bicyle shop and skateboard shop. She’s been fucking Jared since this past summer but they’ve known eachother for a lot longer. I actually think she was fucking him years ago. They always go back to just fucking eachother. they’re like fuck buddies more than boyfriend /girlfriend. Oh, I thin she was staying with him in LA for a while while her brother was moving her stuff out of San Diego. That’s when I last found out they were fucking. That was not that long ago. She was friends with Brandon Boyd.
Shannon has a girlfriend named Alena. She’s a nude model from Germany. Total golddigger if you ask me.
In Crystal’s face, she looks a little bit like Megan fox but that body of that girl in the pic looks just like Crystals body- . I wont really post anymore about her on here. She’s very very sweet and a nice girl. She actually was ashamed to tell me she was staying with Jared. I dont think she wants everyone to know that.
Shannon and his girlfriend must have an open relationship as we bumped into him making out with a girl after the Cincinnati show in November. He came into the bar with Braxton and his drum tech and these two girls. Left with one of them. Don’t know if it went beyond making out because we ran into them outside on our way home.
Yeah. She was at the epicenter show but I ddidnt see her. A couple of people saw her walkign with Shannon. Then she was standing there with Jared and rubbing his back and then they walked off and disappeared. Jared didnt talk to any fans but Shannon did.
Crystal used to be a stripper. She danced at Crazy Girls. Then she started doing porn for Vivid. Now she is out of Porn and I don’t know what she does. She does Jared, I guess. lol.
@jasmine how old is Crystal ? I read somewhere she is on the road with Jared..it’s true?
What do you think about the relationship between Jared and Emma?
and about Shannon…he said on his Facebook that he is single…How do you know about Alena?
Thanks for answer …you are very kind.:)
Something I want to Clarify … Alena Gerber Shannon boyfriend isn’t right now. That girl is obsessed with him.
TO JASMINE And HOW do you know that Shannon is with ALENA? I know that he is SINGLE AND CHANGE IT A DAY GIRL, is not it?
Crystal i think is 26 or 25. She’s not a friend but ive met her. Her porn name isn’t crystal just so you know. I wont reveal her porn name though. I apologize. She’s actually pretty well known in the porn circuits. Thats why she doesnt want anyone knowing shes with jared. I think she’s scared of his fans who are girls. I dont think she was on tour with them because I’ve seen her around this past summer. Maybe she went on a few dates but i dont think for the whole tour. I know she was at epicenter show.
Emma is his assistant. Thats all I know. I dont know too much about Jared. All I know is that he’s wierd, he has a big penis and he is crazy. haha.
Shannon and Alena were dating last time I heard. I’m not sure if they still are but the girl is a serious golddigger and social climber. Blech! She’s pretty hot but thats all.
OMG this is so crazy!
@jasmine: “She’s been fucking Jared since this past summer but they’ve known eachother for a lot longer” This is a lie! I know that Jared spent last summer in Europe in Into the Wild tour. I’m sorry, but I don’t believe this :/
Not a lie dude. Crystal has definitely been fuckign jared. As of the exact date, who the fuck knows. But they’re doing it, that’s for sure. You don’t NOT fuck a girl like that. SHe’s hot.
@jasmine so, Jared and Crystal just fucking not dating right?
Shannon is hot..Maybe he has a fuck buddy too in LA…
Really? haha. Well, so sorry for Crystal, but it’s going to suffer when one day Jared fall in love and not of her, because for him that girl is a b#tch
Yeah. I think they’re just fucking. I don’t know about dating. I don’t think either of them would fall in love with eachother. She’s an ex porn star and he’s a total slut. lol
Shannon is VERY hot, and has many fuck buddies.
Those leto boys will never stop bed hopping-you can bet on it.
@Jasmine Crystal’s bro name is Mike?
lol you’re so funny!
TO JASMINE..but jasmine you write crystal its very kind and sweet…not a total slutt…..are you to think again about what you wrote?
jared is a slut. Crystal is a sweetheart.
TO JASMINE you talk about jared to make it look a turd, and I know that it is not, or am I wrong? defend and instead calling it crystal sweet, yet it seems to me that if she fucks jared, we only go to bed bitch her profession is …. is not very sweet to be called to defend or not you think?
I need evidence to know if it’s true, alright? and be very careful how you call Jared, because the only bitch here is Crystal!
So I guess none of you people understand jokes? Please visit your dictionary and look up the word “Sarcastic”. Learn it please.
I’m kidding. And Crystal isn’t a bitch and neither is Jared.
TO JASMINE crystal is a slut because HER does work, you, jasmine, such as calling those who make porn or stripper, and going to fuck anyone just to have sex?
TO JASMINE …A curiosity, THE BROTHER OF CRYSTAL name is Mike, and has this bike shop?
@Jasmine: you’re a girl very funny! thanks for the story
@Jasmine hey wait! was kidding what that you said about Crystal and Jared? I mean … They never had sex? or your kidding was because you say ‘slut’ to Jared?
Chris is just a friend and she was at 3-4 30stm shows!!!So they r not sleep 2gether!!I know J and he’s not that kind of guy!!All I can say is that he is not ready for a real relationship…He’s nice and have a lot of respect for women!!And No…he’s not with Emma
@Hannah you’re honest
thanks for your answer!
TO HANNAH ..makes me really glad that you think like me, but you seem quite sure of what you say, you know jared, crystal to talk with all this certainty?…IM WAITING YOUR REPLY…..
Lali and Highway89 All I can say…that I’m really close to this band and Hannah it’s not my real name:).Jared is a really kind person!!People say a lot of lies about him that:he sleeps with his fans,he’s not nice,that he treats women badly etc…It’s so sad when he must read everything like that!!Ohhh U must 2 meet him and then u ll see that he’s really nice guy and good friend!!!:))I hope everything is clear now…so see u guys 2night in Charlotte xx !!
P.S Don’t believe everything you read about someone famous!!:)
hannan……i don’t know what you are talking about…..you personaly know jared?i know people that know crystal. i live in vegas but my boyfriend lives and works in LA and he knows her and some of her friends.i saw her like at the end of september in LA and my boyfriend told me she is fucking jared leto.i don’t care but thats a fact.everyone knows it
my boyfriend knows crystal.he works in LA.he knows people that knows her.
everyone in LA knows that she’s sleeping with jared leto.thats a fact.
never met this girl.my boyfriend did.
Jenny it’s a very very ugly gossip!!!!Stop talking about Jared if U don’t know the truth!!!
Highway89 ‘gossip can destroy a man’…that’s why I’m here and I will defend him!!
TO HANNAH hannah I believe in Jared, the’ve always done, but give us a proof that this is not no crystal and jared fuck you ……. it’s a small but important tesT….
Highway89 I met this girl maybe 3-4 times she’s just a friend…that’s all!Ok if they r sleep 24/7 2gether why she’s not on tour??This gossip is ridiculous!!Hunn…U can believe me or not :)If u wanna believe a girl like jenny who didn’t know J it’s ok…:)
girls i never talk with this crystal my boyfriend know her friends.i saw her and my boyfriend say she was sleeping with jared leto.he say that it’s not a secret.thats all i know.i don’t know crystal and i don’t know jared.
belive what you want.i don’t care i’m just saaying what i know.
Highway we r a group of ppl who r care about good image!!This page is not the only one!!It’s all I can say:) Why I’m talking w/u??Because we like to speak with mars fans
@Hannah I agree with you
Jenny U can say that u was sleeping with J 2!:) It’s a GOSSSSSIP !!
Highway89 “MAYBE I HAVE AN IDEA OF WHO YOU ARE”…my answer—> :))
To Hannah you’re part of the hive?
TO HANNAH Yes, maybe I UNDERSTAND WHAT YOU ARE! It can be a way to make you understand? ………;-)
Lali maybe?!:P Highway89 where d u come from?
To Hannah yes, I think so
To Hannah: and about Shannon and Miss Gerber? Is it gossip too or is it true?
TO HANNAH I am Italian, the only Italian following JARED FOR 10 years ,…….. why did you ask me?
KK Alena is such a cute girl =) But I can’t tell u more…U ll see =))
Highway I just wondering that’s all…btw I love italian food!!!!!!
To Hannah: A very enigmatic answer that means “Yes, they’re together”. Thanks.
Highway mm…possible
I know that maybe I’m offtopic but you’re talking about Shannon too and… all that I know about him is that he’s not with Alena at all (I’ve heard it, of course, I dont’ know him nor Alena…) and he’s a man with many groupies in every cities, so… maybe it’s time to stop the gossip about him too, Hannah, so if you want to be clear about Shannon, too, as you’ve been with J, we’ll appreciate it. Thanks.
oh yes……i can say even that my mom slept with jared leto but i’m not gonna say that cause it’s not true:)
anyways i don’t think my boyfriend lied to me.he really doesn’t give a shit about jared leto he just told me this and i tought that will be nice share this with jareds fans….guess not….to bad
I’m in love with Jared and dying to keep it all straight but all this gossip says is that a lot of people want to be that next girl he actually declares his girlfriend.
TO ANNAMOLLY annamolly saying you’re in love with him as a boyfriend or fangirl??IM WAIT A REPLY
Tell me why Cristal was at the Whiskey showing everyone she had on Jared’s boxer briefs? Do you wear your guy friend’s boxer briefes? She was totally WEARING them! lol.
irst of all, I can already tell Hannah is full of shit
Just friends? Are you serious? First of all, any man, especially Jared would not be “just friends” with a girl like Cristal. She is a knockout. She loves sex. R u kidding me? He respects women? HA! Okay, maybe he respects some women, like a librarian or Hilary Clinton or even Scarlett Johannsen but Cristal? He doesn’t respect her. He lusts after her like every other man on the planet would.
They’re fucking, that’s for damn sure.
No offense, but you just sound like a 16 year old fan. Nobody who knows Jared personally would ever say “He respects women”. He fucks em’ and leaves em’ just like all the other rockstars. Get out of your dream world.
And she’s not his girlriend. Cristal is fucking him only and dating him but it’s not serious. Cristal doesnt do porn anymore, but she goes to the porn events all the time.
She’s got the best ASSHOLE in the biz…….
If you think he is so
“respecting” of women, why don’t you ask that penthouse playmate how much he respected her. lol She’s blasting him all over Los Angeles saying he is the most disgusting man she’s ever encountered.
U R so naive.
She said he liked to piss her in butt too.
To Highway89 do you remember?… “Don’t believe everything you read about someone famous!!”
TO LALI..I REMEBER!!!DONT WORRY!!but these descriptions are too exact to be just gossip
Whatever! I don’t matter if fucking with Crystal or not… he’s a single man and knows his stuff!
I write what I hear. I was kidding about the butt peeing thing. That was a joke that I think the sarcasm was lost. lol. Yea. As far as I know, Jared has been screwing Crystal for a while. He always goes back to her. She is just too gorgeous.
She was totally at the Whiskey wearing men’s boxer briefs. I didn’t see her, but friends of mine did. She said they were Jared’s. If she was telling the truth, who knows?
I just report what I hear.
Jared as far as i know is SINGLE. But he is fucking Cristal, that’s for sure. You can fuck someone and not be dating them. It happens all the time.
Jared doesn’t respect strippers, porn stars and nude models that he sleeps with and he sleeps with them alot of them! We know because he has one of thee worst reputations in Los Angeles for being a pig and a dog.
these girls blast him all over the place, all the time! He sleeps with them and doesnt call them. He doesnt take them anywhere. The only place he takes them is on his huge horse dick for a ride. If you don’t believe me, just take a trip to los angeles and go hang out at a popular strp club. Im sure one of those girls will know dirt on Jared “donkey dick” leto.
He is not respectful of all women that’s for damn sure. Maybe the ones who are respectable, but not girls who are easy. Jared screws nothing but garbage now.
crystal is a very nice girl dont get me wrong. But she is not the kind of girl you take home to mom.
To Jasmine, STOP!! everyone knows that J uses Calvin Klein boxer. we also know that J fucked with Corina Taylor and Heidi Baron. Is so important know that Leto are fucking with women porn star or strippers? oh please! would you like that everybody knows your private life? no really? so… girl, buy yourself a life… and live it!!
Does anybody know who is the brunette with Shannon in this video? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a78BRLrC_Lg
Katie, no idea- sorry! But Shannon loves himself brunettes. Hes notorious for having a different girl in every city. Some lucky ladies get the privilege of hooking up with him more than once when hes around. My friend F***s him every time hes within a 100 mile radius of our town. He might be the standard rock star in the sex department but shes said hes a really nice guy to hang with. Hes not a user and abuser. I guess I just wanted to throw a comment on here to say that no matter who these guys are with they are nice people. For those of you who are more into Jared. She met him also and said he was a nice guy, a little bit weird—but aren’t we all
I really apprecieted fuck with him… Crystal or not.
This is his life and stop. Does he want fuck with an ex porno star? No problem, but please, come to me after or Before XD
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X85UUDhZaCw WAITN A REPLY
to highway89 how much you want to know if that girl is Crystal or not? I think you should read the comments of Jasmine … she says what you hear, for me this is a lie. Jared doesn’t dating with her. just had a sex story, nothing more. you don’t have it make the movie in your head of that this girl is his girlfriend because is not!
Crystal is not his girlfriend. It’s just someone he has had sex with and has sex with.
And…I just found out the Cris went to NY for a day while he was filming Hurricane. I think she was there on the last day of filming.
to jasmine It’s she? http://www.jared-leto.net/Gallery/displayimage.php?pid=42064&fullsize=1
sarah, you also want to know who is so crystal not only talk about me, and I also think maybe crystal is in that photo you posted
Im not saying if it is or it isn’t. I said I wasn’t going to post any pics of her or ackowledge if someone does post a pic. Shes not his girlfriend so it doesn’t matter.
i don’t know about this.i’m pretty sure that jared have sex with other girls but everyone in the businnes know he is screwing his assistent too.
Emma and Jared are not dating!
how do you know it?
i tell you girls!you’ll see it
I do not think that jared is with emma, emma had a boyfriend from what I know and I do not think Jared wants a serious story at this time
It’s true! Jared doesn’t want a serious relationship right now… just his band
sure,think what you want……………………….
Jared is an open book
Christy “Shae” Marks?!?!
Lali, Jared is NOT an open book and complete opposites, but has nothing to do NOW, THIS IS SAFE …… BUT SURELY USUALLY SEXUAL RELATIONS
lol “Shae” have an tattoo http://plixi.com/p/56601655
TO LALI but no more tattooo ..for me this girl its not crystal….A dear friend of mine, told me that ALL MODELS/ACTRESS IN THAT VIDEO AND THAT DOES NOT SEEM THAT THERE IS NO KNOWN AS CRYSTAL
TO HIGHWAY: I know, don’t worry =)
Nope. Shae isn’t crystal.
Crystal, I hear, wasn’t in the video..I don’t think. She was on the set though. Did your friend meet her? There were a whole buncho f people on the set. I think Cris came on day 2 of filming. Jared called her up on the first day of shooting and flew her out.
The video is supposed to be their best one yet.
To Jasmine: I can ask you something? why Crystal is still viewed with Jared if she’s saying for all over Los Angeles that he’s a pig and a dog? sorry to say this… but she’s very pathetic!
Jasmine How do you know she was on the set if you don’t know her personally? do you know if she has a website or a facebook profile?
Cris isn’t the one saying Jared is a pig and a dog. It was this girl Jodi, and a couple of other girls he screwed over,.
oh, ok. It’s Jodie Starr, right?
TO JASMINE, I mean how do you know THAT WAS CRYSTAL ON THE SET OF HURRICANE? How do you know all this?
…because Cris told everyone when she got back in LA that she was visiting Jared and he flew her out to NY so they can have sex for 4 hours straight.
OMG i THINK I saw this Chris girl at the Epicetner show in la. She is really pretty. I know it sounds stupid but I was sort of jealous. lol We saw Shannon walking around with her and then he went inside. Shannon was talking to her. We actually thought that maybe Shannon was with her. He ditched her to talk to fans. After that, we saw her walking around and eating, and then she went in the back area with her diet coke because one of the guys said to let her through because “Jared is expecting her”. We could see Jared’s hair towards the back and she walked up to him. They both went inside. She was a tanned girl with very long dark hair. She had a very large tattoo on her arm. She was wearing short, shorts. It was like a blaze. That’s all I remember. I remember her being very pretty. She had on a butt load of mascara . She smiled at us and looked sort of embarrassed when she walked past us to go inside.
I was very jealous. 
the one with the white shirt i think is her
@agatha Do you think they are a couple?
Do you know something about shannon?
here´s some true stories http://www.voy.com/16357/search
highway89…i’m sorry to tell you this hunni, but you sound like a stalker…you’re too obsessed with all this shit and it’s gonna do you no favours in the real world…stop believing everything you hear, one girl simply commented that when jared’s screwed crystal, he’s welcome to screw her too….damn, he can screw me anytime he wants to….doesn’t mean we are really screwing him, we’re just making an offer lol…you’re reading far too much into all of these comments, it’s a bit creepy…when i see him next week, i’ll be sure to inform him of your fascination with his sex life…get a grip girl!
in our hotel in london with my babe, havin a real scream at this thread!!!!
Someone: That site is fantastic. Thanks for sharing. I had never seen it before but it does confirm some of the stuff ive heard about Jared. My friend confirmed some of the same stuff.
Katie: Not much is every really written about Shannon. I think my friend would like to know more too.
Highway89: How does your dear friend know anything? Was this friend at the video shooting of Hurricane?
“we hooked up” hahaha really?
if she tells so spontaneous…. It’s so that fans of Jared take hate or disgust with.
this is just a really ugly gossip!
HEY!!! I was at Epicenter and I saw the girl with the long black hair and tattoo. She was by the bus with Shannon right? We were trying to get Shannon’s attention because he was talking to her. So we were like “Shannon! Can you come here for 1 second?” I know we were annoying but how many chances would we have so with thought , what the hell? Anyway, the girl told him to go talk to us she said we were calling him. He said “You want me to call my brother first?” and we thought “Omg, if Jared comes out here, we will die.” lol and she said “Go there first” to us. So Shannon called some dude with a fanny pack. lol. So the fanny pack guy came with a walkie talkie thingy, and said to her to go on back and then he called to the walkie talkie thing that she was coming. So we were like “Is Jared your boyfriend, youre really hot!” and she laughed, she was like, “no, he’s just my buddy”. Then the walkie talkie guy pushed us out and we couldn’t get any autographs from Shannon or anything! but my friend got a hug and he signed her jacket.
I know for sure that Shannon has a girl in London….does someone know something about her?
Crystal and Jared are fuck buddy.
TO EMZPIEHoney I’m not a stalker, absolutely not, I follow jared cm actor singer from a lot of years, I never bothered anyone …… I have not offended anyone wonder if theres a reason you can not offend free
FUCK YOU, I offend no one in here, respectively, and requires IT IS BROUGHT ME,
TO EMEZIPIE You can not make people understand that you are with Jared, I believe NO ONE INCLUDING Never write THAT ARE WITH HIM IN A HOTEL IN SITE OF GOSSIP, GOSSIP YOU’RE DOING, THIS IS ALL FALSE .. I will never believe THAN THAT SAY, AND DO NOT WANT MORE FREE OFFENCES
I know for sure that Shannon hooks up with a girl in London. Does someone know something about her?
Jared and Crystal are fuck buddy yeah
Shannon is engaged to Alena. They had an “engagement party” in Germany. They’re supposedly supposed to get married, shot gun style, after the tour is over. We suspect only one thing: Knocked up?
dear highway89…i was only proving my point that anyone can write anything on places like this…and for you not to believe anything you read…and i am actually staying in a hotel in london, with MY babe, never said it was Jared, we’re both big fans of 30stm, and we were both having a laugh reading all of this…..no need to say fuck you, bit harsh that hunni, just tryin to get you to see that not everythin in black and white is real. x
@jasmine that’s is not true!!! for sure!! Alena ad Shannon aren’t togheter..If you lie about Shannon…maybe you lie about crystal….
please take a look http://txtb.in/vVf
that’s why I know for sure that Alena and Shannon ARE NOT togheter
Well, that’s what I heard. I report what I hear. Ive met Crystal and she implied she was seeing Jared. If she is lying, then oh well. Maybe these guys just hang around with girls who lie about whether or not theyre dating them.
Alena told people that she threw an engagement party in Germany like a week ago. I guess she invited people to it through facebook. I only report what I hear. She could be a lunatic. If people are lying to me, then so be it. I only report what I hear.
This Shannon/Alena story is really getting out of control.
I don’t know much about it, the only thing I can say is that Alena is a massive gold digger and most of all a huge fame whore. She was dating boxer Wladimir Klitschko and moved on to David Garret. No surprise she tries to get a Leto now.
She is telling people about an engagement party? And at the same time posting a stupid video about how people should respect her private life? Give me a break! She is nuts.
And it just doesn’t seem like a Shannon move to get engaged to her after, like a few months.
Something is very weird about that whole thing!
As for Jared and Crystal. I believe it in a heartbeat. He is known to bang all kinds of strippers and prostitutes, isn’t he?
By the way, is he still on drugs?
So wait! Alena isn’t engaged to Shannon?! Bwahahahaha! Yes! She told people they’re having an engagement party in Germany. I swear. lol,.
Crystal and Jared, as far as i know, are not serious at all. they just do eachother. youre right, jared loves strippers, porn stars, and sex workers. He is a dirty pervert and those girls know how to handle, I meean really handle a cock. They don’t just tickle it, if you know what i mean. They get down in it. ;).
I think Jared doesn’t do drugs or drink. I heard the only drugs he takes is for sleeping and shit like that, but nothing hard. He doesn’t drink either. I think he used to have a problem with liking substances too much. I dont think he was an addict but he was a very hard partier.
Kelly is a good friend for Shan and she was his ex-gf, they were together almost an year (FOR SURE) so I don’t think she could lie about this story. It’s more easy that Alena lies. Take a look here: http://twitpic.com/38l5h1 This is mail from Shannon to Kelly on 6th august 2010.
He said Alena is deranged. Could you think he could be engaged with a girl he describes as CRAZY? I don’t think so.
It’s hard to tell who is telling the truth at all in this whole mess. But I really doubt Shannon got engaged to Alena.
@jasmine: just because Alena is telling those things does not make them true. Like I said, she is a massive attention and fame whore.
don’t know what to think about that letter from Kelly either and if this message from Shannon is real or not. Shannon should maybe speak up about it, for his sake and to stop all those rumors and gossip that is getting out of control.
As for Jared: I’ve heard he does not drink. But I wonder where all those drug rumors come from then. He certainly must have been big into substances. I’ve heard coke and heroin rumors and too many accounts of him looking or acting strung out to believe he is clean. Where did you hear about sleeping pills?
Hey . Totally true. Who really frickin knows?! kelly looks like she is the real deal, and Alena is just a fame hungry ho. Unless they’re both crazy. lol. I said it before that Alena was a golddigger. That’s what the word is. Shannon was just having fun I guess. She is hot so whatever. But she’s definitely not a woman you get serious with.
I heard Jared is absolutely 100% clean now! He used to always date girls who were into party drugs. I know Crystal is a straight edge. She only smokes, and he hates it. I guess when she did porn, she had a pill addiction that she took care of.
He did like drugs, but I dont think they were an addiction. I know he definitely used to do coke as early as 2006-ish. I know people who partied with him back them for sure. He also drank back then. He also used to do China White and black tar heroin-smoking it. Those are pretty big in hollywood. This was back then though. Doesn’t do drugs any longer at all, from what I hear and I believe it. People party around him now, but he flat out always refuses any substance. He probably just likes them too much. Its awesome that he can say no and mean it!
Someone told me he is foreced to take sleeping pills once in a while if he needs to. He also has a problem with his spine ( I think?) that he is forced to take pills for but he doesn’t abuse the pills. He takes the pills so he can work, perform, etc.. It’s not a biggie.
OHHH!! And I know he used to smoke pot. Him and Cameron Diaz were big BIG major pot heads .lol!!
WTF? Jared has problem in his back because of overweight who won for the film Chapter 27. he have an illness called “drop” because of it too.
Oh. Whatever. I dont know where it came from.I just heard he had spine problems.
@jasmine. I read somewere that Crystal is on the road w/Jared… is it true?
and about Shannon, I know for sure he hooks up With a girl in London…Do you know something about that?
Alena is overrrrrrrrrr
I don’t think crystal is on the road with him because we see her sometimes. As for shannon’s girl in london. I woudn’t doubt it. They all have girls in cities they go to.
Jasmine do u know why he a Cameron broke up? They made such a great couple i feel sad for him
Your all crazy and need to get a life. Ive followed Jareds career since i was young and always thought he was a talented, interesting and amazing person. I am one of the biggest 30 seconds to mars fans you could ever meet, i was even lucky enough to meet these guys at one of their concerts. I love Jared and Shannon as much as the next fan but seroiusly are they not allowED to lead normal lives like the rest of us? so what if Jareds having sex, so what if Shannon is with this Alena chick get the eff over it!! its their life, just because they are famous doesnt make it anyones business to have an opinion on how they carry out their lives. If you were REAL fans you would support them no matter what and be happy for them!!
anyone here went to the brighton gig?
The Shannon/Alena drama seems to have calmed down.
@Jasmine: you’re sure Jared’s clean now? You’re right he is always around the party people and it would be really strong to refuse substances, but also really horrible to be around a bunch of high people.
He probably was into coke way earlier than 2006.
What I didn’t know is that he used to smoke heroin. Nasty stuff. And just curious but how would you know that? Was that kind of an open secret around L.A. or something (assume you live there since you mention seeing this Crystal and all those people around).?
Shannon has a girlfriend…shes a friend of a friend…just thought i would inform everyone
Hmm okay, if Shannon has a girlfriend all the power to them! I don’t think he does though. He’s a nice guy HOWEVER good luck to her if she does exist because he’s a dirty little boy too.I’ve hooked up with him in the past and present and we dirty text all the time some as recent as a few days ago. Just thought I would inform everyone of another little fact. Private lives shouldn’t matter, it’s the music that does and he is one very well spoken creative man!
@cailey thanks for the info..but tell me something more!!! who is she?
@Cailey Could you give us some more news about Shan’s gf? Name? Age? Nationality?
@nameless tell us something about him!! he is a goodkisser? ;)what he used to write to you? I know there is a girl in London he hook up with him…..
@bladerunner he’s a good kisser (have you seen his lips?)
how could he not be! I guess I just wanted to mention that hes a really good guy. I dont think he’d cheat on a girlfriend soooo if he does have one, than my impression of him is different because we dirty message quite often. Yeah, he has his girl in London but I’m not from there- Im a girl in a different area.
@nameless Thanks for the answer!!!
lucky u!
You know for sure he has a girl in london? do you know her name or how she look like? blonde, brunette ecc ecc?thanks again!
@bladerunner I know/have heard of a few girls he hooks up with. London has blue eyes, brown hair, thats what I have too. That seems to be a type for him.
@nameless I read on twitter there is a girl named Marion Austin, she said she is shan gf….
Is Jared dating Nina Senicar right now?
To MaryJane and Nameless: a friend of mine talked to Marion A. and Marion confessed her that her old tweets were a joke, that she was kidding when she said (almost a year ago) that she was Shan’s gf…
I just read this about Jared…does anybody know if its true?
He is still with Lauren Hastings. They have been together for nearly two years. She used to talk about him all time when they started hanging out. He put an end to that. I heared she all so done Cobrasnake and Terry T Bone. She stinks.
@Jasmine: you serious, Jared smoked/smokes that black tar crap and china white? Is this hearsay or how would you know? I’m sure he is a big cokehead and has tried pretty much everything, but i’d really like to know how you know that he’s clean now and what he did back in the day.
Also your inside knowledge about that Crystal chick. Where from?
@Shining: if you’re gonna bring in another name please share at least where you read it.
Dating for 2 years? Never. they might be screwing whenever Jared is in L.A. (or where that bitch lives) but ‘be together’ as in ‘a couple’? No way!
@Nameless: Chances are you’re making this up. And the fact that you call Shannon well spoken makes me even more incredulous. He hides it well in interviews then. But I take it you’re a extremely gorgeous totally fun to hang with Brunette, right? And he approached you in a club or after a gig.
Clearup on the whole Alena issue – once and for all.
He is NOT with her. He has stated that on several occasions. What is true, though, is that they f*d. They meet up when they happen to be in the same place, or rather: when she finds out he’s close-by (in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, UK), she makes sure to fly over and meet him there. She’s one of several girls he’s meeting while on tour. Better: HAS MET. It stopped since she went so public about it.
She was also NOT dating Wladimir Klitschko for a year, as she claimed. They met on several occasions as f*-buddies. He has referred to her as that quite a couple of times when people (not: journalists) approached him. David Garrett isn’t that much of a talker to publicly name her as a former f*-buddy. Still, if you ever asked him about her, you’d get quite a heads-on reply. During the time she claimed they were a COUPLE (two months…), they have met a stunning FOUR times – to f*.
Alena is pathetic. She even cooperated with a German yellow-press newspaper (BILD) to fake an alleged campaign against her. And no, she did not graduate with A-levels. No, her boobs aren’t real. No, her lips aren’t real. And NO FOR GOD’S SAKE!!!!!, she is not a celebrity OR top-model in Germany and Switzerland! Apart from a handful of Swiss people who watch her ‘show’ (a tiny webcast on a virtually unknown Swiss website) – where she keeps showing off her fake boobs, hints at liking oral s* and shaving her legs in front of the camera – and a couple more Germans who’ve looked at her playboy photos, and admittedly 30STM fans, NOBODY knows Alena Gerber in her home country Germany. Stop referring to her as a ‘top’-model or celebrity, please. Don’t give her the attention that she doesn’t deserve.
I just want to thank Hollie for that perfect posting
No other words, its genius.
Read this posting… If it’s who I think it is, she went to high school with me and shes talking about a Mars member. But I don’t know for sure.
http://www.pictures.jared-leto.org/displayimage.php?album=912&pos=8 this could be crystal…maybe
@hmmm is she crystal??
No, it’s not Crystal and I won’t give out the girls name since I’m not 100% sure that its her but I think it is. we grew up togehter she was kind of an “ugly duckling” then got wicked hot and started banging the world. shes a cool girl though- was never mean to me . but im 100% speculating, if it IS her than I know she f’d a mars member a few times although the post might not be about him. small town word travels fast.
To Hmm: what is the 30STM’s member this girl is talking about? Shannon or Jared?
First of all I have to say that I’m reading all your comments for a while, it’s interesting that I’m checking this website every week to get some news LOL. So here’s what I think: 30stm is a great band and I love the music so much but I also love J before the band so I’m sorry but I don’t really care about all the people who keep saying “and how this related to their music?” and all that shit. They are famous people and it’s just natural that we wanna know some details and gossip a little..it’s not that we’re chasing after them in the street or something. LOL. Anyways, I have this major crush on J and I have to admit that if one day I’ll meet him, I would really wanna hook up with him, as sluty as it sounds..and I’m a ‘good girl’ but what can I say he’s hot. @Hmm that girl is definitely describing Jared and not Shannon and from all the stories that I’ve heard she may be that Crystal girl, are you sure the girl you’re talking about is the girl who writes this blog? thanks for sharing! xo
shannon. from what I read on these posts she meets his criteria…
If this girl is telling the truth, why do you think it is Shannon?
Is Emma his assistant as well?
And they were all over Europe the last days. Nearly enough time in one place/hotel to let her fly in and have her crazy 3 day sex benders. They were in Portugal or Spain on the 16th (where she was apparently lying awake in bed next to “RS” who was sleeping). So we know it can’t be Jared then because he never sleeps.
I don’t buy this story.
Hey NAMELESS, since you claim to be one of Shannons girls, how do you rate this? Strong competition??
@Jasmine: I wanna know more about Jareds drug habits. I’m kind of shocked of about the heroin thing but someone told me he has always been a cokehead and always been into drugs.
@Madda I had no clue what you were talking about until I scrolled up a bit. I just read it and the girl doesnt give a time frame over when the 3 day bender happened. storries like that arent really weird, ive heard a lot of similar ones to people in the industry. I think her story is probably true. but I dont think its any of the mars guys. why pay to fly someone somewhere when they can get it for free from any girl in any city. In my professional opinion hahahahahaha totally joking. id say that this isnt something shannon would do. I really dont think its him but im kind of curious what “RS” it is.
its not a big news that he used the drugs. he talked about it in kerrang’s interview early this year.
no lauren hastings right now
So, who is dating Jared?
I’ve been getting a lot of hits from this site on my blog so I thought I’d check it out. I really appreciate all the views, but out of respect for all of you… I figured I’d let you know my RS isn’t from Mars. He might act that way sometimes
But it isn’t Jared, Shannon or Tomo.
@hmm: so what is Shannon’s “criteria”?
@Nameless: I have no problem believing these things happen, but I just doubt Shannone would fly her in while they change between Portugal and Spain and play a gig every day. But he’s your boy, so you tell us! And how did he single you out as one of his f*ck buddies?
@ss: I have only ever read interviews where Jared made some edgy remarks about dealing cocaine or mentioning having done drugs as a kid, but he never honestly talked about his drug use. I doubt he would admit to smoking heroin and I doubt he would admit he was (or still is) a big cokehead.
To URBANLEGEND, read this: http://www.twitlonger.com/show/7ijfid
Jared and Scarlett not dating again
Yeah! It’s a ugly gossip :/
does Jared Dating Nathalie ?
There’s a girl that appear in a few photos in Moscow whit Jared…seeing both acctituted (overall the sofa photo), I think that maybe got something…
there’s the page: http://007m007.tumblr.com/page/2
If someone know something or think that I’m in a mistake …I appreciate an answer.
P.D.: Sorry for the english.
I regret to inform you that this girl from Moscow that appears on the sofa next to him and kissing his cheek, is a friend, nothing more than that, Jared invite her and her sister (the other girl who also appears on the sofa) to that hotel and gift them VIP passes for the show that night. Jared is a busy guy, he hasn’t time for a relationship
in other words for people who question whether he has a girlfriend … nope, he doesn’t girlfriend
and sorry for my english
Jared is still with Hastings. They first hooked up when she went to the NY premiere of Chapter 27 with best friend Ruby back in early 08.. She was with him When he was making the album. She was in europe for the summer last year with her good friend Ruby they all hooked up. Hastings was in his Kings & Queens Video. She hung out at the studio and the hive with him, shannon and Brent. They wood hook up at the Sky Bar and The Hyde lounge. Jared is know to throw pool parties at home with many girls, Hastings and her trashy model friends would all ways be there.
Shes obsessed with him. She one girl you would not want to get into a bitch fight with. Hastings and Jared always hook up at coachella. In 08 & 09 they were together which is why he didn’t want to be seen with other girls. He put a stop to her twittering about them.
Hastings was at the Pomoma Ca Show 12 days ago. He was wearing her Black fur coat on stage. (She loves fur coats. Which is why she was pissed when Linsay Lohan stole hers.) She was with Jared and Terry Richardson in Malibu for Stings wife Birthday early this month. when he is LA he is with Hastings. Shes trash just like the rest of them.
She was at the Ecip Center with her trash model girlfriends and mark the cobra snake. He took photos of them all while renting a house on the beach. That so called photo of cristal is not cristal but one of the many trash models that hangs out with them and Hastings. Jared does not bang porn star anymore. Not since Tila trashed him and that other whore, that said he was average. He hates that kind of publicity. So who ever this Cristal is your wrong.
Hastings has change she into wearing bunny ears and getting sex advise from kinks.com not to mention the ring she wears on her left finger. you would think they were married.
Ruby was smart she got out and move to NY and got a life now she is one of the hottest runway models in Europe and New York. Which is why Ruby and Hastings don’t hang out anymore. As long as Hastings stays in LA. She will be a nobody. Oh Sorry she will be the girl that fucked the Leto brothers.
Jared is sober has been for may years he hates smoker he tryed to get Hastings to quit smoking. He doesn’t drink and is very strick with what he eats. All organic and works out everyday. His Vise is his Compulsive Disorders. He is a Control Freak the only people in his life that he trust is Shannon, Emma and his Mom. They are the only people that care and love him. All the rest are fakes, liars and wannabees.
Oh the Russia girl. Again another wannabe. The other girl was not her sister but her mom. They are just friends. Jared had them come to the show cause he does have a heart and he does care about his fans. Oh he was sick as dog through out this part of the tour. So getting it on would be the last thing on his mind.
Why did you delete my post.
you deleted my post put it back up
were are my posts
Lauren Hasting rumours become intense ( see who dates who). The people said that she got a gun tatoo in her right arm that make reference of Jared last album, that was in the studio during This is the war recording and visited he much times during his european tour and, even, that she give he a ring as a present.
Is he definitly with hasting??. The ring thing, Do you think that he’s married with she?
She didn’t give him a ring. She wears a ring on her left finger. Which she has been wearing since they started hanging out alot more in 09. Hastings and her so called possy are all bitches . It all started with Lindsay, Nicky & Paris.
Hastings wants to be an Actor. She wanted to get into the in crowd. It all got really ugly between her and Lindsay so Hastings started hanging out with Jared. Hastings was all so in a Justin Timberlake vid and of course Justin and Cameron dated for 3 years. Oh its all Ugly. Hastings has lost all her friends and her reputation. She hooking up with Labeof is a load of shit. She loved the publicity. Now she hangs out with wannabe LA models. Jared so needs to get rid of her. She is bad news.
No there not married. Jared won’t ever get married. He doesn’t trust any of them. If he did get married it would have been with Cameron. I wonder if she went back to him now would he take her back.
LIE! The premiere Chapter 27 was in 2007
I’m not a liar get your dates right. It originally premiered at the Sundance film festival in Jan 25th 2007. It then Premiered in New York in March 28th 08 and Los Angeles in Apr 4th 08. Hastings was at the New York premiere she was there with her best friend Ruby and they sat next to Shannon. The Sundance Film Festival
Sorry hit the Enter to early. The Sundance film festivals are for indepentent Films and Chapter 27 was badly recieved. Which is why it took another 12 months to be released. They could not get a U.S distributor.. There was all so a petitions to stop the film from being released. which was supported by John Lennons son.
i have met Jared, Shannon and Tomo. Emma is amazing she is Jareds life support and works dame hard and deserves way more credit. I don’t know how she does it but she does. They are not done tourning. Their having way to much fun.
What a mess!!! :S
anyway… if something’s happened among them was in the past. Lauren and Jared aren’t dating now. he’s single and hasn’t a girlfriend right now
does jared know about the ring? and does he know she is all in love with him? why does t he end all it once?… i feel sorry for her.. u have to have a very low and poor self esteem do let a guy do this to u
martha Yes he does know. They spent Jareds 38th Birthday in Aspen CO, Then it was of to Miami, opps I mean the caymens for new years eve. For Jareds 39th Birthday they went to Vail Co. Then jetted of to Las Vegas.
Guess who I saw at the Cosmopolitan Hotel in Vegas, you guessed it.. Did you know that Diaz and A Rod were all so at the same Hotel. Coldplay Rocked. I heard 30stm didn’t have such a good night.
Miss nobody tell me what makes you think that there not together weres your proof. Hollywood is not what you know its who you know. and everyone knows every one in the celebrity world.
Jared has a routin like most celebrities. All ways arrive and leave an event or club alone with a buddy or buddies. If Hooking up for the night arrive separately and leave separatley. Distract paparazzi and give them a few photo shoots so that they leave you alone and not follow you back to the car or hotel.(Chateau Marmont is alway a favorite with the celebs.) When attending an event put in an appearance act like you give a shit and then leave, Back door is best. Twitter celebs love it they lie too.
I need to start my own blog.
I understand, J isn’t an angel, but doesn’t have anything serious with anyone, it’s just to fuck with a girl and bye. typical celebrities. if Lauren was fuck with Jared doesn’t mean they are a couple. everyone knows that since he split with Cameron does not want anything formal with a girl. but some day will fall in love. i hope it arrives soon because i want to see him happy
he knows about the ring that´s crazy lolol does he think she is crazy? and she is stupid enough to get back with him all the time.. maybe she thinks with time he will get married with her
@wtf how do you know those thinks about Lauren and Jared?
Lauren is a psychotic wannabe who will never make it in hollywood. She’s a second rate everything. She’s telling everyone that they’re engaged, when Jared just fucks her and leaves her. He sexts her and she thinks that’s love. He has sex with different girls and men in every city but she doesn’t care , as long as he lets her back in his life even for 15 minutes. He will never marry her or offically date her, ever. He just strings her along and has been doing so since 2009. He did the same with Lindsay. He doesn’t care about these women, but they think he does. It is all a mess and Jared is bad news as well, it’s not just Lauren that’s bad news. Actually their perfect for eachother. Theyre both fucked up.
so wtf, are they together or not? Because Jared says he is single. Or is he basically just banging her?
She sounds crazy, lol.
@WTF: Who ARE you, or moreso how would you know these things? I’d like to believe you but maybe you gotta give out some kind of validation and at least pretend you know what you’re talking about.
Are you close to Jared? or close to Lauren? Or do you just “hear stuff”?
And yep, if all this is true you need to start your own blog, but please, do tell how you could know any of these things!
Like I said every body knows every body in the celebrity world. I’m not a model or an actor. i do work in show biz and i meet celebs every day. These people don’t live normal lives they don’t have normal relationships..
I know Jared the Actor. I know many Actors of his generation. Hollywood has become youth-obsessed. There is a new generation. Unfornatly Jared is not part of that new Generation. He trys… You got to give him credit for that.
Its normal for celebs to say they are single even when they are not. Their usually advised by their manager, Agent and publists to say they are single. It sells better and a sexy single Jared Leto makes alot of money.
but Jared is single or not?
@wtf I’m agree with u..so..how long Jared and Lauren dating?I know for sure she was in vegas for the NYE…
Jared is not single they have been dating since 2008 from the beginning.
They sneek around Jared doesn’t want anyone to know. She gets on plane and meets up with him during his tour Breaks. Oh and Emma doesn’t like her at all. They don’t hang out.
Oh and Shannon has all so being playing that game with Kelly Roberts. They have all ways had girlfriends.
When you see pictures of Jared with other girls its because thats what he wants you to see.
You only have to watch Hurricane. “Oh did that backfire on him”. He has gotton such a bad rap in LA over this video. Its a joke.
No wonder he left town in such a hurry.
i did follow u about the video? ok they are dating bt is a sex date not love date. he should be with cameron. wtf what do u mean he´s fuck up? he is crazy or something he looks crazy and disturbed sorry my bad english lolol
*didn´t follow u
@wtf thanks for you reply! so jared and lauren dating since 2008? are u sure? and it’s true the story about the ring??
Shannon and Kelly Roberts are also still dating?are u sure?
wtf, How is hurricane a joke for LA crowd?
what do you know about Nathalie from the video the pretty brunette? I heard Jared likes her and she likes him too but he didnt ask her out and nathalie is pissed. maybe its because of lauren. Lauren hastings isn’t pretty at all in my opinion. well not as pretty as nathalie who is like WOW, stunning!
lauren looks strung out. When I met Emma, she was so sweet.
I can see why emma doesn’t like this garbage, lauren. I know jared has been going to the hospital lately but for what?
Is Lauren still doing drugs and drinking?
what you say confuses me a little.
Does Jared really care about lauren, or lauren care about him? You said that jared only has 3 people who care about him and lauren isn’t one of them? But she has been his girlfriend for more than 3 years now and he gave her a ring! How is this possible?
Jared has been goin’ to hospital because he had an accident, has a lesson on his neck. but keeps on giving concerts
@wtf or rather … JO
enough! Lauren and Jared are NOT dating. Girls you don’t believe this because wtf/jo is a liar and is making up these rumors! let me tell you very clear that I’m a friend of Kelly Roberts and NO, she’s not dating Shannon Leto. and mi nombre real no es Barbie 
@dirtydiana No, they’re not dating: Kelly is dating the “The Hex Parade” drummer, a man called Bobby.
Jared & Hastings hooked up around about the time Chapter 27 premiered in New York 08. She was there with Shannon and Ruby Aldridge her best friend at the time.
I went to the LA Premiere. Jared Stayed at the Chateau Marmont. He all ways stays at the Marmont when he has events to attends or is looking to hook up for the night. He doesn’t like to take girls home unless he knows them quite well and even then you’ll end up hanging out in his studio.
As for the ring Hastings was bragging to her friends that she just got engaged. She hooked up with Jared just after thankgiving in New York 09. Rumour was they went to Connecticut for a night.
When I mean he is Fucked up I don’t mean in the sexually way in his private life. I don’t think the video repersents is lifestyle. He is actually quite shy. Has many issues when it come to women. You’ll be quite suprised Jared gets turned down by alot of women cause of his so call reputation.
tks for the info. yes he seems shy but he knows that lauren says to everyone that they are “engaged”? it sounds strange that he does not stop her to says those things.. do u know why he and cameron broke up? they made a lovely couple and he probably doesn´t want any serious relasionship because he was hurt.. once again thank u for ur patience in answer all the questions:X
As far as being engaged, alot of that was a joke she was spreading. This was over 12 months ago. She doesn’t talk about it now. But still wears the ring. I don’t think he thinks much of it. I don’t think he cares.
Cameron is amazing. Her and Jared were great together they have alot in common. Shes very natural & down to earth. He was obsessed with her. They just became another casualty of hollywood like so many.
That’s pretty sad though. Jared did look his happiest when he was with Cameron. She seems so cool.
You think that she’d ever take him back? Who broke up with who?
I know Shannon keeps in touch with Kelly. They are still very close. The german girl was just a hook up. I heard german girl wanted to hook up with Jared first. Jared likes his girls natural not fake or plastic. Shannon never hooked up with Aldrina Patridge. That was just for the Show “The Hills”.
is jared also into men?
good question i could not tell you. He has alot of close male friends. Jared is a huge fan of Kurt Cobain many thought he was gay or bi but wasn’t. I just think Jared is very metrosexal. He feels safe with his male friends and trusts them more then women.
I think Jared is into guys. Whether or not he’s done anything with them, who knows? He’s definitely attracted to them. Anyone has to be blind not to notice.
Personally i think he too is into guys. He seems alot more comfortable around them.
I’ve seen him at events surrounded by girls and total freaks out.
Hey WTF, you should stop. apparently lauren is pissed about you talking mess! She is trying to find out who it is. She might sue you like she did lindsay. lol. People have been FBooking her links to this. lol.
how about when girls blatantly turn Jared down! And it’s only the bottom of the barrel girls that say yes to his advances! The actual good chicks are like “uhhhhhh NO , wierdo/loser/ getawayfromme!!!”
God he is so fkn wierd right? Have you ever hung out with him? It’s like his brain does work right! I actually asked Shannon if he had a girlfriend once at this guy bobby’s house, and Jared got extremely jealous and started acting like a 3 year old so Shannon had to leave with J!
At first, I was going to ask Jared out because I always crushed on him until I met him. HE freaked me out. and he was waaaayyy to thin! He’s so small.
He scares me. lol. There just something not right about him, and he doesn’t know how to flirt without being creepy!
Have you ever experienced this?
He was talking to me about girl’s nipples after they have babies.
uggg! Psycho!
And Lauren Hastings? She is also not right in the head.
Anyway, WTF, she knows about this.
Just a headsup, girl.
@wtf or rather … JO
enough! Lauren and Jared are NOT dating. Girls you don’t believe this because wtf/jo is a liar and is making up these rumors! let me tell you very clear that I’m a friend of Kelly Roberts and NO, she’s not dating Shannon Leto.
I didn’t say she was dating Shannon . They are still close and keep in touch with on another. I know Kelly hangs out with Bobby D Smith. Ewwwwwww. She could do so much better.
I do like his tatts. Great Drummer not as good as Shannon though.
you have evidence? I want consistent evidence that these things only happen in your imagination! and yes! Lauren has a ring on her left ring finger and here is the picture http://plixi.com/p/71800470 but she isn’t engaged with Jared Leto!
I have already seen the photos. Oh so you have met Laura then.
I met Lauren and Jared
You have evidence to know whether they are a couple right now? and sorry for my english :/
She was at the Pomona ca show. He wore her black fur coat on stage. I’wasn’t there but collegues of my were. The perch of the job free tickets to shows.
but doesn’t mean to be his girlfriend :/ this is a rumor, really?
Jared and Lauren are friends, if you were athis house ,was in the recording of This is War , was at Coachella and Miami with him and other friends . was also in music video kings and queens. it means to be anything more than friends? NO TESTS! Jared also said very clearly that he is looking for someone with character and quiet … and miss Hastings is not
He’s probably just stringing lauren along like he does all the rest. I really doubt they’re “just friends” but i highly doubt he thinks of her as anything more than a girl he hooks up with sometimes.
Cameron and maybe Scarlet are the only girls he ackowledged as girlfriends.
Don’t get me started on Scar ohara. The only real girlfriend in Jays life was Cameron. All the others a Cameron wannabes.
Jared and Lauren are friends, yes! she was to his house, was in the recording of This is War , was at Coachella and Miami with him and other friends . was also in music video kings and queens. it means to be anything more than friends? NO TESTS! Jared also said very clearly that he is looking for someone with character and quiet … and miss Hastings is not
you’re saying many things that are not true! I met Jared, talk with him. he is sincere, doesn’t has to lie saying who is single, he it is! and hasn’t time for a serious relationship, please but stop lying to Lauren dating Jared because it’s all lies!
Miss Nobody I take it your not from the U.S Your writing skills don’t make any sense. You say you met Jared. where… Germany Maybe.
Tell me your not Alena.
where and when did you meet Lauren & Jay.
no more. i do love the guy and i wish him all the best in his career. next time i see him and we catch up over a mountain dew. I’ll let you guys know whats up.
i think is so funny because now lauren is always putting in her twitter sentences about love,and rough sex…loll but either way i feel sorry for her
lol, ikr, that she likes rough sex and all that. Doesnt jared strangle girls? Hahahhaa. “hurts like satan!”
Hey WTF, what about nathalie? the girl from Hurricane? Did Jared hook up with her??? or the porcelain sisters?
I don’t know Nathalie. I did hear that he got upset with her at the New Years Show for texting on stage. Ewww the Twins total trash.
Hastings was at the New Years Show. So I guess Jared didn’t Hook up with any other girl. Again don’t think that the video relates to Jareds Lifestyle. He shows you what YOU WANT TO SEE.
Natalie Loren is ‘friend’ of Jared and Shannon
The one that was texting was the other girl .The tall, skinny one. She was telling us how he got upset with her and knocked her into a crowd of people on stage. Calm down, buddy.
Funny that. Did you see the photo of her in her bunny ears.
Oh Shit turns out Hastings and I have the same Star Sign. Sexstrology informs me today that my sign is most likely to enjoy being manhandle, tied up, Spanked & straight up dominated.
all this is pure shit. jared is not sleepig with emma “the assistant”, an english program made traducción del español al inglés
an intimate interview where she said that she actually goes on tour with them, lived with them during the trip, but she never thought about having something serious to jared or any of them, their interests are being in a team like they have and produce their videos, in fact it helps publishers to finish the details of the videos. previously she was engaged to someone, but apparently had problems and separated for now she has no boyfriend, but she looks at Jared and the other guys like a big family and nothing else. you should to see very well the pictures before criticize. as to the girl named Crystal, she obviously was a man, lived in singapore, until a time, that picture you saw,yes, jared took it, but that does not mean anything. during his visit to the bar where she danced, talked with her, but nothing happened, in fact, guitarist Tomo, going with his girlfriend and the rest of the staff, drank a few drinks, and then marched to the hotel which was about blocks away. it is true that today jared, no girlfriend, and it is true that has gone before with some actress. a few months ago said one of the many questions about the topic of girls, he said he would not talk much about his personal life, because he wants to be private. for others, they asked the same thing, “he said gently, that for now he has no girlfriend, and he is waiting for the right woman for him, a person with moral education refinate and honest.
really i think that you take very serious this kind of things but, people are always going to do different things, but not going to criticize it as if it was bad. all have a personal life, and is not fair, treat people like whores, just because they have not had a lasting relationship. thnk very well the things before say it!!!
nobody said he was dating emma. They’re talking about Lauren Hastings that psuedo model
Emma and Jared never. Emma is alot smarter then that. Emma did live at Jareds for a while. When she was moving making the permitt move from Australia. Viki and Tomo all so lived with Jared. Now they have there own place.
Don’t believe what he tells you in the press. He tells you what YOU WANT TO HEAR. What a girl that is educated, Honest and has Morals. Good luck with that Jared.
So has he ever asked out Emma? He shouldn’t touch her. She’s too good . I love Jared but he is too dirty for Emma. sorry. He needs to stick with the trash.
Cameron was too good for him.
yes nobody is talking about emma…wtf how about lauren´s career i don t think she will make it as an actress.. she is relying on jared to help her or what?
As long as she stays with Jay her career as an actor will never happen. She might as well be doing Porn. if she wants to be model she needs to move to New York. Were the real models are.
Just got a text guess who is in New York with Jared at the Leighton Meester nylon after party. Hastings really needs to stop wearing fur coats.
The same story… yeah right lol
where & when did you meet Lauren & JAy
I met them in LA
tell us more. where in lA and when.
May 15th at the Greek Theater
i really hate people who wear fur….he is all into vegetarian food he shoud make her stop wear fur. tks for all he answers
you believe all this?
she is really dumb because even if she stays in LA she could used jared to open some doors in the movies scene, buy ging to partys and meeting people. i don t think she can do porn u have to look good for the camera and know how to work it on camera…she could start asking jared to pay the bills lolll
Jared can’t get work as an actor. how do you think Lauren will. oh i don’t know Shes got nice pair of tittys.
Sorry didn’t go to the show. i did see them at the Chateau. So did you get to meet her possy. Laura & Shenae.
So srsly, jared hangs out with all these losers?
He should be embarrassed. Shanae Grimes?? seriously D list.
Trailer Trash all of them..
Lets add to the list shall we.
Alana Masterson, Chelsea miller, C.C Sheffield. and Jamie Reed.( Jareds little Coachella buddy.)
@wtf have you pic of Lauren and Jared in Nylon after party?
if jared is with lauren, I want concrete evidence, I have never seen jared false person …. then give me evidence
Hmm if he is with Hastings then he`s not the most faithful guy, is he? A few months ago I read one of their concerts` reviews (I think it was from somewhere in Canada, Calgary perhaps?) and the person writing the review witnessed an excited young pretty girl coming down from the stage some time after they finished playing Kings and Queens and after all the other people have already come down the stage. Turns out she was excited cuz Jared asked for her phone number.
thats funny.jared and lauren are so back togheter.god,she is such a poser and he is such a whore.they were at nylon party pretending to look cool.he was wearing a stupid coat and she had this huge hat.they looked on coke or something.losers,for real.amazing couple of losers.
and my friends were at Pompona and the say it was patetic.he wore her orrible fur for real and she looked so in love with her cokeface.what a mess,the worst couple ever.and to bad for her because he is the biggest slut but she is so stupid that she probably don t even know.
Jared Leto has a leading lady. We spotted the “30 Seconds to Mars” rocker clutching hands with a petite brunette hiding herself beneath a big hat at the Nylon/Diesel party at the W Downtown Hotel on Tuesday night. She identified herself only as “Justina” and stayed glued to Leto’s slender hip for the entire night. Well, almost: Upon exiting, Leto parted with his date long enough to give us a squeeze and an Ari Gold-style farewell: “Let’s hug it out!” Sadly, we didn’t get physical with Nylon cover girl Leighton Meester, who was at the fete for just a few moments
Leto’s new gal pal
Jared Leto has a leading lady. We spotted the “30 Seconds to Mars” rocker clutching hands with a petite brunette hiding herself beneath a big hat at the Nylon/Diesel party at the W Downtown Hotel on Tuesday night. She identified herself only as “Justina” and stayed glued to Leto’s slender hip for the entire night. Well, almost: Upon exiting, Leto parted with his date long enough to give us a squeeze and an Ari Gold-style farewell: “Let’s hug it out!” Sadly, we didn’t get physical with Nylon cover girl Leighton Meester, who was at the fete for just a few moments.
and Hastings? lol Lauren NOT dating Jared Leto!!
Maybe Nathalie from Hurricane?
I have no idea :/
where did you find that miss nobody?
It’s just a ugly gossip lol
oh wait she said her name is justina?
who knows then? Flavor of the month.
and the source of that is…?
no way he was with lauren and she was wearing the stupid big hat.
trust me
it s bullshit
i was there.
i don t know why they write that article but it s full of shit.Justina???????what they are talking about????thats funny
she was with him ad they left togheter.
worst couple ever
poser poser poser
but if they are dating does she knows that he os sleeping with other girls? how can she stand that?
She doesn’t care. She all so hooks up with other guys when Jareds out of town. I know she is very close to Brent he was very intersted in her.
There was all so a story going around she hooked up with a guy that was working on This Is War Album. I think his name was Erik.
Brent is the gayest thing on the planet.
do u guys think they got married? i mean they have been together since 08 she wears a ring… maybe they are a true in love couple but he does t want to go public with.
do you believe in the press? this is just a rumor
The Artical is crap. The nydaily is like The Sun in london. He was there with lauren . She is not a natural blond. She dyes her hair.
Miss nobody when are you going to get it he is an Actor. He is Acting. He smiles and flashes those baby blue eyes and tells you what you want to hear. He is fooling you, like he fooled me many years ago.
I have no regrets it was an experience.
Lauren was not there, if you don’t believe me look at the photos of Nylon
experience? oh oh, you mean that you slept with him?
tell me… you hate him? or love him?
Hey WTF, are you by any chance Lindsay lohan?
Iike all past experiences there are always feelings. He has Trust issues and needs help. He will always be my James Dean. A Rebel without a cause..
aw you work to MTV?
No MTV. I am in media. I do get invited to alot of events and I DON’T take photos of celebs at events. Thats very unprofessional.
Ew. You’re in love with a pedophile! So is lauren. Lol@you both.
He hits on 13 year old. He’s totally going to be that dirty old man who is like 64 and pulling it to 9 year olds.
That is SO grosssss!
Go to makeup alley forum to see the 13 year old’s victim mother’s story.
ok to make you happy i took a look at the photos this one
http://www.jared-leto.net/Gallery/displayimage.php?pid=46358&fullsize=1 the girl sitting down next to Jay you can just make out her fur coat is Hastings. God I hope he dosen’t get his fashion tips from her. He looks awful, He never used to dress like that.
you love a pedophile.
hmm I don’t see his face :/
I think that Jared has not yet still found the right person for him
yes,she is Lauren
stupid fur
ugly bitch
did you have a relationship with him @wtf? i think he will never have a serious relationship with none either shannon. they were both raise buy a single mom they probably dont want to have kids because they did have a father figure and being i n a band makes thinks harder for a family. jared probably be with diaz if he could she was the only girl he was intressed to try build something but as i said it is complicated when you didn´t grow up with concept of a love relationship. they don ´believe i love or they probably don t know what love is.
if they wanted to get married they would have it done by now. they will stay single a have these relationships for the rest of their lifes.
i think is funny because jared uses the execuse of being in a band. soo many rockstras have familys and they have more sucess and more tours than 30stm. i would like him to be honest and say hey i don t want nobody i just want to make music and have sex with random people at least it would be honest.. but he has to create this persona so that we (fans) continue to be in love with him
I totally agree with you on everything you say. The boys are like already in their 40’s jared has less then a year… Jared is starting to look washed up to me… I think he is a very handsome man, ive followed him since “My So Called LIfe” cause i always thought he was interesting… well ive learned alot about him and shan, they wont ever settle down… lol its too late… IF they do settle down they will be like 50 or 60 and completely washed up… =)
like wtf said he has trust issues and pop i agreed with you this is related with his childwood and the lack of a father figure. he should get terapy or something because he will neveer get over this
Hey WTF, you should stop. apparently lauren is pissed about you talking mess! She is trying to find out who it is. She might sue you like she did lindsay. lol. People have been FBooking her links to this. lol.
how about when girls blatantly turn Jared down! And it’s only the bottom of the barrel girls that say yes to his advances! The actual good chicks are like “uhhhhhh NO , wierdo/loser/ getawayfromme!!!”
God he is so fkn wierd right? Have you ever hung out with him? It’s like his brain does work right! I actually asked Shannon if he had a girlfriend once at this guy bobby’s house, and Jared got extremely jealous and started acting like a 3 year old so Shannon had to leave with J!
At first, I was going to ask Jared out because I always crushed on him until I met him. HE freaked me out. and he was waaaayyy to thin! He’s so small.
He scares me. lol. There just something not right about him, and he doesn’t know how to flirt without being creepy!
Have you ever experienced this?
He was talking to me about girl’s nipples after they have babies.
uggg! Psycho!
And Lauren Hastings? She is also not right in the head.
Anyway, WTF, she knows about this.
Just a headsup, girl.
Sounds like Jared..
lol yep… so twisted… haha
@wtf thanks for the info. So what do you know about Shannon and Kelly Roberts? because a friend fo mine saw them togheter in vegas for the NYE. Thanks
Leto is a BIG pedophile. He is only interested in vagina that’s about 15 years old. UGH! there are all these rumors going on that he seriously was hitting on a 13 year old girl, and he still is emailing her! They just keep getting younger, and younger.
click on this http://makeupalley.com/board/j.asp?bid=2&tid=7752459#m7752430
it’s a forum where the girl’s mother is saying Jared is still emailing her 13 year old daughter’s friend.
what a Mc Creep-o.
i don’t know who’s more demented, the person who invented that story or you for spreading a garbage like this without having a single proof if it’s true or not.
you’re just a crazy stalker. you’ re saying that only the bottom of the barrel girls that say yes to his advances and at the same times u were hiting on him and you’ve gone to one of his shows to ask him for a date ???
what i understand is that he refused YOUR advances. you’re the one who’s really creepy, like most of the fangirls who are throwing themselves at his feet and get turned down by him.
i followed that link and read everything she said.. she has pictures… and seems pretty legit with the story cause she was freaked out by him…. follow that link and read it… it is kinddaaaaa weird…
i’ve seen the picture and it’s looks like it was taken after the show, i see nothing wrong in that; i don’t wanna read what that crazy women said because if it was true and she was soooo freaked out she would’ve gone directly to the police or she would’ve called the media, not posting on a crap site.
the man it’s in this bussines for what, 20 years? and i’ve never seen o real proof of u think that this kind of behaviour
lol everyone KNOWS jared is weird so it not any news the proof is on his face lol. its crazy he already emails/texts her (13yrold) but if it gets out of control and unappropriated then im sure it will get into the media and police will get involved so lets just hope jared isnt that deranged…
She is just as fucken twisted as you are.
Do you have any idea how much trouble you can get for saying shit like this. Just watch you mouth.
nah, i love jared… but that freaks me out… im not twisted at all .. lol
You are so fucken twisted.
i followed this link… its pretty legit… id be concerned too… even tho i DO adore jared, if he was text or emailing my 13yrold daughter id be concerned…
i dont see my flippin comment…. stupid..
.. lol… you guys… Jared and Shannon have a girl in EVERY city…TRUST me… they are rockstars and are VERY sexual guys… My friend met shannon at a show, they hung out at his hotel she REFUSED to have sex with him… then they came around again Shannon messaged her saying “soon
” his texts always have
…. long story short she stood shannon up when he came into town… she wasnt feeling it… also jared had his pick while he was here even brought a girl on the bus with him… THEY HAVE GIRLS EVERYWHERE THEY GO, THEY WILL NEVER HAVE GIRLFRIENDS OR SETTLE DOWN…ever. So fan-girls & groupies get in line and wait your turn. The beautiful Leto Bros will eventually get to you… 
thats me i accidentally have 2 names hehe.
@ wtf thanks for the info ! What do you know about shannon and kelly roberts? Because a friends of mine saw them togheter in vegas for the nye ! Thanks
lauren can t do anything wtf didn t do anything wrong. lauren is just pissed because everyone knows that she and jared are not a item they just fuck each other…this all thing started because of lauren decided to talk about jared in twitter and now she is worried because someone talked about her in internet? uhhhh Lauren if u are reading this get a life and a real job and make yourself worth something
Lauren all so talkes to much. It very funny.
And its on youtube
i saw a gir nickname jessicaechelon intwitter she wanted to talk to lauren and she talk throughout her facebook.
I know jessicaechelon on twitter, but I know that she never talked to lauren, absolutely never said anything
Ok… just wanted to say something. Lauren was with her boyfriend in New York when Jared was on another site giving a concert, AJ and J aren’t the same person. so, Leto was alone in Miami with friends, when lauren was in Cayman with her boyfriend (AJ). Do you don’t understand that J and Lauren were in totally place different? he never went to Cayman with Lauren!
@LaurenHastings1 Lauren prefers to speak in private, or DM, or, if you give me the link to your fb sending you a message..PLEASE XD
11:31 AM Feb 2nd via web in reply to LaurenHastings1
jessica di lorenzo
On Wednesday 2nd February 2011, @jessicaechelon said:
(In reply to anyone)
@LaurenHastings1 i can’t send u a DM here in twitter because u don’t follow me,i’m sending u a message on FB , tell me if it arrives ok? Thank you so much lauren XD
Short: http://tl.gd/8ico71
Posted from ÜberTwitter
Follow @TwitLonger for updates and support.
For when you talk too much for twitter
jessica di lorenzo
On Wednesday 2nd February 2011, @jessicaechelon said:
(In reply to anyone)
@LaurenHastings1 sorry XD bother u again! U should accept me on FB , because it does’nt make me send messages,thank u very much really.. Xoxo
I flag you comment as inappropriate: you could not copy/paste people’s tweets as you want. There are some privacy rules you have to respect. It’s unfair.
it´s all there she probably told lauren about this site. why she would wanted to talk with lauren in private via facebook?
Cause she is a stalker……. Just like all the rest.
you are on their level sweety. lol look at your post.
aj probably never existed why she whould talk about hared and share pictures and then never put a picture of this Aj person.. she porbably invented so jared though she has another one… this is high school but the guy is a middle age crises and she is a wannabe actress, star, model, blabla
Yes there is no Aj just a figment of her imagination.
aj probably never existed why she whould talk about jared and share pictures and then never put a picture of this Aj person.. she porbably invented so jared though she has another one… this is high school but the guy is a middle age crises and she is a wannabe actress, star, model, blabla
I tell you the truth? Lauren approached to Jared to become famous, like Isabel Lucas … typical of the actresses. whant date to a famous man and it turns out they just want to be famous. but the funny thing is that Isabel Lucas achieving triumph. and Hastings? lol without words
Lauren not dating Leto. but, let you think what they want …. Jared never lied and not going to lie to his fans. he’s loves them, however with women who sleeps just want to hang out
Lucas was already a well know actress before she met Jay. Do your fucken homework.
I would hardly think being on Home and Away is enough to qualify you as a well know actress outside of Australia
LaurenHastings1 Lauren Hastings
Another night of Olympics with my man
16 Feb Favorite Reply
and Jared Leto…
Feb. 19, 2010 – Nottingham / Nottingham Arena
they’re not dating!!
Another Lie
I know It’s not the same day, but Jared was touring AWAY of Hastings
LaurenHastings1 Lauren Hastings
Cayman to Lax with my boy
Reply Favorite 3 Jan 10
LaurenHastings1 Lauren Hastings
Reply Favorite 4 Jan 10
While Lauren was in Cayman with her boyfriend heading to Los Angeles
Jared was already in Los Angeles with Emma if you don’t believe me check out this video
with date 3/Jan/10
Fuck She can Lie.
Stop it rumors because Jared and Lauren aren’t a couple!
what happen?
“Moi” and “MissNobody” IS seriously CREEEEPPPYYYY! WOW
who gives a shit of what they did in the past.
they are togheter now.i saw them at nylons
if he’s dating Lauren or not it’s ONLY his bussines; if he has a girl in every country, city, street, neighbourhood, if he wants a family or not, get married or not it’s again ONLY his bussines. Just because u’ve seen the guy at a show, in a interview, or read about him on a stupid site doesn’t meen u know him.
to all the stupid fangirls around here, stop acting like u know him, his past, his childhood; u’re not his brother, mother, wife or personal friend
u think that he’s creepy and psycho??? he can date whomever he wants to, the trolls around here are creepy.
if he’s dating Lauren or not it’s ONLY his bussines; if he has a girl in every country, city, street, neighbourhood, if he wants a family or not, get married or not it’s again ONLY his bussines. Just because u’ve seen the guy at a show, in a interview, or read about him on a stupid site doesn’t meen u know him.
to all the stupid fangirls around here, stop acting like u know him, his past, his childhood; u’re not his brother, mother, wife or personal friend
u think that he’s creepy and psycho??? he can date whomever he wants to, the trolls around here are creepy.
WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE? Girls, stop saying shit about jared, jared I knew, talked with him, I have many friends who have talked with him and know him, is by no means a fool, nor a pedophile, @ MOI, you can not afford to make names is a violation of privacy to a person who is not in the star system …
@WHOA sorry WHAT THE link did you read?
the one that “Jaredispedo” posted…. about the girl… there is pictures and the mother is legitimately concerned ….. just sayin.
Fuck Off. Its a load of shit. . Why get on the bus in the first place if she was so concerned. Jay is never alone, Emma is always with him.
lol okay psycho… there probably wasnt a warning sign before they got on the bus. lol. i love jay. id do him thats fosho! =)
first i didn´t steal anything the girl publish information on twitter whichh is public and yes i copy that to here. this is internet u share info all the time if u want privacy don t publish on twitter and other websites. secondly, yes, we were just making coments about jared´s life, so what´s is the big deal ? u come here saying “oh stop this u have to respect jared blabalbla” but u are reading this and u are making coments so guest what? u are involve in this as much as me ok?! u guys worried to much about this this is just talk ok?! u guys are overeacting
Yes, internet is public, but you can’t copy/paste others people’s conversation AT ALL. That girl wasn’t talking to YOU. Would you happy if I copy/paste your conversation with a friend of yours and use it for my own business? I don’t think so. And now think what you’ve done, ’cause it’s just like you’ve stolen a private conversation. Be careful.
Silly girls! that girl on MissNobody’s link is Emma, driving Jay to the Nylon thing. Chill out!
you bitches are all crazy.
Miss Nobody you are a very stupid little girl. What would you know. Moi or is it Martha you all so don’t know shit. As for Jaredispedo ( aka nATURAL dE cUP ) just be fucken careful what you write. Just Like Hastings you are all just fucked up Unicorn Fluffers. If you don’t know what it means then look it up. Or miss nobody ask Hastings you seem to think your such good friends. Chiao
Cmon boys and girls, don’t be so upset! Jared Leto is a man. With strengths and weaknesses as everyone of us. I don’t know him, I could just say what his appearence is and he’s clever and smart enough to know how the starsystem is, what is the line between his personal and public life so… I think that here we can talk if he’s dating or not Lauren or Emma or some other girls without offences against him or against that girls or against each other. Just civilly. Please. It’s just gossip: we aren’t trying to solve world hunger. Cmon.
agree upon! mostly just write shit about jared, not a pedophile, not a sick person’s sex, is a man with his weaknesses, but very intelligent, and not to be underestimated
I’m totally agree LA!We are in a gossip site and we need to talk about gossip, but there is a limit to everything, discussions must remain civil ,and marked by futility they deserve!!no get angry pls!!!
He is a beautifully talented human! his voice is absolutely amazing!
Oh my Goodness!! This is fantastic! It’s like days of our lives up in here!! Ok, Jared Leto…Single, taken, gay , straight….Really?? Who gives a !@##$#%!! He’s a gorgeous man that we all love to look at. You’re never gonna have him so why should it matter, just enjoy the view….I know I do, BAM
Really. Cause i did have him. Uhhh who hasn’t fucked Jared.
It’s not that hard he’s sexually sadistic and his hair smells. He likes to dominate women. It wasn’t just kinky sex he seemed to have a need for power and control. In my opinion i don’t think he has much respect for women.
whattttt his hair smells? bad? ahhh fuckkk dont ruin this for me! yum and he dominates! yeaaaaa…. im not tryin to fall in love just want a piece of him… would be sooo nice to look down on him going down ….YEEHAW!
Someone have seen -Jared and Lauren togheter in NYC yestarday?
Thats because he hides her from the sharks. She waits for him like an obedient sevant.
lol you have a good imagination
Lamodel is a stalker !!She’s crazy about Jared!
shhhiiiittttt i would toooo… i want a piece of him FOSHO! =) He can use and abuse me annnyytttimmeeeee ….real talk.
I think that Jared have a girlfriend or some well… look this pic http://jaredleto.com/thisiswhoireallyam/2011/02/14/ever-since-hurricane-i-always-wonder-whats-under-a-silver-platter/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=twitter&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+jaredleto%2FNPnx+%28This+Is+Who+I+Really+Am%29&utm_content=Twitter
Valentines Day. Room service.. Jared you cheap bastard. Hummm I think dinner at the La Bernardin or Asiate would have been more romantic.
Oh Hastings you really do like to be treated like Trash. Next time you should get him to take you to taco bell..
U r funny cuz this pic is from Poland lol not from dinner with Lauren hahahahahaha so stop lie!They r not a couple!
you are crazy Lamodel.. get a life! fast!
I live in LA it doesn’t get any faster then that. Sweety
nevermind i know now…. Yes the boys are fun to play with here.
oh Shannon very naughty at last nights grammy awards. I do think she is alittle to tall for you. not to meation she is only 18. Oh and its no suprising that she is all so Hastings best friend. So how was mexico ( opps I mean Maui ) These girls just love to tag team.
Btw I think I knowwho U r!!!And U r obsessed about Jared!!!I will try to do sth with u r comments!:)C’ya
do you really know who I am Hannah. Please enlighten me.
oh too the two girls that are sucking up Roberts & Hastings ass on twitter. Just want to let you know that they don’t give a shit about you. I think twittering to their girlfriends is lame. Happy Valentines Day Sweetys
the girls that are twitting them are the ones that doesnt know english to well on here..(i think) ….freeeeakin psycho’s! haha
“the girls that are twitting them are the ones that doesnt know english to well on here..(i think) ….freeeeakin psycho’s! haha”
Not that your English is all that perfect. Haha.
BAHA! …. dummy… I hope my english is perfect since its the ONLY language i know….Girl im a texan, American in the FLESH! hehe
I may have typos and is lazy when i type so i dont type perfectly but im pretty sure its the only language i know…. so sit the fuck down!
Texas then you know what I’m writing about. The good ol U.S.A
What are you writing about i should know?
where are you from?
lol chill, Whoa. There have been many times when I`ve seen someone whose only language is English, not using it properly to the point where I realised that I can use it better than them, and it`s not my first language. Anyway, the use of English is not the point of the conversation here. Jared`s private life is. So keep on bitching.
@lol…. lol. Shut up. …understand that english? Ha. Anyways yea what’s going on in jareds life nowdays…..hahahahahahahahha
ok she really did go to maui, and Shannon was well behaved as always. He is looking really good. Can’t say the same for Jared.
Jared must be over-medicating or his compulsive disorder is getting to him… i speculate.. haha
Jared is not with Lauren guys!!!!She is obsessed about him..,POOR J!
This is very funny. Crystal, Scarlett Johansson, Lauren Hastings, Natalie. well who’s next? Belinda? lol
To Shyy: thanks for your answer about the pic from Poland
Me!!! *raises hand &waves*!!! Im next!!!!
don’t go there girl. so many have before.
lol grr i know… but he is sexy…. my friend ALMOST did shannon but she stopped him b4 it happened lol… she regrets it but for some reason something told her to stop! haha… i just think jared is sexxxy and wouldnt mind putting him on my bucket list…haha! Jared and Shannon were both very nice to us tho… I know they are dirty little boys…
Lamodel:hey sexy!Tell me sth more about Jared!Is he still with Lauren seriously?!Is he a romantic boy and lil shy(cuz he was when I met him once!)Did he ever was aggressive to the girls??(sorry for my eng I’m not from USA)thanx!
your mad and I like it…
No prb
This water on the pic is ‘Kropla Beskidu’ very popular here!!He drink this water when he was at the hotel in Warsaw 
Groupie – A young woman, often under age, who seeks to achieve status by having sex with rock musicians, roadies, security, and other band-related guys.
– LoL I LOVE this! Its the new generation of Groupies! This is AMAZING! I love reading road stories just as much as I love hearing about them! Gah wouldn’t it be nice to be EXTREMELY TALENTED & Rockstars! I adore the Beautiful Letos Bros! And they adore me “a groupie”! Read this carefully girls. The Leto Bros have a different girl for everycity. The girl they have a child with (if ever) is the one he cared most about.
Groupies don’t change.. You really need to read Keith Richards new book ‘Life’ It will give you a great insight on groupies. You think the Leto bros get around. The Stone’s are the Kings.
” Groupies were friends and most of them were not particularly attractive. They were providing a service.” Keith Ricards.
New Generation of groupies meaning i can read about it on the INTERNET lol =) i dont think there is anything wrong with being a groupie, its a way of life. =) I love musicians!
Oh my God… Groupies grow so fast? My english not perfect and I wouldn’t mind neither to see him in my bed. But girls, please stay realistic. I’m not an angel but neither a groupie, so think what you want, and dream about you want to. But don’t be stalkers and maniacs…
And I agree he’s fucking hot…
His hot until he gets to know you or you get to know him.
You girls go to his show maybe once, maybe twice. He signs an autography takes a picture with you and thats it.
Behind close doors they a bitching about how fat or how ugly and how old some of there fans are.
There nice to you because you buy the tickets and the albums.
I’ve been to many shows not just 30stm and its always the same with the boys.
I was with they and they never said anything bad about his fans!!!NEVER!!!!But I don’t know how Jared is private!Tell me more!He’s romantic,Agressive??He was always nice for me even it was behind close doors!Fuck maybe he have 2 faces?!
Giddy Up Annabelle Wallis
What about her?
Its her time to shinnneeee! Get it girrrrrl!
who’s this girl? http://ithinkyoureswell.com/2011/02/vice-milk-mayhem/aimg_0303/
http://www.ithinkyoureswell.com has him on the cover with some girl…
It’s just a fan she was at this party that’s all
Jeanette Hayes. He is not dating her. Shes a painter/artise and going to school in new york. God you should she the crowd she hangs with. Ewwwww
Hey!How did U get all of this information??:)
Btw…is Jared single or he’s happy with some girl??I just wanna know
City of Angels
Btw…is Jared single or he’s happy with some girl??I just wanna know
it’s true is Jeanette Hayes and she’s been saying he is her boyfriend :/
No They are BF Best friends.
So she says. Jareds only best friends are Shannon, Emma, Tomo and His Mom
you sure? they look pretty comfy on that link below…
so according to kelly roberts,she was with shannon on valentines day…
no s**t sherlock. Like i know nothing. Roberts & Shannon have been hanging out for months. She went to vegas for NYE show and so did Hastings.
how are you so sure that Lauren Hastings is his girlfriend?
that’s true! and a friend of mine saw them togheter in LA !!!!!
they are very close..we’ll see
Good day my dear,
feeling is like a friendship caught on fire. In the beginning a flame, very pretty, often hot and fierce, but still only light and flickering. As love grows older, our hearts mature and our love becomes as coals, deep-burning and unquenchable.
Looking at you profile,,,my mind tells me something about you..
A friend is someone who fills our lives Some people come into our lives and quickly go. Some stay for awhile and leave footprints on our hearts. And we are never, ever the same. Friends are like melons; shall I tell you why? To find one good you must one hundred try……….
i will like you to contact me directly through my private email address
so that i will tell you everything you need to know about me.
am not often using this site,so feel free and contact me through
my email is… (Juliet.betty@yahoo.com)… but love matters a lot in life.I believe we can move from here!.Have a lovely day and remain blessed……thanks
love the letos brothers!!!!!!!
The Leto Bros are fresher then a muthafuckaaaaaa =)
Lauren H is obsessed about Jared!He’s poor cuz he have a lot of false ppl around him
I hope one day he ll open his eyes!He’s naive!! 
Yes he is very naive. She has nothing. She is struggling to get work as a model. So she holds on to Jared for dear life. We wish she get the f**k out of town.
Hey been hearing about this girl Natalie. . Shes getting some pretty big jobs. She knows Jared through her DJing. She was at the Grammys. Shes from london. Ah a nice english girl for Jared. Giddy Up. Shes HOt….
Yep Natalie is hot!!!I think they would be a good couple but it’s only a my opinion :)Btw I hope he have someone to tc about him HONEST!
Yes Natalie is very pretty and hot, but she’s his female friend and also of Shannon
Well she needs to make a move. So jay can dump hastings ugly ass.
Hey Lamodel my friend so close to J friend said that he’s not with Hastings!He was maybe in 2009 but not now…I know that Lauren is crazy about him…but they all say that he’s a single!So why ppl still talking about Lauren??=/ He realized that she’s not with him for love I think just for fame n money…but if they r 2gether why he still talking that he’s a single when he spok to the close friends??
They all say they are single.
In LA don’t think because a friend off a friend tells you something that its legit. Been in this town long enough to know how that game is played even with close friends.
She has alot of enemies in this town. There alot of people that want to see her go. She is shady. She’ll try and be your friend then steel your boyfriend.
You want to make it in this town you need to work your ass off just like Jay has done. She didn’t. She’s just another gerber..
Did Lauren hurt U??I never liked her!!I’ve met her in 2009 and she was like :Oh I know Jared Leto I’m a GOD lol Bi****h!
She hurt alot of people. One day someone is going to get her back really good. She lies, She manipulative and has no respect for other peoples feelings.
Natalie is bisexual, and doesn’t have time for a boyfriend. Her and Jared probably have screwed around or have thought about screwing aronud, but honestly they wouldnt work. one of them would have to give up their work and theyre both all about their work.
She would be good for him though. They can “settle down” maybe in the future.
natalie is not the type of girl you toy around with like jared likes to toy around. She’d be another Cameron: an actual girlfriend. i dont think he’ll ever be ready for that. She is a very, very naive and sweet girl and i would not want to see her get hurt. She wouldnt deserve it. She would never even hurt a fly.
it great to hear shes out there making a life for herself. Shes smart she’ll make it. I hope she does. she just needs to stay away from assholes and always watch her back when it comes to other bitches.
Jared said that he didn’t want to settle down with anybody :/ anyway the time will tell
Jared it poor?…awe… he is a hard worker, < it seems like.
…daww.. how would people around him make him poor?
also The Mars Boys are about to perform on The Tonight Show with Jay leno in like 10 mins…
I know that Jared is a single and no he’s not with Lauren anymore
!!!It’s rumors !!Lauren like to talking shit :P!
There`s a lot of conflicting theories in here. We might need to use a polygraph to see who`s lying.
i agree we need to get to the bottom of this lol
why say that Natalie is in love with Jared? where she said that?
okokok guys i have to come out with the truth… Jared and I are getting married and we are having lots and lots of beautiful little Leto babies….
<< thats a wink.
Whoa WTF??Me 2 lol /ekh rumors are bad !=/
haha very funny
….what i really want to know is…. does Jared hair really smell bad? i mean i didnt get a chance to smell it when i met him…bwahahaha… but really ive heard it smells bad… lol
still don’t understand ’cause people invent things that aren’t real :/
Jared is a single I spoke to his very very close friend who is w/him for 24/7!But it’s lil sad that a guy in his age didn’t have anyone =/ I hope that Jay will find someone soon cuz he’s a really a good human!I know him and all this rumors that he’s not nice in bed,that he bad treatment of women etc are false!He’s a devil on da stage but after the show Jared is a shy and nice guy!And he didn’t say anything bad about his fans like someone said here(behind the closed doors!blah blah blah)I will report this site to the band cuz here is a lot of lies about Jared and his private life!xo
I’m sure of what you wrote, because I lived the first person, Jared is very sweet and very intrelligente nothing to do with the disgust of gossip written here
Idk why ppl think that he’s w/Lauren!It’s funny haha cuz she’s just a friend and lil bit crazy about him but it’s different story!Jay like quiet girls n ppl like Lauren scare him!She like to talk that’s why she never get a chance to be w/him!Actually he’s a single but he try to find a girl for a real relationship!That’s all…btw Lauren H is a stalker everybody knows about it!
I heard he and Scarlette have been speaking a lot lately? Any truth to it?
scar is with sean penn.
Argus Why are you defending Him. You live in another country.You will never meet him again. You think you know him because you twitter to him 50 times a day. Your CRAZY its time to come back to earth girl. Don’t believe what his people tell you.
This is the start of things to come.
As for this close friend that with him 24/7. Emma would do and say anything to protect him. She loves him.
You girls just don’t get it. You are very very wrong when it comes to his bedroom antics. He has some very bad habits.
Tell me more about his habits?
And why u think that Emma loves him??She’s his close friend n she have a boyfriend!
Emma is his assistant
Emma has been working for him for 5 years. Who do think takes care of him when he is sick, buys his cloths washes his cloths make sure his bills are paid. Eats Breakfast, lunch and Dinner with him.. Emma Does. She might as well be married to him. For his and her sake I hope they are. ( He sponsors her visa )
She has made the permit move from Australia to LA. She plans on being with or working for Jared for a very long time. If they are together and i hope they are. I wish they would just come out because it would put a stop to all this. Why hide it. Don’t be ashamed or embrassed you love someone you should tell the world.
FU***k!They’re not 2gether GET IT???She have a bf!!Stop talking shit!!!!An he’s a single lol
I said IF they where together. i want to see your proof and not the sh*t you get from twitter. I have explained in detail. You come on here and say f**k all. Except they are not togther. Which means you know f**ck all. What is your deal with J.
Nice to she her smiling again.
ok then , emma is engaged, jared sees Emma as an assistant and a sister now, how can you say that? maybe you know them? nay for me just throw lies ..
WTF? Emma isn’t engaged
I’ve heard that she is…
Emma is not engaged she doesn’t even have a boyfriend. Shes married to Jared.
She’s hot. Why wouldn’t he tap that.
She have a bf and she said that on her twitter LOL
She said that in Russia 2 in 2010!!
LOL Emma is only working to Jared. please don’t say things aren’t true!
I never heard that she was engaged and hasn’t the ring :/
I like that blog. I retweeted it. =) Its so true!
CityAngel, just becuz the girl is foreign doesn`t mean she`ll never see him again. He did say he`s got friends around the world and he sees his friends when he visits those places. Their tour is far from finished now, they`re still adding Europe dates in the summer. Get with the programme!
I think that CityAngel know the band like I know the POPE :))
veddddy interesting… lol… ahhh who really knows the truth… all i now is he is hot and he can do whatever he wants to me! =)
just another link
Jared is a great guy…very romantic!!I don’t care what will U think about me!!But I know that Jared have a heart in a right place!And he didn’t care about all of this shit opinion about him!!
xo bit%@#s!
I agree
Yes he is romantic!!:)
Aw you groupies are just sooo cute! =)
stop writing shit about jay, do it well what living man, that you give to us, he works hard and gives his all even when they are ill, has fever or influence, not enough to understand that it is a wonderful man with a heart ? an ordinary man rather wonderful actually …
anymore groupie stories??
Most of the stories here are lie!!!!So don’t believe them!
i believe SOME of the stories… the guys are for getting them some on tour… lol =)
for sure*^^
Who know how and where Jared spend his 2010 B-Day??
no I dont know, but if you know where he has spent write it here ..
J was in Vail Co. Snowboarding.
Emma & J. new years eve 2006.
Nice collection
oh and there is a really nice photo of Hastings & J at Coachella 2009. Girl in the yello dress. Page 3.
Hastings with Ruby at coachella 2009
oh another photo with hastings & aldridge. marsfisapouzo you need to get girls right. this is not emma but Hastings. there at the Kings of leon concert dude.
Natallie Loren is or was a high class callgirl/escort. She was paid to date gay or in the closet actors and go on dates with them. How else do you think she looks the way she does? You actually think modeling in hurricane is going to buy her Christian Loubz? She is a nice girl, but a prostitute nonetheless. That’s prpbably why Jared won’t have anything to do with her. You don’t actually date escorts. They’re prostitutes and they cost a lot. Her bff Kelly brook was also a former prostitute/high class call girl.
I presume natalie has done some pretty seedy things for cash for some pretty seedy business men.
I didn’t know that…hmm someone said that she had a bad reputation but I though that it’s not true!Jared is a poor guy cuz he have a bad luck to women!I hope he will find a good one soon…not sick like Hastings(I never met that obsessed girl like her but it’s over since 2009 and I’m so happy :)))/not like Natalie or Lindsay a normal girl!!
well, not really a bad reputation, just a high class call girl past if you will and that’s probably why Jared doesn’t date her. I would not be surprised if he hasn’t used her services before, as she and he frequent the Chateau alot…for “business” if you know what I mean. She is a very nice girl, don’t get me wrong. Many aspiring models and actresses – particularly semi nude and nude models like natalie- start off as escorts. The modeling agency usually encourages it. The modeling agency will double as an escort agency. It’s very big in London, where Natalie is from. Escorts technically don’t have to have sex with the clients. Maybe natalie stuck to this and doesn’t have sex with the clients? Who knows? Most of them DO have sex with the clients because that’s triple or quadruple pay, baby. I have 3 good friends who ALL were in the escort/model industry- one of them pretty famous today.
you know those dates that nobody knows who they are that show up on the arm of bachelors? usually escorts. all those entourage women that show up with the rappers and rockstars? Escorts. Gay men who needa date for a red carpet event, or a newly divorced actor/actress can call up an escort agency and “hire a girl”. the girls dont have to sleep with the men, but if they want big time bucks they usually do.
Listen Joe or jerk.. or whoever the Hell you are.. what you’re saying is probably full of garbage! you’re full of sh**! Natalie is a model/actress/dj of an actual legit modeling agency. google it, dumba**. That agency would not hire an escort because it can probably bring trouble. She has done big time ads like Curve. She is not a prostitute. You know, my mother used to be a showgirl, an actual vegas show girl, not a stripper. Not that there’s anything wrong with being a stripper, but people used to say that my mother slept with men to get good slots. She never cheated on my father!
So to you, a pretty girl who does a sexy video or ads? Guess what, she must be a high end call girl too! Um,no. And don’t bring kelly brook into this either. wtf is wrong with you?
Well i like natalie from what I see. i’m part of her fan page on facebook
She has a fan page and is sweet to everyone on it!! She is trying to make it legit in this biz and you have to try to bring her down. And guess what? Lets say she is or was an escort. how dare you call her out like that? It’s none of your business!! You could never in 1 million years get someone like her, ever!
You’re probably just jealous because Jared might be dating her. Youre probably not even a guy but some ugly jared fan who wishes he thought of you the way he thinks of her. Hey, he picked her out of a string of women he could’ve gotten. He couldve gotten big names but he picked her… ur probably just jealous.
Why am i going on this rant? i dont know why, but maybe Because I as a woman am insulted beyond!
It’s lies. don’t believe it. She is NOT a prostitute. give me a break! She’s a dj and lots of people know her in LA, NY and london. Her best friend is Emma ford. another dj. Kelly brook is not a prostitute either! Jesus F christ!
He doesn’t need to look he is married to Emma.
He’s not married it’s his personal assitant. Stop inventing rumors that aren’t true.
has anyone seen jared in Los Angeles these days?
I saw him but I can’t tell U where :)) He’s in LA right now
if you say it was with lauren hastings, i’ll scream my head off. lol She is crazy!
No!!!!She’s psycho…he have an opinion about her!!Like everybody in LA!
if he wasn’t a pansyy, he’d be with Natalie the hurricane girl.
If she is a prostitute, she’s in the right field because i’d spend my entire life savings to just have 1 night with her and Jared can probably get her for free.
yeppp and I’d bang the shit out of loren hastings too. the things i’d pay to eat out of hastings, natallie, cameron d, those porcelain whores, that chinese chick in hurricane with her filthy mouth.. and even lindsay lohan.
Jared leto is a pansy and he must like penis if he isn’t banging 2 or more of those brauds at the same time. I’d be buried in pussy if i were him, but no…he’s a pansy.
Ah Natalie not a pro and yes Jared is a pansy. Which is why for the last few years he has stayed commited to his PA Emma. As for Hastings she is a pro and she will just about do anything for a few dollars. She likes dirty men just ask David Arquette.
HAHAHA U r funny ppl
U think that J is a pansy hahaha!!Better for me ;P
Id put my dirty penis in both their dirty mouths- natalie AND lauren. Natalie not a pro? Ha! Anyone who takes photos like that IS a pro. They know what they’re doing and what theyre good for.
haha, where you saw HE in LA?..AND THANKS ..:-))
With all the crap going on with fangirls and who he is dating. He is laying low and hanging out with his PA. Emma your such a good wife…..
Has anyone read this interview. The first interview in years that he actually answered the questions with out being a asshole.
Excuse me if I give you this news but, Jared and Emma are not together .. and jared is an asshole…
Angel U r another fg???U know him better than me and his friends??LOL Asshole cuz he didn’t look at U??LOL Stop talking shit!!
I’m not a fangirl treasure! you rely on what you say to that? How can you say what is true and what is false? Who are you? I know what I rely on but do you?
sorry for everyone I noticed you left out one little word before ” asshole”, Jared is NOT an asshole is that what I mean, I have total respect for him, I realized too late sorry REALLY SORRY…
You see now how one lil word can destroy everything
And it was a gossip that you are a fangirl so you can see how it works with Jared :)Sometimes someone said sth and it can ruined everything!:) Have a nice day!
I can assure you I am not a fangirl
they are playing a private showww tonighttt wish i was there! Jay is never going to settle down and merry anyone lol. so what if he hooks up. just because these are the only girls you seen in pictures it doesn’t mean they are the ONLY ones he is hooking up with… trust me
Nope they ll play a priv show at friday 18 ;P
has anyone seen Jared or shannon in LA with someone????
U can say everything about Jared but I know this guy and I know who he is
He’s romantic,nice and not that guy like from your comments!!But ppl will be ppl…or pig 
You have right Jasmine!!He’s romantic and more!He’s a fucking good fiend!U can say everything about this guy but not that he’s not helping his friends!!He’s a good human!!!
u know jared? and i agree with u..
Jared and Emma in L.a http://mandolinaes.tumblr.com/post/3879036634/jared-leto-in-beverly-hills-14-marzo-2011
and what is the problem? is his personal assistant! EMMA ISN’T HIS GIRLFRIEND!
Lali I try to show by my comments that they r not a couple but this ppl don’t get it LOL haha
Thanx that U r here :)!
No problem
is shannon leto still dating with Kelly Roberts?
they are stil very close…..and they spend valentine’s day togheter
I know it… but I don’t think that they’re still a couple
@lali do you know them?or is just your opinion?
It’s just my opinion
No, Jared is in LA now.
I am wondering If he is dating Emma for 5 years and they are hiding their romance so well that no one could catch them between these years even holding hands (what kind of relationship is that I don’t know but anyway?)And what is the conception of hiding something,especially when you love someone.If he is afraid of media attention,he already has it,so whom he is protecting from who.Protection doesn’t mean to hide feelings-FOR 5 YEARS.And there is nothing to hide I think.If he hates to proclaim their relationship he can just come out with her holding hands and that’s gonna be the answer.And even paparazzi not gonna hunt for them,cause she does nothing special in showbiz to get any attention from media…
Jared and Emma are not dating! Emma books flights for Jared’s hookups and buys condoms for him (according to one chick’s words), how could they be dating, a?
I agree with u.
to be dating and hiding that.
They both got out of the kindergarten age long time ago.
It’s ridiculous…
What a shit gossip!!U r funny LOL LOL LOL I ll do everything do delete this topic it’s 2much!
But he said Waking up in Scotland here: http://jaredleto.com/thisiswhoireallyam/
OMG so what??He posted a picture from the past…:)He’s in LA
Why he posted a picture of Ruby??She was a friend of Hastings yuh http://jaredleto.com/thisiswhoireallyam/2011/03/18/ruby-goes-to-war/
lol…because he still fucks them both, but then only when he is in LA. he has girls in every city. he has no steady girlfriend.
Ruby is ugly, i’m sorry. lauren is pretty tho, but ruby looks like…ewww. keith richards or something.
Yeahh…LOL funny story!!Lauren (psycho) isn’t with J since 2010 better to read more hunny
An Ruby is a nice girl and she’s not a friend of Hastings anymore LOL
think this was taken right now. ruby is friends with jared. Shes probably at that private show in LA.
He took the photos in new york before christmas. Ruby lives in new york.
Yeah now that Ruby is the next big thing. She wants nothing to do with Hastings .How ironic. Thats Hollywood. Never trust anyone even those close to you. The really models live in New York. Those in LA are just pin up girls for really bad ads.
a slut friend of Hastings http://www.fashionmodeldirectory.com/models/Ruby_Aldridge/
is Ruby_Aldridge a model obviosly … a public wc of celebrities
Ruby is the latest upcoming model. She’s been seen in New York, London and Paris. This is why J hangs out with her she is the next big thing.
1. Jared does not have a steady girlfriend. He is not dating Lauren, Ruby, or Emma, although I think someone like Emma would be good for him. He shouldn’t be with a girl who obviously thrives on the attention she gets from making it seem as though they’re dating, even when they’re not or never were. (ie. Ms. Hastings)
2. The Twitter pictures he posts are not always current. Pictures of random things like doors have been tweeted while he is on stage. So, no the picture of Ruby is not from right now.
Yes as I know he is a single now!
If U r in LA it’s not that hard to meet this guy!I know that he’s so so nice…he’s a friend with my friend so I have a news from the 1st hand
But I hope he will find a good girl yep not like LH(ppl from Mars don’t like her!She was crazy!But now she’s a Lauren from the past :D)so all of this rumors are fake!:)Jared is working so hard and he don’t have a time for a gf…but he should find someone like Emma
I wish him luck!
I agree! but Jared doesn’t have a girlfriend right now
He doesn’t give a shit as long as he is making money. He fucks who ever he wants even Emma. Emma’s a great girl works way to hard. She should do what she set out to do when she first moved to LA and that is to be producer. He is holding her back.
He was hooking up with Ruby when she was only 15 -16 years old. She just turned 20.
You guys have no idea. I’ve been trying to tell you guys for months.
Whats two 40 year old guys doing hanging out with 15 – 16 year olds. ( Yes i am talking about Shannon as well )Taking them out to dinner to the movies and to concerts. Having them Hang out in his studio and in his videos.
He is done in Hollywood.
WTF:I hope U will say the same face to face!
I don’t have to say it face to face. He knows. They all talk about him and not in a good way.
I know and we laughting at this in the team :))) It’s really funny what ppl can created sometimes here like you!!You know I can write that I slept with the Pope and so what?!You will believe me???I can read about him and then I will get the information and then I can write everything with that knowledge!!Or I can lie…like YOU:)))Btw You know how we called girls ot boys like you??STALKER?!/You see??It’s not that hard!!But sometimes ppl forget that they are not anonymous in the internet at all :))And someone should react when ppl exceed the limits!!Remember that it’s not that hard to destroy someones life by words…so be careful what you say about Jared or the other stars(cuz I think this topic it’s not the only one when you are writing shit)Read this and take it to heart
Jordan is a long way from LA. So is Italy. No i have not met the Pope and I don’t care to. So don’t think you know me. You follow him on twitter thats all. Freedom of speech is what we have here in America. I work with these people everyday and its always about them. So when you say ” That its not that hard to destroy someones life by words.” Just think how many lives they have destroyed to get to were they are.
Show me the money baby. Louder SHOW ME THE MONEY. Gotta love Tom
I think you should buy a dictionary cuz you have a problems with understanding what I said :))Then read my comment again and THEN answer :))And no I don’t have a twitter if you wanna know :)) You don’t know Jared,Shannon and Tomo personally!You don’t know this guys like me so stop talking shit about them!!!
HEY!I have an idea!If U r sure about urs information we can contact by email then meet and U can say this to the guys :)))No problem :)We will come back to USA soon so…BE A HERO!:))If U r that brave here!!!
Isn’t J your Hero.
Perhaps its you who needs a dictionary. cuz is cause, ll is too, Ur is your, Urs is yours and U is you. How old are you. Heres an idea, Save yourself some money and don’t come to LA because I would not waste my money on going to see Mars. As for talking shit where do you get off telling mars people to hate LH is she crazy.. Team Echleon. yeah right keep dream. it will all end soon enough.
Hunny U know what is slang??If not just read about it and then U will know why I can write like that :))Btw I know that U r scared so yep stay in home but if U wanna talk shit talk to the mirror not here!!This topic will be report to Emma and 2 the others :)!Remember U R NOT ANONYMOUS IN INTERNET AT ALL!!:)
How Old are you. I’m scared. No . kids like you i have no time for. Fans that think they know every thing. I pity you.. In a year from now you won’t give a shit about mars you’ll move on. So did you go out and buy yourself that dictionary.
April 9,2011 LA we can meet…I wanna see that you are that brave like here :)When U ll standing face to face with the guys ?!:)
Why Don’t u all mind ur own business & let these guys alone!! they r rockstars touring all around the world & have so many fans admiring them ,what do u expect from them? they r not saints they r humans !!
Yes Maria. its time to say good bye. Fangirls all over the world keep dreaming.
Why r u mad !! let them dream & fantasize whatever they want :pp
anyway instead of thinking of other ppl.’s personal lives u should enjoy ur own so Enjoy =)
wtf, if you have to choose between those 2 letos brothers. who whould you choose? shannon or jared?
honestly, did letos ever hurt u?
wtf,did hastings ever have sex with shannon?
how did jared reaction when he knew it?
please reply.
sorry 4 my english
Where did U get that information!They don’t wanna have anything in common with Hastings right now!!LH is a psycho a lil bit like Alena but Gerber was nice and Laur wasn’t for Jared’s fans!So I’m happy that someones kick her ass!She is a type of girls which can kill someone if he/she is close to their bf…she had an obsession about Jay!Everybody in LA know that and a close group in NYC!She was so scarey onec but I don’t wanna talk about it!
i got that from a comment on whodatowho. they aslo mention other male names. LH is a bitch, for sure. did u know her personally? im realy curious about her..
Yep I know her and she wasn’t nice for Jared’s fans!Without any reason…she’s psycho!
how scary was she? u said she was so scary once.. can u tell us what happened?:D
I do not want to talkin 2 much, but I think she is a person who can hit someone or do something worse! But that’s past now, so you’ll be quiet!
She is still playing the game. The girl is fucked up and mad as hell.. Making people think that she is still with him. Even though she is hooking up with other guys.
Yes….and I can say that he’s mad at her 2!!
that’s a good news!
wasn’t nice for Jared’s fans? can u give some story about her?
what about Natalie, the girl from hurricane? She is dating him?
i think wtf is right. he is almost 40 and he bangs younger girls. he is a sugar daddy lol. u guys don t need to ofend each other and fight for this. anyone can understand this guys u just need to search and do the math a litle bit.
Who cares about the girls age,important is that he can fuck them and we not,that’s sad:((((The main thing is that it’s not necessary to be in love with them:D:D:D
“Never believe what people you don’t know say about you.They’re total bullshitters. The only person who knows the Real You, is yourself.”-Jared Leto /F**k U all ppl
This guy is not well. He needs alot of care and attention. Its very Sad. like someone wrote he is the next Charlie Sheen.
J is a sugar daddy… lmao…. LOVE IT… ugh…J is just good for sex… duh! O and he sings realllly good! =)
You talk like you’ve just had sex with him. Hah) Do you know him in person?
yea DUH im his girlfriend. we have sex all the time. we are going to have lots of beautiful leto babies! thought we all knew this! =)
Emma, Natalie, Lauren … Ruby right now. OMG! I have already tired with all this. You know that Jared doesn’t show publicly his girlfriend? If somewhere in the world has a girlfriend isn’t going to post on his blog! PATHETIC THE PEOPLE WHO BELIEVE IN THESE THINGS! he has the right to have female friends or not? Leave him alone! I’m sorry for my english
did U guys have link for kelly roberts picture? i cant find it anywhere.
sorry 4 my english!!
After that, we better take Jared’s advice and talk about good things… Being an actor and a singer must attract a lot of fangirls, right?
“No! The girls in our shows love the music and they get really involved in the lyrics. We’re not a party band. But the truth is that I love Brazilian women, they are the sexiest girls in the world. And, well, I’m single…”
Ladies – wake up. You all really get it all wrong, huh? here, read this:
and also, this:
It’s all fine, as long as you know what you’re dealing with…
I know 3 girls from this page and U know what??Jared didn’t look at they that’s why the created a stroy about him btw most of this is like fanfiction…coz I know Jared and he’s not like that but U can think what U want I don’t care,He don’t care
If you believe in this shit you need to be so stupid hahahaha you know what?Go and meet Jared then say sth about him…
Old News. 12 inches he wishes.
La Model? How big is it then? We want to know!! is it over 9″? It’s gotta be. He doesnt have this rep for nothing.
15 inches 15
and maybe even more:D
you wish. Ewwwwwwwww. thata hurt like satan. he is a handful i give him that. He is way to skinny now and he has really cold hands.
Ok then maybe you will tell us what exactly did you have with Jared Leto? Did you just hold his hands or smth else? Heh)
so HELLO, you didn’t answer. What size is it? would you say over 8″? girls usually exagerate. Say if it’s 7 inches, they’ll say it’s 10. happens all the time!
Well, its not him thats telling this story its these several different girls he hooked up with and they are not telling these stories as compliments to him so you can see its not their agenda to make him look good.
I always thought it was Shannon who is the dog, they are all saying that Jay is actually the a**hole and Shannon’s the sweetheart. Interesting.
So I need to say that the truth is that Jay is a sweetheart and S fuck everything…
lol. Hey, dont get me wrong, i’m pretty sure they’re both dogs. but at least in that forum the stories are real, and not like LAMODEL here who claims to know what she’s talking about but not backing it up in anyway. when u have several different girls all over the world telling u a similar story, u get that at least most of it is true. when its just one person here who’s being shady, u get that this person has an agenda.
Shady. f**k you. You know f**k all about me. I don’t have to tell you my story. I assure you he is not 12 inches. I don’t denie what the girls are writing. if they what to give details thats their choice.
I don’t have an agenda as I have already tasted the sweat and i liked it.
oohh…. looks like i hit a nerve, eh? you are being shady and you chose to be so why r u getting to pissed off when u’re being called that? if you really dont give a shit, why r u getting so defensive? just dont give a shit.
Anyway, since we all kinda agree that Jay is prick (literally…), i guess we’re all on the same page anyway so chill. I personally think its important that these stories get out and all them teenage groupies get a heads up before they jump into bed with him.
I know 3 girls from this page and U know what??Jared didn’t look at they that’s why the created a stroy about him btw most of this is like fanfiction…coz I know Jared and he’s not like that but U can think what U want I don’t care,He don’t care
You think you know him . Nobody knows him. He is Mr Nobody. He lives in his own little world which he created. SUxed all you guys in.
where does he find them. Its funny. it’s Sad. It really is.
Who’s she??
I MISS BOO BOO ALOT. This girl needs to be medicated.
She’s not a girl she’s 40 years old:)))
well she needs a lobotomy.
Precisely!!! How guys can communicate with this kind of (old) stupid chicks? It’s so weird…
I wonder how much jara paid for her services.
Why is Kelly Roberts following her. Ewwwwwwwwww
About who are you talking about??
Who is she? Except for model and Jared’s friend(?) ?
No one, She’ll do anything you wish if you pay,everything that is connected with nudity:))))) That’s her basic job.
I’ve been reading posts and I came to the conclusion!!!
Let’s put it this way,everyone knows he’s rude,deal? Despite of this everyone wants to fuck with him,deal?The main thing-He’s almost 40 and has little time left for “entertainment” the way he wants to. After 45 his “tool” will get soft and shortened. So if you gonna wait till then girls, grab him:)))
Good luck girl i hope you get him. Just be prepared it might not be what you have been dreaming about.
There’s nothing interesting to dream about:)))))))
Maybe you should read through posts once again and then come to the right conclusion. Yeah, sometimes thinking twice really helps..
Doesn’t matter how many times you gonna repeat that Jay is an asshole,
that girls must be avoided him.However they gonna jump in his bed and then will talk how rude he is,will pour forth all about their dirty bed-clothes,that’s the fact which none of you can’t deny.that’s what they like most knowing that they will be treated this way and then complain about that-position of weak and unprotected(which always fits this kind of moments very well). This bullshit must have an expiration data,cause it’s getting very outdated and dullish.Well that was my conclusion mentioned above,but in a minor way!:)))
Oh GOD! This guy is gross. Him and his brother. They do it with the same girl both at the same time and there is proof of this. Ask any LA stripper or porn star. They’ll tell you! Totally shady. He should be avoided. He literally spreads the clap.
He fingered my friend, we will call her “Wendy” (Yes Jared, you remember her dontcha, A cup and red hair) and she had a rash for a week! we didn’t even know you can spread stds by hand. Apparently if you’re Jared leto you can.
Shannon is also a dirty pig. He’s very sweet though, but he is diiiiiirty! They both prey on 15-16 year olds. They’re both diiiirty.
They also both, J and Shan, like to mess around with boys. The sweeter faced the better. If you’re a cute boy, watch out.
But seriously, they have orgies together. 2 brothers. Shan will do 2 or more chicks, while Jared watches and then Jared will bang them or vice versa (shan doesn’t watch). It’s cool they’re close, but that’s too close.
STAY AWAY from them.. Unless you like to itch down by your bits. Shannon is not as “I’ll jump in bed with anything” though.
Shannon likes to watch multiple girls with eachother. He likes to watch girls go down on other girls. If you like this, shan is your man. If you don’t stay away, because he will get pissy with you if you dont deliver. Shannon is also very good in bed. VERY good. His member isn’t as big as Jared’s but he delivers! I’d say the consensus is that Jared is a little less good in bed than Shannon at times. I guess it depends who he is with.
Jared is NOT 15 inches! LOL or 12!! HAHAHAH I would say it’s probably 8″ hard, but he is so thin and short that it appears enormous. It’s on the big side, don’t get me wrong. There is also girth. So it’s not that it’s just 8″ but it’s also thick.
He also does not man scape (as that voy poster said). He doesnt have much hair down there naturally.
Jared likes to watch his brother do girls. Shannon doesnt like to watch his brother though.
I dont know what kind of home these guys grew up in. lol.
Just one question: have you had sex with Jay or Shan? I mean in real life
neither. I know many many many who have tho.
Then it’s hard to believe in all this tho
Especially in “messing around with boys”. Or do you know many many boys who had sex with Letos? Nah, it’s bullshit
believe what you want. They both mess around with boys. Girls is their main thing. theyre not gay, but they will fool around with boys. Both of those boys are hypersexed. The fact that they both have origies TOGETHER is alarming, and weird. Jared will ask girls to do things to his brother while he watches, so whatever happened to these 2 in their childhood, has really turned them into sexual deviants.
They both had a F**ked up childhood. Jay relationship with his mom is all so very weird. Many have questioned as to wether Shan is his real brother.
Nobody reall knows as Jay never talks about his family or his past. He could be making it all up. He is a compulsive liar. He is not a social person. He keeps to himself. Doesn’t have many friends and the few friends he does have are all weird and f**Ked up like him. It’s Like LAmodel wrote he has created this little world and sux all you guys in. I know LaModel and she doesn’t have an agenda. She does know him.
I work in media you hear all sorts of things. Now with social networking you will start to see what theses people are really like with all there dirty little secrets. Charlie Sheen is not winning. Oh and I have met Charlie he and Jay would make a great couple.
Jay relationship with mom is weird why??And why tehy talking that they’r not a brothers??
He is very dependant on his mom. They are very close. He is all so very close to emma. The only two woman that he trust. Shan is abit of a mystery. They both are.
Well, that doesn’t surprise me too much and i’ve kinda always wondered about it – Shan is definitely Constance’ son, he looks just like her. But Jay – not even a little. I mean yeah, it can happen but its very weird that they look so different from each other. I’d say at least not the same dad. Jay doesnt look anything like either Constance or Shan. (still doesnt make the orgies stories sound any better though…lol).
They have the same dad and mom, simply Shan resembles mom, Jared resembles dad, that’s it
well, thats an assumption though, you dont know that for sure
I have a sister and we’re look different, but we have same parents)
My sons have the same parents and look nothing alike. Each parent has a deep gene pool to pull from. So making assumptions about parentage is ignorant, but judging by most to the comments here…so are the people making them.
this is getting intressing
do know more stories? it´s gross to know they do it in front of each other and jared likes to watch his brother? bhac :S they both twisted
God if you have heard some of the things I have. Its not just the Leto bros. Young girls that move to LA wanting to become an Actor or Model and having there dreams turn into nightmares.
he probably does this now i don t think when cameron diaz was around that he was like this
wow…if this true i’m even more into these guys))) what about anal/oral/bdsm stuff?)))
Arda, very little bdsm (strangling, spanking, biting)
anal= yes. and he doesnt use lube. not real lube, only spit.
dont think he likes to give oral much. will do all to avoid giving oral. loves to receive oral obviously.
has messed around with many boys including and not limited to and total DUH if you didn’t know :Brent bolthouse, Brandon boyd, Elijah wood.
does all this apply to Shan as well? (strangling, biting, anal etc.?) cause with all this stuff going on, all them stories about Shan’s GF seem preposterous.
i dont understand how you said that he’s a pig and also very sweet at the same time?
thanks this is really interesting stuff)) what about condoms though? do they practise safe sex??
Did Jared like when a girl play with his you know a Big friend??Did He like to play with a girls ‘shell’??Or it’s just a fast sex?!
they do all of this with their serious girlfriends or just do it with the girls who they wanna bang?
I was told he tired that on Scar I don’t think she was impressed. He sticks to girls that do it for a living. He pays he gets what he wants and they leave. They all do it.
poor scar they should get help and resolve all does childwood traumas
Who told you? Scar told you this personally?:D:D:D:D:D:D It’s funny:)))
Jay is romantic for normal girls not for slut***s!!
i’m just gonna say this: jared and shannon can do whatever the f*ck they want in their private life. it’s nobody’s bussines.
and all this garbage written on this page it’s purely BS: ohh, a friend of a friend of a friend who actually doesn’t know them but has heard and so on and on and on..
jared it’s in this bussines for like 15 years and nobody ever said something like this in the media. yeah, the LA strippers and pornstars are a very reliable source, if this would’ve been true, i’m sure they would’ve sold this story to the media. God knows everyone in LA wants to get their 15 minutes of fame, including all these sl*ts; i’m not believing a single word that comes from this “upper” social class.
who spreads rumors like this is obviously kind of a sick person who read to many fan fictions or probably Jared didn’t tipped them enough for the lap dance.
u don’t know the guy, u didn’t share a bed/table/conversation with him, u ‘re not his mother, friend, brother or sister so stop acting like u know him; his personale life it’s HIS personale life and how the hell can u descibe his “size” when u didn’t even sleep with him??? ohhh, this is kind of conversation who have with your many many many friends who did that, the strippers and pornstars; good friends u have there!
chill. I’ve seen and heard alot more. There are celebs out there that make Jay and Shan look like angles. I’ve had conversation with jay he is very knowledgeable hes attend very good schools. which suprises me considering he tells people he has had a poor upbring. you are right nobody really knows. As for the media Jay is not real news worthy. Now if was to hook up with Miley Cyrus or Adam Lambert that would make the headlines.
who’s other celebs that worse than leto bros?
just curious….
I believe MOST of this shit cause i have hung out with them after shows and could see how weird Jay is but also charming and funny… I ALMOST slept with Shan but wouldnt cause we didnt have a condom so we did everything else…. so i know that if a small town girl like me slept with Shanm ALOT of girls have…Shan hit me up a couple months ago when they came back…They have this down to a science…ARTIST ARE WERID duh! But i stilllllllllll love them =) and love allll these GROUPIE stories! The internet is and AWESOME way to talk about it….
btw forgive the typos…i see them, but im also really tired…
hmm… girl, you know you can catch HIV from oral sex, right? if you gave him a BJ w/out a condom you really should go get tested.
So you think he might have HIV?
You can’t catch HIV through oral sex (unless you have wounds in mouth). And btw how is it possible to give blow job with a condom? i mean what’s the point? LOL
I agree, its less fun and less affective with a condom but it is a fact that you can catch HIV like that – just think about it, its enough that you brush your teeth and bleed a little if you r sensitive and there, you have your little wound. And im not saying he has HIV, i’m just saying there is a risk, you never know, especially after reading all this. Its dangerous with any ordinary guy, let a long with someone with this kind of a lifestyle. Don’t be silly, she should get tested.
Does anybody know what kind of perfume Jared uses??Because he always smells good!
calvin klein that if he still wears it. Hugo Boss seening as he has just done some work for them.
OMG U r all SICK ppl. stop messing around with other ppl’s private life get a life :S thats way too heavy,too much & its also non of ur business !!
These are such senseless statements that it makes me laugh my socks off.Can you name me one guy( except monks :P),especially who’s single,which doesn’t like depraved sex? This topic about who,what,when and how did to whom is already shabby. Ask any guy and I assure you that you’re not gonna like hearing the answer because it will be identical to everything that you’ve mentioned here.I think it’s better to do it in real then to jerk off while watching the pornography.So calm down people they do nothing wrong and perverted to that type of girls,which are always ready for dirty stuff. Did they ever force someone to have sex with them?I bet that No! So let them fuck the way they want or if you’re not invited close the doors please ..
EMMA LUDBROOK IS A NASTY PERSON. Ask anyone she went to school with. Known for sleeping to the top to get what she wants.
I just got an interesting email from a colleague and friend. O’ my Jay will really have something to worry about now. I love Brazil.
C’mon…! do tell
what are you talking about?
not my story. just go an email.
I don’t really want to know.
lol your stupid… quit lying.
Stop lying I’ve read your posts here and you are a liar!!But soon someone will do sth with this page and with ppl who talking like you here!!I’m so so so happy for that!!You are sick!
Okay then just drop a hint! You’ve started now continue! )))
I think I know what was an email about…He’s got exacerbation of hemorrhoids:))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
ok what are you talking about? quit being immature if you dont want to tell or of this is even true then dont post stupid crap like this just for attention.
We will try to stretch out the consequences from everyone who spread a rumors about Jared,his brother,mother and friends!!You are not anonymous here at all!
I’m so happy that after ECHELON emails will be some reaction!!Because ppl talking shit here!!!
Oh I see that everybody who wrote about this topic got an email about this it in the same time ;)!!!Yep I hope they will do sth with this!
Yeah we rocks!!!ECHELON have a power!!!
Take a consequences from girls who wrote this shit about J&S please!
They will!Coz it was 2much here!!
Are you f***in’ kidding?
First of all, yeah, they are anonymous here, c’mon, this BS may scare away the teenage ones but that’s it. Second, yeah – speaking of consequences, how about them consequences of having these sexual escapades with underage girls? this is serious stuff. I have no idea what the heck happened in this forum in the last couple of days that suddenly dragged out all this huge volume of alleged “personal testimonies”, but i followed that other link to the other forum as well and let me tell you – a gathering of a whole bunch of girls that claim to have had sex with either of the guys while they were 15 & 16 yrs old will have much MUCH MORE consequences.
I have no idea what is true and what is a lie, I have just been reading all this crap for the past couple of days and let me tell you – this is way, way more dangerouse than it seems. If anything, I say the best scenario is that these girls are indeed lying because if not – Damn. So i’d think twice before talking about consequences.
On the other hand, if all of it is a lie – i hope and pray for the guys that it is possible to find these girls because the legal consequences for statutory rape is way worse than the consequences for slander.
If it would be true I’m sure that Jay or Shann will had a problems already!It’s bullshit but we report this page because ppl transgress boundaries and feel unpunished
and I hope they will do sth btw you need to post an email if you wanna post a comment here so :NO!YOUR ARE NOT ANONYMOUS AT ALL
Sweety, you can post ANY email, it doesnt have to be a real one and even if it is – so what? you can open an email account anywhere, anytime. If all they have to go by is the email address, they have nothing. I’d suggest going to someone who is an expert in these things and try to locate the writers through their IP, or something like that.
Yep I think they will go by this way(IP)
And you can’t imagine how girls can be angry if a guy didn’t react on them!!They can destroy his life by that stories…they didn’t think before they write sth!
I know a lot of girls which was very very very angry after they try to take Jared somewhere or you know having sex with him and he didn’t react!!And I saw how they behave after this…they talking shit about the guys!!So don’t believe in everything you read…it’s so easy to evaluate someone when you don’t know him
Annnd…it’s not that hard to find from which computer someone send a comment…believe me it’s not that hard
Omg even if they had sex with underage girls, there is nothing illegal because of by mutual consent! The problem is in people telling bullshit. Like Wtf for example..
True, unless they were underage. In this case – statutory rape. Mutual consent does not hold when it comes to minors. (don’t forget that other person called “wouldntyouliketoknow”).
If any of those girls were coarsely touched by these guys (I’m sure that they even hadn’t ask to sign an autograph,needless to talk about sex) ,instantly The Leto Brothers already would have been sent to the court. People use a little bit of logic. Oh and P.S.Have you ever heard about presumption of innocence?The person is innocent until proven his guilty.Don’t forget about that while falsely accusing someone of sexual assaulting-by the way this is also a crime. There are a lot of cases about sexual abuse in which have been charged celebrities,but how many from those cases proved their guilt?These girls should go and write some kind of modern porn comics for adults, because their fantasies are totally cheap and it’s immoral from your side believing in all this bullshit.Invention of lying is a huge and terrifying science for our filthy society. It’s so disappointing that people so easily believe in bad things and if something good is happening(btw not so seldom) always seems so unreal.
ooo geezzzz girls calm down. There has been worse stuff said on the internet about celebs and rockstars, nothing is going to happen, so what Jay and Shan get a lil action on the road, im sure that if they constantly have sexual relations with underage girls im sure (at least) one of them would come forward and something would be done about it, but nothing has so stop with this crap, they are just groupie stories! LOOK up the definition of groupies, they all think they know everything about them… btw im not underage and he was very respectful
J was romantic??He was smell nice??It’s hard to hang out with him??
lol. Pay attention, she hooked up with Shan.
You are very stupid girls. You think posting the link on twitter for the whole world to see. Is going to make Jay happy. Airing his dirty laundary out for the whole world to see. is going to make Jay happy.
Oh next girl who think that know Jared better than he know himself LOL
this guy is discusting. there is proof they keep deleting the link. he F**ks whores.
she goes by the alis N_M_LONDON_UK ( N_M_UK_AKA SHAZ )
I know a girl…which was writing shit about Jared everywhere coz he didn’t react when she wanna to hang out with him!She looks like a porno star(blond bitch with a big boobs)and once she and her friends wanna take Jared to the hotel room(he was free that night)but he didn’t react then she said that she will talking dirrty things about him…sooo I don’t believe in any of this story!Btw I saw Jared many times and he’s a really nice guy!
was this in london. this girl is from london. She and her friend MY_ARSE are horriable. these girls the way they twitter to each other and the guys they hook up with. I want to puke. She talks about moving to LA.
she’s a liar!I know her
Yeah she can say that they’re gettin married but who’s gonna believe in this,she’s just a whore,that’s her job.maybe he fucked her a few times and like every bitch with whom he had been is claiming that they have something serious.He’s so poor why everyone blames him in such things:)))poor poor man
she’s 40 years old btw,that sucks she’s old and it’s obvious she’s on botox.
who is this girl. is she an escort
she is discusting. her friends are discusting.
is this the kind of girls he hangs out with. he is discusting
hey i heard natalie loren is on the south american tour dj and opening for 30stm. and she and jared were seen the night before the sao pauol show getting really close.
Oh Jared n Nat would be a great couple but I think it’s a rumor…I’m not sure but Loren is in LA now…
check out jar latest twit he likes to watch his bro get a hard on. ewww. the guy needs theropy
And what’s wrong with the picture? Guys are normal men, some people here definitely need therapy..
how do you know that’s shannon in the pic? You can only see 1 man’s leg. lol it could be anyone.
Oh yeah, it could be anyone and Jared infront taking a pic LOL
I had the same situation at my bro b-day !He had a 2 dancers and we taking a picture so what??BS-ppl are stupid we can’t do anything ;(
wheres the pic?
natalie is not on tour with Jared. Where did you “hear” this information?
but shannon is with that girl kelly roberts?
No he is not with Kelly they are only friends
Last night after the show a friend of mine saw Shannon with a blonde girl. They looked very happy.She has made a few pictures .
plzzz put the pictures i want to see it
I saw to 30 seconds to mars in Argentina and not Natalie isn’t with them
then who was with them? there are always some girls around guys
Yeah, I was with them at the airport, rehearsal and concert. and no, it wasn’t Natalie. just his personal assistant. Jared is very sick
He’s still sick?How U know??
He’s told me. almost canceled the show :/ that man needs a bed! his looks is very tired and sick
this man needs a bed* sorry
Is that Emma in the picture?
No, it’s not Emma! I wonder too who was that girl… But not Emma that’s for sure.
Ok. Thanks
I saw this and it’s a great:PHOTOSHOP hahaha
Where is this picture from??But I agree that it’s fake!
I found it on tumblr
we can see this tumblr?you are anonymous so you can show us…I wanted to read a comments under this picture :))
Yeah, sure but it’s not mine. Just so you know
Thank U so much…I was at this girl blog and she said that it was after his show…they drinking Vodka than kissing and someone did this pic…what a bullshit!1st Jared don’t drink!!I never saw him drunk 2nd He really care about his private life sooo…it’s not possible to see that picture…but sometimes girls kissing him and he is surprised so maybe it was like that!:)
it was posted on the end of feb. & during his interview in brazil he said that he is single so No worry maybe he just wanted to enjoy a bit :p hehe
Jared used to drink. Maybe this was when he used to drink. Anyway that looks like a really old photo from probably 2005.
Thank U so much…I was at this girl blog and she said that it was after his show…they drinking Vodka than kissing and someone did this pic…what a bullshit!1st Jared don’t drink!!I never saw him drunk 2nd He really care about his private life sooo…it’s not possible to see that picture…but sometimes girls kissing him and he is surprised so maybe it was like that!:)
I dont see the picture ;(
Emma Ludbrook is a whore with a big nose and scary eye. Can’t wait till she quits, honestly all these people who buy her presents are weird, she is not part of the band. Why do we want to be her friend she lies all the time. She is just as bad as Jared and yet we are all nice to her. It’s becoming weird that people are becoming fans of her instead of the band…..
who fucking gave you the right to insult her? do you know her in person? fuck off bitch
Hey! close your mouth if you don’t know the people! Emma isn’t a whore and it’s a nice person
Oh Hastings at mars concerts. to the bitchs on here that say he is not with her. F**k you. He is still fucking her.
Oh poor shannon he gon and hurt his ankle. Perhaps Hastings will sux it better.
what did happen to his ankle?
did someting to it on stage.
There was a few thousand others at the concert. Does he f*** them too? Get a life!
was she at their Los-Angeles concert yesterday?
yes. backstage taking photos. posting on her twitter
So what !! we all know that she is obsessed with Jared :p
i just saw the pics seems that she bought a golden ticket & watched the show from the stage!! btw they r her buddies lol :p
oh maria. she was backstage with him she was hanging out in there dressing room. she says their buddies but there more then that. if he was mad at her wouldn’t be hanging out with her.
Maybe !! but how come u know that she was in his dressing room !! anyway let him Enjoy his time :p
blah blah blah yeah right
You’ve seen them together? kissing? having sex? if you not knows… shut up please
I’ve seen them at the marmont together many time. Jared gets a room at the marmont and they hook up.
Wow u r always at the right place in the right time may god bless u lol
Yes!And I saw them there 2…they had a really hard sex!She was screaming so fucking loudly!!I was in the next room…yhh HAHAHAHAHA WTF U NEED A DOC I THINK!!! :))U SEE?!I CAN CREAT THAT STORY 2!!
When someone gets room to fuck another person this is the proof that the only thing that one person wants from another is ONLY QUICK FUCK and this is an affirmation that one of them refuses serious relationship and even won’t call another one a companion…
http://www.thecobrasnake.com/partyphotos/marsuniverse/index.html more pics
Emma’s eyes r so weird :S
wow dinner at the marmont. jareds fav hotel.
why he lies his fans saying he is alone(sorrry for my english)? he is a liar
Jared isn’t a liar!! if the people don’t believe what he says. it’s different
I do believe in him and all the shit that say here about him. I don’t think so 
they lie about who they are. where they come from. when jay and shan were sued by emi they had to be investigated.
They don’t lie… they are reserved
kelly robets was there too?
Lauren and Jared they are just a friends U MORONS!
Yeah! They’re just friends
Hey Lali tell me sth…do you know Jared personaly??I see that you are a normal person here…that’s why I’m asking!And how you know that Jared and this Lauren are only a friends??I saw her in LA yesterday…
Yup! I know Jared personally
Lauren has every right to go to a show of 30stm. I have one question for you… he hasn’t right to have female friends? they’re friends since 2008 or more.
No why?But everybody talking shit about this couple
They can’t give Jared a rest(let’s say)but I’ve heard that 2 that LH is a lil obsessed about this guy and his bro…
Everyone talking shit about them! she’s a model but not a bitch
you really don’t know her then.
your from russia. all you girls are from russia. so tell me how do you know him so well.
lol I am not from Russia. I am from Argentina
and why I have it tell you everything I know about Jared? I am a good girl and when I talk with J is between me and him
oh! by the way my real name isn’t Lali
Go ellerstina. I didn’t say you were bad.i didn’t think your name was Lali. Oh I have all so met the pieres bro. how hot is facu oh and nico.
You talk about Facundo Arana and Nicolas Cabre?
you do not know who the Pieres bros are. Argentina Polo Players. Met Cambiaso in Santa Barbara last Year. Met Facundo and Nacho Figueras and his wife a few years back at a victoria secrets event for the Hampton Cup.
oh lol that’s why I thought you were talking about the actors I named a while ago. yes I know them. but you said Nico and it’s Nacho haha
Nico is nicolas facu’s younger brother. I love Buenos reminds me so much of paris. The city and the culture. very european. Spent two nights at Jardin Escondido. I love Palermo I so want to return. have to wait Argentina Finals
he really knows and talk with this woman N_M_LONDON-UK? she said on her twitter she is thinking about what he talked with her..
There are many girls/women who want 15 minutes of fame
Hello every1! I’m newcomer. Girls I think Jared and Lauren ARE together for a really long period, since 2009. somebody told she’s obsessed with him. But I don’t think Jared would be friend with such kind of girls. And he was so good in LA last night.
rumors… rumors… rumors…
no shes not. she is with someone and they are very happy. she wants to put the past behind her and get on with her life.
Two things…
Why did lauren have to buy tickets to the show?? Odd…
And Emma and Jared kinda look the same… both tired and “strung” out… I’m thinkin they have some secrets and endless night…. Wonder what that is?? Not talking sexual stuff..
kelly roberts was there? plz someone tell me
Idk & i really wanna know if she was there too !!
I got on this sight by mistake but read through quite a bit of these posts and they are hilarious… in a really pathetic way. All of you sound like nut jobs…its really creepy. Come on.
I can think of like a thousand better ways to spend your time than arguing with each other(complete strangers) over someone (yet another complete stranger) that doesn’t know or give a shit about you. Stalk him all you want..listen to the music forever…blah blah blah….You don’t know him. Period. Don’t you people have things to do?…and for those of you who make claims to know this person….I doubt you’d be online blogging anything about them let alone bickering for weeks on end. Please…
And there is no point even trying to argue.. I promise you I will never be on this sight again.
Emma Ludbrook is a whore with a big nose and scary eye. Can’t wait till she quits, honestly all these people who buy her presents are weird, she is not part of the band. Why do we want to be her friend she lies all the time. She is just as bad as Jared and yet we are all nice to her. It’s becoming weird that people are becoming fans of her instead of the band…..
You posted this again? )) Why so stupid?
love the pic where he is with cameron they look good together
hahaha LOVE IT
this one is funny lolll
jared is dating with Abbie Cornish? http://welcometotheuniverse.tumblr.com/post/4717695493/jared-leto-dating-abbie-cornish
i guess Jared doesn’t know anything about this
You have right hahahaha
Abbie want to have their 15 minutes of fame
abbie is way to smart for him. She would not even waste her time with a douche bag like leto. He doesn’t hang out with actor anymore. you don’t see him at the oscar parties anymore like he used to. leto hooks up with uneducated drop outs who become porn stars and wanna be models. you only have to see the kinda girls he attracks and hangs out with. when was the last time you actually saw him with someone decent.
Talking about Leto..You can’t imagine how far you are from the truth. If you think like this – you know nothing about him. So please shut up f**k off.
really. all the women in his past have all moved on and are in caring commited relationship. like you know who the fuck he is. nobody knows. BS your full of BullShit. Get your fucken head out of the fucken clouds girl. the same stupid fan girls that come on this site to defend him. fuck you met him once at a concert. your fucken dranged.
What can you say about those stupid fan girls that come on this site to slander about him?
Which one of them has moved on and is in steady relationships? NONE!So stop playing wise ones!
and those drop outs and wanna be porn stars are better than vapid hollywood douchebags anyday. Id rather hang out with a sweet good person who happens to be a porn star, than a materalistic A-hole like Abbie cornish is made out to be.
im not by any means a huge leto follower or anything but the man is wicked smart! I dont know about abbie. Maybe she is, too. Now, is he a D-bag sometimes? Sure, but she isn’t too smart for him that’s for sure. Maybe too “mature” might be the right word but not too smart.
Jared used to date smart women like Cameron Diaz and Scarlet j. but i dont know what happened lately that he goes out with bimbos. Maybe they are nice. just because someone is a porn star or nude model doesnt mean they are bad people. they could be better than hollywood types as people.
Scarlett and Cameron are smart women?Ridiculous:D:D:D:D
Wheres the GOSSIP, girls????? lol
maybe you have some as you are a groupygirl? ;))
i already shared my story here ….im not going to type it all again…
Okay, then give some extra features
I have ONE!!!It’s like a dynamite!!The truth is that Jared was born as BLACK!!!!:))
P.S:U ll believe in this shit 2?!LOL
Not good.
Seriously, does anybody have some more groupie stories? I mean REAL stories.
Sorry but U think that this girls tell a real stories??? BIG LOL
Well some of them are really real
I know Jay since 2004 and all of this stories are bullshit…wrote by a poor girls which was ignored by Jared or Shann!I saw a lot of that situations when girls wanted to take a guys somewhere and they said NO…Believe me that we had a lot of problems with a psycho-fans which talking shit about guys and Jay’s PA.It’s sad that world is full of that stupid chicks!
Lol ill BELIEVE what I want its my FANTASY even if they are BEAUTIFUL LIES so don’t try to ATTACK me cause I’m going for THE KILL. baaahahhaha omg I don’t care if they are real or not its sooo easy believe these stories cause the leto bros get around. I know first hand. So go away with your bs and I do believe jay was born black, the proof is in the penis! Hehe
shannon got a good story going at the moment with a girl who still wears a training bra. fuck she’s young. she’s a midwest girl. its really embarassing how immature she is.ops i mean not fully developed. ewww these guys suffer from peter pan sydrome. its really sad to think they are trying to act like 20 years old. its a joke.
lol! how do you know all this? whats your source?
her source is her own demented brain. it’s not true.
kellz19 you got a way i can contact you?
why?? whats it bout?
this girl is claiming shes shannon’s girl. she is posting photos on her twitter page. messages from shannon to her on his facebook page. it looks legit. he is a dog. she looks so young. no more then 18. he is a sick fucker to be praying on young girls like that.
This brooke girl is total gunna fuck shannon up if she keeps doing what shes doing.
now there is another girl from brazil. she posted photos off’s her and shannon in a club in brazil on his facebook page and jareds facebook page. . she looks like this girl brooke’s twin. the girls are identical. its scary. i wonder how many more are out there..
plz can yoy post the pix?
well i saw these photos a month ago she posted it on steelnglass.tumblr & she keeps mentioning jared & shannon on twitter when posting these pics i don’t know why she posted them again yesterday !! anyway she is so cute & beautiful :p
LOL.. Shannon and Jared are such pedobears!
How old is that brooke chick? god, what is wrong with these 2 J and shan and the underage girls? They light up at the sight of them.
lol. “Who are you with?” Shannon, shannon, shannon, OH SHANNON!
I wonder if she screwed him. Poor chick thinks he’s her boyfriend, too.
no the brazil girl didn’t screw him and she isn’t saying she screwed him either. she posted that photo on pomegranate mohawk facebook and she didn’t even know or think he was flirting with her. She was clueless about it.
EXACTLY!!! someone needs to post those screen shots to shannon and her tumblr shes showing the whole world their conversations!!!
can you show us?
yup spread this shit http://plixi.com/p/97478188
Where can we find what you’re talking about??
how do you know she’s in a training bra? have you seen a picture?
Somebody know something about a girl named Kelly Joy??? Shannon added to her as a friend on his facebook page…And she wrote on her Twitter “Still madly in love with Shannon leto”
are you sure you have the right facebook. there are so many of shannon. this is the problem with facebook and twitter.
you have to feel sorry for these girls.
it sad. more and more girls are coming out.
I can’t wait for the day when this girl will sue this page!!U just show her face NOTH and I ll show her this!!
the photos are out there for a reason or she would not have posted them on an open site and brag about it. once its out there its out there..
this page has been going since last year and alot of crap has been written. every time you upload this page they are making money. they don’t care or this page would have been removed. i wish it was.
1. The Facebook comments is from August 2010!
2. It could be from a fake Facebook, photoshopped etc. Shannon occasionally talk to fans but that does not mean he hooks up with them. His comments are very innocent.
3. There are TONS of pics where he kisses fans on the cheek!
People freak out about nothing.
if this is his facebook. why does he only add really hot young brunettes to his page. what about the rest of his fans. those that are slightley large and less pretty and older. this guy is old enough to my father. he is discusting. he is a poser and fake just like his bro. they lie and there obnoxious. we went to there show last year in LA. Shannon was only interested in the younger pretty girls he was happy to talk and take photos with them. jared was weird. the way he stares at you is really creepy.
Are we looking at the same facebook? O.o
They talk to all their fans and take pics, answer questions etc. They are not fake either. Their private lives are private and so they should. And women (and men) of all ages think Jared is hot but that does not mean you are creepy. Beauty is appreciated. Btw many of the younger fans are very active on Twitter etc and meet the band or speak to them possibly more then women their parents age, I have seen them meet fans they have met many times so of course they would speak to them more. Teens are also often more emotional and want to tell them how they have inspired them or helped them through troubled times. Poser he would be if it wasnt for the fact that he is awesome at drumming. There is nothing fake about their musicianship. You sound like one of those girls they would not hook up with. And Idk about you but listening to music have nothing to do with their looks.
<<<<<<<< Haters to the left…..
have no intentions on hooking up with them. perhaps its his eyes he just freaked me out when he started at me.
Claire Danes said that was what all the women fell for – his eyes lol
Claire Danes said that was what all the women fell for – his eyes lol
ahhh juicy stuff going on here…lol… shannon is so charming…ugh!!!! i would do anything for a repeat of our night… lol jared and shannon are never going to stop this… they love it tooo much they can get ANY girl they want… its funny when the young ones brag about it like this lmao!
lol brag? She hasnt said anything. One girls says he sent her message on Facebook a year ago asking how she was and then there s a pic of another girl who he kisses on the cheek like he has done to many of us fans. This stuff isn t close to juicy lol
so not true. there are parties where he goes up to girls and flat out asks them to bed, and they just walk away from him. He gets turned down a lot these days. his days of getting whatever he wants are over. he is a known douchebag in los angeles. I think thats why he has to go the 16 year old girl route.
kinda sad for him to go from Cameron Diaz/Scarlett to girls lower than Paris Hilton because someone like Natalie portman would never date him. I guess he made his own fate though by acting the way he does.
with all that being said, he can be a nice guy deep down but choose to come off as this douchebag. maybe it’s cuz he’s been hurt. w/e. From what ive seen he tries to act like this tough douche, and deep down he isn’t like that. Shannon isnt like that. i dont know if it’s Jared’s mental issues or what but he’s basically napalm to the women of Los Angeles and his rep is trickling over to NYC too. Now shannon has to pay for it, because shannon is a douchebag by association. lol Jared really is a smart guy, and when he wants to be, a nice person a total philanthropist if you will. He really needs to get that into his head and start dating more respectable women! I pray to GOD that he is with Emma. She is a decent, respectable smart girl who would probably be good for him.
if he doesnt want to settle down, that’s fine, but jesus stop with the skanks. He is almost 40! At least fool around with more decent girls.
He now can’t keep his eyes off girls are are barely 18! Come on. Sure, they may be pretty, but they’re kids and he can be their dad! oh lord, is that probably what turns him on? eeek. lol
Emma has been with Mike Carden from This Academy Is since around 2007.
good for Emma. Why she still works for J. aren’t the academy putting out another album. i would so go see them. mike is hot. i hope they are happy. shes cool.
Not that familiar with TAI but the last one was out in 2009 I think so it wouldnt surprise me. Time for a new one. Emma has her degree to work with film and that is what Jared does and is very passionate about so….she seems to learn a lot from him. He is making his own documentary about the band/album so she films some of the interviews and he gives her directions etc. She is young so I don t think she feels pressure for that reason to move on. And now there is also friendship. She is one of the very few he trusts.
how can she be dating him if she is with 30stm for 24 hours?
They do go home occassionally lol. They are young and have their careers and he also goes on tours so i guess it works out.
lately i don’t think jared and shannon spend alot of time together. shannon has his own friends and jared just keeps to himself. who knows what really goes on back stage. i’m sure there is tension you can see that in recent interviews. for them its all about the fews hours on stage and getting the job done. i reall don’t see a future for 30stm. I don’t think there will be another album. Shannon has already got other projects and jared will go back to film if not end up in a mental hospital. I just hope tomo keeps it together.
oooh come on they r brothers ,they r working together on the tour together do really want them to spend their private time together too thats toooooo much !!
This are really foolish posts! Why are you meddling with someone else’s life.You ,who sit at home, have nothing to do, I bet you are absolutely loafer, immediately begin to portraying something unreal, you start gossiping and printing all this imaginary shit in net. Don’t you have a job or friends to hang out with, stop slaughtering here about unknown things and perons. You are totally depraved. Wake up people and creep out from your imaginary world, they are down to earth kinda guys, living their lives which are very realistic, sad but I can’t say the same about you, this is so mournful…Arrivederci!!!
I ‘ve seen Jared get really freaked out by some girls at shows. He doesn’t talk to the girls so much anymore. He really trys to keep to himself.
yes!! It was funny when we met them, people were like “Hi emma!” Like, they totally know her. She seemed very sweet and very shy. some people think she is a bitch to fans, but i think it’s because she’s shy. She was nice.
probz because everyone always calls him pedophile/rapist and lord knows what else. He was very nice when we met him. totally cool. The whole staff was cool. I dont know why people have to talk crap, or be judge them by what they do in their personal lives.
YOU PEOPLE ARE REALLY SICK!!! What the fuck are u discussing here? It’s not about to be avoided Leto brothers I think you should be isolated from society,you sexually unsatisfied future maniacs, maybe someday one of you may even become a cannibal. I wanna vomit on you after all this bullshit written here by you.Leave people alone if they wanna fuck 18 year girls and not you,it’s their will,YOU HAVE TO ACCEPT THIS,in what kind of families you were brought up…Thank god I’m not a celebrity and I’ll never be chased by maniacs like you.I’m out of this low-graded site!!!
??? lol
18 is leagal… id do exactly what they are doing.
having been to a few shows. i notices alot of older female fans that have been fans of 30stm since the begin. i all so notice that jared and shannon try to avoid these fans. don’t get me wrong they are nice to them you just get the imperssion that they don’t want to be seen with them. looking at fan photos you notice that shannon not so much jared are all over the younger hotter looking girls. where with the older fans and the larger girls they are alot more resevered.
I heard stories that the guys are imbrassed that there fan base is alot older which is why they don’t play the older songs. they are trying to atrack a younger crowd. Jared is very much into the way he looks the cloths. looking young and thin. being a vegan which is so hollywood. its all an image.
They have changed so much and not in a good way. i love tomo he loves the fans. he always has time for them. its unfornate that the crap that follows jared and shannon is now having an effect on him.
hmmm..i don’t agree. I mean i agree theyre more flirty with certain people i guess but i dont think it has to do with age or size. The boys are boys and I think they like all females pretty much. lol. Well, i only say this because they were (moreso Jared) flirting with my aunt who is 44. haha.. She’s not super hot or anything, but she’s looking good for 40 and he was totally flirting with us. I’m 27.
more on hastings hanging out in jareds pool while his away. isn’t she suposed to be dating eli roth. oh and eli roth back on with peach geldof. what is wrong with these people.
Hollywood is incestous. I should move there and bring in new , fresh blood -.-
I think sth wrong is with U coz I live in LA and it’s normal 4 me that when my friends are out in da town I can swim in their pool…LOOOL
i don’t know what part of LA you live in. But I would not let any one use my pool when im gone. ewww.
Btw :how many times someone should say that LH and JL are just a friends to U to understand???
Lauren hastings is a total psychotic nutbag. Jared needs to be careful because I think she is crazier than him, and that’s pretty crazy. lol She’s the type of chick that would destroy your life, piece by piece.
they are friends. Lauren was just recently dating someone I know. i dont think theyre dating any longer. she might be with eli now, but shes not with jared unless they screw every once in a while. anyway, yea..she’s crazy that one.
i don’t think she is dating eli roth any more. eww he is hairy and to hook up with peaches. ewww. id rather hook up with lauren no matter how crazy she is. lauren looked great at coachella. peaches looked total wasted.
if she hangs out in his house while he is gone, he should probzz throw out all of his food and replace it with new food. I wouldnt eat anything that was left near lauren. god only knows what she would do to someone’s food while they’re away.
dude i make sure id keep the doors locked. i can just see her going through his underware draw and watching his porn. lol he must trust her.i wouldn’t just let any body in my pool when i’m gone not in LA.
whos that girl? http://steelnglass.tumblr.com/post/5341996333/by-aliyajasmine
she is pregnant?
or THE GIRL WITH THE BIKE http://mandolinaes.tumblr.com/
but just girl http://s3.amazonaws.com/data.tumblr.com/tumblr_lkyzniFSI21qzc9e9o1_1280.jpg?AWSAccessKeyId=AKIAJ6IHWSU3BX3X7X3Q&Expires=1305108458&Signature=tDs9mwf%2B%2FFgAp%2F47lCIxHwG6vCw%3D
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8oTOmNbV85A&feature=player_embedded That’s the girl who interviewed guys,but I think after this break he will finally admit that Emma and he are a couple(it looks like they are,I think so),they have to stop with these speculations.What do u think?
they take only a break is just normal..and after that in2013-1014 new album&tour
Sure,because they gonna die while touring,really need to rest.
i dont think he is with emma if it is so he is very very rude because he fucks everythink that moves like models and strippers and so on. emma deserved a better man
I actually think jared and that mtv vj Aliya have something going on. They’re definitely into eachother thats for sure.
noway. she wishes. jareds giving up music to go back to acting. shannon gots his own gig going with cb7. he manages and produces with becks. no more mars. jared will be hanging out this weekend in cannes for the film festival with his love rosario dawson. emma is still with mike carden. he was with her in montreal and portland they were hanging out with his bass player adam t siska he lives in vermont.
Nice bullshit hahaha Jay n Rosario hahahahahahaha HE IS SINGLE BUT U 2 HAVE 2 SMALL BRAIN TO UNDESRTAND THIS!
she wishes? are you blind? more like HE wishes. He is so into her. lol
this girl hooks up with all artists she interviews. After all the problems she caused with that stupid interview. you only have to check out the interview to see that jared and the boys were making fun of her to stupid dumb ass.
Who knows what Jared does in Paris right now?
emmas with him. they will be in cannes.
To Paris for Boss and maybe to Cannes for 2 days…Rosario version was the FUNNIEST one ever :D:D:D
jared is right next to me, he told me to tell you guys to fuck off. X-)
I said it before Jared
Shannon Leto arrested? is real this article [IMG]http://i54.tinypic.com/6f2seo.jpg[/IMG]
That is not true. That is photoshop. Be clever, don’t believe in everything what appereance in internet
LOL. Whoever wrote it does not know English very well, it’s full of spelling/grammar mistakes.
ouhh i hope that is true its FANTASIC!
He’s still in Paris?Hm… What the fuck he’s doing there?
He’s still in Paris?Hm…What the fuck he’s doing there?
jared is in amsterdam?
Yeap he is,as I said his journey is provoked by Boss, Saturday he already will be in Puerto Rico
For all ppl who was thinking that J is with LH check this dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-1369613/Eli-Roth-moves-Peaches-Geldof-new-blonde.html
poor guy…………
Hastings and Roth are no more. it was just a hook up. Jareds Gay has been for years.
He perfers the company of men.
I like the fact that he’s gay only four years not 5 or 3 FOUR!!! Before that what kind of sexual orientation he was? I guess u would say zoophile, and after Judas death he become gay:)))
She is kate
she [URL=http://4put.ru/view-max-picture.php?id=428273][IMG]http://4put.ru/pictures/small/139/428273.jpg[/IMG][/URL] was with jared in paris
She wasn’t in Paris with him,this is the picture from his latest Australian trip, in Paris with him was only Emma as always.
It’s a pic from Melbourne and Kate is a friend of Emma an no Jared didn’t fuck every girl on earth
kate is his girlfriend or not http://jaredleto.com/thisiswhoireallyam/wp-content/uploads/2011/05/Kate-gives-me-a-tour-of-Melbourne-copy.jpg
silly girls
what about Shann and Hastings?They r a couple or the was after Jared break up with her??
they are twittering to each other. who knows with that girl she gets around alot. she trys to hook up with them every chance she gets. she has a very bad reputation so does shannon.
yes is true shannon is with hastings ( leto brothers borrow from one to another)
Emma slept with the entire team (30stm)..just think how she came to join the crew
read here http://www.musicrooms.net/alternative/34145-jared-leto-touring-makes-you-crazy.html
Someone said that Jared was with a girl in Troubador?!It was his gf or Emma or just a friend?!
hastings and her girlfriends were all at the club with shannon. Jared was there after he went to the Olivier zahn show. this girl is easy she will hook up with anyone thats famous or has a dollar. She easy thats why the guys hang out with her when they are in town. Poor Shannon.
They said that Hastings is hanging out with Shannon now!
all i can say is I hope he wears a rubber. she know for being the town bike and she has been ridden alot. ewwwwwwwww
hastings looks like a dike. the cloths she wears. you think emma looks rough at times. hastings all ways looks like white trailer trash. which i find it hard to believe shannon would hook up with her. you look at the girls he has hooked up with in the past there hot.. Shes not hot.
shannon is with lauren and they do sex in group with her friends muhahahhaha
I don’t like Shannon…he’s totally different than Jared!Shann thinking about SEX 24 h and he didn’t care about anything…he just FUCK but Jay is a romantic guy.All of this stories about Jay are bullshit I know this guy for a very long time and I know how it looks like in real!Shann is an asshole not Jay!
I don’t know why but I belive in your words…about Shann and Jay!! I don’t know them personally but I suppose that you do:)
Somehow I also do believe in your words.
People saying Jared is with Emma, or that he and Shannon like to hook up, you are wrong and they have long stopped that lifestyle. The Emma thing, if they were into each other it would be noticeable, why hide such a thing? And Emma wrote on his twitter that she is dating a polish speaker guy. They are close and good friends, that’s all. She is only interested in becoming a film producer and he helps her get into that world, which seems isn’t easy. The other thing, they aren’t as active as they used to (sexually speaking), and are focused on performing rather than having sex with random chicks.
As Jared has said in a recent interview, they aren’t like the average
rock band, getting wasted and living the crazy tourlife. Also, Jared is
smart and he has got tired of the life he used to lead.He is still a 5 year old in a 39 year old’s body, but he is more focused. And I don’t know him, I openly admit it, but you don’t have to know someone deeply or have talked to them a few times and shared a dinner table to tell what I have said about them. It is clear. You just see what you fantasise about. Open your eyes because it can’t be easier to see.
Sorry for my speech, just wanted to clear things up.
Hi everybody Mars yes they rock and we all love them about the Leto bros, it’s bad talking bad about Shannon rather than Jared etc…but if you want to know who is more romantic rather than rude, okay I will share that I know….yes Shannon as others said is more kind of indipendent guy, he likes enjoy so much around and sex but he doesnt like to talk a lot Jared what can I say….yes even tho he sometimes deserves to be brave or the boss, he is fucking sweet and romantic and cultured, he is really great but he doesnt like at all talk about his real private, so be careful everything he says is the contrary of all!That all I know and I wanted to say it, bye.
Contrary good or bad?
well he doesnt seem to have a hard time talking about sex and putting out there on a video. i think the guy lies alot. if he really does all that shit in his private life which he is selling we would know about it by now. i don’t think he is as sexual as he makes himself out to be. infact don’t be surprised he hates se
I don’t know why,but I kind of think that he is very constrained and complexed about sex, that’s why he tries to make himself as a sex giant.I am sure he has quite fundamental views about sex.
its what the media expect of him. sex sells. we all love jordan catalano hes hot. but in relately its not like that. don’t be suprised that he hates sex and his fundamental views on sex are just fantasies.
I’m not sure that he hates ,but he’s definitely very restricted in sex.
“restricted in sex”?! are you kidding? how can you think that after other women’s sexual experience with him? he is well known for being very sexual and extremely rough with his sexual partners – and then some. just go back a few pages here, u’ll find it.
You guys don’t know him so stop making up stories in your mind to feed your childish romantic fantasies. He’s just a person.
like you say you don’t know him. its all here say and gossip with all the girls his been with. its his word agaists theres and i’m still yet to hear him speak about them. perhaps its becuse there’s nothing to say it didn’t happen. the girls are talking shit. really there have only been 2-3 girls in his life. cameron, jo and emma. these 3 girls have never spoken out about him. as for the rest they talk shit because it gets them into the media.
There were much more girls in his life than 3. I mean relationships, i’m not talking about all the one-night stands. And this is okay, he is a man. he would rather give up eating food than having sex. What is the problem?
And which of those “girls” you’ve seen promoted in media? Or why should he talk about some whores he fucks?The fact is that maybe some girls stories are exaggerated, I bet that he even hasn’t talked to them properly,but you can’t deny that he has done all this shit.Oh and the main thing is that you know his ex-girlfriends ’cause they are quite famous,but you don’t know the random chicks he screws periodically and of course some his sex buddies,his lifestyle absolutely satisfies him and u think his gonna discuss his “night games” with media or with fans? NOPE:)))
Yes it’s not a breaking news that he’s very closed guy and you can see that even in interviews he talks very less.So I don’t think that he says something contrary to his nature,the only thing is that he loves to play mind games.It’s not easy to communicate with him and he admits this,he’s quite complicated in common relationships,but generally he is very agreeable.
So Jared says he is single just to make up the story. He hasn’t had much time to go out since he has been touring for 20 months straight. He said in a recent interview that “sometimes you need to give yourself a rest, take some time to recover” when being asked if he was single or attached. If he was dating someone we would know by now. Come on people, he is famous enough. It is clear he isn’t interested in that at the moment, so I don’t think he lies at all, although true that you never know. Also, he was asked in Colombia if he was happy and he said “no”. So he is keeping an appearance? I think all of you here have to put your feet on the ground and stop making assumptions. The reality is there, hold it.
shannon added on his facebook (2may) jesse.meighan and (30 april)kelly joy
kelly joy the shit she writes on twitter. Man it would do your head in if you had to put up with her everyday. shannon only adds hotties to his facebook. i’m still yet to see him add a fat chick or an ugle chick to his facebook. thats shannon.
where is shannon’s facebook? is it really him?
Well to tell you the truth I don’t believe in all his frustrating and teasing stuff he seems very strict guy,he’s treats public like slave-owner, so he likes to control and feel that he holds the situation and about sex- I think that he’s such a workman that even when he makes love he looks at his watch “time to go to work”:)))) And Shannon he’s a REAL WHORE…Only sex!!!
Emma Ludbrook
Personal Quotes
Me and Jared’s relationship was either get married or split up and i
guess, well I was young so we broke things off. We still have a great
relationship and share most friends.
What?Where did u hear that?It’s impossible to spend 24/7 together especially if something was going on in the past and not have an affair again,so this is rather a LIE or they are really a couple.
emma wold never say that. this is a load of shit. she never talks about her relationships. and she and jared are very much together. always have been.
And of course they’re hiding this,because this isn’t alluring?Common people how old are you?Have you ever been in serious relationships with someone?This isn’t a situation where a man is married, and hides that he has a mistress, you’re talking about two grown ups,who never been even noticed holding hands during almost 6 years and if in this world really exists this kind of couple who tries to date in hidden for such a long period of time,then they must go check in mental hospital!
Emma has been with the same bf since 2007, Mike Carden from TAI (This Academy Is).
Emma & Mike own a home together. They are very much together . Jared lives near universal studios in the hills with shannon. jared all so rents a small apartment near were emma lives. which ironical is only a few blocks from were Lauren Lives. hastings and jared are more then just friends they are f**k buddies. yes they still hook up. Tomo & Viki all so live in the area. yes i all so live in the same area. I’ve seen them many times.
do you know for what purpose Jared rents an apartment?
I’ve been told that the house in the hills is not his. It belongs to his buisness manager dian. she helped financed his first and second albums. I don’t know alot about the apartment ( or if he still has it ) maybe he or emma works out off. Perhaps its were he likes to hook up with the many girls he has been with .Hes been know to hook up with porn stars that work out at LA Fitness ( which is close to were he lives in the hills ). Which is only a few doors down from vivid entertainment its a media company that produces porn. its LAs porn capital.Haha..
Jareds been living in the area on and off for a long time. he used to live a few blocks away when he was with scarJo and he used to live with cam in the same street before they got really famous. He like me loves the area its close to wilshire blvd, santa monica blvd and melrose. its a happen place loads of clubs ( Troubador ) and theaters ( El Ray) and radio ( 97.1 free fm ). I’ve seen jared and shannon at all these places. their cool
Jason Alexander, David Schwimmer, and Antonio Banderas all so live around the corner. don’t see them much.
Probably he has the apartment just to tke girls there.. i dont tink he is stupid to the point of get them to his real house they could be stalkers. Lauren just fucks with him to get some fame right? she is poor in career terms. I think jared will never settle down
Alot of actors have their managers and publicity reps offices in these areas.. Actors will rent cheap apartments for their fanclubs. ( kinda like the hive ) you see actors coming and going all the time. no j will never settle down he has to much love to give to just one person.
He’s gonna meet some ugly stupid bitch after few years. Probably she’s gonna be a nurse or a babysitter,will fell in love with that troll and will have semi-troll kids.That’s how with this type of guys happens.They fuck a lot,live the fullest lives,thinking that they’re navel of the earth and then smart,but ugly ladies are getting calmed down husbands.Sad ,but fair!
Nope. Jared is way too wise man. He’s gonna be ok, be sure.
I’m sure that she’s not gonna be ugly, but I’m absolutely confident that if he’ll ever settle down the girl will not be from the showbiz industry!
it is known that he used to hook up all around some years ago.. But it seems now he isn’t doing it, right? he calmed down a bit
how do you know jared and lauren still hook up? it’s interesting coz they say lauren has a boyfriend..
no boyfriend just hook ups. she hangs out with alot of girls. shann & jared don’t have girlfriends only hook ups. it their lifestyle.
No this is all made up. And if you knew anything about Jared would know he would never accept anyone as close to him as Emma talk about their relationship if there was one. He thinks talking about exes are cheap and he is very private. Emma would not be around him for much longer if she did that. I’m sure she is also under contract to keep quiet like most assistants to celebs are. And if she really had said that it would be out in the fandom a long time ago. There are fans who have been following them since the start 10 years ago. There is nothing you can make up those fans would fall for my dear so stop trying.
Emma or Lauren behind? http://jaredleto.com/thisiswhoireallyam/wp-content/uploads/2011/06/Jared-tat-artist-copy.jpg It looks like Hastings =/
Emma or Lauren behind? http://jaredleto.com/thisiswhoireallyam/wp-content/uploads/2011/06/Jared-tat-artist-copy.jpg It looks like Hastings =/
i think emma or lauren’s hair is a bit more blond !!
Laur I think coz this pose is in her style!
probably i emma because lauren hair is more light than emma´s
probably i emma because lauren hair is more light than emma´s
was hastings. i know it for sure,
i saw them togheter a lot when jared was in los angeles few weeks ago.
don’t whats going on between them
Why this guy is with this slut?She using him for fame!U know maybe when it start?When Laur start to following him?!She was with Eli or she is as I know?!Maybe she is just a friend to Jared?But I don’t like her!
Actually, Emma just said on her twitter that she was the one sitting in the background of the photo, so no you don’t know anything “for sure.”
well i just checked her twitter account there is nthg !!
Yes, she says she’s the one in the back.
oh michelle. emma would never.
its not hastings, it emma. were jared is emma is. emma is never far away from jared. she would have driven him.
http://www.eastnews.pl/pictures/subject/id/00967771/section/news/lang/enI'm not sure for now that it was Hastings
I can’t open this page
Nope it’s not Laur
WTF?Why everybody spread a rummor that Emma is married to Jared in Paris(it’s not Vegas lol)?!I know that Ludbrook has a BF and they live 2gether in LA!
June 3rd 2011 Exclusive ..Jared Leto wearing a big oversized jacket to
match his hat. Jared was also wearing a skirt over his pants &
slippers. Jared was with a hot blonde girl after getting a tattoo at
Shamrock Social Club on Sunset Blvd in Hollywood
the girl is not emma or hastings here is the prooof http://www.abilityfilms.com/
yes you rite its not emma and its not lauren too. the way she dress definetly not emma. its not laur too coz laur has trashy style LOL. just another bitch!!
What I don’t understand is why Emma needed to “lie” and say that she was the one in the background of the picture where Jared is getting tattooed.
she didn’t say she was there. she twitted “she loves Mahoney” which is mark the tattooist. mayby emma took the photo of jared. who knows. the girl in the photo is the blonde girl. really girls he gets around. he f**ks alot of girls. just deal with it. He and shannon don’t care. they have no respect for women. They have a very bad reputation in LA. They hang out with trash.
I don’t know nothing about Shannon but I’ve met Jared many times and I know that he is a sweetheart when we was alone!A lil romantic and delicate and very very inteligent!!He has a vast knowledge!!So I don’t believe in any of your stories because I know how he is in real life :)!So have a nice life biatches and wash your mouth with soap is the best you can do!Ciao
U know I’m really wondering that you’re seriously agitated about who the hell is the
” blond chick”, or how many whores he fucks in a week? He has no steady girlfriend so what’s the problem, he’s not a monk right? He’s not ready for serious relationships nowadays,that’s all.
Well she replied to “is that u behind mark mahoney’s hands?” & she said yes i love mahoney !!
i who he dating jessica
so your dating jared. you poor girl. HAHAAHAHA. good luck with that. you know he likes to f**k alot of girls.
i have the f*****king prooof her name is jessica & a mexican half gett off of this sit**** emma hastings thats not all he married to a 17 YEAR OLD PREGNANT a girl with no name yeah she know that he likes f*******King alot girls like love my music kate and it ok with her i know who dating jared like i said jessica she a mexican and name love my music & kate
Ask someone who knows English to write instead of you ’cause your English is shit like the bullshit that you wrote.Oh by the way and where’s the proof?
You are psycho and I’m gonna show this to Jared!
show jared. he doesn’t care. he thinks its funny. i think somebody has already posted this link to his website.
no im not dating ha ha ha ha ha ha HA jared i know who is everybody what i was saying be 4for get off this he is not dating emma hastings he dating 3 bitches!!!!ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha there names are jessica she a mexican and a girl with no name love my music & kate one of them is PREGNANT you want to know F********* AGE 17 YEAR OLD YEAH SHES 17 so what are you F*************ck next 16 year old that make you a PETIFIER alone 17 YEAR OLD SHE’S NOT EVEN A WOMAN YET are you the next jerry lee lewis ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha HA!!!!!F****Womanizer PETIFIER b**** you poor girls i mean bitches you ho****s sluts you lesbian you dykes u cu****s jessica kate F**** 17 year old these are the bitches are his girlfriends i even have pics well bye
OMG, you need a Doctor girl:)))and why so many “hahahahahahahaha” this is how I guess 1 of the symptoms of Paranoia,and where is your promised proof? THE PICTURES PLEASE!
And you know what I know Eliza?That you will have a problems right now :)After you posted that shit!And if you don’t understand what I wrote just put it on translator…you are sick sick sick!You need help before it’s too late!
if you have pictures show us. we want the proof
Is this photoshop ?Because there’s is a little difference between previous when he’s alone and the last one with Emma:)))))
This is photoshop. and not a really good one.
And what the hell is he playing?interesting,but he’s too old for such dumb games:))))
I saw when they did this picture lol and it’s not a photoshop you stupid !
:)))))))))))))))) You saw :)))))))))))))))) sos stupid
Jared smells nice ^^ I love his perfumes !
what should these pis proof ?
It proves absolutely nothing.He’s not gonna upload his Gf photos
at the web
(which he certainly doesn’t have or the media would have already dug this info out) and wouldn’t let the fangirls stain his woman in all that dirt that they’re writing there.If the pic is not a montage to play a little bit with dumb fan bitches and he isn’t frustrating them, then it’s a photo of 2 good pals(I’m on the last one’s side,because it’s logical)
exactly seems that she is !! i remember him posting this pic so as u said he wouldn’t post a pic that shows his GF & also i remember once he posted a pic of a girl with a comment of ” my good old friend jassica ” so they all r his friends maybe friends with benefit since he is single :p why would he say that he is 100% single if he is not i don’t get it so stop with all this shit ok!
btw Elizabones69 all the pics that u have posted can be found everywhere so where is the proof !!
Why he should mention “my friend” about Emma ’cause everyone knows who’s Emma and what she does for the band,she’s the part of the 30stm. I’ll repeat He will never upload his woman’s photo and not gonna let throw all that dirt and bullshit towards her.
Listen this Elizabones69 is sick!
btw i remember the pic with kate he posted it on his site i guess !!
means nothing random photos. as for the young girl sitting next to jared which was at the g star raw show in nyc. if you look at all the photos this girls is only wanting an autograph from him. Jared actually sat next to actor Alan Cummings. oh and the aussie girl that gave jared a street tour of melbourne. Jared will hang out with random people it his way of being normal. he travels all over world meeting people and hanging out with them in their cities and learning about their culture.
http://jaredleto.com/thisiswhoireallyam/wp-content/uploads/2011/06/the-shiek-and-his-bride-copy.jpg real bride or it’s a joke?
those pictures were taken several month ago… so unfortunately it’s a joke.
I’m scared about Jareds health :((
You are not alone.
btw who knows exactly what did happen to Jared yesterday? Why an ambulance was needed there?
i guess its a joke cause i dont have strong powers or ores on her and my sychie sences dont got nothing on her yet other than s&m i guess i hit the nail on the head that picture could be ay less of a joke in cause u kept showing picture of u and emma i dont have strong sychie ores on her to other than a friend
whoops wrong picture i meant the one when he in the picture of a girl wearing black iraqi clothes when hes wearing a white iraqi hat i guess its a joke cause i dont have strong powers or ores on that one and my sychie sences dont got nothing on her yet other than s&m i guess i hit the nail on the head that picture could be ay less of a joke in cause u kept showing of a picture of u and emma i dont have strong sychie ores on her
buy i do have strong sychie energy & strong ores of these girls that he with jessica who is a mexican and kate & girl under 17 of age his b****s whoops jokeing haha!! i meant his wife’s
these b****es are his brides bitch one jessica bitch 2 love my music 17 yrs of age bitch 3 kate
STFU!!!Ur psycho!!!!!!!!GO TO DOC!
Yeah she seriously needs to be treated!!!
Look it’s interesting is it really something going on between Jay and Emma? At his website after their common picture all the (most of them Russian fans) decided that they’re together and even more that they got married and just do not wear rings.I kind of think that they’re just closest friends ’cause they don’t look like a couple(he even doesn’t hug her,I don’t even mean that the guys never help poor Emma carrying the stuff and she always runs after Jared like a sprinter)but who knows…Simply there’s 1 thing-I don’t understand why should they hide if they’re Bf & Gf?
1.They r just a friends…he’s a single right now(he ended his relationship few months ago)and a Emmgi is in a relationhip with MC! 2.They will hide every of their gf/bf coz they wanna have a normal life without a tons of a paparazzi which following their everywhere! Why is Jared single?Coz he is scared that he will be hurt again!I don’t wanna put here a name of this biatch which broke his heart but he is sarter now and looking for a normal girl(not from Hollywood)which will be a good friend and a good wife in the same time :)I hope he will find that one :)He is a really really good guy!A great friend!And he deserve to be happy:)So..I wish him luck!XO
Well they can’t avoid media attention anyway,so it’s senseless to hide. Even if he was with Emma nobody would have disturbed them ,because none of them is Pitt/Jolie:))) and Emma’s name says nothing in showbiz,she’s no one in entertainment industry.I’m sure that they’re only friends, well it’s the way it seems
how do you know he ended up relationship few months ago? Any details?
She just cheated on him =/ poor J but he is gentle…even she was a slut! =/
who is she !! do u know who she is ?
who she was actually? model/actress/fan?
and how do you know all this?
Yeah it’s really interesting:)))Who’s she? Famous or just an average person? If you don’t know exactly admit it!
how did he found out? and when u siad some girl broke his heart are u talking about cam? that ended years ago he should get over with…
Any news about Shannon? any new Gf?
Yes a BIG news is that Shann like to fuck
is an old news:)
4 bitches are brides jay 4 brides bride one jessica bride 2 love my music bride 3 kate bride 4 woman no name stop say’ing go to doctor hahaha
is it spam or verbal diarrhea? impossible to understand a single word from your shit
please make yourself understood i havent got a clue what you mean by bride my music etc eplain ??!!!!
LOL you are so funny… I can’t even.
ever heard of punctuation marks? bride my music..
…which is a shame, sounds like it could be funny…
mexican jessica look at her she like a guy hahahaha i know she pregnant no im not talk about that woman who was wearing black iraqi clothes u kno jessica bride 2 name love my music and she look like she 17 yrs of age yeah young and she pregnant 2 bride kate she look like my sister
Who is she? http://s3.amazonaws.com/data.tumblr.com/tumblr_ln5go21eNU1qzc9e9o1_1280.jpg?AWSAccessKeyId=AKIAJ6IHWSU3BX3X7X3Q&Expires=1308974138&Signature=dlrrwm8GPqL%2BYz2VRdT89y95%2FbA%3D
Can someone tell me that Jared like to oral sex?You know that he like to have it and give it to the partner?!
haha why the hell do you want to know?
Hahaa smb here has already said that he prefers getting oral rather than giving
And it is clear.
Just wondering that’s all
why do you need to know this btw? LOL
Something about new Shann’s short blonde girl???
shan has a new girl ? from where u know ? Details plz =)
I know a little because I read that he was with that girl in Oslo where he played with Becks…I thought that you know something..:)
where did you read it? post link.
k thanks
It’s here meybe unbeliver but relly interesting….in comments..:)
i just love this story…. its always fun to read
I’ve heard that Jared was at the Prague airport with this girl!(short with a short black hair on the left)she was holding his luggage as they saw!Who she is?!Anybody know?www.steelnglass.tumblr.com/post/6800322882/prague-airport-today-by-sara-wrobel
is a fan
outside the airport wasn’t with her. don’t believe in everything you read 
She’s not a fan Lili she was with him at the hotel !
Well Jasmine he loves to fuck and brings a lot of girls to his hotel room for this matter:)))BTW even fans!
She’s ImYourMind on twitter?I saw at her twitpic a different picture from the airport when she was standing between Jared(holding his luggage I think)and the other guy which was with Leto!And she was writing sth about the hotel…she has a picture with Shannon from the Hotel because I recgonize this street!
She didn’t write anything about hotel but I saw that he was talking only to her at the airport and ppl talking that he know her lol but she was never talking about Jared as her friend or sth!She is not writing about Jared but she is from ECHELON
then she is a fan
So why she was inside the hotel with her 2 friends when we fans can’t be there?!
maybe they are friends, as happened to the Russian girls, when everyone saying that one of them was his girlfriend lol
It’s true!She was in the hotel as I’ve heard!I think Jared is interested in her but it’s only my opinion after what I saw at the airport…she is his friend or gf…he was talking only with her!I was standing so lose to this couple!
You see-again & again repeating the same “HEARD” doesn’t mean that it really happened this way!!!And also to talk a lot with someone doesn’t mean relationship.Wake up kids,you act like real STALKERS!!! and no nothing absolutely nothing,ZERO information!
You wasn’t there so STFU…I was there and I saw how they behave!
Dear CinCin tell us something new…everything is so booooring now..:)
And what you saw, can you provide some information please you symbol of civility?:))) They were talking you gonna say yeah we all know that he talks to girls:)))) you’re really pathetic.That pygmy
Natasha spreads rumors about herself, that’s obvious:)))) Arrivederci CinCin or DzinDzin whoever you are…
I see that U wanna have a problems coz I ll show this to Andrea and Tash!
I will report you!It’s not hard to find your IP
Guest(I don’t wanna use your name yet)My friend recognize your writing style so we know who you are and we know that you hate this girl so stop spread rummors about her and go and fuck yourself…he(my friend)shows me how you look like…(OMFG)I think that you have a big complexes…so sad!
D/Guest/Jason STOP IT!You have no life or sth?Andrea and Nat are normal girls they are not talking about guys(maybe Andrea a lil)!I hope that you are not from the ECHELON because it’s a shame for us right now!PEACE let’s we end this topic!This page is sick…
or also it can be a translator, since not everyone speaks English lol
Apparently Jared hooks up with a lot of girls wherever he goes to. He has one (or even two) in every city. So you’ve got your answers there. I’ve got a semi-reliable source.
Why you Ppl are stating things that you aren’t even 25% confident in? First was The Emma thing which I’m sure isn’t over and a few weeks later you’ll begin proving that they’re together no matter how many times has to be mentioned that they are not,no point! Now this girl Natasha (who has twitter profile picture with Shannon,which is apparently very FAN looking stuff),also you don’t know exactly was she with them whole night or not-only speculation.If she’s with him then she would be on tour in Europe-Paris,Rome,Zagreb,now in Hungary and so on,this couldn’t overlook your sight if she’s on tour with the band,because you’re connecting him even with the passers-by (oh while he took a stroll ALONE in Tallinn or it was in Bulgaria I don’t remember properly). Btw Jared has such friend-echelons everywhere like-Andrea Carolina Marquez,there are cute pics of her massaging his back.So stop inventing things that you precisely don’t know!
I’m wondering what kind of boyfriend is Jared?!He like to cuddle,kiss?!Or he is cold?!
LOL This is the question for his girlfriends.

What i can tell you from what i’ve learned about Jared – he is good at relationships. He is smart and wise and he is guided by mind what means there hardly can be silly showdowns between him and his gf. He is passionate and affectionate at the same time. He is jealous and very caring. Lustful and horny in sex. He is a leader in relationships.
-Andrea Carolina Marquez is a stupid stalker.She is a slut
Like Tash lol
Tash is not a stalker I mean S L U T !
And the same is Natasha:)))
Tash is not a stalker U bitch!!
what kind of boyfriend is shannon?
Shannon can not be a boyfriend I guess…
I can’t believe how ppl can be disgusting and talking shit and try to destroy others life only bcoz they are jealous about someones picture with Jared,Shann or Tomo!IT’S SICK!
Yeah! they have nothing to do and need a good psychologist.respect the band and the fans
who’s tash?
If someone will show a picture or sth here I ll report this!ENOUGH!It’s a lot of haters in ECHELON we should be a family!!!
What???Where did you read this??
They will have a break but I don’t know nothing about the end of 30STM!
They was talking about it on the interview for MTV…
Which interview??
I can’t find it right now it was for Canada MTV just wanted to know what are you thinking about it?!
What they said in that Canadian interview – was a joke. They do not know whether there will be another album or not.
Personally i think- yes, they will release one more album in a couple of years. But i doubt about the touring.
Don’t believe in this gossip!They will have a breake because they need rest!Jared voice is not in a good condition they are tired…and they will work at new album
YES!I think they will break up!Shann have his own projects,Tomo wanna have a family and Jay will back to movies…I’m not the first person who say this
stop talking shit
I’m not talking shit!Don’t talk to me like that!
It will be like you said!I think Jared wanna back to movies!!
It would be awesome to see him in a new movie !Mr.Nobody wasn’t that good!
ImYourMind NATALIA ₪ ø lll .o·
2 days after Prague and I still can’t believe what’s happened…it was totally insane!!
26 Jun
ImYourMind NATALIA ₪ ø lll .o· @
@MissObsessivePL U can’t be with us booo….we will see :)!!
28 Jun
ImYourMind NATALIA ₪ ø lll .o·
@MissObsessivePL Yep!So PartyHard with..(xxxxx) again!:)))))
29 Jun
ImYourMind NATALIA ₪ ø lll .o· @
@MissObsessivePL I want U to be there with me 2
29 Jun
ImYourMind NATALIA ₪ ø lll .o· @
@MissObsessivePL so…Germany,France???YES YES YES SAY
YES :))))!!!We ll go on tour ^^
28 Jun
MissObsessivePL Sara @
więc można się z nim spotkać?? no pokazać..
@ImYourMind haha taaa, hm…. ale w sumie Hussein będzie we
wrześniu – październiku w Polsce
26 Jun ( MissObsessivePL Sara @
@ ImYourMind haha yeah, um …. but in total Hussein (aka Jared) will be in
September – October in Poland:) so you can meet him? no show ..
26 Jun)
MissObsessivePL Sara @
@ImYourMind mu czym są pierogi, bo było widać, ze był pod
wrażeniem :))
26 Jun ( we cooked dumplings for him, because I could see that he was impressed:) )
MissObsessivePL Sara @
we need to talk !!!
@MoonAtmosphere ok girls i know u both still dont
talk but I just get sms from Hussein
28 Jun
MissObsessivePL Sara @
@ImYourMind kurcze zapomniałam o Dubaju…. jejciu jak o tym
piszę, to nie wierze, że tyle rzeczy wydarzyło się w ciągu zaledwie dwóch dni
26 Jun ( crap forgot about Dubai …. as I write this, do not believe that so many things happened in just two days )
ImYourMind NATALIA ₪ ø lll .o·
29 Jun ( ImYourMind ₪ ø lll NATALIA. O ˝
@ MissObsessivePL OK It’s official!: WE ARE HIS
FRIENDS! AH YOU :)))) As tear She turned on the eye: D: 29 Jun )
MissObsessivePL Sara @
@ImYourMind hmm… ta umiejętność czasem jest przydatna, ale
następnym razem zero biegania z obu stron LOOL deal?
28 Jun ( MissObsessivePL Sara @
@ ImYourMind hmm … This ability is sometimes useful, but
Next time zero runs from both sides lool deal?
28 Jun )
ImYourMind NATALIA ₪ ø lll .o· @
@MissObsessivePL After meeting in Prague everything is changing
for better :)We are fucking LUCKY!
30 Jun
MissObsessivePL Sara @
@ImYourMind hell yeah !!!!! Praga zmieniła wszystko
30 Jun
MissObsessivePL Sara
@ImYourMind umrzesz, jak powiem Ci jakiego właśnie sms
dostałam od Husseina o.o
2 Jul
ImYourMind NATALIA ₪ ø lll .o· @
@MissObsessivePL podejrzewam,ze nasz H (Jared) ma taki znajomych
wiec wiesz w Dubaju/Egipcie wsio mozliwe
2 Jul ( I suspect that our H is such friends so I know in Dubai / Egypt vsio possible:) )
@MissObsessivePL http://twitpic.com/5g2e8a – Powiem
tak:przynajmniej chlopcy mieli z nami ubaw @shannonleto
@jaredleto :)) ( @ MissObsessivePL http://twitpic.com/5g2e8a – I’ll tell
so: at least the boys had fun with us @ shannonleto
@ jaredleto:)) )
Here are some pics of Jared’s new gf LOL http://twitpic.com/5ib5n7 http://twitpic.com/58d73f
You will have a problems right now because we will report this!!!
You know that you broke the low?!
You are sick!You need a doctor!You wanna destroy her life????
You show a names of 3 girls you are in trouble!
btw hussein is one of the rich arabian guys they met in prague !!
I see that you wanna have a problems 2?!
oooh god NOOOOO i just hate it but i felt like saying it bcoz they r making stories !! sorry if i said sthg wrong ! i feel sad for this girl bcoz the girls r ruining her wonderful memories who any fan or girl would love to have !
This StrawberryKisss with her friends wanna destroy this girl life…!!
i feel so guilty for replying to her now but i was mad bcoz they r making stories & creating their own scenarios & nicknames which they don’t know if its true or not !! if any1 knows her tell her i’m really sorry i didn’t mean it !!
Someone show this to her and this “strawberrykisss”will have a problems…because she broke thhe low by publicate a pictures of this girl and nicknames and their private messages!
stop talkin’ shit !! jared is free!!
Sorry a bit off the subject but does anyone know whats happened to Flirt and Sex with Jared leto tumblr? Gutted cos it seems to have disappeared
maybe u can found this at steelnglass tumbrl?
Thankyou I will try:)
tumblr is over kapacity quite often…
if u r telling that all of this is bullshit and lie than why do u panic tha much and worrie…just get over it…or maybe it’s truth and u want to make ppl think better of you??? stop playing victim!
You are sick…I know the truth no not from this girl!And you just wanna destroy her life by that stupid gossip!Think about yourself and who you are!
miej odwagę przyznać sie kim jesteś i napisz do mnie na tt, fb, nawet na gadu.
Leave the girl alone !! well i would love to see if Jared asks u for a private meet what will u do ! but i think it will never happen ! so stop ur jealousy & hatred & GET A LIFE !! u know nthg about her or what happened !
Listen you are only a another “no life” psychofan :))In ECHELON we don’t have a place for someone like you!
Leave this girl alone you wasn’t there so you don’t know anything!I’m from Prague I was at the airport and the other place and I know that this girl is innocent…and you are psycho!
you guys need to stop. Jared travels around the world meeting people all the time. its seems this girl from prague cooked form him. he often has dinner or is seen going shopping or hanging out with locals or echlons. they help him get around a city. he wants to know were are the best places to see or hang out. he likes going to museums, cafes, bookshops and shop for the latest fashions and art. IT DOES NOT MEAN HE IS F**KEN THEM. As for Nina you only have to look at the photos. he is not into her and she knows it. He has better things to do with his time. then hang out with girls that want to be seen with him for publicity.
Even the girl that was with him when he was getting his tatts. were is she now who cares. same with the girl that was seen shopping with him and shan in NY. who cares. Annabella Wallis – who cares, Lauren Hastings – who cares. WHERE ARE THEY ALL NOW – WHO CARES. HE DOESN’T. give it up ladies.
You’re absolutely right, fangirls love to make stories,When he ever fall in love and decides to settle down (maybe someday) you not gonna see this kind of boring photos-him hanging on his phone all time, btw he would never go out with starlets and also with a fangirls which most of them are obsessed about him.They’re just random people in his life…
I think he need Nina for sex
This girls is mor in Shann type http://justjared.buzznet.com/2011/07/04/jared-leto-radetzky-cafe-with-nina-senicar/
he go out with some beautiful girl and now pepole talking that she is his gf?? get the life ppl
Yes she btw these pix are from the time when Jared was in Milan with 30STM!
Jared is not with Nina!She is with Eros Leto and she are just a friends!
people like gossip.
ninna is with alessandro pesso…till 27 june she was with him in vacation
Maybe he wants her for a project !! making of a video or sthg !! he said they want to make a video for NOTH !!
oh, c’mon guys. they are just friends. stop talking abt Jareds personal life, cuz it’s HIS PERSONAL LIFE! and btw, looking on all shit that everybody write here I just wanna say that, no matter how much you are familiar with Jared, you need to know what and where to say. don’t brag about your adventures with J or about that you have a photo with him, first of all need to think about the consequences and that it can hurt Jared.
I saw shannon at paris fashion show and one of the girls from that pictures is shannon gf
ahha & since u saw him which one of them ?? & how did u know ?
the brunette ..i know because i was there
did they kiss hold hands ?? some say he is with a blonde short girl others say brunette with a short hair & some ppl. say a blonde model so its so confusing :p
He’s is with all of then !SHANN IS A PUSSIES KING ;D
u mean this one? http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10150252578771165&set=a.209497761164.131335.206349526164&type=1&theater
dont mess with Jared leto.
I saw an Artifakt and there was Ruby and Lauren !Is that true that they r not friend anymore??And Lauren is not with Jared?(I saw her pictures with Eli)
And why Jared broke up with Lauren!?
its none of your business…. geezzzz..
You sound like Lauren or one of her crazy friend LOOOOOOOOOOL it’s sad!
im pretty sure thats not “lauren” or any of them…. THEY PROBABLY DONT EVEN KNOW THIS SITE EVEN EXIST! .you guys are so simple. ha.
simple…it’s better to be simple than looks like this trash Laur…yuhhhhhhhh
where was ruby and lauren? Lauren is still friends with jared.
jared & lauren weren’t really together. they just hooked up a few time. Ruby is living in NY she is a high fashion model. lauren still lives in LA. They just don’t hang out anymore because they are doing their own things. Ruby is working alot in Europe. and Lauren can’t get work. If you want to be a model you need to live in NY. They hang out with different people. jareds more into rubys crowd. he hangs out with ruby more then lauren. people move on they out grow each other. jareds just weird like that.
So…lauren still hangs out with jared though. she goes to hsi shows.
oen thing i wanna know is, if she can’t get work, how does she pay her rent? How does she afford all those clothes she has? Something is fishy there. Those clothes are expensive. What does she have a pimp or something?
She does a lot of commercials…
She wanna be famous that’s why she is around J and Eli loool
u r right!!
cause you know him… right? lmao
I don’t know him 2 so shut the fuck up
U don’t know him 2 so shut the fuck up*
Fredonia drive los angeles look it up girls. ive been there a few times. so yes i have met him and shannon.. and i won’t give you his house number I’ll let you work that one out. your all crazy.
no i dont want his fucking house number lmao… thats stupid… but im pretty sure you DONT know them.. you probably met them once.. they just banged you and thats all they wanted hahaha.
jared & shannon just don’t bang any girls. infact jared doesn’t bang alot of girls. he doesn’t trust them. they talk to much like you. and i’m not a girl so no jared did not bang me.
lol ok
i take it back that jared whores around…he has calmed down.. but shannon loves his girls…. i knnnnow this. and thats alright!
Lauren is with Eli Roth
lauren & Eli are no longer together. Haven’t been for months. Eil went back to Peach geldolf over easter. Lauren and Eli weren’t really together it was just a hook up. Alot of that happens In LA. its all about publicity Don’t believe any thing you read in gossip columes they lie. Like they Lied about Jake gyllenhaal and Taylor swift. They were just friends.
No they are not firends. jared still hangs out with ruby. he was friends with ruby before he met lauren. it was ruby that introduced lauren to jared back in 2008. Lauren was a friend of lindsey lohan when she first move to LA. Lauren started dating Nicky Hlitons ex Dj Adams. That when all the problems started for Lauren. No one likes her in LA she doesn’t have alot of friends. I think jared felt sorry for her.
Nobody like her here but Jared don’t like when she is close 2!She’s obsessed!/And he’s just a friend with Ruby!Ruby was/is with a very skinny,dark n longer than Jareds hair boy!/Jared doesn’t wanna have a gf right now…most of the time he spends alone!He’s not that guy from 2002-2004!And he wanted to find a normal girl not from LA/NYC not in a ‘show-business’!
Ruby and Lauren are not friend anymore. I dont know why, maybe becouse Lauren is lill crazy?
who gives a fuck. you dont even know them… lol
wow you have issues.
its ARTIFACT … lol wow
hey tomo & viki got married in greece. i wonder if jared and shannon was there. I know shannon was in paris and jared was in milan.
Jared wasn’t only in Milan,those pix with Nina were taken 2 weeks earlier,he was in many Italian cities alone, just looking for some places for the new video shoot!
Hello! maybe i’m stupid but what is an Artifakt?:|
A document about making TIW etc!:)
no its not… its about the struggles with getting sued and why. and how they had to fight with the label figure out what to do… its ARTIFACT .
who’s Fabianne? is lauren friend? i saw a pic with that girl fabianne on jaredleto.com
Yep! she’s Lauren’s friend
Jared have enough of Lauren!!She is around them but he can’t or don’t know how to say GTFO to her…maybe because she don’t have a friends in LA…nobody like her!
Because Jared is too good for some people that’s why they used him
i dont get you….
No, because Jared doesn’t know what he wants or needs in the women/ relationship field. Ever since the Cameron thing, which he hasn’t gotten over yet (just notice when they were going to appear in Jay Leno and Cameron was going to be there too and they canceled) he has been out of place. To me he is simply lost, and has chosen to live the easy life, don’t make things complicated, and hooks up with whoever wants to.
So, answering you, him being too good for some people isn’t the reason.
Contr question-What is wrong in the living your life the way u want ? Even if for someone it seems the easy way.He’s very complicated person, still fights with his demons so don’t judge him because he hasn’t an official companion yet.
Hold on, I have NEVER judged him in what I have said. And that’s not the way he wants to live his life, but it’s the only one he knows. I know he is a complicated person, and we all have our demons to fight. In what I have said, I have clearly showed concern, whether you interpret it or not, it’s your problem. I have said things as I see them, so don’t misunderstand me. Thanks.
He need to forget about this times with Cameron!But he can’t!It’s still deep inside him!He should take a big step and try to find the good one….I’m sure that she id waiting somewhere for him!Now he is totaly different than he was in 2004!He spend most of the time alone and thinking too much thinking!And J is scared that he will be hurt again!He don’t trust to anybody…only Shann,Mom and Emma!He should f**k the past and start a new life!!
shannon is with that actress from france? i saw some gift’s from paris fashion show
really? shannon with an actresss? waw really? a frencg accress can you tell me her name
He’s not, he is dating a tall, blonde girl, presumably a model. I saw them backstage at Bilbao.
i don’t know but if he is dating some1 i think we would have seen them together during his stay in paris or at one of his after show parties !!
anyway shann is SO HOT so i can’t expect him to stay single for long :p
btw did u see them kissing or making around ??
No, but I guess if she was just one of his hook ups she wouldn’t be so eased around everyone. She seemed to know Tomo and Vicki. She was talking to them, and obviously they wouldn’t be kissing right there in front of everyone. Shannon is discreet even if it doesn’t seem so. And also a friend told me he was very tender with her in Prague.
idk maybe but she could be a friend or one of the ppl. that r with them on tour !! anyway i’m going to their show in Lebanon in 2 days & i have a golden ticket so i’ll check LOL =)
Maybe, but I assumed he was dating her. I don’t have a proof, but the way I saw it.
http://www.terrysdiary.com/post/5603894480/best-friends the girl on the right is her?
Yes, that one. I didn’t know this picture existed.
do you think is the same girl your friend saw with him in prague? btw she is a model, and she was in Paris for the fashion week
I don’t know, I have to ask her, but she told me she was blonde. And yes, we all know she is a model.
is she his gf??
I assume so, yes.
yeah there is a pic for them at the hurricane screening !! didn’t he say that he is single after that !!
jenny…how is that girl u saw backstage? long blonde air?
Yes, she was taller than Shannon, and she didn’t wear stilettos. She was blonde and with long straight hair.
http://postimage.org/image/28erhpa3o/ Jenny, the blonde u saw in bilbao is looks like this girl?
It’s hard to tell, since she didn’t have any make up on, but she looks a bit like her, yes.
@DirtyD do you know the name of this girl on your foto??
with a girl named kelly? she is tall and blonde
I don’t know her name. I didn’t talk to her.
you girls make me laugh. haha.
It’s ridiculous how easy you all have planned their lives. Like real experts in human mode of life or daily round. Such a misfortune. Get a life !!!
Maybe you should get a life too since you have taken the time to post on here.
one of my bestfriends just told me he saw shannon with a brunette girl kissing..and he made some pics.I’m waithing for them
where ur bestfriend saw them? show us the pics
i wanna see those pics so plz upload them now
i saw a picture with shannon and that model( i don’t know if she is still a model) ivy levan(she was fucking with
Ian Watkins and davey havok
yes , I know that they are friends. show us this picture please! is a recent pic? or an old one?
is an old pic with shannon and that public wc ivy
i think they are only friends! where u have found this pic?
on tumbrl
on tumbrl
is an old pic! she is friend with Vicky, tomos wife.. I dont think they are togheter
the blonde girl is emma or lauren h?
None of them! Just a Russian chick at Shannon’s after party
and the brunette?
Yes and the brunette was an attendance too and btw she wasn’t brunette she’s blond, it’s seem like this because of the lights that she’s got a little bit dark hair
I guess they mean the girl on his left.
OMG Jared was alone there!LOL girls was around the guys…
On the left and on the right,they mean both of them and both were attending the event with friends and not with 30stm. The topic is closed!:D
she isnt Emma, and she isnt lauren..for sure guys
An attendance at the party,not a gf lol:)))
Im in a relationship with music, art and myself.
ok! Jared ..Je suis Brad Pitt ..here with Jhonny Deep
hahaha, true is who would believe Jared himself would take the time to go on here? He might not even know a site like this exists, but you are lame.
it’s Britney , bitch !
Me 2
http://27.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_ljp8h0aJ6K1qghd3qo1_500.png Emma and Jay at backward look so sweet
i read on a 30stm forum that shannon is with a girl named donna iti is true?
Which forum?
can u give us more info please?
a spanish forum
I know one:That Shann can’t live without SEX :)and that Jared is alone and the better bro…he wanna find the good one but Shann don’t care !But you need to be VERY VERY sexy to have a chance to go with him :)!
Shann likes to fu**k models or playboy bunnys!U need to be 100% sexy!
The link please!!! There is a pic of tris girl.
link please!!!! share with us
http://postimage.org/image/28erhpa3o/ What’s her name? could you tell me please??
her name is SLUTy,Plublic WC,Skeletron,Stu*d Bit*h ..and she needs an old man to make she a star
And U need to go to doc bcos ur sick!
U dont know her so shut up !
all know her she is fucking with old man….Dd she is ur sister? why u defend she?or u are that model without ocupation
she is a model.I know her name but I want to keep shans privacy, because I think he’s dating her
i heard jared is in Bali and shannon is inLa ..he is dating someone from
HIS SLUT*S GF’S.His gf’s always are stupid models who claim to the flame with
and that girl from that you talk is a cheaper model who wants to assert with an old man like shannon.I heard that she wants a career in music and she needs shannon….I know personally but not to tell the name to become famous in Echelon
jared Leto :”
Would you date a fan? “Why wouldn’t I date a fan? Just because someone happens to like my work, I wouldn’t date them -that’s ridiculous.”
dont forget to make a fanclub about shannon and his gf…plz fangirls :))_
a fanclub? good ideea? shalena was a fanclub made by a stupid fangirl
or a fanclub called leto’s bro model with celulittes and withouth brain…
i saw one of letos gf; she has celulitteesss…she is model and she has celullittes
new jared ‘s gf http://binaspoke.tumblr.com/post/7760331856
Poor Jared, everyone on Tumblr jumping way ahead of themselves with there omgs im so happy for them etc lol. I saw the pics and i do not think its a gf…yet, could be one day but not from those pics lol. If a kiss on the cheek means youve found the one then boy i must have quite a few ‘the ones’ lmao
Tomorrow i wouldnt put it past tumblr to have got it into there heads that they got married overnight hahaha.
i feel like she is the same girl that was with him when he made his tatto she looks like her !! =)
nope :)) that was Emma !
that’s right! she’s the same!!! cool girl
Last summer also in July he was in San Tropez hanging out with local girls the same situation at same place and the same guy, he loves the place and it would be such a shame to spend time alone,without sex.He has a break for 3days so
he can
do whatever he wants to girlfriend?are u kidding me:)))
yeah a month ago he said that he is 100% single & needs a break from relationships !! maybe he knows her he only kissed her on her cheek so that means nthg :p anyway she looks good =)
Everyone knows the
guys stayed at the Hotel Astoria in Russia so who knows if the story of
Shannon with a girl is true and even if it was;does not mean he slept
with her. What business is it of anyone’s but his? Seeing things like
this make it sound like Shannon and Jared for that matter are huge man
whores. No respect at all for them with posts like this.
I haven’t said anything about Hotel Astoria in Russia. OK? I
don’t know what happened in Russia. I have only said that Shannon in
Spain was kissing a girl outside his hotel. Nothing more.
Can u ask if the girl in bilbao looks like her?
yes, she’s Shannon gf ( more than friend) don’t be jealous.
That is Jules Mordovets and that pic is form Stephane rolland’s fall 2011. her bio says shes born jan 1st in 88 but on her ftv 2010 video she says her bday is in march of 1990- weird! looked better w brown hair, and wit makeup….,,
that’s right! she is her.THE SECRET IS OUT! I think he’s dating her now
http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=237186582968510&set=a.142580319095804.19940.142501715770331&type=1&theater take a look guest!!!!
“In Bilbao, Shannon was kissing a girl outside his hotel.”
This is true??
yes, it is true. And after he went to a cafe with her. She stayed at the same hotel than him.
do you know if this girl was blonde?
http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=237186582968510&set=a.142580319095804.19940.142501715770331&type=1&theater look at his back!!! there is a blonde girl!! maybe she’s her
I’m seeing some Jared’s photos at Saint Tropez about last year 2010 and i
have realized that the girl who appears in the last photos today is the
same of 2010. The girl now is thinner but the face is the same (the
ears, the mouth, the chin, the cheeks, the nose). Do you think the same? http://mandolinaes.tumblr.com/post/7765249663/im-seeing-some-jareds-photos-at-saint-tropez
maybe she’s the same. She got too skinny now. cocaine diet?
I don’t think so, for me they’re quite different. just look at her legs they are absolutely diverse, 2011 one has a little bit bandy and stout than the 2011 ones and for me it seems that the new chick resembles Lauren somehow…
I was meaning the 2010 blonds legs:))) Excuse moi
where do you get those photos?
st tropez…there ar all over internet babe
http://www.jared-leto.net/Gallery/thumbnails.php?album=1559 if they were a couple they should at leat hold hands :p
Wow panic is here,you all think that this girl is his gf, well have you seen all of those photos from that night obviously he was trying to “invite” that girl into his hotel room and HE DID, he didn’t even hold that girls hand and on the second day he looks absolutely uninterested in her and indifferent with his scoffer face ,so don’t imagine that he was proposing to her that night to marry him:))) he will never calm down
She’s not Jareds gf she has a bf!They only hang out…
He is so gentle and he kissed me 2 in the chick!It’s normal LOL and ur always making drama!
ummm,. theyre obviously on vacation together. thhey dont look like “just friends”. you dont hug up on your friends like that.
yeah she has a boyfriend and he doesnt mind she’s hugging some guy on the beach? lol. if she has a boyfriend, i hope he doesnt see these photos!
this girl with jared is the same girl that was him when he was getting his tattoos in LA. She has the same wrist bands on. She looks really young. I think she is a friend of hastings. The girls from last year are different. he was seen with two different girls one on the beach and the other was leaving a club. these girls aren’t his girlfriends they are just hook ups. you can tell from the photots she is not happy. it all seems staged.
Wish them luck :)!
her name is katharina damm. she is danish. wannabe actor model. she was in blue crush 2 what a crap movie. she has all so been linked to josh harnett and stephen dorff. she must like older guys. oh not another fame whore. oh jared why. she will only break your heart. not another diaz look a like.
lol….ewww. josh harnet and stephen dorff?! groce. blue crush. haha. she looked pretty but now im like, ew. lol
What do you think about fans which are falling in love with him?!
i think theyre crazy. you cant fall in love with someone you dont know.
its not crazy he loves his fans so why wouldn’t his fans love him. i mean look at michael jackson and elvis. people have plastic surgery to look like them. they get tattoos. take trips to graceland. Jim morrison grave in paris is the most visited place in paris. people love god have you met him/her.
well i don’t know sometime i feel they look so trusted then i look they look so cold he kissed her on her cheek then he kinda hugged her ( btw thats a typical jared leto hug i had such a hug few days ago lol he hugs his fans like that with just one arm :p ) why they don’t offically walk as a couple holding hands kissing seems they r still getting into eachother !! anyway i thought he will take a break from relationships but he is a handsome intelligent guy with so many admirers so maybe he feels lonely & falls into these kind of girls everytime =(
how old is she? i found her twitter
& but her profile is protected ! she is following all the celebrities including jared i don’t know i read somehere that she is 23 !!
she following him ! I think that she has 23-25 old
the photos look really staged. like he wants to be seen with her. its weird cause jared has always shyed away from that. he looks really uncomfortable around her. like he doesn’t know how to touch her or hold her in public. he is not affection at all towards her. he seem so cold. no eye contact. its very weird.
i feel exactly the same !! maybe their relationhip is still fresh & they r still getting to know eachother !! but the confusing part is that before a month & a half he said that he needs a break from relationships & girls now! is he that alone or despret to get in a relationship with every young blonde no name model =S he is way too intelligent for that !
They know each other quite a long time so “getting to know each other” thing is excluded. For me it’s really surprising that they look like co-workers then couple in love,Well they not gonna stay together for a long time, they will use each others services and go separate ways.
how do u know that they know eachother for a while now ?? just bcoz we think that she is the girl that was with him at the tatto shop ? well i’m confused all his girls look the same lol the girl that was with him at the tatto shop is not that skinny !!
They’ve met in NY fashion week 2011.
Really how do u know that OZ ? details :p
she is good friends with olivier zham and terry richardson. they all hang out in ny together.
uncle terry OMG she is 23 how can she hang out with 3 old men LOL
She’s not good friends with Terry and Zham, but they have the same circle of friends,like Lauren with Terry and Zham
so he knows her for a while now ??well by cristiano ronaldo & irina’s 1st vacation was like that we expected it to be a hook up they didn’t look like a couple look at their pics now :p
ronaldon has had more hits then elvis when it come to women. he is a true manwhore. long live duce bigalow.
They were officially a couple when the Madrid pix were made so there’s a huge difference!
i don’t like irina she is a fame seeking girl just like kathrina damm =S
ok this is a guy who wears pyjamas to bed and forgets to put his under wear on like an old man. he has slippers like an old man. He pays an assistant to remind to put his under wear on. emma will sort her out don’t you worry. it won’t last.
i think alot has to do with publicity. . i don’t think they are in a relationship it just a hook up. A crush. she will move on. she is a model and very young. She works and hangs out with people her own age. all her closest friends a models that a very young and don’t connect with jareds age. he tries to be young and hang out with girls like ruby, lauren and nina. but he is on a total different plant to them. he doesn’t drink or smokes or hang out in clubs like these kids do. its a total different seen in NY now a different generation of kids.. Even shannon tries to hang out with really young girls because it makes him look good. its sad its all image to them.
well jared & publicity whyyyyy ?? =S
IDK why it looks like he is jealous about Shanns fame hehe and he did this to take an attention on him again !
well judas & anna i have to admit i was a jared leto freak but when i met him i totally forgot about jared & i was just stunned by shan’s hotness OMG shannnon is so kind,Hot & sexy his charisma is unbelievable !! yeah jared doesn’t look sexy anymore i met him 3 days ago he is too skinny =S but i can believe that jared is that despret for attention & publicity it makes me sad to think that so i don’t wanna :p
as a women i don’t find men that skinny attractive. so when you look at someone like katharina who is a model and is surrounded by beautiful men and women every day do you really think she is going to settle for jared. she is young and healthy. Judging by jareds weight loss and image he suffer from low self a esteem. He has compulsive disorders, attention deficit disorder and suffers from peter pan sydrome. its sad because he is so talented.
i don’t know during the lebanon concert he was only looking at one blonde girl she wore a shirt but it was like she was wearing a bra only & he kept on going to her side singing for her lol
sex sells. i have to admit jared hasn’t been looking really sexy latley. i mean the cloths he wears, forgetting to put his underware on. the slippers the pyjamas like an old man. the shit he talks. telling every one how bad it is to smoke and drink. his skinny ass and skinny legs. he has aged alot in the last few months. touring will do that to you. I don’t think he is half the playboy he makes himself out to be.
she following him ! I think that she has 23-25 old
So interesting how long their “relationship” gonna last? He’s gonna get bored soon!!! I give them maximum 6 month…
i don’t even give it six months. its a publicity stunt.
how much does she look like hastings. they could be twins. its scary. there something serously wrong with him. they are young diaz look alikes. oh give me jake gyllenhaal any day. he is hot with a body to die for. unlike jareds skinny ass and toothpick legs.
Jared and this girl cuddle look like:Oh ok I can hug you but do I really have to??LOOOOL Lovers doesn’t look like that!
Jules Mordovetsans is shannon gf born in 1988 -1 january 23 yrs old-ukrainian model
whos dated whos shannon leto
i don’t like her shannon is so HOT & she is ugly waaa3
o god she looks like emma
are u sure she is his gf? mmmm
no. go look at her ftv s/s 2010 vid, she says her bday is in 1990
comon i don t think u guys really believe in this? none who is in love hugs someone like that he is making a pose. he saw the paparazzi and he started to hug her to ge publicity. he does that sometimes like when he kissed paris hilton to promote chapter 27… this another way to get publicity and when he was interviewed in france he said he would go to saint tropez a few days and he said “who knows what will happened there”..PUBLICITY
i agree publicity stunt. you only have to look at the photos. he is lecturing her in the alleyway like she has done something wrong. like a father would lecture his daughter. it looks more like he is whispering to her rather then kissing her on the cheak. its weird and freaky.
Yeah he was whispering obviously if he wanted the kiss he would kiss and especially not in the cheek and he even doesn’t tries to hold her hand even touch her normally
yes he doing this probably to promote the mars concert on mtv and the rest of the tour..and his book is almost coming out…he´s not stupid at all:P
he’spretty stupid to do it with her. who is she>? he shoulda went more high profile. i dont think its a publicity stunt. she’s not famous.
its just a booty call. he is not the playboy he makes himself out to be. if anything from those photos he comes across as being gay. he has given better hugs to guys than girls. he and terry are intermit with each other then jared was with this girl.
maybe he was already planning to go on vacation with her thats why he said it :p
Of course he was planning to go there with her and he knew that San Tropez is a place where you’re always spotted by media that’s why everyone thinks that it’s a publicity stunt.because he could choose a quite place where they could be absolutely alone without cameras on them.We all know how he loves to go in that kind of places,but he always goes there alone.
well i don’t know i always thought that jared is a private guy i can’t think that he do this just to get attention =S she is a no name if he wanted to get attention he would have seeked a VIP ! anyway i really hope what u r saying is true i don’t like her !
He does it not for her he does it for himself he needs an attention from media not only she.I think he’s just preparing some kind of project and that is why he planned all this
no high profile celeb would hang out with him. he has a bad reputation. the only way to fix that. is stop hanging out with below average models and wannabe actors. . why not a producer or a director or just terry richardson. they seem very close. i think there is more to that bromance.
SHANNON LASt NIGHT WAS IN club but i dont know if jules was with him
he is so HOT *_*
umm he does look hot. must be the pants. hes not wearing the nappy pants. i would so love to know if they read this shit. i bet they do. i think they prowl tumblr and all the gossip sites. they are so into themselves especially Jared. I don’t think shannon gives a shit thou. which is why so many people love him.
he’s got such nice legs and arms the way a man should look like. ok i’m rambling
i met him twice & i was about to faint his voice,laugh ,body & sweetness he is adorable i didn’t like jared when i met him :p & jared’s hug is boring like the pic he only put his arm around u but shan’s hug is wow he squeez u :p i really hope he stays single LOL
bubble boy. thats jared. have you seen the movie bubble with jake gyllenhaal. thats jared gems free.
he was with a kinda black girl :p
In which interview he said that thing about St.Tropes?Can someone give me a link?
i don t know the link but search on youtube it´s a interview in a french radio they strted to talk about FMI guy that was arested and so on
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Df1O3Xf5OY who is this LOL
shannon’s gf is ugly
maybe its not his GF anyway !! btw is the guy walking next to her with them ??
yes. they are all togheter. is not shan gf. you guys are so bored. just because she sit beside him. ahahaha
no she is the only one thats gets in the car with him.
What?! she’s gorgeous. She almost looks somalian or something.
shannon’s gf is that brunette not jules the model(skeleto)
what makes u so sure !!
the girl in the car with him i have seen her before she was at their LA show. the after party at the marmont with hastings. she was the one laying on the floor next to shannon. i think cobra snake had taken the photos. God she all so looks really young. i’m pretty sure she was all so at shannons & becks gig in chicargo.
A story with a blonde girl in St.Tropez is really weird because I saw him when he was in NYC with a long hair brunette and she wasn’t slim at all and look for maybe 25?!I was shocked…they looked really happy together…and when they sit he put his head on her arm!!!!!!!!I can’t tell you where was it excatly because it was so close to his apartament!And the friend of mine saw them in Germany in 2010…she was at the backstage we though that she is from Mars team but I saw that she wasn’t!!!!
Maybe it was his stylist?
No it wasn’t her!!!This girl was look like Snookie a lil…a really loong dark hair and you know not skinny she was so close to Adele look/and tall(not like Snook):) I saw them twice!And she know Terry!
maybe she is a tranny… i can see jared being “into it”.
maybe u talkin’ about ” Ugly Betty” ?? haha
love it ugle betty. to funny
lol..total peter pan syndrome. it goes start to look pathetic the older he gets.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=4Df1O3Xf5OYSHANNONS WIFE??????????????????????
lol..dont thnk its his wife. maybe tho?
I cant see the video!! What is tris? Why “wife”
is his wife but only one night =))))))))
http://twitter.com/#!/tomofromearth Who are Emiliy and Natalie? and what have they done? :S
omg POOR TOMO! whats wrong with himmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!
he got married.
looks like ALL OF you girls “leads” to who shannon is seeing is WAYYYYY off hahahahahaaha… yall dont know shit about their life!
jared and terry are lovers
That’s the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard. Jared is bisexual, doesn’t mean he is gay, two different things. Also, he can be more comfortable with guys since he has somehow “lost touch” with how to be around girls in a “close” way, not like with friends but more than that. Lets remember the last girl was ScarJo, and that was long ago. He and Terry are really close friends, but both men being gay is the funniest thing I have ever heard.
so from what you are saying he is more into guys then girls. having lost touch with girls. so that would mean he is more gay then bi. if jared perfers the company and the compainship of men then that would make him gay not bi. which i think if he is he should come out. perhaps what ever he is going through stems from not being honest with himself. As for terry who the hell knows what hes into.
All I know is that he seems to be kind of lost, how it has happened I have no idea. He doesn’t even know what he wants. Maybe he hasn’t stopped to think about that. And it’s normal for a guy to have guy friends, more than girl friends.
this is true. perhaps he is not the playboy he makes himself out to be. maybe he really is old fashion and wants to get married and have children and the white picket fence. Even though in todays society its not cool.
i’m gonna say it and i could be wrong. but i really think jareds gay and he is trying to hide it. he gives better hugs to guys then girls. he so more attention to guys then girls.. he has an on going bromance with terry which is really scary . he likes to hug strange french men in the street. he seems to perfer to spank and strangle women. i always thought that he and brent bolthouse were together at on stage. then there was that black guy back in 2005 & 2006 he was really close to. what ever happened to him.
Are you for real?! I didn’t know a thing about the black guy, but I really don’t think he IS purposely gay if he is. Who knows what he’s gone through… maybe he gave up on women, which is normal if you have had a big heartbreak as he did with Diaz… I don’t know, that’s the way I see things.
this guy next to jared. they spent alot of time together. he is in alot of photos with jay.
Wasn’t he the guy who starred with him in “Requiem for a dream”? I have always thought so. I’ve seen photos with this guy, I now remember.
no total different person. this guy is not an actor. he is many photos with him in miami his birthday and in new york in 2005 as well as LA. jay kinda looks really unconfortable with him in many photos. so i don’t know
he is not purposely. perhaps he hasn’t yet relised that he is gay or maybe he does feel that way and is not being honest to himself. perhaps he is scared to admit it.
I don’t think so. If a guy is gay he is normally happy with the fact. Maybe if he is scared to admit it it’s because it’s not what he wants or how he wants it to be. I admit that I hope and wish he isn’t gay.
not all guys or girls. are happy some will go through there whole lives and not admit it. i don’t think being gay is something that you want its who you are. saying that you don’t want to be gay is admitting that you are. its the excepting. maybe he is maybe he isn’t. he just seems ackward and lost.
I agree with the last statement, he is so lost.
he can not admit he is gay image he will lose a big part of his fans he ´s not stupid he knows that some people go to the show because theyare in love with his image and so on. On another hand he maybe shy with girl because he has been hurt and trust in guys more than girls
i agreed he is probably gay many people say that and i don t think it´s just a rumor because thi has been said all the time during his career.
I don’t believe he is gay. He might have had some moments, or still does, where he hesitates, it’s called bisexuality. But he’s always flirting with women mainly and that comes naturally off him, it’s not something he makes up just to keep the “image”. He and Emma had something back in 2005/2006 so I doubt he is gay. Truth is, he sometimes seems to be so, hehe. Also, he has openly said that if a man crossed his way and he was attracted to him he’d go for it, so he has expressed his interest and ideas towards that matter. You still think he is trying to uphold an image? I doubt it.
is this the girl shannon was with in la
yeah she is !! do u know her ?
i did think he was hooking up with some one in LA. He all ways tries to get home to LA on his days off. no i don’t know her. I’ve seen her a few times.
maybe a friend !! because if u see the video u can see that the guy beside her was with them & u can see shannon waving goodbye to some1 at the end !! but he was seen kissing a blonde & some say a brunette so i don’t know but she is ugly lol in my opinion he is way tooooooooooo HOOOOT for any girl lol during his break he went to paris instead to LA although he had a few rest days & she was not with them during the hurricane screening !!
who knows the leto bros will always be a mystery. i do love them though. jared with his kooky ideas and strange dress sence. Shann because he cares so much for his baby bro.
heres another photo
don’t tell me she is amodel tooo beacuse i will cut my vanis ..she is tooo short..and with that girl jules(looks like beetle juice) what happened?
that girl is only a friend!!! stop spread rumours!!! and about jules, they were togheter in NYC in may, in Paris 2 weeks ago and in bilbao. I dont know if she’s a gf or a friend.
Why is Jared so pathetic:((( He’s on vacation and he should seem to be relaxed there, but he walks with his hair done with tons of gel on it and poses for the cameras.Such a poser.It’s too bring back the old fame Jared.Sad but I’ve to admit-he’s absolutely lost…Totally:(
do not like the hair. brad pitt is all so doing the greased back hair at the moment. so does colin farrell. they put wax in their hair. eww. i like his little boy hair with his little curls. why doesn’t wears clothes like that when he is tourning and meeting fans. he looks good. maybe kat damm is dressing him.
He would never let anybody dress him especially Kat Damm kind of girl except if she was Charlize Therone then ok no problem, it’s his new image.He had that kind of hair 2 years ago I guess he likes it.
why not victoria beckham.. david beckham all ways looks hot or jake gyllenhaal. i didn’t like jake when he was younger but now. O’m lordy lordy. jake with a beard. he looks all grown up.
Victoria,Natalie Portman, Eva Green and the list is never-ending God Eva and him would be great couple,but she will never go out with him, sad…
i would like to know what happened with cameron because he has been years since they broke up ad he still down.. he started to dress bad and look terrible… i dont know if she cheated on him or not…i´ve heard thet he cheated on her too, so i don t know…he needs a psychologist…
Bullshit she leave him after he gave her a ring bcos she was in a secret relation with Justin!Everybody from Universal know that LOL Cam is opposite to marriage and he wanted to have a family with her!So she run!He can’t forget about her and it’s still deep inside him!He have a lot of friends and if you seen him with a guy it doesn’t mean that he like boys gizzz!PPL ur so stupid sometimes!
ok but all i´m saying it has past more than 10 years since cameron..he should move on people cheat all the time and u hve to get yourself together and carry on…he ´s bi.. so some of the guys are more than frieds and that ok
I know how is to be at his place honey!It’s really hard to come back to normal after end the relationship with someone which you had that strong feelings!It’s 10 year after but it’s still somewhere in him! :)I know he should srew this and move on…
i know that same feeling too but u only have one life…and i wanna to live it with love and happiness not trap in a dark place all the time..it´s a choise and he has one;)
Tell this to him hehe !:))))) He is a really hard type…he’s nice sweet but naive and scared of been hurt again!!But I hope soon he will find this one and only :)!
cameron had affair with leo dicaprio while working on gangs of new york . jared was hooking up with girls on tour. it just ended. she was working in film and jared wanted to be a rockstar. the first two albums are all about her and his relationship with her. all the songs he writes on the first two albums are connected to her. she is budda for mary. this is war is about him and his personal struggles
tks i knew he also cheated on her too..
lola have you see this guy before. he and jared spent alot of time together back in 2005 & 2006
yes he was his best friend at the time:P
ex PA before Emma
good looking PA. i’d do him. i bet jared did.
The truth is that Kat is a friend with benefit for J
another pix with jared and kate in santropez club
It’s all fake, just look how he looks to the camera at one point. Also, there have been four moments he has been photographed with her and each in a different spot, not all at the same places, as it should be.
I don’t know, I don’t believe there’s anything and I can’t understand it.
i agree. its to coincidental. celebs are private people. you see them comin out of clubs but never see them in a club with a camera.
Are you sure it’s Kat?She look different!There is one picture when we can see her face and I think it’s another girl!
It’s not Katarina!It was another girl with her 4 friends!They are not kissing they was talking!It was about 1-2 am yesterday!Katarina is not his gf and she is not with him in St.Trop!
u were there?
What you think?If I wouldn’t be there did I would write this?
thank for this!
np Tess
btw Jared was so nice that night!It was the first time when I saw him live!
lucky you ! I am jealous….
its not kat. he is in a club trying to pick up girls. Any girls he looks desperate and tired. like its all to much an effort. this is so out of character for him. its kinda funny because he looks so awkward. if he was hitting on me like that i would be laughing. i’d probley f**k him as a sympathy f**k. Or just because he is trying. he looks like he is going to fall asleep.
this is not her. if you look at the other pictures. there is a girl with dark hair in between her and jared. its like the girl with the dark is trying to get this girl away from him. and he is trying to get her attention with the camera. girlfriends stick out for each other in a club when a sleazy guy is trying to hit on one of them. i do with my bestfriends. these girls don’t really look interested in him. hes just a celebrity so of cause they are going to hang off him.
its alot harder for celebrities to pick up. because people always ask the most stupid question. for us normal everyday people we want to know whats its like to be a celb. would he not be worried if one of the girls he ends up banging, ends up talking. i mean that alone would stop and make him think is it worth it. having random sex. he would be better off paying for it and it being discreet. this is so not him.
i mean what if his penis is actually smaller then every one makes it out to be. it wouldn’t hurt like satan then would it. his reputation as a man whore would have been all a lie. all ways check out the guys thumbs. it will give you some indication on size and what it might look like. i can just see it now all his fangirls checking out his thumbs. Haha… this is why celbs don’t pick up random girls in clubs if it was me i’d talk.
The St. Tropez pictures in the club makes me see that he was trying to pick three girls up and all turned him down, they weren’t interested, and you can see it there. He also looked tired. Poor Jared…
she change her status to in a relationship a jared leto like it is that his real facebook page?
I think it’s real! any news about shannon? who was thr girl with him in bilbao?
She is Jules Mordovetsans. Serbian model, I think.
is his gf? but it’s sure? there are evidences?
No, there aren’t evidences. I doubt Shannon will ever have a serious relationship. He usually just hooks up. So the girls he’s with aren’t girlfriends, just hooks up.
No fake !!! Her deleted is deleted already
what? fake or not? your post doesn’t make sense.
Kat fb is fake this one which is posted here and fb which I posted is real jared’s fb is it clear!!!
Chill… it is clear.
Why did I write 2 times “deleted”:)))Her facebook is deleted and this is Jared’s real facebook,but he has mentioned that he won’t answer fans here he only uses twitter for communication with fans .
so who the hell is this one? it´s looked real http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100002432878824#!/profile.php?id=100002262825653 bahhh lolll false alarm so:D
There are hundreds of Jared’s fake accounts on Fb,so that is 1 of them:D:D:D
poor chick probably just went on vacation with him for a booty call and now shes getting harrassed by all the echies so she had to delete her facebook.
her real facebook was deleted along with her blog and stuff.she obviously deleted them all when she got all those hate msgs probably. I would delete my stuff too.
im sorry for all the things i said to you,saying and your girlfriend that your a petifier, and saying girlfriend bad names and your dateing a young girl and im sorry about my cousin s,i guess i ruined her life now my cousin aint gonna forgive me for my actions that i took on this i was upset for her she was insulting her lutel ligencelie was sayins at the age of 23 thats why i got upset that he was insultins thats when i fook action back and aparetins i found out the hard way
im sorry my cousin
my phone was out of service and by time she finally told me it was to late the damage was already done she told me that she like somebody else its over strange things going on i finally told her what i have done she cry said i cant beleive you did that to me everything is a mess because of you ill never speak to you again theres nothing you can do for me anymore i want to say im sorry my cousin and to jared
You ppl believe in everything!IT’S SO SO SO FUNNY!Jared don’t have a gf…I know that they wrote that at Whos Dated Who but it’s a bullshit!She is his friend lol…you should be in st.Tropez to know that…
I don’t believe they are dating, maybe it was a booty call, but then why were they “cuddling” at the beach? Montage?
you’d call that a cuddle? Looked more like posing for a photo to me lol. I could be wrong but if you were cuddling your bf or gf you would at least crack a smile lol
That’s why I put “cuddling” :/ jeez…
now now lol it wasnt meant to seem, however you saw it as lol
I saw it as posing… I’m just trying to put out the question because people have said they were cuddling. Anyway, it doesn’t matter.
Xxx – the truth is that we don’t know anything. Are they a couple? Aren’t they? We DON”T KNOW. Only they know.
We know what they show us, and how each one interprets it it’s their own thing. But most people agree in that this is all fake. The purpose is what no one knows what it is.
right. i dont think that theyre serious. at least not now. i am not sure if she was at that club. she coulda been in the bathroom or something. he WAS flirty with those other girls though so hes probably just having fun. A booty call. An expensive booty call that he had to fly to St tropez. hehe.
The truth is that I was there honey
Then why he was acting like that,if they’re friends and nothing more? the kiss and strolling upside-down together like a couple?
It was all staged… please, read comments below..
it was not staged! Kat obviously is involved with jared somehow. She was with him at the tattoo parlor more than 1 month ago. how serious they are, who knows? it definitely wasnt staged though. i dont think it was. she’s not even famous.
She’s not famous but has been with famous guys such as Josh Hartnett. In the club at St. Tropez she wasn’t there. He has said he doesn’t want a relationship right now AND I doubt she was the girl with him at the tattoo parlor. I might be wrong.
But true, she was with him at the tattoo place… sorry.
So I know what I’m talking about!
xxx you are a dreamer ..you was not there
Realy??I see that u know better where I was…oh girl ur so sad
That’s why I will tell the truth coz of ppl like u which talking shit!
Where are you from?
And who are you Melissa?You know better what happened there?I don’t think so
Whe was out with him shopping on December 2010. There’s a video in which Jordana Brewster, Dustin Hoffman and Jared Leto are filmed while shopping. She gets in the car, and then he gets in. Constance and Shannon were also with them.
It was Lara Bingle :))))
omg shannon hooked up with lara. she is the most hated women in australia. she is dumb as dog shit. she threw her $200 thousand dollar engagament ring down a toilet. she had some kid steel her austin martin. and she went on national radio and told everyone she lost her drivers lience to speeding and tried to have her friend take the blame for it.. she broke the law now she is being investigated. OMG shannon you TOOL. if these are the kind of girls shannon and jared are hook up with they must be desperate. OMG.
Shannon hooks up with whoever as long as they are smoking hot. You all should know that already. I still adore him though.
i just read lara spent new years eve in vegas. its on her blogspot. she apparently was with jason derulo. no photos. maybe she really was with shann. oh there is a photo of her wearing one of those funny hats jared wears. photo taken in LA a few days before christmas. she all so flew to Australia on the same day shannon & jared flew in for their aussie shows in febuary. she was in brisbane & Sydney at the same time. OMg she gets around. shann’s a whore
hahaha Shannon Leto is a male whore, who doesnt know that already? And Jared was before he met Katharina.
heres the link to laras blog
Jared is dating with Emma. And this all the fuss around Jared and Kat is to deceive us.
How can you be so sure?
Ok so what would you say if I tell you that Emma has a bf…and I know this guy???They live in LA….!You know people like you are funny…you like to create a stories in your head right??
Jared and Emma are friends and colleagues. It is known. Sorry to disappoint you
OMG girl a new rumor shannon leto is with alena again
That’s not true… he hates her apparently and she has a boyfriend, apparently too
alena has a bf. come on!!! dont do that to Shannon. there is a limit to everything.
jared just started following some malaysian model or something on twitter. lol he’s not serious with katarina. he’s just in his slut phase again like he was before. hes going to be off tour soon, so he’s got to secure some skanks for the future.
You don’t have to do nothing better than sitting here and talking shit?It’s not the first time when we following someone it’s just a mistake!I see that Jareds fans are really really stupid or psycho!
Sorry for my english but you are so funny I can’t stop laugh!
Anna, don’t be naive. He’s got a girl in every city. I know one of them, but I can’t say anymore. He’s definitely following her to hook up…
You know him better than he know himself :)!LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL Like Jared said:people know him better and that’s sad
Yes!Everybody knows him better…it’s really really sad!No matter what is real they will know better!
Not at all, when did I say that I know him? But the truth is there, I know things and got proof. Shannon and him get hook ups. FACT. Sometimes they look for them themselves. That’s the rockstar life. He is lost, so that’s all he knows. Believe me, he is a nice guy and he’s worth it a lot, but some things aren’t as they seem.
u know him or not? If u dont know him, stop talking shit and go to sleep
I think you all should go to sleep, is it past bed time right? Come on kiddos… I know what I know, it’s called facts, truth hurts yes. Do you think that I like to say that about the Leto bros? well, I don’t.
And you should go to good doc!You need help!
You are the first person that tells me that.. hmm. Last time I checked I was sane. So please, don’t attack me for something I haven’t done. Thank you.
A. Jared is now following you.
How did U do that?=D
This girl from twitter. I have no idea!
Booomer GTFO!
A friend of her “maybe Jared wants to sleep with you, dm him”
hahaha boomer, u know what? like someone said “go to doctor” . See you Soon.
babe, I know this guy and I know what a person he is:) / Yes, I think that u really love talking shit about Leto bros
I’m just speaking what I know. That I’m wrong, ok, I apologize. So why is he following this girl then uh?
She is yyyy maybe the 4th girl following by Leto?!I did the same sometimes…follow ppl and don’t know about it!I know a girl which was following by him(no not a model)aand she didn’t know about till they said it to her!
They have met there in Malaysia, may I remind you?
I know Jared from NYC and he’s is not like you said!It’s a lot of bullshit on internet about him!
I ask again, then why is he following this model girl from Malaysia?
Jared does not follow any model from Malaysia on twitter =)))))))) girls you are sick
He unfollowed her bcoz that was a mistake!
bullshit. He is not the
kind of guy.
Open your eyes…
are you nuts?
Yes, and she’s a kiddo… 22 years old…
yes gone mad
i think u guys are making a lot of noise for nothing he ´s following the girl probaby because she asked him when she met him in person.. she lives in Malasia.. so please… i think it´s a nice gesture for a fan many famus people are doing that.follow their fans i think is cool
jared is the next george cloney but at least george has some taste in women:P
He was following me and I didn’t know about it!Than he said sorry and that it was a mistake
I said no prob…and I know that I’m not the only one !But the sad thing is that ECHELON start to calling me a bitch etc. People don’t know the full story and behave like that…it’s crazy!!
Like this ugly girl from Mexico!She didn’t know about it 2!I think when he open someones profile he click on follow of inattention and ppl make a drama lol
f**k I would love to see emma and Jared together. it would put a stop to all this crap. they must be mental to play all these games with their fans. its stupied. they should put an end to this bullshit and come out. I’m really over it. infact its very childish and this will be my last post. jareds a tool and so is his brother and all the mind games they play. how old are they… they need to grow up.
Game: ppl likes gossip and this stuff, it’s sad becouse Jared is a good guy.
No one needs to come out because there is nothing.
omg yes jared and shannon has a different girl in every city… i live in dallas and when they came here they for sure hooked up with a couple girls… shannon with a girl i know and jared i didnt know the girl……
Yes, they have someone who finds girls for them, of course the girls agree, they are never forced.
hahah girl, please haha
-Excuse me, would you like to hook up with Jared/Shannon Leto?Oh,really?Follow me.
I don’t know it works, but it surely doesn’t work like that. You are lame.
give me his e-mail, pease! I wanna proof.
Jareds email hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha?????
She’s is psycho Mel!She likes talking shit here!She is nobody
I know that!! haha that was sarcasm.
I don’t like talking shit…
im getting accused of “talking shit” also. when im not.
These girls have been living in a fantasy world where nothing hurts. Now you present them reality and it hits them so hard that they don’t want to face it.
I don’t have it. I tried to get it, but she wouldn’t give it to me.
they had no one come up to us….
It doesn’t always work like that. This girl I know, Jared simply saw her, told her she was beautiful and handed her his e-mail address. So it depends.
yep. sounds familiar
You know what is your problem??That you are ugly and Jared or Shann will never look at you that’s why you wanna destroy their opinion!It’s stupid what you do you just waist your time here
Omg, I would never want to hook up with them. Again, I am just saying what I know… jeez, why do you take it so personally?
I don’t wanna destroy anyone, stop attacking me…
Have any proofs?How do we know u r not lying?Girls basically have vivid imagination…
lol i do have pictures but i wont post them…. thats just simply stupid.
I think that this post must me blocked! U really love talking bullshit abt ppl ! it’s sad. Go to walk, pool, whatver. Stop talking shit even are true. This is not your life, this guys can do what they want.
im not talking bullshit about anyone. im just saying the truth. if i was them id have a girl/guy in ‘almost’ every city i visited also. they can FOR SURE do whatever they want and i hope they do. lol. they were pretty awesome to hang out with, i laughed alot.
any news about kelly roberts she is still dating shannon?
why r u asking ? :p did u hear anything ?
Why you believe in all of this rummors about Jared:that he have a girl in every city,Shann 2 etc it’s weird because everybody likes talking shit but they don’t have any proves or they hav it but ‘can’t’show it’s funny!FUNNY AS HELL!Some ppl here need a consultation with a good doc!
Bcos they wanna have their 5 minutes…here
Jared is witk Katharina Damm. End of topic.
No they are not anymore
You have an old news
From who have you this inf?? Nobody knows what is between them
Like you said nobody knows what is between them and you wrote that they are together?You deny itself LOL
well. the truth is…. tour is almost over. Jared wants to ‘breath’, he is probably ready to give a relationship a shot or maybe go somewhere secret and work on art maybe write a book, i hope he does. Shannon is going to party a little more and hang out with more groupies maybe get a girl knocked up, hum that would be interesting, huh?
….. god i love the leto bros <3
Nope honey tour will be over at the end of November…but I’m not sure about it bcos J said sth about NYE!
i said ALMOST over… so what is the ‘nope honey’ about? lmao. And im sure they are going to still play a couple shows every now and then, just not be on tour playing every single day. ALOT of bands like to get together and play special occasions…..honey.
Jared will more likely direct a movie, or a short film, a documentary or whatever. Even model for some even if he says he doesn’t consider himself a model or taking that as a job. Also yes, he may be ready to start a relationship, no one knows. What is clear is that he needs to rest, he has been sick almost all this half year, went to hospital twice and they have travelled the world twice. It’s time to stop.
Why don’t we want to consider that maybe he’s ready to start a relationship?Obviously temporal but anyway:)))
well we will see what jared & shannon will do in august they have like 10 days of rest =)
Shann will fuck as SATAN and Jared maybe choose another girl for session with paparazzi???LOL
that girl from the fake facebook is putting pics of jared saying where are my love? i love u and blabla so funnyyy
Another sick girl!
Sorry double post
I don’t understand her :/ She’s sick or sth? Or maybe she’s a real Kat?
No it’s not Kat!It’s a sick girl
this link is a fake kat. kat does have a real fb page. she has 2 brothers. most are mainly friends and family from home. no jared is not on her fb page. she was in St tropez on holiday with family and friends they are there alot. you don’t know the situation she might have invited jared to stay with them or maybe he just crashed the party. he is always looking for friends. i don’t think there was anything esle to it.
So why was she with Jared in california then in June? She was with him while he was getting a tattoo. I think theyre definitely seeing eachother or hes trying to get with her.
You never know, Hollywood’s life is hard to understand
Jenny u r so fcking stalker!
Stalker why? I just get bored
if u r bored, go to walk and dont talking shit abt ppl who u never know
You make no sense, you say I’m a stalker because, according to YOU I talk shit about them. Study english, you have awful grammar.
who knows?? maybe was there as a friend or is having friends of the opposite sex not allowed these days without being labeled as a couple?? Lets all face it, we know nothing official and we most likely wont know either unless its serious
ivly levan is shannon leto gf?
Daphne, Why do u think she is his gf?
no is not she is freind toooo viky
ivy levan
She could do porno better then this primitive shit,zero-acting skills and total silicone …SHAME ON U JARED!!!
She is Jareds friend only LOL Jared is a single…only Tomo in this band have someone!
we don’t know that…
U don’t know that but I know
And how do you know?
it is true that the band 30stm is in munich?
thats not true!
Kelly… How you do know?
who is she?
She is a french singer, that’s my guess. That picture is old.
she is english and an actress. she is on the english drama the tudors with jonathan rhys meyers. who used to model for hugo boss. jared replaced him. jared been doing alot of modeling lately. abit of a step down from singing and acting. i don’t see him returning to acting which is sad.
she is annabelle wallis.an actress. she is an old friend of jared
Jared likes all models – sc*ap.Model public toilet of celebrities. french singer, on Wc
Mirtha:It’s not true!I saw him in NYC with a short and not that slim,dark hair girl!They were really having fun together!I wasn’t sure that it’s Jared but when we get closer and he take off glasses I saw that it’s Leto!My friend thought that maybe this girls it’s a Diana from The Hive but it wasn’t her!And I’ve heard that they saw him with this girl in LA and some of ppl in Germany at backtage!When they sit he was put his head on her arm!And like ppl from NYC talking Jared is not like Shann and he is looking for a normal girl not from Hollywood and not a model!
jared like model’s stop with this a friend of a friend saw hims with a girl bla bla bla.
Yeah you know better what his type than he!LOL
Picture or it isn’t true
blonde models ,170-175-90-60-90 girls with no brains jared type
absolutely. These women are easy to get and easy to control and nail. He will never be able to get a respectable woman. no way. not anymore. not the way he is now. A woman like Scarlet J. even though she is a major see u next tues. will never date him for more than a week.
i mean he has alot of hot young girls hanging off him all the time but it just looks fake. i still think he is gay and he is trying to hide it. gay guys have alot of female friends. he just seems alot more feminine lately. or maybe its just away of attracking attention to himself. they say you know when your famous when they start saying your gay.
Jared is getting older and it’s freaking him out. He still wants to feel young so that’s why he goes out with F**kwits with an iq of about 80 (barely) and wanna be “B” models. This is all he can get. People are pretty blind to think he has this large selection. It’s an boost for his fragile ego to go out with what he thinks people will find hot. Seriously, why else would a man keep trying to date a woman he feels is society’s ideal of beauty? He is also older remember so he thinks that blondes are still “it”.
I dont think an intelligent woman would go near him though. Can you see him with someone like Jennifer Connolly, Natalie Portman, Mila Kunis or even Giselle B? Giselle is intelligent. just because you’re a model, doesn’t mean you’re stupid. it’s just the models he dates are of the dumb group. Anyway, No way would those type of women want him! Those women would eat him alive. Those women date real men, not middle aged men trying to hang onto their youth.
He isn’t an artiste like Terry Richardson-he thinks he is though. He is a typical jock mentality guy disguised as a poet. He is deeply swayed by what people think of him, even though he says he isnt . The image that he portrays is really important to him. Notice how he makes sure to be photographed with model types. This gives a boost to his ego. Little does he know, nobody really wants to settle down with Katarina Damm. She is vapid. You dont actually marry a vapid girl, unless you want to talk about swimsuits all day. Can you imagine Katarina being the mother of your children? Not saying models don’t make good mothers, but the women he picks can’t even seem to take care of a cat.
I dont think that he can have “anyone he wants” like all the fangirls think. How is he exactly a catch besides being “like OMG!! SO HAWWWT and like, sooo talented!”? What can he really provide a real woman? Hottness is fleeting and temporary and he is about 10-15 years away from losing it. He is an aging man who is concerned with image. How can this man father children? If he could get anyone, why would he be going out with bottom of the barrel girls that would date guys from Jersey Shore? Those girls are social climbers and they only go out with him because they think he can help their ‘ career’. They’ll take anyone who is willing and famous.
I dont see him ever settling down with a real woman. No real woman will ever want him the way he is. He isn’t deep. He actually seems pretty vapid.
i have to agree its sad. did anyone see that footage of him at taiwan airport with emma. he saw the two girls filming him and he lifted shirt to show his back and arse to them. so vain. i think the modeling has gone to head. which he always said he would never. now he does. i hate to think that he will on be getting jobs as a model now. hes a great actor but once an actor starts modeling thats it.
Leave him alone… This is his life… He can do with it what he want… We don’t know Jared. Maybe he is a normal guy who want to love sb but he didn’t met right person… Do you think that is easy find sb to love (sb who we can trust and we know that feeling is real) whil be a star?? And finally we don’t know these models. Maybe they’re smart and nice girls?? I don’t like to judge anyone…
Just like you said Anna!He is a normal nice guy and it’s hurt him sometimes when ppl talking that shit about him!He is a great friend,great brother and he have a great contact with kids so he will be a good dad!!
PPL don’t know him that’s why they will be talking bullshit!!It really easy to make an opinion about a guy which we saw in the newspapers or pages like this.We like to believe in everything we read!I’m not talking about girls which creating a stories about Jared here they are in the other group which I called:stalkers!I’m not one of you!I need to know someone first to create an opinion about him!I’ve met Jared we have the same friend in NYC and I know that this guy is funny,sensitive and a really good friend!He have muh respect for women!I’ve met him in 2006 for the 1st time…so I know what I’m talking about!
Gosh, your english hurts my eyes, learn it properly then post on here.
Jenny, it’s your argument?? “your english is bad” maybe is but U DONT KNOW HIM SO GTFO
Jenny is a stalker without life !Everybody know this!She is here and on Whos Dated Who!She likes to talking bullshit!
Hello Hurrican. i mean it degrading to women. to be tied up, spanked and looked at like an object. I don’t think it show alot of respect towards women. why am i even writing. wasting my time.
Jared and a st*p*d blonde girl Kasia Struss
Kasia is a polish model and I know her! So stfu your dirrty mouth biatch!It’s a picture just a picture!
Anabelle… You’re right! Girls – these photos are… simple photos!!!! Don’t you have any pics with friends or sb??? OMG
It’s like you know:OMG SO JARED CAN HAVE A FRIENDS???OMG RLY?/This girls are so stupid…he should be alone 24/7 LOL bcos when he will stand next to girl it will be a storm !LOOOOOL I think Melissa and other they are just a stalkers…
I heard she has HIV
I’ve heard that you 2?!
I heard about your death
You are funny kid really…your parents should block your PC !:)
Maybe you got the HIV not Jared!
jared is a she ? looll
he doesnt look too happy with her on his back. l9ol
she has a boyfriend and he is a model and photographer. goggle her. she and her boyfriend have been together for a few years. even when this photo was taken she was with her boyfriend.
he loves blondegirls without brain :X <3
just a picture of a fan girl teeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeenieeeeeeeeeeeeee
i want jared leto to sex me up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
who doesn’t want
it is true that shannon had a relationship with
Danielle Doucette(Andree Doucette sister’s)?
yes- but long long time ago. in 2005
This girl which posted this comments there is sick!She’s a stalker and not only Jared had a problems with her!
Do you know her?
Who’s Rebekah? jared put some pictures on jaredleto.com
a FRIEND? Haha :))))) all the models (blonde girls) are friend(s) with Jared
I think it’s not your business
there are two rebekahs. the one shannon hangs out with. the dark girl from LA is rebeka walters. yes she is a model and shes 25. they hang out alot. then theres jareds rebekah keida. she 22 and from miami. actually both girls are from dallas tx. Uhhhhhhh models so lame. sex sells. would like to see the guys with real women.
jared is not the playboy he makes himself out to be. he does read all this shit. he is very aware of what people say and write about him. the models. the photos he post on his website. are all to get a reaction from his fans. emma patrols these websites its apart of her job. they know everything. Jared is very self conciouse. Don’t believe every thing you see or read about him . its all for publicity. the same with shannon. the models only hang off them for publicity. they are very different people in their private lives.
I know that Jared is a great guy and friend private!:)
How do you know this?
Then what kind of guys are they in private, Alene?
the models are to make them look good. jared and shannon only show you what they want you to see. in private j really is a nerd. its all about his work .always looking for the next project. he never stops. so much that he has a hard time relaxing and socializing. he likes to keep to himself. have simple things around him, he doesn’t like drama in his personal life and he doesn’t like people wasting his time.
What about Shan? (and – how do u know all this?)
i know shann waxes his eyebrows. he is very vain more then jared. shannon hates being reminded of his age. image is very important to him. the way he looks, the car he driver the girls he hooks up with. doesn’t make him a bad guy he is sweetheart. he works hard to look good and he does look good in anything he wears. unlike jared who forgets to put his underware on. although when you tour as much as these guys you don’t always get a chance to do laundry or have clean boxers. i’m sure jareds has lost of few pair of boxers to housekeeping.
Oh My… They spend more time in front of the mirror than me
I thought they’re normal guys… Bleh. It’s not sexy 
Wow. So according to this, unlike Jared, Shannon does like to go out only with models and such cuz he cares so much about appearance. He must be so different from Jared, looks like he has lots of friends and always go out on the prowl…
I absolutely love it when people, like you Alene, remind readers to not always believe what they read. I mean no sarcasm whatsoever :).
who is she? katarina?
not is another stupid model geezz
if she is model I’m madonna
you can’t see her face yet you assume she’s not a model, where you got that from?
HAHA! God, you’re jealous sounding. You also write like crap! Learn how to fackin’ spell and write with proper grammer! She probably is curvy and it’s not a surprise shannon is into her. Most men like curves. You ever see skinny bitches on Playboy or Maxim? I have modeled for 4 years and men’s magazine requirements have remined 36-24-36. You have no ass and no tits, see ya later.
It’s his gf?
no it not. just another model ….
where did you find this picture? I think it’s “old”.
I find it funny that every time there’s a pic of Jared with a girl she automatically becomes his gf. This was surely taken in the beginning of the year, and he has been seen with Katharina Damm, so stop with the nonsense.
shannon is dated with rebeka walters http://www.whosdatedwho.com/tpx_49888/shannon-leto/ ugly and fat …but she is model . 1.65 tall lollllllllllll.
i don’t think that whosdatewho.com is a stupid site which updates the info based on the comments below !!
shannon is a single. End of topic
Oh ppl you are so so so stupid if you believe in everything in this comments and on WhosDatedWho
Lettt meee GOOOOO, let me goooo…. STOLEN FROM YOUUUUUUUU
to the person who keeps writing on wdw about emm & jared. here is a link with mike and emm in the background at a show last year. i can’t help but notice jareds new haircut looks like mikes haircut. scary..
it was TAI show at the metro 6th feb 2010. they are still very much together so stop writing shit about emm and jared. emma works to pay of the mortage like normal people. she is NOT f**king jared.
“She’s not f..king Jared” – What do you mean?
i mean jared and emma are not together and they are not f**king each other. emma is engaged to mike carden from TAI. emma was not working fulltime for jared before the album he asked her to come back to work for him when he started workin on ThisIsWar and to go on tour with him. when the tour ends at the end of the year she might not work for him anymore. I know she made the final move to America just before jared started working on the album. she lived with Jared for a short time while working on the album then brought a house with Mike. emma still returns home to australia alot. she has her own friends. most of her friends are married and have children. she is not a celebrity and she does not live the celebrity lifestyle like jared and shannon.
Ok! I understand now
Thank you
So Emma seems to be a nice and smart girl!
It’s good that she’s not with Jared
He’s having fun and definitely doesn’t want to have a family 
jared does have a family . THE ECHELON are his family.
how is the haircut situation scary? lol.
if you are thinking why there are no more tour dates for 30stm in the U.S its because Evanesence kicks of their tour in October. EMI will now promote Evanesence. You only have to read MTV news. 30stm will finish the year off in europe. Evanesance have a new album coming out in October under an EMI label. The boys have know this for months which is why jared did that interview with MTV Canada. 30stm are not breaking up they are taking time off. which they really need to do.
jared was saw in Ibitza with a blonde girl
Yes, Katarina apparently. There will be pictures I guess. And it was a last minute decision, hm…
And again blonde gil…??? hmmm… It’s boooooring now
Last minute decision?? You say abt Jared’s decission? Maybe he planned this trip… Don’t know.
By the way how it is possible that you know about Jared and his blonde girl in Ibiza without pictures?
HIS blonde girl? It’s just a fan, she’s so young he could be her father. I’ve seen pictures and an italian girl who was there saw him with her, OR with another blonde.
And about the last minute decision, Braxton tweeted yesterday that Jared had decided to change the trip from Paris to Ibiza last minute.
Yeah with a fan in the club ekhm she was with her bf lol
Link for the picture
http://mandolinaes.tumblr.com/post/8948585709/by-salome-ibiza i think she is a fan !!
this girl is only a fan.
There are two girls are twitter claiming to be with J @N_M_UK_AKA_SHAZ and @Melodyxxxxx
You don’t know that this girls are sick
these girls are very sick. kelly is allso a nut case crazy ass bitch. shann wants nothing to do with her. don’t give any of these girls attention, its what they want. Kelly is pissed at shann for dumping her.
be very careful of kelly on twitter. she will make friends with you just to get information on whats going on with shann. she wants to know the latest gossip. shann facebook and emails have been hacked. He has a stalker and its a really problem.
@N_M_UK_AKA_SHAZ is kelly roberts’s friend ?!! do they want to do another soap opera =S
both these girls are crazy. both are escorts hookers. trying to pick up work. they are stalking jared and shann and anyone close to them. DO NOT believe anything they write. they are both liers.
how do you know their hookers?
andrea 0009 is all so a crazy bitch. she is stalking jared. she hooked up with one of jareds friends jamie reed in LA while J was in st tropez. andrea marquez is pissed at jared because he was not intersted in her. so be careful of her. these girls have fake twitter accounts. they do this to piss off jared and shann’s fans.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHA UR HILARIOUSSSSS no she is not mad at him!!!! I know her! They are fine.
you think you know her. she will do any thing to get to J even do his friends. she is bi. if these girls knew the shit that J, shann and even emm talk about. the bad things they say about these girls. how easy these girls are. they think its a joke. J and Shann are only interesed in modesl and well know people.
Really and how do you get all your information? Do you talk to her?? You sound like an obsessed fan who is no where NEAR “J, shann or even emm”…..Emma is a bitch who hates just about everyone so who cares what she says. How do you know she slept with Jared friend? Honestly? or that she is bi or any of those weird accusations you just made? Get a life. Sounds like you are jealous and talking more about yourself than these people.
these girls have moved to LA to try and hook up with J and Shann. They are fans. what they don’t know is that J and Shann want nothing to do with these girls. They were just hook ups on the road. So to Andrea and Brooke and i know you read this site your both so young don’t be fooled. LA is tuff not an easy place to live if you don’t know anyone or have no family.
I know what he said about Andrea he said that I shouldn’t be friend with that girls like she!So I think he know what he talking about!
what? are you foreign because that is not a proper sentence…
Maybe her english is not good but I understood what she said :)And I’ve heard that 2!
You shouldn’t comment about people you don’t know! For all we know you are some obsessed fan! How do you know the band!?!
i know the band.
I SERIOUSLY doubt that “Blake” if you did you wouldnt be on here gossiping.
so why are you here… and your right why am i here. and i do know the band.
Because I know one of the girls you seem so convinced you know everything about and I have seen her and her relationship with Jared and I can assure you she isnt some easy fuckwad bimbo bitch and sitting here on the internet trying to slander them does not make you that much of a better person. I have my resources and when I see someone trying to mess with my friends I step up for them. Simple as that. That is why I am here. You seem to be here on your own accord commenting on just about everything there is here. You obviously sit on your bloody arse all day looking up people online so you have ammo to talk the shit you love to spit and I am here to knock it down. No Andrea is not moving anywhere for Jared…she had this planned way before they became friends and no Melody is not a fucking escort. These girls are really great girls and you have no real reason to try and put them down apart from obvious jealousy. I mean its a little peculiar that you hear about Melody hanging out with Jared Leto in Germany then suddenly she is the source of all your aggression and Jared goes out and tweets about Andrea again and suddenly you all hate her and she has turned into some slut. When all reality those girls are total sweethearts and if Jared is playing them both that is not their problem. How about you point the finger at the player and not the victim. Jared Leto is fucked up beyond repair and if he is talking shit about these girls behind their backs then how are they supposed to know when to their faces he shows obvious interest? Scorn the moron man who cant make up his mind! It seems to me like he fancys both of them and the rest of the people online reading this are just fueled with jealousy. Jared Leto does not have a girlfriend because he likes options. Simple as that….and these girls are not idots. They know it and they wont throw their lives away for some old rockstar in skinny jeans.
As for this @N_M_UK_AKA_SHAZ that girl is obviously insane and delusional…no doubt about that one. Who the fuck is Brooke?
Brooke is another obsseded fan. She took a pic with shannon and now pretends she is shannon’s gf LAME.
you’re right! Brooke added photoshoped message, hahahahaha and she is thinking that people are stupid and will believe her hahahahahaha. God, this is so sick. Poor Shannon and Jared.
Andreea is another bitch who wants to be famous .
Andrea is not a bitch and she isnt trying to be famous. Shes going after acting and making art. Its the same business as this dude but its not like shes trying to use him. They are friends because they are both artist and similar…get off your jealousy horse.
When I asked Jared about Andrea he was like…who?I said her full name and he’s reaction was funny (weird face)and:Oh this (silence) girl!So she is nobody for him
like some random obessed echelon online is to be trusted on that. you guys really need to leave her alone. he wouldnt post things about her if she was none.
he doesn’t always do the posting. emma does alot of his posting and twittering. she does alot of things for him she all so covers for him.
yea but who do you think tells her to post these things? its his fuckn site….duh.
I’m sure Andrea may be sweet and if she is your friend you’d advise her to stay away from Jared. He doesn’t respect her. He totally uses women, and discards them. It doesnt matter how sweet he is in the beginning. He doesn’t care about them. He only respects and dates “certain” women and I highly doubt Andrea is one of them.
He seriously has ruined many women.
She probably won’t listen because Jared like “omg, so hot!” but she’ll learn when he acts like he doesn’t know her after he sleeps with her.
your friend melody has a big mouth. and she is no different to an escort if she is hooking up with j in germany. i know j gets around and plays the girls one off the other. he did it to me. i read so much shit written on so many websites about the girls. it hurts me. i feel like a fool. you can’t help but love him as sick as he is. he lies to his fans and to the ones close to him.
So you are spreading rumors and bullshit about him as revenge? wow pathetic. Get over it. Obviously it doesnt hurt you what he is doing to these girls because you are hating onthem and feeding the negativity going their way. If you know how Jared is then you know what the girls must be going through. You obviously have no compassion in your sour heart.
what ever. you don’t get it. call me what you want.
So I am assuming this is you Blake???
stop being a cunt and trying to ruin other girls lives because you are sour. Its not right.
this story with Melody it’s a rummor she spread this!
i don’t have a twitter and i don’t have a facebook page or a blog. I don’t post pictures and brag about my friendship with J. like your so called friends. so this is a first for me. i came across this website because it came up when i google jared leto dating. you hear things in the echelon. i don’t sit around all day. I actually cringe every time i get on here and read the crap in the last few days. i have been quiet up until know. why because he told me not to talk not to tell. so over it.
BLAKE: Jared knows abt this site?
i know.
Tell to Jared lol!He need to do sth with this!
he can’t. people are making money everytime you upload this site. this why they don’t take it down. you can write a letter to the adminstrator.they don’t care. I’m beginning to think that j likes the gossip.
No, I think that he dont care what ppl think/write/talk abt him!
does he read this bullshit?
I dont think they brag about their friendship either. It seems in all honesty like Melody thought her account was private and the Andrea got information and photos stolen off her account that later she had to release in public. Once Jared started posting Andrea on his blog site its not like she had a choice to say “I dont really know him”. Goodies spilt. Talk about knowing him all you want as long as its not in bragging detail. So think before you speak and dont judge a book by its cover
we already know you are pissed and hurt that he wants nothing to do with you now and is with these girls instead.
you don’t know if he wants nothing to do with her. thats your thinking. as for these girls you write about. how do you know he wants them too. your just like everyone else on this site. you know jack shit….
Actually I know a lot. I can ask him right now
but of course you wont believe any of that but thats okay because the people who know and need to know the truth know it. This has been going way too long. Have fun being a catty internet bitch. Hope it makes you feel better to sit around and attack other people in the hopes of making your life more interesting or make you feel better. You guys are just like those sad bullies at school that push other kids around because they are mad that their parents dont love them and their puppy died.
what’s teir status kat n J?she’s with him on hawaii?
To be honest, these girls are really young. They have “fallen” for him, for his looks most probably. Andrea seems to have been a big fan, even Echelon, and is ashamed of her tattoo, why? She is moving to L.A to pursue her dreams, right, but we all know she wants to be near Jared too. I am not a fool, for much she may say. Jared posted a picture of her under the title “kool kidz” so to him she is just that, a kid. He may be interested, she is pretty, but in reality it is only for her looks. These girls should have some decency and tell him to leave them alone, instead they “miss him” and want to see him. It all just doesn’t make sense.
Why are we discussing fan girls with a school girl fantasy? seriously? We’re talking about total fame hungry nobodies?
I question Jamie Reed’s heterosexuality.
heyy Girls what happpened to the good old gossips hey we r here to have fun & analyze things not to offence eachother & saying things about girls we don’t know =S let all the obsessed fans write what they want in the end they know the truth so plz stop this !! calling a girl a bitch other a hooker & so on just because of rockstars that don’t give a damn about us u r ruining a girl’s life maybe =S
good bye kings & queens.
J is a guy only for one night!He don’t deserve for anything more!He will never be loved by someone!I hope he will read this!Bye
He is definitely guy who deserve for a real love. when he was young he liked played with girls. ppl he is a rock star! but now he is a better person!I hope that he find a girl who wanna be love him not bcoz he is rich, famous but bcoz He is a good n smart guy.
How U know?
becouse I know!
Because in reality Jared isn’t a bad person, and you can tell by the way he behaves. He has no bad intentions, yet I have read on here people saying he doesn’t respect women, maybe women who seek him and want to have sex with him, uninteresting women. But really, he respects women who make themselves be respected. And I repeat myself, but I think you all get what I mean.
You all have the wrong picture of him, it’s all judging for the sake of it.
You know him that you talking that???
I think this subject needs to be dropped. There are obviously people on here who have met the band, & others that wish they have. Whatever your relationship with the band, whether it be as a fan, liaison, good or bad or what have you. We all have different experiences with them, & as good human beings should not trash people we don’t know. So whatever your opinions of these girls that have or have not been with the band, leave them alone. If you don’t actually know these girls, keep your opinions to yourself please.
melodyxxxxx is a fake twitter. mad up by someones imagination. willowxxx is all so questionable. i do believe one in the same person. please girls be careful who you accept as a friend on twitter. as for sammy221 you need to think before you speak. you don’t know blake and what she has been through. enough said.
I dont need to think jack shit before I speak seeing as I know what the fuck I am talking about and you dont. Neither of those accounts are fake twitters you flaming moron. Quit trying to stur up drama and go on with your own life. Leave everyone alone. You guys are just trolling.
first of all you write like a 2 year old with a 2 year old mentality. your attitude is below average. so i find it very hard to believe that J would even have anything to do with you. so please do ask him as to why he hangs out with rude and obnoxious teenagers.. its you that needs to stop trolling.
I have to agree, Sammy and Andrea are both a bit too rude and bad mannered.
Humm Flaming Moron is that english terminology because it doesn’t sound american.
1-2 months ago jared followed on twitter andrea009- nex day he unfollowed her.It was very strange.Maybe he send her a DM .
he sent all the girls a DM saying sorry that it was by mistake & that he will unfollow them !
How do you know? Although yes, it has happened a few times.
because every girl that he followed said that !!
haha jared is great at mind fucking the entire lot of you isnt he. he meant to follow those girls and it started to keep the heat and hate off andrea. so why dont you listen to him and leave her be.
why r attacking me !! did i say sthg wrong about andrea ?!! =s can’t u girls be kind or respectful when u write plz !! anyway he followed andrea long time ago & ppl. forgot that he followed her why would he keep on following girls from time to time for god’s sake ! anyway i don’t care about andrea or any1 at the end every1 know the truth its not my problem so don’t attack me like that ok ?
who is attacking you??? haha I was just saying in general.
well i thought u were telling me leave her because i didn’t say anything about her ! & i really hate how this site is turning because its a gossip site to enjoy not to talk about girls & calling them Bitches & so on =S
oh no you were just on the thread :p sowwyyyyyy. I agree. Its turning very mean. Hence the “leave them alone” comment. But no he was completely aware of what he was going with the following stuff. Jared likes to keep us guessing. When he follows a new girl it gives him more attention. He started out with that andrea girl because she is his friend but when he noticed the negative responses they were both getting she asked him to unfollow and he started doing that weird follow random girls thing. I dunno when you live in LA you learn to put up with the weird things ccelebs do to keep ontop.
yeah i remember all the hate andrea got & that she said i’m only an artist idk but maybe when he wants to reply to some1 he wrongly press follow idk i find it really weird & sometime silly what he is doing !! for me jared’s life is pure confusion so i only enjoy reading these weird stuff but i really can’t explain why he is doing them !! :p
yea I dont know that girl is really nice. shes just guarded because people want to put her down all the time because of that man. if i were her id do all that stuff as well. I really dont think shes trying to be anything but herself. her blog reminds me of terry richardsons. for some reason when he takes pictures of/with people hes around it isnt bragging but for her it is?? it really must be tough :/ like I feel bad. artist dont take that type of stuff too well!! look at jared! you can tell it hurts a bit when people dint love his stuff so he surrounds his twittier with admiration.
omg you are totaly right!!! there is definitely a double standard between terry and andrea! ladies its 2011!!!! we should be nice to our fellow beautiful and talented lady friends! andreas blog is great!
doesn’t make her orginal if she is doing what terry does. she has a bad attitude. I actually like terrys blog he is a great photographer he knows how to take a picture of people so that time stand still forever.
shes not copying anyone. said it REMINDED me of his….jared does the same thing too. its called photojournalism. terry did not invent it. if you had people attempting to put you down constantly you’d have a bad attitude too. have a little compassion and see it from both ends
Ok…. Please tell me.. Who is Andrea??? What are you talkin about? :P:P
Andrea is an artist, she knows Jared and ppl likes takin’ shit abt her.
She may be an artist, but she is so into Jared she can’t deny it.
she is not! Jenny: do you know her?? did u ever talk/write to her? I don’t think so! u r jealous bit** and u like to talk….
Oh yes I love talking, did you just notice? And I’m not jealous, please don’t insult, there’s no need to. I am just stating the OBVIOUS.
Can I ask as to how it’s “OBVIOUS”? Are you friends with her? Or do you just like to read her posts & make assumptions? Please enlighten me.
Yes, I like to read her posts and make assumptions.
well assuming is def a sure way to find out anything about anyone! you might be onto a gold trail OMG BREAKING NEWS PEOPLE!
2nd, 3rd and 5th based knowledge isn’t even knowledge. you cant possibly think you actually know all the people in this girls life and who she could be mentioning and you cant expect someone to post the names of all the people! come on folks its twitter! and we are on a gossip site. get a grip.
Andrea is a smart and creativ person! but she is beautiful too and this is a reason why ppl like Jenny are jealous!
I’m replying to Flu here because the reply option under her name is cut. Yes, she is very pretty, and I wish I was as pretty as her, as creative, as smart, etc, in all honesty. I also wish I knew Jared yes. Happy? I am admitting it and making a fool of myself.
I just asked a question. No need for such a sarcastic response. I was just wondering how you knew your information. Like do you know Jared. You seem to not know Andrea. I was just curious
My answer wasn’t sarcastic… No, I don’t know her. She seems to be a nice girl. I have never ever attacked her. I’m just saying what I think. Is it that bad?
he has such bad taste in girls. so does shann. hey does anyone know if tim & braxton have girlfriends. braxton is hot. why don’t we ever talk about brax and tim. sick of jared and shann.
Tim has a gf and Braxton always has a different girl with him on the bus.
I like Jareds brunette choices. That latin girl is smoking hot and cool. But thats just me.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iCvioLWGMxE&feature=player_detailpage unfortuantely its dark i can’t see the gilr but she looks like the blonde on the pic !
Yes that’s the same girl from the pic:)
but i still think she is a fan because why would he pose for a pic with her like that if she was his friend or GF !! he was at the club alone & she stick by him & danced :p btw do u know anything blah where u there ?
when the guys do a gig in a club its a paid job by the the club owner or host. this girl might be related to the host or club owner. jared is being friendly because shann is getting paid for a gig. its like with the festivals they play. They have to be friendly to the organisers.
I was standing next to him in Russia so I’m his girlfriend???LOOOOOL she was a fan she kissed her bf…Jay was talking with a lot of girls and oys there in Ibiza gizz
ahha i see she looks like a fan anyway he is probably enjoying his time :p
GUYSSSSSS Jared has a foot fetish! This girl has an extra toe! Thats why he loves her!!!! She showed it to him after a show one day and they became bffs!
who has an extra toe. and ewww.
well i didn’t get it :p
Oh I know!! Jared loves himself a good CLEAN toe! My friend hooked up with him a few years ago and he loved sniffing her feet and licking inbetween her toes. A girl with an extra toe would be a gold mine for him!!!!!
i don’t know he is a slipper man. they can get a little smelly.
Screw theses twitter girls. What about that girl Natalie or whatever? Saw them together in their underwear somewhere on a pornsite.
From Hurricane??What are You talking about?Natalia is not a porno star but give a link couse I can created that bullshit 2!
braxton a player. no way i aways asumed he was a one girl kind a guy. he is so shy so into his music. he is beautifu just love him.l. good for timmy love him toooooo. don’t like any of the girls jared hang with except jennia the make up artist. they seem like they have a connection. won’t even mention shann.ewwwwwwwww
I know that Jared likes to f****k blondes cause they are easy but he is so fascinated on brunettes!!We was talk once and he said that girls are really different especialy if we talking about hair colour!Blondes are still lil girls inside and brunettes are more mature-his words!Btw he like to talking weird and dirrty!
it’s funny bcoz what can u say abt girls who now has a blonde hair and 2weeks later has a brunettes hair? it’s just hair..
He likes natural blondes not those who are dyeing their hair,and yes brunettes and blondes are different according to my own observational analysis:D
I don’t think so.. I was blonde and brunettes and I am still the same person.
Yes me too,I’ve changed my hair color hundreds of time,even though naturally I’m red-haired.I mean when the basis of the hair is blonde or brown,they are different in many ways:))) as those with straight hair and curly ones.
I think they are referring to NATURAL colors…
He was talking about natural hair colour gizzz
@Keyla Read my comments above and you’ll understand that I was meaning the same when i said that “He likes natural blondes not those who are dyeing their hair”
I know I know !It wasn’t for U sorry it was for Cloe
diaz is not a natural blonde.
Jared likes smart girls but fuck easy, like normal(free)guy
Girl who are easy to get with aren’t smart, sorry for pointing it out.
sorry, girls*
likes SMART! Fuck EASY!!!!
How do you know?? I think Jared likes women… no matter if blonde or brunette
I hate that when people talking shit about Andrea! She knows Jared but this is not a reason to attack her. If you are that brave maybe write to her and the write what are you thinking about her. Here is a place when people can write what they want but it’s sick when you write ” Andrea is w***, B*** etc”
I hate that when people talking shit about Andrea! She knows Jared but
this is not a reason to attack her. If you are that brave maybe write to
her and then write what are you thinking about her. Here is a place when
people can write what they want but it’s sick when you write ” Andrea
is w***, B*** etc”*
Did I said sth about Andrea????Read again what I said !
Keyla:u didnt!!
Amanda: they are just friends!
I dont know I have seen them getting close backstage.
They weren’t close just like friends she was cuddle with the others etc
friends without benefits:)
May I correct you, WITH benefits
cuddling with the others???
cuddling doesnt mean anything.
I mean that she is just a ‘friend’ she was as a photographer there
I know me too!!! I think Jared and Andrea make a super cute couple :3 I’d like to see him settle down with someone like her. She is smart and beautiful and seems very creative and talented. They would make a cute power couple. I hope he goes for it.
WTF. NOWAY. HOW much are you sucking up her ass. i know she and her friends troll this site. are you her sux buddy….
why does it have to be sucking up? people cant actually like her? it has to be fake? get a grip.
or are you andrea 0009
haha don’t make me laugh. I am sorry but she is just a kid…
ashton and demi. its 2011 that stuff doesnt matter. also he seems to love younger girls. he has this weird protective papa bear thing going.
I agree with Pam. Also I think that Andrea is fall in love with Jared. He likes her definitely too. She has many pics with him alone (fb or her blog). He post her pics in JaredLEto’s diary a few times. I think probably is a connection between this.
Nope she is just a freidn to him :)))
btw he posted her pic in jaredleto.com with a caption Kool kidz ! i think he likes her as a girl & wanna help her only & i think the same goes for her !!
Yea but he put her first in that sexy black outfit. I think he put Kool Kidz and two other girls to “take the heat off her” seeing as people seem to hate any girl he post alone.
Andrea is crush on him but he didn’t treat her as a fuure gf :)Thet’s her problem :)))
thats her “problem”? who are you? do you know andrea at all? or her relationship to jared? I dont think so. stop being jealous that shes friends with him and you aren’t.
I know that Andrea and her friends writing here :))))))))))
dont have to be a friend to defend someone. you guys just need to let this go. stupid catty jealousy is not flattering on anyone.
Awe I hope they do! that man needs happiness in his life! She seems grounded. Not his regular hollywood slut.
are you willowxxx………
I am not willowxxx and I am not Andrea! bcoz I said nice thing about her that doesnt mean I am her LOL
No but I am Willowxxx. I think this has all got alittle bit out of hand. Jared has friends that are female. Its doesnt mean though that automatically all of these girls are girls he hooks up with some are just friends and the ones he does hook up with this doesnt automatically make them whores, bitches or any other witty and super intelligent insults people choose to hurl at them. Jared picked his line of work so all the attention he gets re that choice is fair enough, all the people you are discussing have done is know him and now people think its acceptable to disect their lives and tear them apart as if they are not real and dont have feelings. Unless you know these people it is really unfair to make negative assumptions about them on a public forum. By all means have your opinions after all it a free country but also maybe think twice before trashing someone you dont know just for fun, think how that would feel if you were reading some of these comments about yourself just because of someone you knew.
some one on this site called me a cunt a few days ago. I don’t give a shit. I don’t twitter or blog or post photos of my friendship with J. he is very careful about who he hangs out with. he is very wary of fans. he won’t hook up a fan. the girls in his life are models because they have a mutal understanding of his lifestyle and the need for privacy. They don’t go around posting photos and bragging about knowing him. The moment that happenes your history. he trusts no one.
and no this is not my real name. and i won’t be back.
I don’t know why but I believe you 100%, all you say makes sense and I understand it.
aww i love jay and shan. my friend stood shan up…shes a dumbass.. lol. i wish they could be cloned id get me one of jared and keep him alllll to myself.. with a guitar …haha O_o
stop with all this gossip about andrea & the rest girls !!
who’s amanda ?
“Girls and what are you thinkin abt Amanda? She post jared’s pics on her
blog and pics where they are together on her fb all the time… And he
post her pics on his website…” http://www.whosdatedwho.com/tpx_88/jared-leto/
who are you “ritta”? she isn’t looking for publicity. why would she be held responsible for the strange attention you guys give her simply because you are obsessed with her friends. people should really realize the difference in between actually hating someone and just wishing you had something someone has. leave the girl alone. from the looks of it she does not harm anyone. I am not her friend on fb because I do not stalk her but I do know jared post her pictures all the time so what do you have to say about that?
Sorry for butting in but I have to say that he posts pictures of her as he posts of Emma. Everybody thought they were dating and ta-da! They aren’t. Nobody knows how he thinks and why he does it. So we just let this go and time will tell.
stop with this andrea she is a nobody ..Andreea wants publicity on behalf of Jared and you girls stop…As you talk of it more she is believed is an important person
obviously she isn’t a nobody is so many people want to sit here and insult her for virtually no reason.
obviously she a nobody dont worry is only a stupid stalker ok? a stupid fan girl only a fan
who is amanda???
im so confused. where did this Andrea girl come from?…like why is she being talked about?… are you girls blowing a giving a groupie her groupie fame. *cheers to her. hehe
andrea is a girl that Jared is friends with who is a fan of the band. Jared used to post photos of her. He knows her obviously.
Everyone is now claling her a whore and saying she is fame hungry and is basically screwing any pseudo famous male shes in a photo with. Apparently shes moving to LA to work in the arts. What a suprise? LA for Art? Who would’ve thought? newsflash: That’s where you move to work in the industry. Either LA or NY.
Maybe she is fame hungry but thats not the point. There is noway to know that. The point is people are assuming and making things up about people based on twitter posts and because they’re obviously jealous that she knows jared.
to pruse art you go to NY not LA. Real models live in NY not LA. Look at Ruby she is doing really good. Paris, Milan and NY. NOt F**ken LA. LA is for Hookers and wannabes. Even Jared said NY is the place to be for Art.
since she hangs out with Jamie reed because she posted pics of her with hiim, she probably knows jared through that group. If she “hooked up” with Jared or Jamie Reed that is nobodies business first of all.. and second of all, you would know this information how?
by making it up, that’s how! I doubt she facebooked who she is screwing.
I doubt jared would hang out with just some fan. He probably really is friends with her. Why are you punishing people just because of who they know? You are all very jealous obviously.
shannon leto
so what? He is single and hot guy. So he can have a little fun with girls.
HA hes got a hard on. thats funny. how cute is braxton.
Lol at all of Andrea0009’s friends actually coming on here to defend her.
She’s a model/actress/”artist” who hangs out at a lot of concerts and meets a lot of band people.
30 stm is not the only band she’s photographed. Although, she seems to be really into Jared Leto. She painted a (a really cool-looking) mural for him and everything, I don’t think she’s really done that with any other band dudes.
She’s either a really, really big fan or really, really into Jared. I think the second option is more likely since she is not in the Echelon and because she mentions him quite a bit in her tumblr (not in the more recent posts, but in the earlier ones she mentions him a bit).
In my humble opinion, she prolly has a little schoolgirl crush on him. Who doesn’t? And as a girl, you really need to watch taking pictures of your cleavage and stuff. It isn’t art and there’s a good chance that if you do that, you’re not a goody-two-shoes.
Most girls that I have met who posed as suggestively as she did in pictures were indeed promiscuous. So it wouldn’t surprise me if she is too. Now, judging by Mr.Leto’s reputation as a really big manwhore, it wouldn’t surprise me if they might have hooked up.
I do believe that most of the stuff mentioned here is true, such as him having pool parties at his house in Studio City (you won’t find his address cuz he is smart and knows how to keep that hidden) with a lot of those model types he seems to like so much. Although I doubt that someone who appears to have as many trust issues as him would have sex with that many women. I think he does it with his female ‘friends’ or whatever (much like andrea0009). People that he kind of trusts.
He gave this one journalist I’ve heard of a really hard time cuz she called him ‘Jordan Catalano’. Well, he said something along the lines of “you’re never going to get a man and you’re going to die alone”. The guy needs to chill. He gets really sensitive about being called ‘Jordan Catalano’, I think. Cuz I heard another story of him giving a fan so much crap for calling him that, too. So if you want to piss him off…
Sorry, my rant was a bit long…
its no secret were he lives. Frendonia Drive LA. right next door to LAs largest porno studio. The girls work out at the same gym as him. so he is never short of a hook up.
LOL, does everyone know where that guy lives?? I know that guy is a douche and all, but still. I think he does try to maintain some degree of privacy.
Shann Yes he like to hook up with them Jared not! He is 100% concentrated on his work(he is working on a big project since 2010) and if we talking about porn-stars he is stay away from them as I know!He like a natural woman and he spend most of the time in a hotel Chetau idk why…but he have his room there!
he spends his time at the marmont and it’s not secret that high class whores are sent there where they meet their “clients”. He probably orders escorts.
Jared was hooking up regularly with one porn actress a couple of years ago and she even stayed at his place with her 2 small dogs because people would see her walking them while he was on tour. They said she has a little girl but i never saw her. Jared is friends with tons of people who work at hustler and yes they work out at that trashy gym. the girl i heard actually new shannon first and shannon introduced her to his little bro.
I am not Adnrea friend but my close friend knows her and she is not definetly FG who wanna fuck Jared Leto.
She doesn’t have to be a fangirl to want to fuck him. The majority of fans want to, so why would she be an exception? Because she is mature and not obsessed? :/ Check her twitter and then talk.
Jenny! my close
friend knows her
privately and I know better than u! shut the fuck up!
And you take a chill pill.
http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=furm1&s=7 brunette girl nearly shannon is the same girl from katsuia?
I dont think Jared dates and Shannon either. I slept with both jared and shannon. Jared in 2005 on the bus and Shannon in 2009 also on the bus. Shannon is a better lover and kisser.
congrats LOL
not really, the bus smells weird and you always get kicked out right after the deed is done by their road manager.
sweetheart that was sarcasm bwt r u blonde?
What does my hair color have to do with anything? Prejudice against blondes is almost the same as prejudic against a race IMO or a sexual orientation.
bcoz I heard that Jared likes blonde models! I am just curious:))
Nope he likes blondes and brunettes!I know this for sure ;)Shann is more in blondes
Armania, not true at all!! lol I know for sure that Shannon prefers Brunette ethnic type women because he actually told me he’s more into brunettes than blondes but He would “make an exception” with me. He said my friend was really cute. I got the feeling he wanted to do both of us, but she wasn’t into it. She is Greek and Mexican. She didnt have time to hook up with Shannon though as they had to go to Virginia and we were kicked off. Shannon was obviously joking as most men do not have a type. It’s a myth.
so Shannon is a Sex Master?? I need to lose my weight n dying my hair
What about jared? Who is jules? The girl shannon was with? I don’t know her name but she said that she was his girlfriend. Something told me she knew why we were there but she was like denying it or something. Shannon said that she wasnt his girlfriend but something tells me otherwise.
he had “girls things” on the bus. heh. Total player that one. He’s a devil.
my friend (blonde, haha) slept with him at a hotel… then he came in town and she stood him up (she really didnt mean to, got side tracked at a party)
…. she hates herself for it! lol… she also said he was good in bed…haha
when and where??
end of last year, first of this year… southern U.S.
Yeah and I was dating him at Greenland
LOL listen we don’t have your fake stories really!I saw what you wrote in the past here Ur just a liar IDK why u still here?!
I mean don’t need* btw find a friends idk job grupiegirl and try to care about ur own life not about the others cause it’s not ur businesss!U talking shit about J like the others here!He’s not hooking up with grupies or girlsin every city what is in your head???
im laughing cause your so fucking stupid… learn to TYPE and READ English, you stupid cunt…. i wasnt even talking about jared… i love jared. no talking shit here… it was shannon i was talking about… they are both awesome. and if i was lying would i WANT it to be me and not my friend. …omg… shut the fuck up you illiterate fuck.
No!!!!!not you again liar
i wish i was lying cause she sure missed out on an awesome sexual time (again), and she knows it.
but also she hates that she missed out on hanging out with him cause he does have a fun and awesome personality.
one funny thing about Shannon is he actually had a blond girl there who was saying she was his girlfriend. He said she wasnt though. She was really hot. He told me to wait there and he sent her somewhere so he and I can go and be alone with my friend (who then ended up getting off of the bus). He is a total player!!! his “girlfriend” was pretty stupid. lol
I’m not a model. I’m not really “skinny”. I have boobs and a booty
u talkin’ about Jules?? Hmm… can i ask u sth?? why did u do this?? I met her and I think that she is nice person.
what about J???sorry for that question…
I can tell you that J is a different guy than he was in 2003 he is BORING!Shann likes to go to clubs spending time hook up but J no!!!!He is always in a hotel or bus with emma,Daniel etc working working working!He doesn’t like when S inviting someone to the bus cause like he said it’s his home in road not an open pub LOL
Ha really he said that? and how do you know?
Jared was very rude to me recently. He didn’t make eye contact with me and sort of got pissy that his brother was inviting us on the bus. It was weird but whatever.
Ha!So u was not only one person with J treat like that yep I think he is jelaous that S is fun and he have a better contact with everyone than he!Jared like to choose fans to talk etc he like to be on top always!
Jared wasnt much of a talker. He only wanted one thing and so did I. He got it and so did i. We had a mutual understanding of what we were both on the bus for and that was that.
Jared isn’t an animal in bed at all. He’s pretty normal in my experience. I dont know. He was cool.
Oh and J is rude for some of S girls and try to be like father for brax and daniel which is funny for me…he think that he is the most immportant person in the bus and band lol
so what about Brax and Daniel? btw thanks for info*
ha interesting…
Idk what happened with Jared!He was more open few years ago now he is a prick for me
He is closed in his own world
prick bcoz he don’t wanna fuck with everyone??
No, he was very rude to everyone, staff included. I didn’t want to sleep with him at all that night because he was just pissy. he also looked like he smelled and his brother is better in bed anyhow so it all worked out.
when it was?
omg you can’t be for real… You know he is very moody, he might not have had a good day then.
It was funny for me that he wan’t talk with me and he pick a very fat girl and talk with her laugh lol it was fucking weird it was early this year after one of their show…lol
That is simply amazing. And don’t laugh at it. Fat girls are always bad talked about and there’s no reason to.
He did the same in 2010 he was talk with 2 bigger girls and 2 blonde ehich wanted to take him somewhere he didn’t react…I think he like smart girls not stupid pussys
He is not a prick, he has finally put some sense in his actions. Having sex with anyone isn’t healthy. Ok yes, he still hooks up at Chateau Marmont, but he has reduced the circle.
I meant everyone* sorry
so he hooks up at Chateau Marmot but what abt when he is on tour? just work??
He doesn’t hook up that much when on tour apparently. The only thing in his head seems to be work work work.
so when he is on tour he is on diet or something like that??
hahaha diet, nah he is in abstinence. I don’t really know.
When Shannimal is in the club J walking down the street alone with his camera lol
I am blonde but my friend has brown hair, and she hooked up with Jared as well.
He is okay in bed just nothing spectacular. Even though we were technically not on a bed. hahaha.
Shannon is extremely good in bed I felt. That boy has definitely had to have a lot of practice. hehe.
are u a model, actress? probably u r beautiful, skinny and sexy.
so we need to hook up with Shann :))))just kidding
yeah but Jay is more interested in brunettes if we are talking about serious relationship idk why he think that with blonde he can have a serious relationship?But he said that brunettes are more mature he said that to us in february…
So how Jared is in bed????
Haha, good question
actually no..I hooked up with shannon last year. jesus..these years are flying by.
Jared has a gf!!! his Blackberry
To Emely:I’m a normal girl and I was walked to hi for pic than we start to talking about Howking and he stay with me and my 2 other girls for 30 minutes maybe lil longer he really have sth to say :)I like that guys!
Kate: bcoz he like a normal, smart girls, not a pussychicks!
Idk but I saw his reaction when a girl(btw which trolling this page)was very rude for one let’s say ‘fat’chick after one show in Europe J saw her behave and said the words which will stay in my head forever I was laughin so laudly :you are beautiful but u don’t sth that she have this girl asked :what with a nyc accent than he said quietly :brain and we start to laugh lol it was very very rude but so funny she was look like Pam Anderson and was there for one…and LQeto jr take her to the ground LOL
why?? becouse he was honest?? LOL
I don’t know her coz I am an EU Echelon:)
Jared is my hero at now
Hahaha Oh Leto Leto Haha
It didn’t make much sense at first, I re-read it, so he stood up for the “fat” girl? That’s nice.
When was this? This year or last year?
This year
He’s very nice and sweet, I don’t understand the need to say bad things about him.
?She didn’t say anything bad about J
I don’t mean her, I say in general.
Jared is a new person now !Jared from the past has gone…:)
I like more ” a new Jared”. Ok, He is boring but i think that he is a better person now!
I think he is much more interesting now. I wasn’t there back in the early days but I like how he is now.
Yes he is a better person and he likes a normal girls that’s why he is on top and Shann will e Shann
Shannon has a new friend ( DJ B) and they
like to spend time w/ easy girls:) it’s sad but maybe someday S changed too ( I hope so)
He is more mature now
FFS! People really need to learn how to write english if you’re going to write on an american board! Mars has the most illiterate fans ever. If you can’t write in english, do not come on english boards and type gibberish! You don’t see me going on polish or Italian boards trying to type in their language and messing it up in the process.
i completely agree. and they are always the ones that don’t believe what the American girls are saying. lmao.
lol! jared usually has girls in all the cities that he calls. That’s what shannon said anyway. I never said he was bad in bed, at all. Don’t get me wrong. i just think he was average. Maybe he and I didn’t click or whatever. Maybe he was having more fun reading his atlas! hehehe. He seriously had an atlas on the table with a bunch of post it notes in it scribbled with stuff.
Shannon i just felt is DAMNNNN good at all of what he does. He is also funner to make out with. He is very talented. haha.
Nope!Like I said he spend most of his time alone…he has a lot of friends(boys and girls) but if u see him with a girl it doesn’t mean that he will fuck her…it’s so stupid thinking!
Amanda: how
do you know? idk why but i believe you.
You don’t have to hunny but I’m honest I know a lil bit about J…but not about his bro that well…he didn’t care what ppl think about him or talk he is who he is and he know his ‘price’ he is a really good guy…what this girls can say aout him?Nothing?Just a fanfictions!:)I’m honest it’s 2many bullshit here
Lalonelyg: what now? u still think that ‘J has girls in all the cities’?
He doesn’t call them, the girls do. I know because one of them told me, true fact. And not all of them have his number, it’s normally through emails.
your friend has jared’s email?
She’s not my friend, and she won’t give it to me by any means. She is pretty and not fan of the band, at least not as much as the rest, so here you go. And if you don’t want to believe me it’s your own problem.
mmm….when he is in her city, she write to him and then met and have some fun?
Yes. He doesn’t look for it, it’s the girls who do, and of course, why say no?
I know that he is very busy and he don’t have time for anything!just work work and work!
That’s why, he isn’t that interested.
U Jenn and U lalonelyg are funny kids!Jared knows a lot of new things about himself now LOL U should start to write stories for kids really :)U don’t have any knowledge about him…that’s the point
what r u talkin about??
I know it 2…Shann is da bad mdfkazzz fck like an animal everything n J is boringggggg only work work work not ime for sex yayaya!But it’f funn to read this bullshit here…this chicks are just a stupid fg…I know them LOLOLOL
Wow, first time ever that someone calls me a fangirl… should I be worried? Don’t think so.
Yes u should…coz u talking bullshit
But that doesn’t make me a fangirl… get the terms right.
this site is a lot of bullshit!
And who says so? Someone with such a silly username? Come on…
did u said that Jared know about this site?
30 seconds to mars offer help at
Pukkelpop 2011
… a big, shiny tourbus aswell, with tinted windows. The doors swing
open, conversations stop, mouths drop. Jared Leto (Shannon and
Tomo) get out. His group “30 seconds to mars” was one of the
headliners on Thursday night. He was with his crew at the side of the
stage preparing for the show when all hell broke lose above Pukkelpop.
“I knew immediatly: this is bad. Really, really bad. I’m from the
South of the USA. I’m not easily impressed by a storm. But something
destroying like this have I never seen. Never. What a tragedy. Al those
young, beautiful people who came here together to celebrate and then … .
This is going to linger for a long time. When we canceled the show, my
first thought was : let’s drive to the hospital. But I was afraid we
would be in the way. The first aid services told us here was the place
we could do the most. Comfort people. Listen to their stories. Helping
them be distracted, maybe. It worked – and not a little. His entourage
gave away everything that was eat – and drinkable from the tourbus, he
himself was between the people. “So glad you’re okay” he tells
everybody. ‘You’re gonna get over this. Stay warm and stay safe
– De Standaard, zaterdag 20 augustus 2011
i like to read about this stuff not about his potencial girlfriends.
me too. much much love. they are amazing.
I’ve heard that Katharina was in Hamburg last night?!
Many ppl thought that but it was Emma at the backstage…
are u sure??
She is always at the backstage
did u were there?
Kat was at M&G???
I don’t know but ppl said that she was there
katw wasn’t at m&g she was there like jared gf
Really ? Everbodynwas saying she was at the m and g and that she was screaming to him all the time…. Oh well, she was there. End.
screaming to him???
screaming to him?? hahaha wtf hahaha LMFO
Thats what i read on twitter…. Haha just imagine that !! His gf among the golden tickets people and screaming…. Oh well…. This old man…. We lost him….
what do you mean screaming? I doubt it. haha. that sounds crazy.
Did Kat was in Mancheim??
nope! she back to home
well kat seems very braindead but she may be a nice person. She seems very sweet in those pics in the car with him. Actually too nice for Jared who is a total pig. Hopefully she can make a decent man out of this 40 year old man that thinks he is 20. ha!
She is too young and maybe immature, well, at least as unstable as he is (beep beep ONE thing in common). That’s for sure.
she is super pretty… i envy her! <3
why do you envy her? he doesn’t seem like th greatest guy to be in a realtionship with. I actually feel sort of bad for her.
dont get me wrong, hes hot. well he was more hot before but hes still kinda hot.
shes cute. in my opinion. Not anything gorgeous but very cute. He’s just an asshole.
he is and asshole and she is a stupid blonde because is dating him ..and she want;s fame and money sorry girl.Why pity for her.She has met only with famous people.And if Jared was a pig why she goes out with him?
kat is a daddy’s girl and jared is her daddy now. that’s what the rumors are anyway. stephen dorff was the same way with her. shes got daddy issues. She is pretty cute though.
She’s very ordinary girl, btw with not so less plastics,there are hundreds of girls like her in the industry who look exactly the same sometimes it’s so hard to decipher them from each other that’s why the girls with no talent and nothing special in their looks choose the easiest way to gain fame-celebrity boyfriend. this mode is useful way for both sides. approved method in showbiz.
I’m agree,she’s very ordinary.But where did you see plastics??She seems to be absolutely natural.
She is sooooo ordinary…. And those videos of her on youtube ugh…, trashy. And he, he is and asshole, a pig and an idiot because he is 40 and could be more mature and smart to date somebody with at least a decent career or a prettiest face…. At least someone that can comb her hair ! Iugh….
i think she’s looking for a daddy and jared loves girls who look for a daddy you know
Lol, i think you are right…..
But you can’t deny that it’s lame. That won’t last…
Totally lame for both…. Ugh…. And if it lasts, oh, how pathetic it would be !
please this girl is not a model. she has already turned to acting because she is not getting work as a model.The agencey she is with has already dropped her. she can’t act. her friends are tara reid & jay lyon. its history repeating it self. hastings 2 years ago now this girl. J likes to slum it with his girls because of his so called bad reputiation which i think is a load of crap. he just has alot intimacy issues, who doesn’t. which is why he puts himself out there. “Those who walk the walk and talk the talk” are full of it. move on…
how do you know her agency dropped her? i can see her not getting work because her look is sooooo common. there’s tons of girls that look like her. shes cute but shes not outstanding. in modeling, even if youre not so pretty, you can still have something else that sets you apart. look at Gisele. She isn’t as beautiful as Adriana lima in my opinion, but she is much more sought after.
your right about kat and acting. she cannot act worth a crap! she’s probably looking for jared to take care of her and be her daddy. ehem! hehaha.
Kat is a spoiled daddy’s girl I heard and jared likes that. Stephen dorff her ex loves spoilt daddy’s girls and so does jared. She likes older men to be her daddy and thats what jared wants. he has male dominate fantasies. haha.
It’s funny how he pretnd to be smart and mature and buddha haha and then, he is seen posing for paparazzis “kissing” a poor brainless “model” which lips could explode any minute due to excess cheap silicon…. Haha Jared is so lame…. Poor idiot.
When Jared said GOODBYE for a while yesterday I was cry :(((
jared probably is never going to settle down sorry he is almost 40 and since cam diaz he did have any serious relationship with anyone. he talks about family and stuff but i think he knows that is to must work for him and i can t sat see him having sex with one girl for the rest of his life. and katharina look at her she is empty like lauren she is not smart so he just bangs her because if he was look for someone to talk to he would chose someone with studies and stuff. he likes young girls to keep him young and to look cool to the fans. i like him a lot but sometimes he is so disapointing because he looks so pathetic with some clothes and young dumb girls…
I agree…. He is looking very pathetic recently in those clothes…. Ugh.
He just needs a good stylist.And mirror.
He just needs honesty, which apparently he doesn’t have around…
Oh,really?I think we ALL need honesty,which we don’t have around.
Maybe that’s your case, not mine
Congrats,if so.
I think that you guys are over examining the situation. How many young people want to listen to a band that wears dad jeans and a short sleeve plaid button up shirt. I wouldn’t. Every older guy is trying to be younger, they date younger girls because who doesn’t want hot young arm candy? Honesty is a really good thing to have but I’m not sure if everyone is going to tell him what’s really happening. I think there is going to be one girl that is going to make him think differently, he is going to run threw these nasty girls. It just takes time.
Haha)I hope one day he will meet such girl)I’ll be happy)
I simply love what you have written.
He’s just confused tired man suffering from middle-age crisis.Don’t be so mad))
Their “relationship” would not last too long.
it is true that jared at vma’s will bring katarina? and shannon his gf jules or rebeka…and tomo viky?
Where did you read that ? That would be hilarious ! Lol
Tomo bringing Vicky I would understand but this is a band thing usually, I’m sure she will be at the party afterwards though. Jared and Shannon never bring the girls the fuck to something like this. Real official gfs or wives or mom, yes, but not someone they’re just fucking. In that case there are women all over the world they could bring. Kat is just someone who happened to be there when the papz spotted Jared and followed him.
i would let jared be my daddy. (i dont have daddy issues) lmao

how hot was he at the VMAs was soooooooo rooting for HURRICANE! ahhhh!!
HURRICANEFOREVER … jared is brilliant. love lovvveee
haha! Would you get the tattoo for him too? read my post above.
i more then likely would… haha it would be an awesome story teller… haha. jared is so amazing.
this is the real profile of Katarina Damm ? http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100002657568550
Yes this is the real one!!!
news about shannon??
Funny that you mention the daddy’s girl thing. Did you hear about the shamrock incident and that’s how you know? Apparently that’s the tattoo that he wanted the blond girl to get that was with him at Shamrock. I guess she didn’t.
What shamrock incident are you talking about ?
a while ago Jared walked into a tatt shop called Shamrock and he was with a blond girl. I assume it was Kat but it couldve been someone else. They were joking and he said he wanted her to get a tattoo that said “daddy’s girl” and they were looking at possible borders for the tattoo. I dont believe she got it. They were probably joking. Its safe to assume that it was either an inside joke between the 2, or obviously Jared represents “daddy”.
by inside joke I mean maybe she is a typical spoiled daddys girl, OR as I said, Jared is the daddy and the tattoo was for him. Id think its probably my first theory. I doubt someone would get a tattoo for someone they just met and I dont think jared would expect it.
All of this Daddy theories are real but in that way:Jared like to tc about the others and wanna have a girl which would be lil girl inside or a daddy girl and Leto Jr can put his arms around her,protect etc u know what I mean…Cameron was a strong girl
I remember that pic and that wasn’t Kat.
What are u talking about?
So you all think that Jared is with Kat in real relationship?
No. There has been many girls like her on this tour.
I like how everyone on here is acting like they are his therapist. Yes, I’m sure that Jared has intimacy issues, but when he gets these girls that let him do whatever he wants he is going to do it. You have to understand that everyone of these girls are throwing themselves at him. But if he clams he wants a real relationship and such I’m sure he needs the chase, he needs someone that is going to respect themselves and not throw their cat at him every chance they get. No this relationship is not going to last because he will get bored and there is going to be more ‘pretty models’ doing the same thing she is doing. But people get bored of the same thing, kind of like all the rockstars from the 80’s and what not, now they are getting older and moving on from the same, most are married/with children. It’s only a phase.
I dont think it’s as easy for him to get decent women as everyone thinks. He can get trash, but imagine him going out with an actual respectable strong woman again? I can’t. I dont think they want him. When he comes on to almost any girl with brains, like journalists and whatnot, they almost look like they wanna vomit in their mouths.
Only brainless skanks go for the crap he pulls.
come to think of it, any woman after Scarlet was total trash. Who did he have before Cameron? I dont know if he has had any decent woman worth mentioning AFTER scarlet. I hate cameron diaz but she still respectable and somewhat intelligent. I dont like Scarlet much either but same for her. Im not coming on here saying what he “needs” because if he is happy and that is key then he should continue to do what he’s doing.
Maybe he doesn’t want to have smart and independent woman?
thats what i said. if he is happy (even though you said he said he wasnt) then its not up to anyone to say whats good for him. I just cant see how someone with such a high intelligence like him can stand to be around girls whose mental capacity doesnt surpass a 7th grade level.
I think though that with his reputation and all no smart and decent woman wants anything to do with him.
just imagine him with someone like Mila Kunis, Katherine Heigl or if he likes models, someone like a Heidi Klum or Gisele B. No way! he can’t pull his BS with those girls. It’s sort of like bullys that cant pick on people their own size; he has to date people that aren’t challenging and that he can control. Who better to control than someone who is basically “offering” themselves to you?
He’s a capricorn like my ex!He like to control everything and everyone,have last word,he knows better but he is very loyal,honest and a good friend !But Capricorns are bitchy sometimes a guys and girls!So…read about this sign and u ll have a knowledge about mr.Leto cause all Capricorns are the same!
capricorns usually cannot connect with someone who isn’t intelligent either. I’m a capricorn
Thsi is a VERY common cap trait so thats strange for him. then again, he isnt connecting with the trash obviously other than connecting genitals. these all seem to be booty calls. he’s been booty calling for years now.
I have a lot of Capricorn-friends and they are very loyal,cute but:stubborn,controlling,irritating because they knows everything better than you and they are very closed I mean they look so cold outside it’s really hard to talk with Capricorn about feelings they don’t like show them!I think if all of my friends are excatly the same Jareds 2!So he is not an easy person!
It’s really good to know which sign is he because Capricorns are totally the same!I think it’s a one and only sign when ppl born at Dec and Jan are the same!And hell yeah they are not easy to comunicate I think they feel so good in their own ‘capricorn’ group!
we’re very open with those we trust but that’s only a verrry very select few. I am the most open with my 1 best friend and my brother. Everyone else I dont really fully trust. I know that sounds bad but its true.
we’re not cold. We’re actually quite the opposite on the inside but we’re afraid to get hurt.
I’m a capricorn too!! Heyy fellow cappies
Hey I’m a Capricorn 2!I was talking with Jared many times and I can see that we have a lot in common I mean if we are talking about behavior!I’m pround that Jared is on of us :)))
So that’s why you don’t trust easily, because you are afraid of getting hurt?
I guess so. it’s strange but i understand why he’d rather have tons of non meaningful relationships than going through getting hurt again. Once you burn a capricorn, usually that’s it. It’s very hard for them to bounce back even though we look strong and like we dont care but we hurt very deep.
you have to remember Cancer, the most feeling of all signs, is our polarity so we share many of the same traits. We just show them differently.
I am Cancer
which explains why you’re drawn to Jared. Cancer and Capricorn are drawn to eachother.
Naw, it’s sweet. Emma is Cancer too.
Ahhh. didn’t know that. It makes sense. Only sign that really knows how a capricorn works is a cancer. Only sign a capricorn will probably REALLY let in is a cancer or someone with Cancer in their birthchart. even if your sun sign is scorpio, you can have heavy cancer. pretty confusing. anyway, My hubby is a cancer
ahh so nice.
I can write to him and say “hey btw, I’m a cancer” hahaha
I think he couldn’t get ordinary, not famous girl too
Of course I think about smart, simple girls like lawyer or something:)
I believe that he can get an ordinary girl, why not? To be honest, it seems, I said it seems to me that he could connect better with that than with famous. I don’t know why though, I just have that feeling.
You guy have to understand that he lives in LA, it’s hard to find anyone there with a sense of depth. I’m sure he isn’t satisfied with his personal life, but he travels the world and is never home, I don’t know how anyone can find someone real when they are never home. He chooses these people because he is number one never home and number two sluts are throwing themselves at him, so what does he have to do control these girls as long as he wants and uses them for sex. It’s that simple.
He isn’t happy, he said so. I just think it’s awkward for him to approach any decent girl, I don’t know why, maybe he’s used to the ones that easily jump and cling onto him. That’s why he goes for those.
What about Shannon?
he likes young pussy LOL
young and big pusssy he loves girls with biggggg vagina = public WC
its sad. jareds so called bad reputation is partially his own fault. he is now paying the price for cheap and tacky publicity. In LA most people avoid him because of that so called bad reputation. he is publicist nightmare. you look at actor like Dicaprio and Clooney who are notorious womanizer have their reputation intact. came across this artical.
To me, deer-in-the-headlights-faced Jared Leto was always the least interesting thing in the short-lived 90s teen TV favorite My So-Called Life. (Proof there is no justice in the world? Whatever happened to Devon Ryan Gummersall?)
But Leto was pretty so, of course, he was pegged for stardom. Leto has worked steadily as an actor since then (and dated Cameron Diaz, which didn’t hurt his profile), but two things have seemed to get in the way of a true breakthrough: (1) he never really seemed to want it, to be willing to play the game, and (2) he’s openly, even proudly strange — which might be why he’s more suited to the music scene, where he’s finding more success lately.
I wouldn’t say that he has a bad reputation, he was recently linked to Siena Miller who is the ex-wife of Jude Law. Yeah he is a bit strange but should anyone really deny who they are for what others think of them. I agree with you that he is nothing like Dicaprio or Clooney but that’s not really justifiable, Leto is nothing like that except for liking woman. Clooney is much older with more experience, he has said that he never wants to get married and does date un-noticable women. He has been noted as very attractive and I wouldn’t disagree, but his acting is nothing like those other actors. I’m sure that he wants to be an actor or why else would he do it? but I don’t think that he wants to be in the public eye all the time. There is a lot opinions of different people, but you can’t compare him to any of the others because he is nothing like the others.
oh heres is the link
Anything new after gig in LA???
Jared was sick, maybe no.
Brooke has been on her twitter talkin bout how her and Shannon made out after the tahoe show
who is brook?
brooke is another stupid teenie girl she dreams too much is just an ordinary fan .maybe she is masturbating with jay or shann’s pic :))))) stupid teenie brooke get a life
who u r?? U r not Andrea0009!! GET A LIFE GIRL!!
Her account?!
i read her tweets i felt she is more into Jared than shannon :p
Oh this girl no no she is just a dreamer
We know her ;P
so she didnt?
who is this girl with emma? I saw her on the backstage in Europe…
Ya the one in white and pink is Emma
http://twitter.com/#!/Brooke_Garcia account
hey does anyone know if emma is still working for Jared. she wasn’t in europe or in the UK. has anyone seen her at the last to show. something is wrong i havent see emma around. since Jared hooked up with the wannabe model. I love emma she is the back bone of the band she keeps it together and now you don’t see her.
She was at the VMAs but i dont know about UK and Europe becuase its a PAs job to remain helpful and semi inconspicuous lol. I cant remember where i read it but recently i read that she was only his PA in the US. So whether that is true and she was just around the last tour cause Jared didnt have another PA lined up god knows *shrugs*
she was sick thats why she wasn’t in germany but she was in the UK show bcoz i read some tweets between her & Vickie !
she twitted that she was not in the uk. fans have been twitting to her and asking if she was there and she wasn’t. shes not really twitting at all. its sad i love emma. i don’t want to see jared with anyone esle other then emma. and i know thats not going to happen. Jared is so lost with out her.
Emma is engaged to someone else and they will never be a couple. Get over it. Emma can stay wherever and work since her main work is done on the computer and phone. They always have contact and maybe it was not necessary for her to go for one day or she was sick. You are over analyzing.
i never said they were together in that way. He is stupid. he losers her he will reget it. emma does not like the girls he hooks up with becauce they are no good for him. she wants what best for him. and i know she is with Mike. i just don’t want jared to get rid of emma because of this stupid model. he is not well you don’t know the shit this model is probley telling jared. when jared was with hastings emma was always around now you don’t see her.
I have no idea what you are talking about, Emma is there. When he goes away on his little adventures he’s not bringing Emma with him. You don’t know shit about what Emma thinks about the girls he meets and you don’t know shit about what kind of person Kat is. You are just making things up. And there is nothing wrong with Jared. Jared is clever enough to keep work and party apart and he will never let a girl he’s fucking interfere with his work. Why just come down on Kat? What about all the other women he’s fucking? She is far from being the only one. She’s just the one caught on camera by papz. And don’t talk shot about models. They know tons of models. Models are just ordinary women not better or worse than any other woman.
woo a little harsh. i know alot of LA & NY models. i’m still yet to meet one thats not in it for something. meaning money and fame. the models J hangs out with are below average they will always struggle to get work. you can be sure that this model when her contract is up with onemanagement she won’t be resigned. Scott Lipps does not like trashy rumoures attacted to his girls or his agencey. from what i hear she is already on her way out.
Dating is not a trashy rumor. She used to be the gf of another famous actor and that didn’t hurt her so why would this. People seem to think that only their very best on the runway are real models when in fact the majority of them do other work. They are all still models and yes, they work to get money and fame. No harm in that. That’s why most guys start bands. That does not mean they sleep with every famous guy around or acts like whores. Wanting success and money in your field of work does not make you a golddigger. And harsh because she keeps making things up and it’s BS like that that can hurt someones reputation.
i never said they were together in that way. He is stupid. he losers her he will reget it. emma does not like the girls he hooks up with becauce they are no good for him. she wants what best for him. and i know she is with Mike. i just don’t want jared to get rid of emma because of this stupid model. he is not well you don’t know the shit this model is probley telling jared. when jared was with hastings emma was always around now you don’t see her.
Emma was def in Europe! They celebrated her birthday on the stage in Sweden
Jared fucking Kat, if that is what he is doing, hasn’t changed anything. You are all taking his friendship/relationship with Kat too serious. There are many others.
thats was in june she was not in europe in august. she was not at leeds or reading. and i don’t think she wasn’t at the last two shows. since jared started hanging around this girl emma has not been around. emma and Jared don’t look happy. you only have to look at the photos from the vmas and at the hotel. they are cold to one another. something has happened between them.
As much as i like Emma tbh she never looks too happy, most of this tour she hasnt. Its just long periods away from home that are affecting and there attitudes. This Kat is justa a noone and if Emma can put up with the sluts like Lhan and Hilton then this is no different
Happened between them? She works for him not dating him. She’s been engaged for years already. If they don’t look happy it’s because they are human and don’t always smile and don’t love having cameras shoved in their faces very time they leave a place. Stop making things up. None of all the girls that has passed through Jared’s bed has even effected the relationship he has with Emma. She is his assistant and friend and he trusts her.
Ah Emma & Mike are not engaged. They do live together. You are an angry person. How is it you come on her tell every one the dos and don’t about Jared when you don’t even know.
I’m not angry but I am allergic to BS. Did you miss the point that she is not with Jared but has a bf?
i can’t image emma not being around. i’m sad very sad.
I was in Tahoe and Emma was there, so was Mom (Constance).
katharina was in Hamburg 23.08.2011 look min 2:37 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cXGLnVG7FmM at the concert
Question: Katharina will be at fashion week ?
of course she will be!she is a model!
The truth is that she wanna have fun !Jared is mature maybe you don’t know but he wanted to settle down!They talking that she is so mean for him and ppl around and that is nothing serious from her side
Jared has said he is happy to play around at the moment and being single. Read the interviews.
i hate this girl she has come between Jared and Emma. I wish she would just fuck off the beatles broke up because of yoko and now this girl will break up 30stm.
You’re so weird))
katharina is a second hand model her purpose in life is to skate through old and rich men bedrooms, to take drugs,and make’s blowjob.It is normal because it is a model=public wc
I thikn Andrea is prettier than that brooke girl. Just sayin. I also think Jared likes Andrea more. If they did move to LA for the Leto boys, theyre gonna be pretty disapointed.
Jared has this black haired girl living in his house. couple peeps saw her go from the gym to his house. its not andrea though. this girl has big old boobs.
Is this recent or old? I’ve heard this too but about a few years ago…
old gossip!:)
btw a lot of ppl are in his house I was there in 2010 and it was maybe 30 ppl inside it was a summer party but most of them was Shanns friends Jared was with us but 3 h later go somewhere alone lol he’s weird
yeah LH used to swim in jared’s pool when he is away maybe he allows his friends to do so !
maybe she is crystal? I think they are just friends now! or maybe shannon gf?
No this is recent. She has a small puppy and from far she looks like kim kardashian type girl, but more skinny. she was there on Labor day. she came out with the little pug dog in black cut off shorts and a sports teeshirt with the dog and went back in the yard.
Ugh… what the hell can she be doing living there? :/ she sounds to be a bit plastic…
Oh I know who she is. She was around in some US shows late last year. I’ve seen a picture thecobrasnake took.
if there is a pic can u post the link jenny ! =)
I know that J like brunettes :)He said it many times
she doesn’t really look “plastic”. Thing is, does Jared even still live there? My dad works in a high rise just up the street from there but what if Jared doesnt live there anymore. I wont say what street its on but maybe this brunette is the new owner of the house.
I know that J prefer to spend more time alone in CHM idk why cause he have a home in LA w/Shann…Leto Jr like to be alone Shann is my party BOY
i know were jared lives. he still live there and so does shannon. no high rises except for the arpartments next door.
well it’s not “up the street” but near there. he still lives by sycamore?
wtf. i don’t think so..
Yes but he isn’t dating anyone and if you are trying to imply that he is with that supposed to be woman living in his house you are wrong, they would have been seen together.
front yard or backyard. Hummmm. was she putting out the garbage or bring in the fan mail….
ok we r done with kat damm & now a brunette is supposed to live in this house ,interesting !!
maybe that girl is shannon gf..or is just a lie..or is andreeea 009
Andrea has tried to get in touch with him, he either ignores her or I don’t know.
Gizz Andra is there not for him but is she wanted sth it’s not gonna work coz like he said many times:she a cool kid that’s all…:))))) btw She like to make us angry for no reason!
She texted him, that is the truth. And whoever keeps insisting that she isn’t there for him is a melon head. End of discussion.
I feel pretty bad for her if she went to los angeles for Jared because she wont get him. She’s just some kid that he will probably screw in private and then ignore her and not admit to it. She’s not good enough to be his girlfriend in his mind but he will keep her around for his ego. She’ll do anything for him just like the others. He picks the ones that are easy to control.
andrea wants fame i saw on twitter when jared follwes she once only to give she an DM
jared is now with katharina! look on wdw
it was a joke gizz look again
Jared told someone that the one girl brooke is in need of some professional help. Why does Jared attract such nutcases?
He doesn’t attract them, there’s a lot of girls/women obsessed with him. I guess he can’t help it. He’s good looking, that’s all. But I bet he is sick of it already.
naw, it’s not that. there is tons of good looking men out there that dont always attract psychos. Trent Reznor also attracts psychos and hes not that conventionally good looking. Maybe like attracts like? Jared isn’t necessarily sane.
He attracts my attention and interest and I’m completely sane.
Rose McGowan meets up with Jared Leto at the Tommy Hilfiger and
Interview party held at the Gramercy Park Hotel on Friday (September 9)
in NYC
now there’s a real woman for him. He’d never dare though. She’d eat him alive.
I wouldn’t be so sure of this
she likes him I think ;P Look like she’s sticking to him 
jared put on his blog a pic with him and ruby
Yes. It’s Jared.
Jared Leto & Rose McGowan … wow that came out of nowhere. innnnterestingggggg.
Both Jared and Katharina was at the abrney’s party in NYC but no pics of them tohgether yet. Maybe he’s trying to protect her. Barney’s ! This damn thing wont let me delete and change spelling mistakes =(
all her pics r showing that she was drinking all the time & he wanna protect her 0.o
Jared was there with Terry and Terry’s gf! He and Kat are just friends! STOP talking
Ella You don’t know that! I think Jared was there with Kat! St Tropez, Hamburg, now NYC… Isn’t it too weird?
She was in Hamburg before Mars gig! She was there with her friends and St Tropez she was there with her family!
She was in NYC for fashion week. There are pics of her there.
yeah, she is a model….. it’s FW so she must be there!
Not all the worlds models go to Fashion weeks and not in NYC. She’s not a model who is very high up on the ladder so there is nothing that says she would get in. She can most likely just be there for the parties.
she was there bcouse she is not super model who wanna have so much work to do! You know what I mean?? Look at Jules, she is not on the Fashion Week couse she is busy!
For someone who is not high up on the ladder, Fashion week is also a great opportunity to meet people in the business. It can lead to more work.
They are friends clearly sio it is weird they never saw each other.
sI didn’t ay he wanted to protect her, it was a theory if they would be together. he has after all said that the main thing that crshed his relationshiops was the publicity.
yeah i agree with u but he was seen with her in St. tropez many times now he realized he needs to protect his relationship but i really find it weird that they were spotted so many times & they were at the same party but u can’t find a single pic for them !!
No pic together no. St Tropez was twice not many times. And papz are always looking for Jared so it’s not strange he saw them. They weren’t hiding. Jared never do it seems. The only thing we have so far is friendship for them. No kissing pics or anything.
Apparently they broke up? Read something about it…
They broke up?? Heh, I’m just curious… Were they a couple??? Bcoz I don’t think that.
Also, the pics of them together were posed, how do you call that ?
Posed? You mean they were posing for the cam? That’s not unusual once the papz are discovered. They weren’t posing the first time they were caught walking down the street with groceries and then talking. Lol broke up? I doubt you can call that a relationship. Jared meet many pretty women and have his fun.
you think they would pose in that situation? the beach was more appropriate…
That’s what I said; they weren’t posing the first time they were caught. The second time on the beach I’m sure they both expected it and saw them since it wasn’t a busy street but a quite a empty beach by the look of it.
Yet he is seen around with her in St. Tropez, first time spotted together, all open to the public’s eye… really…
lol everyone at a party like that walks around with drinks in their hand. That doesn’t mean they’re booze hounds and get drunk. It’s called mingling.
he’s drunk at this party
Anna, he doesn’t drink….
people stop with this! Jared is with Kat for sure.
And you are basing that on…? If a papz see them and catch them on a picture they are a couple? In that case Jared is indeed a whore considering how many women he’s being seen with. Not to mention a cheater. Why are you so eager for him to be with Kat especially? According to Jared himself he’s happy sleeping around. That is not a relationship.
Maybe After his “fight” with Kat(see article below) he got drunk.
That is fake.
Ha! You wish it was. Ny daily wouldt write a fake article.
Ask photographer Chance Yeh on facebook… Someone asked if Jared was there with anyone and the photog said Jared was with his girlfriend. The photog was actually there unlike you, and he told some of his facebook friends that Jared said to him “dont photograph my girlfriend” and said stuff like “no pics with me and my girl” . Jared told that to terry too . Those were Jareds direct wishes to the phtograohers there. thats why kat got mad because Jared was posing with everyone else but not her by his choice. She was getting pissed cause he was ignoring her on purpse. Guess he doesnt want anyone to know they were together. She got really mad though at that. She was getting mad that Jared was getting photograhed with others and mingling and stuff without her so she was like whatever.
Jared tried rubbing her knee when they sat on the sofa but she moved it and he just walked away MADDDD! After that guess she started hanging out with her girlfriends and left jared to hang with courtney love and stuff.
How do you know all this?
oh thats right jenny, he is your boyfriend. he’s been waiting for you. Dont make me laugh! He dates young beautiful models like Kat. Deal with it.
y u r so stupid kacee11?
and “Y U don’t know how to write proper english Ella?” SEriously, learn how to write.
So anyone who doesn’t believe the gossip that they are a couple, is obsessed with Jared and think they’re gonna marry him? You’re just being bitchy because she doesn’t agree with you. Jared hooks up with plenty of women who are not models. Usually a model are someone you would pass in the street without a second look when they are not all dolled up. They don’t look prettier than anyone else just tall and skinny. It’s in front of the cam they get pretty. ONE article from a gossip site is not enough to prove anything. The pictures papz took is not showing anything we haven’t seen before with other women. I think you are either gullible or dead set on that he is with Kat for whatever reason. Keep an open mind and try to be more critical to stuff you read online. I’m sure that mag think they posted news but in fact they posted hearsay. No pictures of them. No recording or video. No eyewitnesses have publically come forward. Hearsay don’t mean shit.
jealous jealous jealous, all of you. They ARE prettier than the average girl obviously! There’s a lot of tall skinny girls who ARENT models because they dont have the face. Kat has it all and she had Jared so ha! There is too much evidence to make me think they dont or didnt have something going on.
They have or had something going on, when did I deny it? You should take your head out of your ass and read properly. I am saying that those things they said on the newspaper TO ME aren’t real. That’s all. Did I say something wrong?
Fair enough. But why dont you think its real?
I don’t think that Jared would allow something like that to happen at a party, in front of everyone. Also, media like to get attention so they can perfectly make things up. Also, Jared himself has said to never believe what we read. I trust him better than an unkown source for much it is called The new york post or whatever newspaper they have there.
Someone on whosdatedwho who “supposedly” knows katarina said that someone actually called the paper themselves to “get back” at Jared. She didnt say whether it was true or not, she jsut said someone from the inside called them.
Well then poor Jared…
People try to take cheap shots at him all the time but it never really hurts him, he has a thick skin after 20 years in the business and LA.
But I’m sure some of those things hurt him, he’s not iron man…
Not if it’s made up I think. Only he knows what the truth is. I doubt he reads the gossip. I think at the age of 40 you don’t care that much anymore. And men especially is better at pushing those things away. If it was something real like concerning his acting or when other bands called him, the band and their music posers, that I think bugged him a bit.
That’s true.
Actually no they are not and I know since I work with them. You know nothing about models apart from what you see in mags. I’m a beautiful woman myself and is not jealous of anyone. I have my man who’s hotter than Jared lol. Too much evidence you say but there is no evidence. You are just gullible.
Can I say that I officially love you? haha
Kacee’s problem is that she thinks she knows it all. Well let me tell you something, I don’t want to date Jared. I am just interested in him as a person, and he’s a good person, so I believe and I don’t want anyone to step my ground or make me think differently. See? Maybe you are the one obsessed with him, face it will you? And stop making assumptions of people you know nothing of, ie, me.
Thank you.
Oh and I believe he’d be better with an ordinary girl, he is just lost and needs redirection. Period.
HOW do u know this?
Yes it is so easy to believe the media, when half of the things they say when referring to celebrities are FAKE. Yes, fake. And I won’t believe anything, sorry, you don’t fool me.
the NY daily wrote that they had a fight the day before & on the purple mag. they were fine but she suddenly was nowhere to be seen & he hang out with courtney love but the photographer says that she got pissed off at the purple party so who is right ?? r u trying to tell me that they didn’t discuss that before going to the party i can’t believe that jared didn’t tell her before!!
look at whos website!
STOP F*CKING LYING YOU LOSER. He wasn’t even there that night; go look him up, that is A BIG BIG BIG photographer. You can see his schedule, he was shooting a different event. You shouldn’t throw names that are IMPORTANT around saying things like that, karma is a big b*tch.
pffff…another stupid rumour…How can you guys believe in it?It seems to be an absolutely made up story.You don’t respect yourself by giving credence to gossip.
your talking to the master minds of daddy’s private life. we have it allll figured out..
Haha)I noticed)
Poor daddy. hehe..What we all have came to conclusion. Kat used and hurt J something happened between parties that sparked J to get pissy with her. Pictures would be awesome to see but face it, daddy is only a D list celeb most ppl dont care if he gets into a fight with a bimbo model, only if someone calls in and gives a story. Girls need to stop hurting him! OR maybe better off he needs to stay away from little girls!
js- ahaha daddy is the boggie man. yes he should stay away from little kids for a while;) specially little spoil kids who only want money and stuff and daddy only has songs to sing for them;)
http://jacobdekat.com/ is said to be Kats bf and she is in his first portfolio so they do know each other.
they posterd in some hungarian cosmo an interview with jared and they asked aboutKatarina. He said somethin glike “well now that there’s photos, we can’t keep it a secret can we?” There you have it. truth is out.
They are a couple to many evidence
WOW,are you hungarian?)
He basically said it there so…theyre together.
fake! they were just fucking at one time lmao.
Unfortunatelly I can’t see the pic.(
Is it your page?
The girl who posted it and translated made it private, that’s hwy you can’t see it. She doesn’t believe it’s true either. Why would Jared open up to a Hungarian magazine but not anyone else, totally out of the blue? Screams FAKE!
I don’t believe it too.He never comments his personal life.And now he says that he has a gf…Strange.
It was said there(part of an interview):
-But now,don’t you avoid sexual contacts?
-Now,as you can see photos of me and Kat Damm in every magazine,can I keep it in a secret?
He couldn’t say it.For sure.It’s all FAKE.
yes. thety are a couple
yes. thety are a couple
yes. thety are a couple
The girl who posted it and translated made it private and she doesn’t believe it’s true either. Why would Jared
open up to a Hungarian magazine but not anyone else, totally out of the
blue? Screams FAKE!
Hey!Is there someone who’s going to the 30stm concert in Minsk?))
Im sure after this tour and Artifact is done he will get some much needed REST. he even said in a interview that if they did another album it might kill him. sooo scary and sad to think about! ALSO dont forget jared does have a little bit if a mental problem. Personally I believe he suffers from either ADHD or Bipolar Disorder, both of which are common in highly creative people. It’s not a curse to have a “mental illness” it just makes us a little different that the rest of you… he will obsess over every detail in his work..which brings on the not sleeping and eating that he sooo needs. “Puer aeternus” (google it, its very interesting and explains him! !
I agree with the ADD thing but it’s not a mental illness, it’s a DISORDER!
I dont think he has ADD because once he said in an interview that he feels he has the oppositte of ADD because when he focuses, he COMPLETELY focuses on what hes working on almost obsessively. I dont think thats add-ish.
No, it’s bipolar now that I have researched what it is…
That is TYPICAL ADD! You can’t focus on a loy of things but if there is something you are really interested in you get consumed by it and everything else around you disappear. Therefor no sleep etc. I’m like that and so is my dad and brother. We all have ADD and my psychiatrist taught me a lot about it.
ok. if you say so. dont know too much about ADD. Can you have both bipolar and ADD? Jared is sort of violent too and isnt that usually bipolar
You can have both but Jared being violent?
Mental disorder and mental illness are the same thing
I can see the bipolar. No biggie though. Half musicians have BIpolar disorder. If he does have it, he controls it very well.
I agree, he needs rest. I do hope he finds a good woman. Whether it’s Kat or whoever, I hope she takes care of him well and he takes care of her. All joking aside. He needs that, I think.
i forgot to include a huge one… he HAS major OCD…. which is why i brought up that he obsesses over ever detail that could drive him crazy. …and puer aeternus is the peterpan syndrome….
He can’t have OCD, ADD and bipolar disorder… one of them yes, but not all three together
You guys are all his personal psychiatrists as I see.
When you have something yourself it’s so easy to see it in others. I was diagnosed as an adult after my niece said I was just like her. That’s what started the whole thing. We compared similarities and the main ones were the ones linked to her ADD/ADHD.
OK,what symptoms of ADD/ADHD personally Jared has?
Many projects going at once – hard to finish because wants perfection/ Always on the lookout for new things stimulating/ Get easily frustrated and bored/ Creative, intuitive and highly intelligent/ Impatient/ Impulsive, verbally or in action/ A tendency to always worry/ Restless/ Tendency to become a addict (he has used drugs and had anorexia after Requiem).
I don’t know what Jared have because I don’t know him personally but these are a few that could/would fit based on what we do know and what he has said in interviews. Since there are other conditions that many has as well as ADD, like Dysthemia, that can explain why he says he never feels happy. Google wiki Dysthemia if you don’t know what it is.
I don’t think he has dysthymia. And what do you say about him never being happy? I just know that he once said he wasn’t happy , but that doesn’t have to do with any illness.
It sounded like a general answer not just for the moment. With D there are happy moments but it changes quickly. It’s not like a deep depression or anything. And no it doesn’t have to be. I never said any of this had to be. Just thoughts and similarities. But like I said about bipolar, which I know is the latest thing now which worries doctors because the majority of those who think and say they have it don’t, I don’t see any of that in Jared.
After reading about bipolar I can’t see that in Jared at all. Mania is the #1 symptom and I can’t see that in him apart from when he’s on stage and I don’t think his behavior there really counts. Check webmd, it don’t fit him.
OCD and phobias are very common when you have other disorders like ADD etc.
are you fuki**** nuts???stop talking about that!if he is sick or sth that is not our problem..
There is an obvious reason people say Jare Leto is weird and different. Even he says he is different from most. AND these are the reasons!
I see on starz and on whos a lot of specialists in Jareds life…and I can’t stop laugh!You know him better than he know himself!Human imagination has no limits!Jared need to see this it’s fucking funny!
JAred just tweeted “Dont beleive the hype, i don’t have a girlfriend” so there you have it. She’s probably just a booty call, or they broke up.
Broke up…I think!
broke up and he said it on twitter??They were never been a couple!
he didnt say they broke up on twitter. He said he didn’t have a g/f on twitter.
So he’s “single”.
He can always go to those pathetic fangirls brook and that other cooler looking one, andrea. They really are losers if they think theyre gonna “make it” in hollywood or win Jared’s “love”. Maybe Andrea can if she blows the right people. Brooke has no chance.
she has the ugliest face and she always twitters about how everyone is calling her beautiful like every 2 posts. Bitch please with that fat ugly face. Why would u hafta twitter about how awesome you are if you really feel that? Andrea is pretty though and at least has talent. They’re gonna end up stalking Jared. hahaha. poor Jared gets all the loonies.
Or a friend. They still say she has another bf, that model/photographer..
If ppl hate Brooke and Andrea so much why do they keep brining them up and getting them more attention?
Thats REAL talk!
fuck them!
Shannon is not with Jules, si?
does someone know if shannon has a gf? jules is just a fuck buddy for him..
I saw Shannon leto in LOS Angeles a couple months ago with this black girl who had a booty that wouldn’t quit! Amazing.
the black girl at the katsuya restaurant?
Hey. No I dont think so. Just saw the Youtube video of Shan at Katsuya. I dont think it was her. I would know though if I saw her booty. LOL!! The face looks a little different. The black girl he was with when I saw him was more babyfaced, and Katsuya is more exotic.
He was holding hands with her. I just said “Hi” and he said hi back, and that’s all. I was nervous and besides he looked pretty busy. haha.
actually it wasn’t a couple months ago that I saw him. Maybe it was longer so I dont know if he is still with the booty girl.
When he walked away, a couple of guys were like “Did you see that ass?” lol!!! Lucky shannon didn’t hear it.
not?? I saw them a few times
where did you saw them togheter? I saw them in Prague…
Yep I saw them in Prague 2
but Shannon said that he’s a single
And some people saw him with other girls. And he didn’t go on fashion week, soo? I think that she is another hooking up, but I was thinking that you have some pictures or something, because you said that you saw them a few times but you don’t have any proofs
Sorry for my english, but I’m still learning it.. I’m from Africa, so this is hard
Have a nice day/night!
jules the skeleton was with shannon because she has a big vagina
f** YOURSELF! i talked with her and she is a very nice person!!!!!!!!!
when you talked with her? do you think they are a couple? he wasnt at the FW in NYC, but jules wasnt there too..she was in dallas..
I wonder if you would say all this bullshit to Jared and Shannon personally. You’re brave on Internet where nobody can see your face. That’s the truth.
Yeah, don’t say that about a girl you don’t know. That’s disgusting.
lol i dont believe you jules is just another secondshand model.Fangirls dont forget to make jules an fanclub ”if u talk with her”
big vagina all their’s gf bigggggggggggg like an wc bigggggggggggg
where is the fanclub asskisserss of jared and shannon gf,ex or sluts, wc, big vagina, ugly girl…
jules the skelton she is history for shannon
she is with rebeka i know for sure.He never was with the skleton.Omg i
never saw an u*ly girl like her.Shannon u have so bad tastes.Poor you
for a bl*w job doesen matter the face with a bag on her had
Is rebecca the black girl with that nice ass?! Woah!! That butt was something else. lol!! She was hot, ngl.
jules the skelton she is history for shannon
she is with rebeka i know for sure.He never was with the skleton.Omg i
never saw an u*ly girl like her.Shannon u have so bad tastes.Poor you
for a bl*w job doesen matter the face with a bag on her had
lol u have right
http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100000014330894&sk=wall facebook of jules (the skeleton)
someone saw shannon with a brunette in Los Angeles…who is she?
with me
Jared had this really gross thing with Katharina where he was her daddy. He is like a perverted old man. Katharina is a dirty girl though. she likes it. Jared only wants daddy’s girls now.
they did not break up because they were never dating. He was just her “daddy”. They were playing and they STILL play but only with texting when he’s away. She acts like a spoiled brat around him but it turns him on. I bet he masterbating after that fight they had. He likes it. Trust me. She likes it too. They are not dating though and never were. They had a mutual understanding and they just play.
She’s also a big sweetheart! One of the sweetest! She did have too much to drink though at those parties which made her piss off a lot of guests but she really is a nice girl.
Those green hunter booots he posted a picture of are Katharinas.
He bought them for her. He buys her things all the time. She’s his daddy’s girl and nothing more. There not serious, never were and probably never will be. Dont talk bad about Katharina because she is as sweet as the days are long.
Jared also bought her 2 bags by Chanel, pants, black suede boots Loubies that were like $800 and a black skirt from Dior. He bought her a ring, too from Tiffany and some Alexander McQueen stuff. She just has to act like a little girl for him and he buys her stuff. It’s so crazy.
He was getting mad at her drinking though. She overdoes it with drinking and acts silly at parties and he gets embarrassed.
And how do you know all this?
Hipps like to imagine when she is alone in her room
yeah, that’s it. hardy har har. Who cares how I know? I just do. they’re not done.
until you know something for a fact, don’t talk shit.
the hunter boot belong to emma. She was seen wearing them at hard festival. hipss stop f**ken lieing. Jared tryed to hook up with Kat. she was not intersed. she only wanted to be seen with him. to get her name in the tablods.
Poor Jared, used again…
Hahaha… Jared bought EMMA , his mother and Kat hunter boots. Actualy he probably got them for free or something, but he definitely got kat hunter boots and a pair for emma and his mom.
im not the liar. maybe kat is lying but not me.
give the proof!one Kat’s personal pic.
Kat is liar?
If everybody can lie why I can’t?
this was a liar? don’t believe in everything you read?
any news about shannon?
news? hahaha any new gossip?
Hipps. How do u know all these details? Man i want J to be my daddy!
I just wanted to see Jared. hipps look at whosdatedwho.
A: she is not with him in Hawaii. am I right ppl?
No. she’s not with him in Hawaii but he texted her on Sunday night asking how is his baby girl. They’re NOT dating. Never were dating. They play.
Sorry but I know nothing about Shannon
You know actually I dont know if she’s with im in hawaii. Are they in hawii now?
you don’t know where she is but you know what jared wrote 2 her?
he texted to her? how do u know that?? do you know his mail or sth? (yahoo, qmail, hotmail?
no. she told ppl he texted her. I dont know any of his information. He is sort of crazy though, my god. I don’t want to know it.
I dont
understand, if you know such details, why did you write it here? wait a second. She told ppl, not you?? I think that u r liar. and she has a new twitter?? Katharina_Damm ??
Um, just because I know what was texted to her, doesn’t mean I know where she is every second of the day. She travels a lot.
Jared should probably be wearing a shirt with cowboy hats all over it. She gave it to him. It’s really ugly. hahaha. Maybe he’ll use it to dust.
ok, what he wrote 2 her?
he just asked her how his baby girl is
nothing more? “hips don’t lie”
You are getting denounce
Oh baby I know who you are :)Or I’m so close to guess!:)Btw Kat is just a poor lil girl Jared doesn’t treat her serious he wanted to find a real love and girl which will be tc about him not about his money like Kat!
who is her real dad??
@hipps and shannon he is alone?
hipps your lying until i see proof that u might actually know something, so stop the bullshit. thanks !
all the models are celebrities prostitutes. a smart woman nehh not for jared .he is too idiot for a smart woman with a good carrer.not an actress or a secondhand model
Oh yes Solange you are so right I always say that Jared Leto is an idiot no talented singer and actor then don’t talk about art my God worst than ever poor one..you know what??For me it’s all fake about him and all those youngest women he is no good even as lover so I think he is gay absolutely my friend trust me…..Ive heard too that he never take a shower every time I meet him, I have to stay away from him cause he is sooo stinky!!!
That’s incredible I know but that’s the truth, bye bye my friend.
You make no sense at all
Hey Kat
you must be foreign, you make absolutely no sense… you must have came into contact with him and he wasn’t interested in you at all so now your upset… get over it.
What your problem with russian??Foreign ? We are all equals.
yea we are all equals. and the only problem with russian and or foreign is the ones like you. You think you know jared and you dont and for some reason your mad at him… and you write about it your freaking out and not making any sense…
I think that nearly everyone here thinks they know him, but they don’t and it is because he is a complex person. So yeah, better leave them alone.
u are russian??
Ignorant bitch is for you my dear not Jared of course…..
4months ago Anya said:Hi everybody Mars yes they rock and we all love them about the Leto bros, it’s bad talking bad about Shannon rather than Jared etc…but if you want to know who is more romantic rather than rude, okay I will share that I know….yes Shannon as others said is more kind of indipendent guy, he likes enjoy so much around and sex but he doesnt like to talk a lot Jared what can I say….yes even tho he sometimes deserves to be brave or the boss, he is fucking sweet and romantic and cultured, he is really great but he doesnt like at all talk about his real private, so be careful everything he says is the contrary of all!That all I know and I wanted to say it, bye.
I will keep saying, no matter what people post on here, the reality is the reality. Trust me, if you are meaning with this that he has said he is single and to you he is dating, I assure you he isn’t. It would be pretty obvious. Don’t believe what whoever comes online and writes is real. We will always say that whoever knew them, directly or indirectly wouldn’t post about them at all.
Leto Jr is not an open person he wasn’t never…but I know him a lil and I can say that he is a single in my opinion…maybe hurt a lil he was always like that when someone break his trust or sth…or disappoint him!He’s now a lil whitdrawn(let’s say)smile outside sad inside…He is not like Shann which wanted to have fun 24/7 Jared always wanted sth more from life and from relationships 2!
And why someone like you, who claims to know him, posts on here? Makes no sense.
you never knows who read this page. That’s all what can I say.
I can think of the possibilities and a wide range of people who can have a look at this site…
baby girl everything is possible.
That’s why I say it
Cause it’s 2many liars here????And I can’t stand it??
agree. hipps, beatrice…
Good answer
and D. look at this whosdatedwho dot com
Katharina knows about this site.
so what??say Hi to her.
who gives a shit. we all know she is a junkie. we all know that lipps dump your ugle ass. So you moved onto Jared and took advantage of him. I hope you rot in hell bitch.
oh jacob dump your ass too . now your trying to get back with him. i wonder if that contract you signed knows that your a junkie. i’m sure they would like to know you blow. maybe i should write them a letter. is that why lipps won’t resign your contract or give you any work. Kat Damm you fucked with the wrong people.
we don’t know her maybe she is not that bad?Jared like her so….??It’s sad bcoz J is a good man
Jared and her aren’t together, so that “like” might be a bit superficial, don’t you think?
Jacob DID not dump Kat and she’s not running back to Jared. She and Jared never dated! They just fool around. Get your facts straight! You know nothing about Scott either, so give it up! Kat has tons of work lined up that you have no idea about so get off of it because you’re just jealous. Shes ugly? Um no! Have you checked out the newest VS campaign? Who do those models looks like? Yeah, that’s right! They got Katharina’s look. No wonder she might be working with Victoria’s Secret.
not gunna lie. kat is pretty freakin hot! i lovvve her look!
oh really and you know scott. he is all so an asshole and fucks all his girls.. so are you because you have done nothing but lie. if you are Kat you need to fucken move on and stop using people.. and i dout VS would sign a junkie to there campaign. like Quicksliver would not all so sign a junkie. there is nothing more ugler then a wasted model. so yes she is ugly.
jared is with Katharina because he like’s big vaginas
You can’t imagine how tired I am of reading the same crap about the fucking vaginas. Get over yourselves poeople! And stop being so damn nasty. Seriously, you should seek for professional help.
about vaginas is not our problem if she is public wc.why take it personal…is not about you
So what? It is insulting someone for the sake of it. You don’t even know
her, stop talking crap about someone just because you are jealous.
no one is jelouse of a secondshandmodel
I don’t mean jealous of her, jealous because she is with him. There’s a lot of girls/women who die for each of his bones, so I know what I’m saying.
that’s pretty ridiculous as they’re in love with a photograph and youtube interviews of an image that’s carefully constructed and it’s what Jared wants you to see. You dont see the real Jared. So those girls are obviously a little touched in their heads. The jared that yells, treats you like a prostitute, ignores you and doesnt return your phone calls or leaves you stranded somewhere he obviously doesnt show you. You cannot love someone you don’t know. You can be infatuated with an image but that’s not love.
Hipps you talk like you are Katarina hurted by Jared who does not care about you, if it is so what you want???He cannot have a smart speech with a girl 20 years younger than him come on, don’t be fanatic and stop spreading all this stuff about Kat and Jared thing, it is just a ridicoulus immature way to look for a revenge from my point of view
Let me tell you something and I don’t know him but I have something called trust in him. We don’t know the real Jared because what we see is Jared the frontman of a succesful band, he has said that he is the opposite of what he shows, he likes silence and a calm environment. He supports a lot of causes, likes to keep the fans happy, thinks of others before himself, and that is not fake. He may be an actor, but he just acts on stage, when he performs, and in interviews maybe. He is not a liar and he is not a bad person, you can clearly see it and if you can’t then I’m afraid to tell you that you are blind, blinded maybe by hate on him? Which I don’t get why it is.
So you’re just as delusional as all the rest of the fans? You “TRUST” in him? What the hell is to trust? You trust a persona. How many “great” men leave from a charity house or soup kitchen they volunteer at to go home to beat their wives? You cannot know about a person. You dont know him and never will. He is an artist and nothing more to you. He shows you what he wants you to see and you should be happy with that because beyond his art, you’ll never know anything else. He is an image to you and nothing more.
You are something to help pay his bills. Dont get me wrong, he is grateful that people like his art, but you’re nothing more to him.
What kind of guy sticks it in in lonely girls who have a serious drug addiction, and then when they call him to get comforted for something he turns off his phone? Then he sees them at a party, and he doesnt even make eye contact? He keeps walking.. then he calls them months later like nothing happened just to get it wet.
Oh, but then he posts how he is so sorry about what happened to Amy Whinehouse and all of his fans are like “OH what a great guy!” HA! Open your eyes. He doesn’t give a shit. What about Bam who is falling apart before his eyes? Do you think he cares? No. Even the hoes he banged that are falling apart and having meltdowns, he doesnt care. He’s concerned with image. He used Katarina for his image. She is his daddy’s girl. He likes people to be jealous of him because he is old and can still get a hottie like Kat.
Look, I’m not saying he is a serial rapist but he’s a pretty creepy and crappy boyfriend. That doesnt make him a bad person. He isn’t the greatest most loyal friend either. He is a philanthropist, which is good but he is shitty to peopple in his everyday life and he has done some pretty crap things to people.
tell moreee whta crap things? give examples please:D´it´s normal u never know this ppl truly they have to keep an image to their fans..some famous ppl are really stupid and rude in real life:S
I clearly know and am aware that I don’t know him, who tells you I never will? To me, it’s very important to trust someone, because there might be reasons why he behaves the way he does and mistreats people as you say, and doesn’t care. Do you even know it firsthand? I doubt it. I don’t contribute to his paying bills in any way, I’m not the kind of fan who spends all their cash on them, fact. Also, I haven’t fallen for the image of himself he portrays, as I said, he shows an image of himself he has built, but that’s because he’s an actor and artist, so on stage he acts like that. Again I don’t know him but I have a feeling, yes, and he’s a good person, don’t try to prove me wrong. I’m not delusional, I am just putting my faith on someone who needs it. How do people become better? When there’s people who trust in them and have faith. I believe that someone could “change”, yes. It’s called caring for someone, no matter how bad people they might be. It’s called giving people chances. I don’t think it’s fair to speak about him, when you barely know him.
I’m sure he cares about Bam, and about people around him, he might have an ego, but who doesn’t? To me he is just lost, has lost track, he is just used to this way of living which isn’t made for him. I sometimes wonder why did he become this famous, when it doesn’t suit him. He’d be the average 40 year old guy with a stable and good life. It’s fame and success what has made him become like that, but he isn’t like that at all. It’s just a mask. And he still has friends, and good ones, even Bam. You could talk badly about him and I wouldn’t say anything if he suddenly was all alone.
So please, don’t say bad things about someone just to hurt. It doesn’t speak well about you.
If he is that bad why u wanted to be with him?
about vaginas is not our problem if she is public wc.why take it personal…is not about you
kat was supposed to stay at the bowery with Jared but when she got there, the place wouldn’t let her in. Hahah. It’s horrible to laugh but she’s so stupid for putting up with that. I guess they ended up letting her in after she threw a fit to Jared.
I think you suffer of a bit split personality baby…………
show proof on how you know. or shut the fuck up.
If Jared is sooo mean and mistreats her (or any female) why is she running to him wherever he goes? is it to be seen? or does she like being treated like shit? When this “bowery” thing happen? At FW?… and how do u know?
Yeah, post proof? What do you want me to do, film kat and post it here? Yes. Jared stayed at the Bowery in NYC.
bowery hotel, yes. The night of the purple party. She went back to the hotel and they didnt let her in due to Jared’s request. He made it clear to the front desk that nobody was to come up to his room , not even katharina. NOoNE!
I think they let her in later but he wanted to piss her off at first and it worked. Haha! they’re funny together that’s for sure.
Daddy’s little girl will stomp her feet and daddy caves eventually
jared has been with her?? and when??
Has been with Katharina? Has Jared been with her? Do you live on planet earth? Of couse they’ve been together! lol
No I just ask you because I nevr saw them making love don’t you?
jared was at terrys studio that night. Jareds on his way to paris for fashion week to hang out with terry. terry is not stupid he has been around models all his life and doesn’t have alot of respect for them. espeacial below average models like Kat. i’m sure terry would have jareds back.
he does not always stay at the bowery. he sometimes stays at his moms. he keeps his bike at his moms. his moms and her partner live in NY.
Because he isn’t like an A-hole 24/7. He’s a typical Ahole guy. Is a complete prince 1 minute, anything you ever wanted in a man, next he’s a looney toons. Then everyone blames the girl, of couse. Look at Lauren Hastings! She’s a very sweet person, and tons of his fans attack her! She’s nothing but sweet just like Katharina and Jared is the AHOLE but no, it can’t be! It’s always the girl’s fault.
You just sound like Kat(poor little girl which Jared kicked in the ass)or like her friend which hate Jared cause he realized that Kat isn’t woth his time ;)I know him since 2001 and he’s a sweetheart but not stupid and he know when someone wanted to use him…he wanted to find a real love not a shark like LH and Kat was !
So, you broke my balls if you are kata or wtf her name is, back to the nursery if you’re not, you’re very good doing drama rather go doing charity.
you said it. she is stupid.
Jared realized who is Kat that’s all I wanna say!We told him who she is now he know!
yep. terry would have pulled him up. .
Yes, see, Terry is a big example of how someone can become a better person. I never thought I would have the respect I have for this man. It is incredible. He is the rock Jared needs to lay on. I know that Terry will never leave him, he’s one of the greatest friends he’ll ever have.
terry has always been the same person he has always been. its just the media and like Jared both terry and him have been victmised. models hang of terry beacuse he is one of the best photgraphers around. obama wouldn’t do a photo shoot with just anyone. Terry is the best behind a lens and he never dates models.
He used to take some questionable pictures, that’s why I say he has changed, he has become a serious photographer and even his girlfriend is decent and seems to be very smart. So thumbs up for Terry.
Terry is actually a very nice guy and very funny. He has tons of friends because he’s cool as hell. He’s a really loyal person who is always there to help anyone. People only judge by photos and youtube videos and what they hear. Those models that accused him knew what type of photographer he is. He goes through an extensive interview and before he shoots you, he tells you what he thinks he wants to do. You dont have to do it! HE wanted lindsay to lick lollipops and stuff and she flat out said no, and he was cool with that.
Why did they agree to take photos then if they were being violated? They couldve said no. If he’s such a pedo, why isn’t he charged? Because its not true. He’s never did anything wrong. He’s another one who likes to shock with his pedo image. He loves it that people think he is a creep, but he’s not. lol. He’s not a pedo. That “uncle terry” stuff is his iage. He’s a nice guy and his new girlfriend is a smart girl. So what if she’s young? She can be smarter than most adult women.
I totally agree what you say about Terry. And he is not a peddo because the girls are 18. If you are 18, an ADULT, and modeling and can’t go to a shoot by yourself you should bring your mom or tell your agency. Not blaming someone else after you fucked him.
and everyone thinks Terry is a creep and he’s not. He is a very loyal person! incredibly so.
this is all she will ever do..
like as said Kat is a secondhand model.A celebrities prostitutes
Who is she? Really, she is getting on my nerves…
Oh girls she’s just a poor girl…really doesn’t worth our and J’s attention
getting on your nerves because i speak the truth. Jared is such a good guy that at NYFW, he slammed the car door and it hit Kat’s wrist. She rubbed her wrist cause it hurt, and he just looked blank eyed at her wrist and kept walking. He didn’t even apologize!
And how do you know that? were you there?
That’s just what Kat said, that he just looked at her wrist and kept walking.
well she should slap him in the face i don t get tehse girls the guys treat them like crap and they don t do nothing!!
making up some more stories. this one is really funny. fuck what will be next.
Jared is a good guy and you (hipps) leave him alone!He is 2 smart 4 you.I think that Jared need to know abt this site.
HA! Shut up. Jared is too smart for me? Other way around baby. Emma is too smart for Jared and thats why she’d never let him inside. You peeps know nothing at all. Jared doesnt go for smart girls who can take care of themselves anymore. He goes for spoiled daddy’s girls.
Ruby Aldridge is one the hottest models on the runway today. she has walked at every show in NY, Milan and Paris. She has covered vogue and a contract with CK. you don’t see her hanging out at after parties and getting drunk and doing drugs. Jared has alot of respect for her. She went out there and did it on her own. Why the fuck would jared
stay with a girl like kat when he could be with ruby. Ruby is all so in Paris at the moment. terry has a book launch in paris. which is why jared will be in paris.
Ruby is just a friend, Jared doesn’t see her as anything else, or so it seems. She’s not the only nice and good girl out there.
Yup! Ruby is also VERY very sweet. I’m sick and tired of these fans taking out on the girls Jared knows or bangs when it’s Jared who can be an AHOLE. Lauren Hastings, Kat , lindsey lohan were all sweet girls.
Ruby is a junkie, a slut with big vagina a prostitutes .. she is sleeping with very guy old or young…. a celebrtie prostitutes…a public wc ..she has a lots of problems ( STDs)
Do you know that someone observed this page?And hmm ur not anonymous at all?
Ruby is like L.Lohan s stupid slut with big vagina
Terry is a stupid pedophlile..he and jared are friends with benefits..terry is very old and very ugly…this is 4 jared :Tell me who you’re going to tell you who you are
Yup but you forget that Terry had a gf close to his age baby so gtfo from here you don’t have any knowledge kid
Terry is an old pedo guy and his gf is a slut who stayed under the tables and suck the dicks. At The age of 80 years Terry has gf.I’m laughing here.Here are so many kiss assers of jared…because terry is his friend we must to kiss his ass.
all 30stm fans(jared;s fans) are fat and stupid girls without a life,they leave their family to follow an phantom.Go home not stay on blogs to follow jared and his stupid ,secondshandmodels,and phedoguy’s
fat ppl are more beautiful than u stupid slut…
A friend of mine is in Paris and send me and sms…he said that jared and terry are around with some brunette girls ..and no katharina yet
Is a Terry’s gf
YEP! Lindsey Lohan is there, too! Maybe she and Jared can rekindle their friendship. She needs someone positive in her life.
K. why you so mad at him?
Keep us informed please, if he tells you anymore.
I thnk jared will end up all alone. maybe he is a good person but he is a sensitive artist so when something has the potential to hurt, he runs away from it. Ive done it before, but he needs to really get out of running from things that have the potential to hurt. Thats probably why he only dates young girls that can’t hurt him. He has to be the daddy. Why would he just abandon lindsay like that? She IS a very sweet girl. I dont think he shows it if he cares about Bam. That man is falling apart and nobody is doing anything about it! Bam will be another Amy whinehouse and so will lindsay. If Jared cares so much, why isnt he doing anything?
Baby I know who you are
so can u kick her “fat” ass??Dear KHipps.GT*O??Go to SQL!!!
God knows why he isn’t doing anything, he has his own demons, as you say. Maybe he wants to but can’t? As I said, God knows what goes inside his head…
lindsay can be sweet but she has a lot of problems no one wants to associate with her..if he was still with her he probably didn t have a career he whould be a joke to everybody
I think she’s a nice girl though. She’s very sweet and I think that Jared could really help her and be a good force in her life if he wanted to be. I remember he taught her how to eat well and stuff. She said he was very nurturing and stuff so obviously he can be when he wants to be. I dont get why he bags those lonely girls like that.
he probably is just lost u know bc of everything that happended with cam….i think now he can not trust ppl and he cant develop trust in relationships.and lindsay was to much for him, the drugs, the paparazzi and all publicity around her…none can handle that
what the fuck do you know about Bam, lindsey or terry. your writing about people you don’t even know. you don’t know what they go through. these people don’t know you they don’t want to know people like you and kat.
how is jared in bed? he is a good lover?>
hipps i don’t know who the fuck you are but your full of shit. stop writing crap.
Hipps is mad at him cause Jared don’t llike girls like her…so slu..y look!:)She is talking bullshit about him which she created in her sick mind !
Yeah…NO. haha. I have no desire to sleep with him at all.
I believe you HIPPS… everything you say makes sense and you type with maturity.. at first i was unsure but i think your going somewhere with this… thanks for the insight. BTW i honestly think Jared has the peter pan syndrome and some sort of mental personality disorder. i don’t know him but anyone with common sense and good observation can see this, Ive said this many times and even read other people say the same.
It could be yes, but why would someone who knows Katharina post on here?
Hi guys, I don’t know how he is in bed because I’ve never slept with him. hah. I’ve heard he is good I guess, but he has a big penis. I’m sure you’ve all heard this! haha. It’s not as large though as people think. It’s not freakish or anything, but definitely bigger than 9 inches. Maybe 9 inches or so. I have heard it hurts though so I would not wanna sleep with him.
I totally AGREE with the PETER pan syndrome thing and he’s also very much into s&M for it’s mental reasons though if you will! He gets turned on by playing daddy. You dont understand, I mean they CALL him DADDY in every day life! Not just in the bedroom, but all the time! He calls them his little daddy’s girls. I don’t think he’s a pervert or pedo per se, I think he just doesn’t realize that he is a full grown man approaching middle age! Dating young women tho isn’t the problem, it’s the type of young women he goes for that’s the problem. Theyre not mentally mature, but he likes it this way because he likes to be in charge. Jared has a huge Daddy complex, as he LOVES to be the daddy now in relationships. Girls that go for him now had fathers that probably neglected them. Maybe because Cameron was such a strong woman and had more power than him in Hollywood, it really made him feel like a pussy because he was in a sense with her. She had more respect and power. He probably finds it easier to do this daddy thing with younger girls now,who look up to him. He’s VERY into the whole daddy thing, and Kat is really turned on by it. Kat loves older men. She got into modeling because of an older man. When she was 14, she had a boyfriend who was more than 40! Most of these models and girls that he goes after probably didnt have the greatest father figures to begin with like Lindsay Lohan! We all know how her father is. Jared was her daddy, and that’s why she fell for him so hard.
so it’s over between her and J?
But we all know no one finds happiness like that… That is just a waste of potential. I mean, he could do much better and instead he settles to being so low… I wish I could understand WHY. What’s so good about it? He feels power, but there’s nothing… It’s all emptiness…
probably because he can control those girls. Someone like him will never be with a strong older or age appropriate woman ever again. Those girls make him feel young. It’s an ego boost for some very insecure men. He would love it when people would go up to him and tell him his girl was beautiful (katharina) and that he was lucky. Girls like Katharina, tall thin and blonde with a pretty face will always get attention! He loved that shit, she said. He obviously has a thing that he doesnt want to grow old. He would get pissed off at Katharina when she’d joke and say he was an old man. Anyway, I dont know whats going on between them. They never were officially a couple so I dont think theres anything to be over. He probably still phone sexes her and sexts her like usual.
He got really really mad at her though, at NYFW. I guess she REALLY embarrassed him and according to her, that’s a definite NO NO!! You do not embarrass Jared. lol
That’s so sad… It just isn’t something a smart man like him should do… I mean it… :/
why he was so mad at her? do u know whta she did or said to him?
she was acting like a total brat in front of everyone, and she was very drunk as well. Normally he likes it when she’s a brat, but I guess he wasnt in the mood. She got totally pissed off that Jared was posing for pics with other girls and she got mad at him for telling her to keep away from him during the parties. HE told her he wanted to look single but then he told photographers and even terry richard and oliver who is her friend to not get in photos with her or take photos wit her. She got pissed because Jared was posing with other girls. Total mess.
He yelled at her, and she was just like “whatever”..so she kept away from him. When she went to the Bowery, they told her that he said he didnt want any guests.
and she never saw him again in nyc fashion week or he call her and ask her to come back? why do u mean when u said he likes her when she acts like a brat? like spoil? she ask him to buy he rthings or something? he doesn t seem that type of guy u know to buy things for the girls…do u know what happended with cam why did they broke up?(i know it´s a subject farway from the kat thing:P) it seems he gain that complex after cam
Yes,what happened with cam?
wow he really yelled at her. thats crazzayy! booo jared your starting to suck
maybe he is like that bc he dind t had a dad. shannon is more normal i guess
@hipps how is jared in bed? he is a good lover?>
I’m 30stm fan, and i’m blond, very beautiful (yes i’m also arrogant),i’m not a fat girl without a life, my only fault is that i not do a model, i’m work…
Hipps what happened to Kat’s Fb? She’s not on Fb anymore ….
I know . She deleted it because Jared’s fans were bothering her and leaving her horrible msgs, and she got a billion friend invites she didnt know what to do. She added a few and they called her names. It’s horrible really. She’s a nice girl and didn’t deserve that abuse because she was sleeping with Jared. They were calling her awful things.
That is sad…. wish the fans would back off a little bit. they are getting out of control.
And how u know she dated a old man when she was 14 ewww…. U also danish??
there is ALOT of guys like jared out there.. i know a few and they are pretty freaking hott but i could never see myself dating them (just sexing, haha) which is prob what most girls around him think, then he tries to “buy” them.. those kinda guys are common, he is just a famous one…. i love jared as an artist and his voice, i lovve his voice!
Puer aeternus is Latin for eternal boy, used in
mythology to designate a child-god who is forever young; psychologically
it refers to an older man whose emotional life has remained at an
adolescent level. The puer typically leads a provisional life,
due to the fear of being caught in a situation from which it might not
be possible to escape. He covets independence and freedom, chafes at
boundaries and limits, and tends to find any restriction intolerable.[1]
Yves Saint Laurent: Front Row – Paris Fashion Week Spring
He got dressed in the dark, I don’t like that top at all…
then he complains why ppl think he is gay….
Those aren’t typical for gays to me. More like overweight, smelly, unshaven men sitting on the couch drinking beer while wearing white broken ones.
Compared to that Jared is perfect lol
Haha omg don’t make me imagine things…
I normally hate those but he is incredibly hot in it I think. Might be the body it’s on lmao
well, I once saw a program on TV that talked to those guys who had those dominant fantasies and loved to be daddys to spoiled girls and stuff, and almost all of them had control issues. They had this thing where they HAD to be in control. They like it and it makes them feel safe so thats probably where it comes from. It’s pretty rare to find a woman over 30 who is going to be that needy and in need of a daddy. Most neglected women came to terms with the fact that their dad’s sucked and now it’s time to shape up! A girl in her early 20s though, well she still can very much be looking for a daddy.
You talk about spoiled girls etc but you have no clue what they are like. Being dom and sub in the bedroom is done by all ages. Being sub is not specific for younger women. Women of all ages are into it and the guy doesn’t have to be older than her either (or roles reversed). It’s just a game for the bedroom, not in real life. And the daddy thing is just from Tia’s blog. W/e they did does not mean he does with everyone else.
I agree 100% with you.
I don’t know anything about tia or whatever, all I know is that he’s into the whole daddy thing. I dont know too much about S&M but what Jared does, thats what it sounds like to me. Maybe he’s not into the s&m thing and he just likes to be the boss.
I think you are making things up and are lying about knowing anything about Jared or Kat that we don’t already know. And I’m surprised you don’t know about Tia or you are lying about that too. She made it very public. The ppl closest to Jared says he is a very, VERY, loyal friend and a really nice guy who is focused on his goals in life. Being into S&M , which we all know he is since he has said it, does not spill over into your work life and with hanging with friends. NONE of his exes, apart from Tia, have ever said a bad word about him, quite the contrary. They still smile and say hi when they see each other (apart from Cam but we all know why).
So stop making shit up.
Can you please learn to read. I never said I knew Jared personally! I never sat Kat was tall either. I said she was barely 5’6. Dude, seriously?
I really don’t care about Kat or her height nor did I ever mention her in my post. OK fine, you don’t know Jared but you talk about him as if you do and what comes out sounds a lot like guesses and the problem with that is that you make it sound as if they are true. And no Lindsey don’t smile and talk to Jared and that is probably because she is the only one talking about them being a couple. He has always denied that. Why ppl are so fascinated by one model Jared fucked I will never understand since he has fucked so many. The talk about Kat needs to stop.
Hipps U said she dated a 40yrd old man when she was 14? Lol! Its funny since we went to the same school in CP n didnt know that :S.
Guess she didn’t tell you that then..
I think its impossible! U really know her? U said she’s tall! She’s not tall at all! Actually she’s short.
Ps: That girl with Jared is not Kat.
hipps never said she was tall. learn to read.
Girls like Katharina, tall thin and blonde with a pretty face will always get attention!Learn to read
thank you! At least someone knows how to read. I also do not know Jared personally. The only 2 exes of Jared’s that I know about really are Lindsay and Katharina because we have mutual friends. Lindsay does NOT smile and say hi last I heard. Well she may, but he won’t smile or say hi back.
It’s ok. I’m just saying its so strange u know all that stuff about her. She doesnt have many friends. Even in CP she doesnt have many friends. If you really know her u must know she’s from a nice family so she doesnt need a rich man. Oh Where did u get she’s nice? She’s not nice at all :S. Thats why she doesent have good friends …
yes..her body type makes her look tall. She has many acquaintances.
she doesn’t like men who don’t have money from what I can tell. They need money, security and they’re usually over 40.
She’s nice enough, but she is a spoiled brat and maybe that’s why people don’t like her. It’s her way or hit the highway! I said that already. It usually turned Jared on unless he was in a pisser mood.
I said tall thin blond because her body type makes her appear tall like paris hilton, but she’s only like 5’5-6
Btw i dont think she’s interested in Jared. She wants fame and she likes to hang out with famous ppl n rich guys.
lol but she said Jared was cheap even though he bought her a ton of stuff. Guess some people are never satisfied.
jared is a tie ass he would never buy her anything. shannon likes to spend money but jared no. jared goes to the fashion shows for freebies.
is Katharina with Jared?
i saw a pic on fashion week at chanel jared is with katharina there
Is that Katharina for sure?
She has a jacket like that, but no way would she wear her hair like that. I doubt it! She never puts it up really and not like a school teacher. Also that girl has more of a booty. I wouldnt be surprised if it is her though because She’d go back to him n a heartbeat. She hasnt much of a choice. They dont put her in any shows ever and she cries about it! She is a horrible actress as well. She’s barely 5’7 and her look is too common. She needs to do more nudes and lingerie because high fashion isn’t doing it for her and I dont see a future in acting so a rich man is the only ticket for her, sadly.
It’s a girl from MTV SPAIN!
I don’t understand why Katharina likes to talk about her ‘relationship’ with Jared.Can you tell me?
That’s NOT Katharina…
i don’t know if is she
yes she is there hipps lied us
It’s not Kat look! jared-leto.net/Gallery/displayimage.php?album=1706&pid=59428#top_display_media
Hipps can U explain us why they wrote on whos that J is now in a relationship with Kat?
Because they’re stupid. Kat and Jared were never in any relationship other than sex and blow jobs.
Hipps=IMDB’s Mojo/Sam/Glitter. Please go write for Gossip Girl and stay off these boards. Your writing style is so recognizable.
“Hipps=IMDB’s Mojo/Sam/Glitter” what??
i dont know what the fuck youre talking about. who is sglitter, mojo or whatever the fuck?
they’ll still fuck, you mark my words. Her very good friend is Oliver Zahm and Jared was with Oliver these past few days! HEllo! put 2 and 2 together. She’ll be bothering Oliver to bring her daddy back.
Jared don’t want to be with her anymore?”bring her daddy back”
no but she texts him naughty pics
so she wanna b w/him bcos he is famous and rich??and he don’t want to b w/her?am i right??
“she texts him naught pics”?( latex pants?) she told you this?
she is a kunt. all she does is nude photos
I’m with Enough. You sound like Sam/Mojo/Glitter/LRD from IMDb who was found out to be a fan fic fraud. Go write for people who really care.
is she friend of Kat or something?n why she’s mad at him?
impossible, kat was at the party DeLeon Tequila And The Peggy Siegal Company (nyc) 4 oct 2011…
right, but oliver was with Jared! What I am saying is I wont be surprised if they start hooking up again.
oh kat or her friend sh*t th f*ck up!
she and olivier are not friends at all. Olivier has a girlfriend her name is natasha. andre is married and has a daughter. you know fuck all so fuck off. olivier will not have anything to do with jacob dekat or his friends. jacob stole oliviers ideas for his magazine. kat is in new york as she attended another movie premeier again. thats the only time you see her. lipps can’t stand her she is a whiney bitch.
jared is not as sexal as he makes himself out to be. every thing that you girls have read over the years is a load of bull shit. even tila lied. jared is terrified of beening seen with girls because he has been victmised over the years in the media. you girls are making him SICK. now girls we need to ignore this site and hipps.
Can you clear this up please? What do you mean that he has been victimised? And how do you know nothing was true, and that even Tila lied? :/
All I know is that Jared is a different guy than he was in 2003 for example!Now he is more mature(yeah late:)and he wanna be happy in a real relationship!Kat was a sweetheart at the beginning but when he realized that she wanted only fame and money he just run away!She is obviously mad at him!She liked to talk about this let’s called ‘relationship’and shows you that she is better!Jared open his eyes as I know someone(a close friend)tell him who she is!I hope Kat will burn in hell and he will be happy with a normal girl not a
Writing here is in her style!She wanna show Jared in a very bad way!Or her close friend which believe in everything she say!Kat is just a stupid blonde that’s all!She would be happy even she would date a fat very old but RICH guy!YUH!
NYC, Jared should know about starzlife!Can u tell him?
He know this page
He need to know what Katharina write here ( or her friend).Please remind him:) have a nice day.
not a what…?
I don’t wanna finish…everybody knows who is Kat!
I hope that you speak the truth and Jared knows that Katharina wants only his fame and money. I dont know whether you know him or not, but slap him in the face and wake him. If I am right, I hope that someday Jared find a normal girl who wanna just his love not his money, fame and celebrity status but If I am wrong, Jared will be for me just a liar. btw I am not jealous because Katharina f**k him or something. I am mad at you Jared because you are naive.She just wanted you to use and I hope that you’re not blind.sorry for my English, but I found this site and decided to write what I think.PS. Hipps (Katharina or her close and only friend)Karma’s a bitch.
If jared doesn’t want those sorts of rumors, maybe he should stop going around trying to pick up 15 year old girls and dating girls who are far beneath him in intelligence. They’re supreme idiots. It’s not only that they’re young, they’re stupid to boot. Victimizied by the media? Give me a break. Do you see those sorts of rumors about ALL actors? No. Do you see that about Leonard Dicaprio going after 12 year olds? No. Because Leo doesn’t scam on girls who started their period 3 years ago.
NYC, cut it out. you don’t know Jared. You can barely write the english language. No offense but stop.
To me he’s leading a life which he has constructed over the years, call it rockstar life or whatever. I doubt that he was seen with any young girls apart from the ones who claim having had sex with him. Katharina is the first one, or who else do you put in the same sack? So, the bad reputation or whatever is because he has been used maybe, although he may have known that those girls would say stuff. I really don’t know, it’s only how I see it.
whatever his reasons may be, he only goes after girls who have an iq of about 90, and are no older than 23 and not just kat, no way. And 23 is ANCIENT for him! It’s really getting embarrassing but I think he likes that image. Now, If it were an intelligent young girl, that’s good but they’re not. These are DTF social climbers who just drink, snort coke and puke up their lunch. He says he’s such an artiste and so respected but he lives like he’s in Motley Crue. No wonder why he has zero respect. Do you see Jack White acting like that? Maybe that is the image he wants to portray as you say, the ROCKSTAR, a Gene simmons life or whatever fine. But dont act like you’re better than that, you know what i mean? He’s not better than the teen idol status he acquired years back. He is a corporate whore.
its not just Kat he’s been banging, you gotta be kidding me if that’s what you think! He wanted to show her off and that’s obvious, but you know there have been more. He flirts with young interviewers and fans and it’s just inapporpriate. You can see his face light up when he sees a pretty girl under 18 and if she’s blond, watch out! Maybe you’re right and he wants an “image”. I agree I guess. Rockstars are expected to be with the blonde girls with low IQs. Well, that was the image in the 80s and you have to remember, that’s when Jared grew up. if its an attractive woman over 25, he’ll flirt a little but wont DARE date her, no way! He cares deeply I guess about what peopel think.
How do you go from such a serious relationship like Cameron Diaz, to becoming a creepy middle aged barely legal girl hopper?
I could add that this is what he’s used to, I mean, he can’t or doesn’t want to see past that, maybe he settles for whatever, for the easy way, right? As someone has said, he maybe doesn’t want to get hurt, and those girls under 23 give him the chance to “dominate” in a way, none of them will ever confront him, and that’s what he doesn’t want, in my opinion. I just hope that someday he finds someone who opens his eyes in a way and makes him think it over. I see it possible.
spacbmk, definitely see that you don’t know him.NYC – I believe you.
Baby You don’t know him ;)You DON’T KNOW NOTHING ABOUT HIM!So go away and write your fiction stories somewhere else and about someone else !
Jared likes to fool around and like all men he realizes that women age 30 and up are not into it. They want family, marriage etc which he is not ready to give since he’s busy working. And he has not been with anyone under 18. If he falls for someone who’s 23, fine. Relationships like that works. It all depends on the person. No girls bash him after being in a relationship with him so clearly he has respect. We know that since he did not talk about Cam afterwards. he’s against all that. He finds it cheap. And you know nothing about the girl’s intellect. And if you look at the rockstars a few years on you’ll see that many are married to blonds.
He has said that his ex cured him from being naive and I would assume that is Cam. if she was the one cheated and they broke up why wouldn’t he be single and free like everyone else? You are so full of it.
but rumours said that he also cheated on her..so we don t know the truth..but i agreed with u
Jared likes ONLY blondies bcoz Kurt Cobain liked these girls
We don’t know Jared!! Maybe he’s a smart and nice guy, maybe he don’t want to be in a relationship, maybe all that he wants is fun fun fun. WE DON’T KNOW. But! If he’ll be married to some girl, she will be blonde for sure! 
I doubt it. He prefers brunettes, brunettes are smarter, not meaning blondes aren’t.
um, how do you figure he prefers brunettes when 90% of the women he’s been with are blondes? Lauren hastings, and even lindsay lohan BECAME blondes after being with JAred. He likes blondes.
now, he likes smart girls, so sorry for ya Kat:)
When I was talking with him he said that I’m a good material for gf!I have a long black hair I study history and he said that I’m beautiful he can date with someone like me.I don’t know that it was serious but it was nice and I’m not the only one person which he said that brunettes are beautiful!
Yeah when they were touring in USA he was talking so many good things about brunettes which was weird cause I though that he’s type are blondes?!And he was kind for ‘bigger’ fans(it was one situation w/one girl from NYC)and shows me that he is looking sth more than a stupid slim bimbos!
(it was one situation w/one girl from NYC)tell us more.
One girl from NYC was very rude for the other echelon(she was bigger than this stupid bimbo)and Jared heard what this blonde bitch was talking about this girl and he put her on the ground by words but in a cute way than said to this big girl that she should believe in herself cause she is beautiful :)It was really really nice…Jared is a good guy!This blonde was there only for ..you know =/
Yeah I’ve heard about it from my friend from NYC !
yeah he is a good guy but he likes bimbos, look at Katharina
Yes, tell us more. I’ve read something but wanna know…
Im not saying i know the guy and tbh, the Jared the the public have been seeing these past few months i dont really want to know but he is smart. He knows how to keep the fans hooked. Has a way with words. Now im not sayig its not true, far from it but i wouldnt be suprised if he has said that to most types of women. Thats just my opinion but i really believe that….. i think he likes all sorts of women, he just tends to pick the easy ones….
easy secondmodel with money and desire of fame. I don’t get it. He is smart and he can have any girl, but why he choose not that smart girls??? it’s just his little secret. btw hipps is quiet. where are you?? give us some new stuff.
Doesn’t matter, hair color is hair color after all and it doesn’t define a person. Still, to me brunettes are better.
NYC and Hipps sounds the same. I don’t believe anyone here knows LKat or Jared. Just making shit up. Why giove Kat so much attention? If they are still freinds we will see pics or not. Who cares?!
I got on this site by accident and i’m really terrified.
You guys are crazy.
How the f you know all this? Where you take that information?
That’s not normal btw, that’s creepy. You all should go out and have fun and give Jared a break.
I feel weird even watching an interview by some famous person – i feel like i’m stalker then or something, but now i just read previous comments and i found out that i’m living in a very very creepy world with very creepy people.
Anyone go to Shan’s show at Playhouse?
Do you not think there is a possibility that Jared was seen alot with Kat to throw everyone off from looking at someone he is really with? As for him only liking blondes, that is just stupid!
I doubt that since if he truly was with someone he wouldn’t pretend to be with someone else, and still, why pretend he is with someone else when he hasn’t been photographed with that “other” if he has? I mean, there’s no need to hide and pretend… I make no sense, but you get my point, I hope.
My point is he doesn’t get stalked and photographed with whoever gf he may have, it’s not that there’s a reason to hide it. You know, I have the scheme of what I wanna say but I can’t write it down…
Hey girls I live in LA so close to J’s n S’s house and Jared DON’T HAVE A GF!He spends most of the time alone!So many ppl are in their house but he is not into this…Shann is a party boy Jared not!People think that they know everything but they’r not!Jared likes to be alone…read a books in the park etc.Btw I didn’t saw Kat in this neighborhood LOL
YEAH. we sure believe you with your proper english! Stop bullshitting. You don’t live in LA and you never “saw kat in the neighborhood” because you live on the other side of the Oceanm
If you think that in LA live ppl only from USA you r fucking stupid
Btw You don’t know me,You don’t know when I get here so STFU!!You fucking rude bitch…my eng is good now?LOL
P. I want to belive you. If you live near J and S. house, Do yu know if Shannon has a gF?
he is a party (healthy) boy, of course he has someone. I don’t know, maybe I am wrong because I don’t know him.
hipps, suz (bimbo), u r so funny.
Suz or Kat?
Someone is angry right??hehe I’ve heard that Kat likes that pages ^^
No what was meant was Jared has certain girls he sees regularly, and some of these girls dont like to be in the public eye or discussed openly as their private relationship with him is just that, private. So some of the girls he hooks up with that are fine with that are the ones photographed with that everyone makes out are genuine relationships its all smoke and mirrors, people are allowed to see only what they want them to see.
They are called a friends!You know this complicated word??He has more friends in LA and NYC than you hair on your head!But It doesn’t mean that he fuck with them kid!I have more boy-friends than gf and I don’t sleep with them…they are just a firends!
I know he has friends I am not retarded but as this thread is about girls he is in a sexual relationship with that is what I was referring to! He has girls he hooks up with regularly that don’t want their pictures plastered everywhere that’s all i was saying its not that hard to understand. As I said he is not stupid and neither are they so you will only know about the things they want you too.
No. I think he was seen with Kat because he was actually doing her at that time
go to hell Kat!
real mature, blame the girl without even knowing a damn thing! Jared was not angel. Not saying Kat is #1 girlfriend material, but Jared is no gentleman. He’s a pig.
you speak the truth girl! keep goin!
yeah tell us more!we wanna know.Oh n welcome back.
Yeah he WAS lol Kat is a past
That’s why she is mad lol
Seems he’s now dating some girl called Roxanne Esher, friend of the lead singer from Franz Ferdinand. Now that IS news.
I need to see pix
roxanne clifford is someone that knows Franz Ferdi’s Alex. Is that her? If its who I think it is, she doesnt seem to be Jared;s type but interesting. At least it’s someone with talent
It’s just a rumor gizz did you believe in everything you read girls???
no, THIS IS WAR :))
Hipps, did you see what NYC wrote? you are mad at him bcoz he don’t wanna be with you. That’s all.
hipps you tell Kat she is a whore. while J was on tour in china she was at deleon tequila party with her agent. she was hitting on other guys and left the party with a guy. she was wasted. she is still fucking her agent to get work. J is not the pig she is. she used him.
Kat likes older guys which can help her with her let’s called ‘career’ btw hipps sound totally like Kat!
ever1 knows that hipps is Kat. Jared knows that 2.
ha! Not Kat. I;m so sure Jared wastes his time reading this site? NO!
hipps is not kat and jared doesn’t give a fuck about the site. lol commmeee people!!!
on. lol
and can you please tell your alter ego, Jared that when he hired high end call girls, to please leave them a better tip!! Just because you paid $250-500 to the company, doesn’t mean you can’t give them girlies a better tip, sheesh.
Thank you, Bart.
he wastes his time with Kat.
how do I sound like Kat? lol
Kat likes older guys because they have money, they know how to fuck her right, and she has a daddy complex.
She has no obligation to Jared so who gives a flying fuck who she went home with. She’s no angel, but neither is Jared. Jared is a total pig who preys on underage girls. He also likes to order high end prostitutes. uck. He’s just gross. No self respecting woman will touch him so he needs to go after girls who have half a brain.
high end girls who are “Young looking” preferably blonde but any hair color will do, non silicone, all natural.
he loves the 3 and 4 ways
who doesnt?
Yeah Hipps we know why U hate Jared that much :)You r funny so funny
I don’t know.
Kat always leaves parties with a guy lol. Well if they’re rich or famous of course. No matter if they’re old or young guys.
disgusting.She looks like an angel and act like the devil
funny you say that because that bause to Jared she was “daddy’s little angel”/
becaouse “in the beginning she was sweetheart”Jared is a good guy, he likes sex but who doesnt? why do you like talking about him? My dear, my advice 4 ya. Silence is gold.
wait a second. u said “She was”??now who is she?B**** who like to talk about let’s say”relantionship”
Like an Angel? lol. She was a cute girl before NY. Now is disgusting. She’s from a nice family. I’m pretty sure her parents are very disspointed.
disgusting is Lilo not Kat(slu*t), yet
So what’s your point? Jared always sleeps around so he is no better.
I am not talking about Jared. I don’t know him
Michelle, can you tell us sth more about Kat?
What for? She’s not important!
if he texted to her it does it mean she is mportant to him. I don’t know why, I just want to know.
Are u serious? We all text lots of ppl! No matter if they’re important or not.
u’ve right BUT u know what I mean??If he knows that she just wanna use him,why he texted to her?
someone on whodatewho said that : I heard Shannon is dating someone from germany, who is visting him right now.(is not Alena)
he is a good looking guy but he has to pay for sex…that´s sad
u know that because hipps said that??She is mad at him. that’s sad.
but it is not the first time i´ve heard this this rumours it´s old. i like jay but this thinks with prostitutes, porn starts, drug models and going on for so long and maybe no it´s not true but at on point it was real and now nobody wants to be with him bc of his reputation
nobody?? are you sure? Kat wanna be with him but he don’t wanna be with her.
of course he didn t want her he has to suport her and she only wants fame. i mean nobody wants to be witrh him i was talking about smart girls, independent that don t need him for money or for help their career. He has a reputation that puts away these type of girls of course all the kat´s don t give a shit they just want him for money and fame he is smart he knows when someone he just using him, look at lauren, tila, kat and so on
whataya think abt hipps??it’s Katharina or her close friend?I don’t get it.Why she is mad at him, she can find another famous, rich guy.She didnt realize what a specific group is the “echelon”. No matter what guys did, we always be with them. I’m not talking about stalkers and crazy girls, I’m talking about the true Echelon family.
Kat and her ‘friends’ are bitchy!They are another famewho…she likes when we talking about her!Of course Hipps is one of them :)!Jared is a bad guy cause he starts listen to Terry and kick Kat’s lil ass :)I can’t wait to see an attack message on me :))Kat have an obsessed about that pages…she will do everything to change our opinion about J!
but she can’t do anything!She can talk abut him all the time but we know who she is. btw Hipps, Kat or who u r.Leave this guy alone and go to school.
If she isn’t good enough for Jared, why does he still text her huh??
what he texted to her this time?
it must be the usual: where are u? i wanna fuck right now xoxo daddy
jared is not the kind of guy. If she is telling the truth, I know what he wrote.
HAHAHAH! You make me laugh. Jared isn’t that kind of guy? Are you serious? You must really not know him! He is thee absolute KING of sexting and voicemail sex and phone sex. He’s gotten caught up so many times it’s pathetic.
Please, just get out. You know NOTHING!
so what he wrote?
didnt say. just heard he’s been texting her.
when he wrote to her?I don’t believe in you but I’m pretty sure that u know her. ( or u r her)
so what he wrote?
she doesn t want to be forgotten if we continue to talk about her maybe she get some jobs lololl poor girl if she isn t good for modeling or acting maybe she needs rto start think about a new career?! DUHHHHH KAT
what the hell are you talking about? Jared or Terry aren’t physically abusive towards women.
She doesn’t said that dear K or her friend.She said that u r bit** and go to hell and leave that guy alone.
That’s why I say that if he dated an ordinary girl who wasn’t interested in fame or money things would be much better. What happens is that he doesn’t trust easily, he’s conditioned. Now whoever walks up to him (girls) he might automatically link to fame and use of him, which is a shame really. Look at Terry, he has a wonderful girlfriend, and he’s a happy guy.
i wanna see jay with someone at the level of scarjo or cam u know?! he doesn t hang out with these type of girls for years he only hangs out with losers that don t give a shit about him. at least cam or scarjo like him for who he really was
It’s not only Jared that calls escorts. It’s also very many prominent and well respected men in hollywood.
No. Many MANY many men hire high class call girls. Actually, many big name actresses in hollywood and playboy models began as high class call girls. It’s not that these men are pathetic, it’s that they don’t want the headache of having a real girlfriend BUT they want all the perks. You’d have a heart attack if you knew what really goes on in hollywood.
agreed!She writes in Kats style!
Kat is a looser!Jared will be angry when we show him this page…
agreed!How can we do this??
Don’t worry :)Me and my friends will take care about this :)))He need to see this!
Jealous because Kat got to ride on Jared eh? It’s so obvious. How the fuck do you know how Kat writes? Oh yea? You don’t!
I’m sure Jared gives a fuck what you show him? And to think his fans actually believe that crock that their his “family”. LOL! His family that has to PAY to meet him and not even get so much as a fucking smile in a photo?
Man, you guys are stupidier than you look.
I can’t believe you think Im Kat. Kat has better things to do like go to glamorous parties and have sex with guys like Jared.
HIPPS we will get your IP :)It’s not a problem!You said to many things about Jared that you shouldn’t say!
It was a story with one girl on twitter where she was writing funny stories about Jared and they found her so it’s not a problem!
Better things to do? Actually i’m surpriseded she deleted her FB profile. I think she will be bk on FB soon lol.
Maybe she is scared of what she said here
Hipps you are a loser like Eda said!I know that Jared is a nice guy but you can’t destroy his life because he didn’t react on you!Every ‘hurted’ girl behave like you when a guy which she was falling in love didn’t react on her it’s childish but you don’t listen to us so we will show this and believe me Jared will care :))
I will help you cause I know someone from Mars crew!:)
I got the impression more that Hipps is one of the high class prostitutes that Jay has banged recently or something the way she seems to speak so highly of them and defends what they do. Either that or knows seems to know kat personally
I know MANY girls who work as escorts. Let’s just say they are way more common than you would think. Many even walk the red carpets and starred in blockbusters. Many young models actually ALSO work as escorts. How else do you think they afford apartment, car, clothes, food, etc. A lower rate model barely pulls in 15-20 grand a year. You do the math. Money has to come from somwehere.
In the Escort circles, Mr Letos name comes up a great deal.. Mr Leto, AND MR. BOLTHOUSE!
It’s very common for Lingerie models who aren’t VS and bigger names like that to moonlight as escorts. Maxim models, stuff like that. You know, girls Jared would sleep with ;). But, I’ll have you know that a Victoria’s secret or playmate can get over 130 thousand dollars if she escorts on the side PER client.
It’s Brent that introduced Jared to that circle. Not sure if he still frequents it.
I know Kat is no stranger to it.
answer!it’s so serious cause we send it to many many ppl and we can get your IP someone is really angry!
That’s true haha. If you know the right people you can earn 10 grands a day working as escort.
LOL Hipps you know everything about Jared(let’s say) and you can’t answer at Annas question about IP LOL maybe you don’t realize that we will do this?
may she try to do the same lol
She said to many things about Jared and we wanna report this cause we know that Jared is a good guy!It can’t be like that!She think that she can say everything…nope!
I hope you do it as soon as possible .
and you are one of them :))))
you are not scared that we will get your IP???
What I want to know is why has he been single so long? Not that there’s anything wrong with being single but it’s just strange sometimes. How can a person go from a normal relationship with Cameron, to being such a bed hopping slut and only dating girls so young? Scarlet was young but she was mature and smart, these new girls like katharina are not smart. What can be so bad about being with a woman that has a brain? Maybe it’s the band. Maybe the band takes up too much time. Vicki is always on tour with Tomo, so he needs to maybe find a girl who will do the same. or maybe he cant juggle the 2, band/girlfriend.
They have a HUGE fanbase that loves them.
Okay so the whole daddy thing? Someone mentioned on here it has nothing to do with actual age and that’s true. It can’t be that. I don’t know.
I hope Mars doesn’t end though
you can change your name but you can’t change your writestyle.
Where is the proof that Hipps know anything about Kat? That stuff about Kat and Jared can be read online. And Kat don’t give a rats ass about this site or what the fans think. She has no interest in chekcing this out. Anyone can come here and say “Kat thinks this and Kat says that” and you all believe it. none of you know whether Kat is smart or not. Sh3e has not spoken to anyone on here and she never will. Hipps and others are making up a character they think would fit her based on their opnion pof her. And you are just accpeting it. This is so stupid.
you said” that stuff about Kat and Jared can be read online.” You are wrong!Too much detail( lies)I have a funny feeling that you are her but it’s 2 late.( I could be wrong)
Me being Kat? lmfao no hun I’m not. I’m older and better looking and in another country ^^
And yes, hipps post made up shit and also shit read online. Apart from 30stm fans BSing about her there are no facts regarding her thoughts, personality or behavior. Calling her a golddigger is not fair either. No one here knows how she felt about the guys she was with. I doubt she gives a damn about any of the sites and even knows this exists.
is she back on FB?Kat Damm?is she real ?
hipps is talking the truth. stfu about the IP you cant do shit with it.
if she is telling the truth then my name is Britney Spears:)oh and “If you seek Amy” call me
Hipps we know that ur here under the different names :)/btw the information about you and what you said is out ;))Hope they will get you fast!
haha, i know right! People need to get a life. Who cares what some poster says on here. Anybody can post here. Anyone can be hipps. I can post as hipps. So stupid. haha.
If hipps is our river of truth I’M A FUCKING BUDDHA!LOL
oh looky here another porn site with damm. is this girl now doing porn. because she seems to be appearing alot on online porn sites lately. i wonder what here agent thinks about this.
That’s why J don’t wanna have anything in common with her :)!Someone so close to him said who she is!
who said what?how do you know?
Yes, and you are that close one or you know them.
what is that? I cant open it. is it that jakob and kat lovestory thing
jay is soo naive sometimes i don t believe that he didn t know she only want fame that why she used him. someone in wdw said she doesn t have a job as a model bc she looks regular and she sucks as a actress of course she need jay to get some name. that video of her a jacob is sooo stupid she sucks jay kick her skinny, druggie,very used ass
wtf! no gossip?!?
hipps disappear, so our life is better
I think that they found her!so many ppl was writing about this page to Emma etc as I’ve heard!
damnit. i check this site like once a week hoping for a nice story line…. hipps come back!
Agree with you))Haha))A cup of tea in the evening and hipps’ lovely stories))I’ll miss you babe)
LOL! What are you talking about?! Everyone hated her, called her a liar and drove her off. Why would she come back now? this place is a piece of sht without her now.
bcoz she is a liar. Now it’s so peaceful here. End of the lies))
so you know that one girl brook or whatever?? OMG, Shannon told my friend that she is “twisted” and Jared said to keep her ass away from him. lol They laugh at Shannon because she’s obsessed with him.
OH and SHann and becks are so sweet! They had too many girls around them though.
u are talking about that girl brooke garcia? really? she doesn t seems on twitter very obcess but what happended with jay and shan ? what has she done?
hahhaa, yes! well, I mentioned her to Shannon because we were on the topic of making out with fans. (don’t ask) Shannon just muttered “she’s twisted, I know she’s a fan but..” and he didn’t finish because well, you know he probably screwed her, heh. Then Becks said Jared gives Shannon shit and Jared’s glad that for once it’s not him attracting the crazys. I guess apparently she;s totally psychotic, fame hungry hoe that will have sex with anyone semi famous.
They were really cool though. Kinda tipsy. So was i.
yeah she seems like that:S but they must be used to but u only talk with shan not with jay? what do u mean jared gives shanon shit? like he introduced shan to these pyskos?
Were they?Jared doesn’t drink as I know.
Jared wasn’t there.
yes brooke garica is a fangirl veryyyyy obsessedd of shannon she is like plug
In addition to Brooke aka (Imaginary Shannon’s girlfriend), that girl Andrea is another obsessed girl begging for Jared’s attention. I kind of feel bad for her for being so delusional. That’s what happens to young immature girls who get obsessed with older men. Jared must feel aggravated with her begging, whining, and lying about an imaginary relationship. Jared likes to flirt and compliment girls,and as a hot blooded man he will enjoy a good time if a girl gives him the chance to. that doesn’t mean that he is going to marry them. LOL!
Totally but I think that Brooke is worse, or at least that’s what I got from Shannon and Becks remarks and demeanor. What exactly is she in LA for? She’s not tall enough or pretty enough to model, and she isn’t talented to work in the business behind the scenes. She’ll end up doing porn or something soon. I used to follow brooke on twitter for a minute and man is this girl deluded! First of all, she twits these pseudo bitchy ass twits about how if she’s not replying to your twits, then you shouldn’t waste your time or something. I remember being like, “you should take your own advice when twittering to Jared and Shannon who think youre a psycho *unfollow*”. heh.
We didn’t discuss Andrea though but if she moved to LA for Jared? Wow. Is she really in for a dissapointment. Just because he flirted with her, and I’m not saying it’s right for him to toy with young and insecure girls, doesn’t mean he’s in love with her! He flirts with just about everyone. Andrea I dont think is the model type either but at least she has some sort of talent to work in the industry?
eh, they’ll probably BOTH end up in porn.
Holla holla, Andrea moved to LA bcoz she go to school no for Jared.Andrea is not obsessed, she is talented girl.Andrea is just Jared’s friend , that’s all!Viperine u don’t know her so stop talkin’ abt her.
and Brooke, yes she is obsessed n crazy.
that’s what I said. I dont know anything about Andrea. I just saw her photos and whatnot and figured she moved there for actual work. Brooke seems to have moved there to be a groupie/hanger oner and is usually the girl who never ever marries the rockstar but ends up with a mouthfull of his you know what and doesnt even get cab money.
this is off topic but at the Shan/becks show, I almost got the impression that Shannon was ready to do that full time and no more mars. Hopefully i’m wrong. He seems way happy. Maybe it was all the liquor. haa.
one thing I say to Andrea is that it will be tempting to sleep your way up ladder and many of men (JARED included) will take advantage of this. You’ll have absolutely NO respect in Holly land if you do it, so don’t do it. Word gets around and EVERYONE will know.
David lee roth, That’s very good advice for Andrea. She seems like a good and innocent girl. She should distance herself from all that mess (Jared) and concentrate on developing her talent. She definitely seems to have more brains than Brooke. If I was Brooke and found out what Shannon thinks I would die of embarrassment and just hide my head in the sand like and ostrich.
r u kidding? She’d probably be *honored*, that he even thinks of her. lol Even if he does think she’s a total loon. Girls like Brook measure their worth by what famous person knows they exist. They don’t even care what famous person, just as long as they’re famous or were famous in the past. She has no shame about namedropping obviously on twitter(“hung out with so and so today” “licked so and so’s ass crack last night”) and yes it’s embarrassing to watch but they dont care. It’s a pretty sad sight, and it runs rampant in hollywood so she made the right choice of where to live. They dont care that rockstars make fun of them behind their backs.
I’m quite happy that you people have decided to speak and say interesting things. Thank you, the site was dead.
‘this is off topic but at the Shan/becks show, I almost got the
impression that Shannon was ready to do that full time and no more mars’
u r wrong, I hope))but we will see soon.
but she went to LA bc of jared? she had something with him? like sex or whatever or jared just flirt with ehr like u sais? she says that they are friends and so on
What is the issue with Andrea? You guys are really mean to her and you don’t even know anything about her except for Jared posted her picture a few times and youve probably seen her around backstage with him. How come that makes her enemy number one? I really doubt she is stupid enough to be in love with Jared Leto so stop reading to far into things. Just because hes wanted to or may have fucked her instead of you is not a good reason…grow up. The obsessed ones are the people on here. Sitting online on a celebrity gossip site stalking every person hes been connected with and trash talking them so you could feel apart of his life or better by demeaning them. There is no way you guys are better candidates than the 18 year olds Jared is running around with.
Next time I am waiting outside with my kid for a quick autograph from the band after the show and I see Jared and Andrea walk onto the bus I will ask both of them to sign my shirt and then tell them they should get hitched. I guarentee you Jareds eyes will light up before hers will.
I think andriea is inlove with someone else. I read her tweets…it doesnt sound like jared xx
I remember when Jared said that he can’t trust to anyone!And he has a good nose to people which wanna use him especially if we are talking about girls!I’m proud of him that now he is smarter(3 months ago,he wasn’t yet).But you need to know that this guy feel so alone which is so unfair because he deserved to be loved,after all !!I wish him luck and hope that one day he will be happy with a woman which take care about him like he cares about everybody!This guy have much love in his heart!
And you shouldn’t believe in everything they said about him because all of this are a lies!I know this guy and it’s hurt when you need to watch how people destroy his name!!
Stalkers are sick and they will be here forever!
All of this stories about Jared are just from this stalkers imagination!!His case is unbelievable because I know many famous singers or actors and only Jared has so many stalkers!!
So you need to stop trust to that pages and better get to know someone and then create an opinion about him!!Good Luck!
Sincerely Artemis
If you are this Artemis from LA-I’m so happy that you said it!!I know that you wanted to be anonymous but thanx that you decide to come her and show how it’s look like!I always believed in Jared!
WooHoo if Artemis is here you need to know that something happened!
If this is true, if you Artemis really know him, let me tell you that what you have said has touched me deeply. I always knew that he wasn’t ok, no matter how many times he says he is, I know it isn’t true. And it makes me very sad.
This is so sad. I love Jared and I think that he is a very misunderstood old soul. My opinion is that, if he doesn’t want to be alone, he would need someone who matches his intelligence and appreciates his beautiful soul. He would need someone who can tolerate long distances while he is touring or when he is immersed in his art and cannot pay too much attention to the relationship. To achieve that, he would need someone who is closer in age to him and maturity level and not some extremely young girl who doesn’t have a head full of air and nonsense. It looks like he dates girls who would need a dictionary just to have a normal
conversation with him and will not even know how to look up the words. He should focus less on looks and concentrate on personality and brains. What I can tell (since I unfortunately don’t know him personally) from the things that are published is that it looks like he is doing exactly what he doesn’t want others to do with him when they concentrate on his looks and forget about all those other wonderful gifts that he’s been blessed with.
She doesn’t necessarily have to be close in age to him as long as she has her head on her shoulders and knows what she wants. That’s what I think at least.
Jared likes some girl from Europe.
How do you know that? Did he tell you?
No, he didn’t tell me. It would be ridiculous, right?
But I know someone from his “environment”. That person told me about a girl from Europe who Jared is really interested in. France, Russia, Lithuania or sth. I don’t know anything more about it…
And is it a reliable source? The girl is fan or what? Those countries are a bit apart one from another.
I know
Like I said: my friend didn’t want to say anything more about it… Maybe he also doesn’t know any details… But yes. I think he’s not liar. I believe him.
I tend to believe everything. And has it been a long interest or recent? Sorry for the questions.
Max 1-2 months. This is a new case. And of course it’s possible that he likes this girl only as a friend. Sorry, but I can’t say anything more… I don’t want to lie here…
Well, thanks for the information. If you know more details please post.
he doesnt llike anyone from Europe. hes barely had time to breathe these past few months…I guarantee you the last thing hes thinking about is some chick. the only reason hes in Europe a lot is because they make tons more money over there than in america. hes 100% business man. dating is the last thing on his mind…. now mindless sex? thats another story..
But who tells you what’s in his head? Maybe he longs for it, but doesn’t show it. Let’s all remember that he can fake very well, that’s the way he is, he is a Capricorn. Business man? Well yes, but I doubt they come to Europe so much because they make more money here. They like Europe, Jared loves France (that’s probably why they are making a Tour there), and the German fans are crazy and they like it. Maybe the money is behind it but not as much as the fans’ dedication. If it was the money the reason why they came here, well, how sad right? They would lose fans, at least let me say I’d be the first to leave.
Everyone in this business ultimate goal here is to make money. Seriously lets get real here. Dont be fuckin naive about it. Europe makes them money. Thanks to Europe they have a bathroom to shit in and a table to eat on. If you want to leave because of that by all means go. I doubt Jared cares about that either. Like I said his first priority is to succeed in the work world and as a savvy business man he will go to germainy where “the fans are the craziest” and OF COURSE THEY LIKE THAT. It strokes their egos and lets them be gods! What man wouldnt like that? Jareds relationships fail because he is truly more interested in work and wont even give other things a chance and I am sure he is aware to what expense.
i agreed they are very well known in europe jared said that once. and when he goes to fashions shows and stuff they paid him tones of money..he is not stupid
Exactly. And this is not to say he doesnt appreciate the fans or anything….simply saying that at the end of the day what he has going on is a business riding on his shoulders. He loves to work and he loves to create. It drives him more then anything else in this world.
All work and no play makes jack a dull boy
Yes he is aware of it, and he is also aware that it doesn’t do any good to him, he admitted it in the beginning of the year. I am not naive in this aspect, I just believe that only work and money doesn’t give someone happiness. That is all. And he should try to draw a line once in a while between work, money and other things. Life isn’t just work, recognition and money, which boosts someone’s ego and which ends destroying a person.
jane thanks for the info. is she french? and what about Shannon? there are some news about him?
How do you know it?)
aww poor Jared, I adore him, Bless his heart and i wish him happiness. Please stalkers back off before you drive the guy crazy. Keep Calm Jared.
Who’s afraid of Virginia
Woolf? Jared Leto? Really?
He’s interested in some girl
in Europe. Great! Good for him. And he is sad
because of all the stupid comments here? That pretty sunshine from Europe might read all those stories and not want him
anymore? Big mistake if he has that kind of doubt!
If you really know the guy
tell him that she’s not THE ONE and he shouldn’t concern with her. The truth is
that when he’ll meet the woman of his life, he will discover that, none of
these stupid stalkers, or paparazzi, or the stardom he’s into, or whatever,
NEVER, EVER could destroy their love, because she will not care about all the
crap and she will be the one able to see the truth. All this, will come
naturally with any effort, at the right time. In fact all this rubbish works
for him; she will be maybe one of the few that will not buy this madness.
I was searching for Artifact
documentary I’m eager to see and I found this site by accident. Maybe I’m the
last person in the world entitled to write here, but I was stunned by all the
evil comments this guy is surrounded by, and I do not understand why? Why do
you hate him so much? Everything he does, everything he says is turned upside
down. He talked to some kids on the stage he’s a pedo. He made a juicy joke,
well, he’s a pervert. He had a straight opinion about something: he’s not well
in his head. These devilish comments are over passing his love life. Not only
him but all the people in touch with him are tainted by all this s*it. Terry
Richardson is a pedophile, his female friends are whores and druggies, let’s
not talk about Emma and Shan…they are worse. Tomo is the only one that remained
untouched. Why? Is he harmless? So, is Jared dangerous? Don’t think so. Maybe
just powerful: an inner power untamed and hard to deal with for most of the shallow
people. It was not so obvious during his acting carrier, but now, well, it’s
another thing he’s enjoying it! And he does not want to go back. Who would want
So, to put an end to my too
long message: Who’s afraid of Jared Leto?
How do you feel today?Is everything alright?))
I’m fine, and everything has been alright since ever!
hmmm how are you sure he’s interested in some girl in Europe? is Laura Hayden?
Seriously, Laura Hayden is a big NO NO… why did you come up with that?
I don’t know, she was the last girl who was seen speaking at fashion week in Europe. It’s just my opinion
She’s very young and they have known each other for quite a while, she always interviews him. She’s nice but a bit immature, so I hope not. My opinion too.
Is he not still seeing that chick from England? She was seen on tour with him quite abit this year, anyone know who that is?
Lola? aka Melodyxxxx from twitter (she deleted her acount) ? haha no he isnt dating her. Shes just a cheap fuck.
Who is Lola? is that her name? I mean the brunette girl with tattoos that was seen alot on tour with him, hasnt she been seen on and off for quite some time now. Do you have any info on her?
girl from europe bullshit
yea shes an on and off fuck of his. they are nothing more. shes just kinda one of the skanky slut escorts he runs around with. jared gets tired of needing to pretend to remember 5000 girls names so he has a circle of a few “go to’s” just to try and make his life a little more stable. I wouldnt worry about her.
Who saw her at what show? I thought that was just one of the many fake twitter accounts out there.
She has been seen at a lot of shows this year in the US and Europe. All i know is that she is English has tattoos and is a brunette, apparently some fans in the US spoke to her after a show and she got Jared to come out and have his pic taken with them?
Suzie i think they re right she might be crystal she is jared´s fuck buddy:)
I thought Crystal was from the US not England. Didn’t that Melody/Lola chick post on IMDB a while back?
Yes, that Crystal girl is American.
Then it cant be Crystal as this girl is English. Maybe he has a thing for tattooed brunettes
And how do you know that? Maybe it’s just rumors, people tend to invent a lot of shit.
Crystal is of South American descent and yeah, she’s from the US. Strange that he hangs out with a lot of tattooed brunettes that he is NEVER pictured with. someone is lying.
Someone has to know the truth here. Are these girls for real or internet games?
Crystal is real, but that she and Jared still have something maybe is not. People like to make things up all the time. And about the British one, I doubt she is real.
This year or last year?
I thought the brunette girl with the tattoos was crystal. Jesus, how many tattooed brunette girls has jared been seeing?! haha
the brunette girl with all the tattoos i am pretty sure is crystal
I remember when Jared said that he can’t trust to anyone!And he has a good nose to people which wanna use him especially if we are talking about girls!I’m proud of him that now he is smarter(3 months ago,he wasn’t yet).But you need to know that this guy feel so alone which is so unfair because he deserved to be loved,after all !!I wish him luck and hope that one day he will be happy with a woman which take care about him like he cares about everybody!This guy have much love in his heart!
And you shouldn’t believe in everything they said about him because all of this are a lies!I know this guy and it’s hurt when you need to watch how people destroy his name!!
Stalkers are sick and they will be here forever!
All of this stories about Jared are just from this stalkers imagination!!His case is unbelievable because I know many famous singers or actors and only Jared has so many stalkers!!
So you need to stop trust to that pages and better get to know someone and then create an opinion about him!!Good Luck!
Sincerely Artemis
You already wrote that….go away.
Can I just say something? You guys really need to stop bring up Andrea and Brooke in the same thing….Andrea is nothing like Brooke! Brooke is some crazy strange fan and god only knows why she is in california. Andrea is an actual friend of the band people have seen them hanging around before. I know she went out to dinner with one of the letos on sunset not too long ago. Just because Jared brought attention to her by posting her pictures does not mean shes obsessed with him or shes the one starting any of this. Leave the girl be. She is obviously just trying her best to use her talent and make a life for herself….not much different than what Jared was doing at her age. Just minus the internet drama. As for Kat, he isnt dating her I swear. I dont think shes even in LA right now. Shes been no where near her tattoo shop and Kats got her own list of men to call. I have no idea where this even came from but I dont stalk him enough to be up to date. Im pretty sure she just tattooed him and they talk ever once in a blue moon when they run into one another at parties. He isnt dating that Katharina girl either….that was a set up to get him more publicity which obviously worked. Im sure the two of them are just laughing it all away with how you guys twist and take everything. Jareds lost his focus lately. Hes running around with all these girls (minus brooke) and doing seperate things with them and all of those girls know him well enough not to fall for his bullshit. Theres that crazy girl from England on twitter Shazzy? the blonde…shes a washed up rich 40 year old mom who is obsessed with Jared and the fun it is to have him on her list and she seemed to be convinced they were dating for a while but it seems like shes finally cooling it down and realizing he doesnt give a rats ass about her. Honestly the only ones ive seen that have been genuine enough to even mean anything are those pictures of andrea and jared but thats just my opinion. Maybe I just like her more because shes not a famous bimbo and she isnt the usual white girl with blonde hair you see him parading with. Shes beautiful but in a different way. I dont know thats my two cents. You can take it as you want.
By the way is anyone going to these last shows in NYC? I wonder how the turn out for that is going to be. Its good to know they all will probably get a break after that. Just in time for Jared to turn over the hill
think that number has anything to do with all the crazy stuff that has been surfacing the internet world lately about him?
Each one has their opinions. To me Andrea is not the type who goes crazy and posts everything on twitter as other obsessed girls do but she discreetly shows her interest in him. She hangs out with other people and so on, but she likes him. And obviously he liked her, I don’t know as for recently. She is trying to make her way into the industry and it’s good, but there’s something there that doesn’t convince me. And as for Jared’s “bullshit” I don’t know what you are referring to, and how come you know so much? You are not a stalker…
Anyway, Andrea can be sweet but she’s also a bit bitter. Brooke is simply deranged.
That’s all for now folks.
what do u mean he liked her? like in a friends way or something else? but u are right she shows some intrest on jared. what doesn t convince u? u think she is trying to make in the industry but she is hoping that jared opens a few doors for her?
I don’t really know, but I have a feeling, and before anybody here thinks that I hate on her I don’t. She can be lovely and all you want but I look at her pictures and she doesn’t give me a good vibe. Anyway, maybe it’s just me.
Andrea is interested in Jared for sure!!! Read her twitter! But don’t know what about Jared…
Thanks Andrea!!
Don’t forget to make a fanclub for andreea (the big vagina) …I know she want jared
Oooooooxx is andrea for sure or a friend of andrea …plz telll to andrea to get a life she is a stupid prostitute with a big vagine, a stupid gipsy ,she wants only publicity
Well from what I hear, you’d need to have a big vagina to take Jared. #JustSayin P.S. As a gypsy, I find that part to be extremely offensive.
plzz dont eat shit
First of all sorry for my bad english, but i’m european…
all i want to say is this, jared seems like michael jackson, the girl that he dating are too young for a 40 years old man, he is creepy!
he’s single!
i know…but…
sorry!, i meant girls
I wish him luck and hope that one day he will be happy with a woman which take care about him like he cares about everybody!This guy have much love in his heart!
he doesn’t want to be with anyone!!! He likes his life. He even doesn’t look for some girl. Hes single. He has fun during his whole life.
but, few days ago, you’ve said that he likes someone from Europe, so, why you’re saying the opposite now?! in the meanwhile, you found that your friend were lying to you, is that it?
yes. I said: he LIKES someone from Europe and I don’t know if she is his friend or gf. Read again. My comment above is only my PERSONAL opinion. If he wanted to be with someone he’d be with her and end of the topic. So I think he likes being a single.
ohh, i see, you actually know, that he likes someone, but by his atitude, you think, he likes even more to be single
yep, maybe that’s also the truth,:) i have to agree with you on that…:):)
thank you for your answer;)
Yes! I think that. Well. It’s only my opinion. I can’t say nth more because I don’t know Jared personally… Unfortunately ;D
People, he and Colin Farrell have had an “affair” or however you want to call it ever since Alexander. Open your eyes.
Did you see them Nadine???Or you are one of those pervert who like the idea of Jared and Colin Farrell as the perfect gay couple????Stop saying rubbish if you do not see things with your own fucking eyes people.
i am happy for this guy
NEW chicks http://jaredleto.com/thisiswhoireallyam/2011/11/21/notes-from-the-outernet-photo-self-portrait-of-the-crew/
old friends!the blonde girl livin in UK an is an actress.She was on the “artifact” as I know.
Alright if so =)
Interesting, I didn’t see her in the short clip of Artifact that got leaked, did you?
yes 2 new big vaginas..2 new slutes uhuuu jared’s loves trashes bimbos girls
the actress from artifact is a secondshand actress like all the models from jared’s pix
r u jealous?
for a girl with big vagina never for a slut and guest why you are so mad u have a big vagina too
jared is with Sasha Owen Longfellow i saw a [pictures with jared ,emma ,sasha, bob leto
He is not with Sasha!Sasha wasn’t at this picture and the club with them!And this guy is not Bob Leto my lady he is a Shanns business partner
U’ve right. Alena wrote this on her TT
shannon is with lara bingle and jared with justin
Nope they are not with that girls!Shann of course has sth in common with Lara but J with Justyna had nothing and I know this from a very good source
who is your source? everyone knows that he is not with this girl from Poland.
shannon is alone or with that brunette from last summer
I thought that Shann is with Ivy Rose
with ivy rose levan no with that trash with huge vagina she fucked with all the musicians starting with ian watkins i saw that pictures nude with them (ian fucked ivy in her huge ass)davey havok etc.Shannon would be a stupid to collled trashes
what brunette from last summer?
did anybody off you ever writen a lettre to Jared or something else? i was thinking off doing that but i have a strong feeling that this is almost impossible to do. And even if you can contact him… would he take the time to write something back with his full booked agenda.
contact adress would be:
Josh Lieberman or Mick Sullivan
Creative Artists Agency
2000 Avenue Of The Stars
Los Angeles, CA 90067
Phone: 424-288-2000
thanks for writing back on this comment.
just curious, hopefully somebody ever did that and has got a good answer for me.
thanks in advance
Has anyone seen the photo of jared leto with Terry Richardson & Lindsey Wixson on the site called Silence be heard. There is a blonde in the photo looking away she looks like katharina damm. can anyone help. I think the photo comes froom the new york times?
Nope it’s not Kat Kat wasn’t at this party
OK. Thanks. Have you seen any photos of her at this fashion week? I can’t find any of her. don’t worry if you haven’t it’s no big deal. just was wondering that all.
Jared is with kat damm, it’s him the boyfriend she’s talking about, I wonder why they’re hiding?
Carol … why do you think that? know very well that Kat was just a summer fling of Jared. NOTHING MORE!
She moved to LA, she talks a lot about her boyfriend & she has
no reason to be so mysterious about the guy, someone asked her on her blog to
deny dating JL, cause that would make people believe she’s using his name for
fame and her answer was quite aggressive something like: what’s between me and
J is none of your business. There is a vid with J leaving the chateau and
she is there too at a certain moment, and so on, yes they are together.
His blog and his twitter are pure business with lines like: I have
no gf, i have no valentine and who’s gonna be my valentine. bla, bla, bla.
That’s ugly really ugly to do.
Poor echelons, they are kids, fragile teens, easy to be
manipulated. Sad.
Those shtty things J is doing makes them be a band of a lower caliber,
even if their music is good, they cannot be compared with Linkin Park
or MCR, Muse etc In the world of good music you don’t do that kind of trsh to
sell your albums.
He’s complaining of the sht around while he’s a part of it.
which video? you have the link?
I just saw a video Jared At Chateau Marmont and I never saw Kat there… you’re a liar! so please… stop talking shit about them! btw… if she said: “I’m just not going to talk about anything that happened or happens between us it is our business not yours” means that you don’t have to matter what has happened between them! are you happy now? end of story! I know Jared is not dating Kat right now, because I know him and I know he doesn’t return to an old relationship… NEVER!
ugh I meant “means that you do not have to matter what has happened between them!” sorry for my English
http://x17video.com/celebrity_video/rose_mcgowan/celebrities_attend_40th_annive.php you can seeeee kat at min 3:00
Okay… I see her. but isn’t the first time Kat and Jared go to the same site. that doesn’t mean they are dating again. I remember in January when Katharina Damm arrives at the W Magazine was in the same place too.
she was with a lady friend and Jared was alone. Cam Diaz was also there
jared is a liar
Carol your post made me think and I believe you are right. I like their music a lot but I always liked other bands much more, there was always something about 30STM that made me take one step back and I didn’t know what, now I see. It’s dirty to use innocent kids like that. It’s sad cause he’s a talented guy but as long as his character is so stinky he’ll never touch the sky no matter how high he can jump. He doesn’t allow himself to become a great man despite his high potential.
who is hermioneolivia ? maybi shannon’s new huge vaginas? i saw a pic on twiiter
Kat Damm was at the Chaplin Awards with Jared last night. And everything she says about her boyfriend matches Jared perfectly. They are definitely dating!
Kat looks heavier. Is she pregnant?
i want to see a picture with kat from last night at the chaplin awards
and shannon is with lara bingle? or with lara bingle friend?
shannon hang out with lara everytime he can! so, I think there is something between them!
jared and his old big vagina the hude one ..the war of the big vagina is back
yes shannon has a gf don’t worry he has pussy
I’m sure he and lara bingle have something goin on..trust me.
i saw the video kat was there look at min 3:00 and u will see here is the video http://x17video.com/celebrity_video/rose_mcgowan/celebrities_attend_40th_annive.php
I have just seen the video & it’s kat with a female friend. If jared is dating her he shouldn’t be hiding her away like some dirty little secert. I don’t need to know what’s going on in the bedroom. She’s making it sound like they are dating with the things she is saying & the fact that both on her twitter & tumblr she is adding people who are fans of 30STM.
Everyone is free to say what they think. but I know him and he doesn’t hide his girlfriend. Jared is single right now. but he’s man and has needs… you know. trust me, he didn’t return with Kat! just are events that they have in common. nothing more.
guest that picture … says a lot …. Kat is not the owner of this tumblr “katharinaalexandradamm”
the person who owns this tumblr says that Kat is the sign of Aries. and the picture says that Kat is the sign of Leo. people… not believe everything you read
There is another tumblr that is her real one http://katharinaalexandradamm.tumblr.com/
I mean “katharinaalexandradamm” IS FAKE!
this is Lali – How do you know they are not dating are you a friend of his. I don’t know about her tumblr being a fake or not. Yes they can go to the same parties & not be dating. god I wish he would just says if he has a girlfriend or not. I think a lot of fans wouldn’t care if he has. I just hope that he’s happy as I would want for any one.
Well, to me is fake :/ anyway…. I just wanted to say here that jared is not a liar. when he has a girlfriend not hidden her
I hope someday he find the love of his life and be happy
I do to.
sorry the first bit should say- This is for Lali on the last post
shannon is dating with lara bingle ge was a new big vagina so what he lik’s hugest vaginas
Lali, even while he was engaged with cam diaz they were not seen together at that kind of events, why doing that now with kat damm? in general, those people in the industry make you see only what they want you to see, these are manipulative techniques and j uses them. What I believe carol wanted to say is that to do that with kids to sell your albums is horrible, in the authentic music industry where J likes to think he belongs to (she gave some examples LP, MCR,etc), that kind of shit is not only useless but toxic it may turn against them. Maybe J doesn’t want to do music anymore, I don’t know it’s a supposition I make.
I’m not an English native speaker but let me try to tell what I understood: not only that she’s not denying dating JL she says that all that happened and happens between them is none of our business, she’s not using anybody for fame. To me that implies that there is still something between them, and she’s not using J’s name & her feelings towards men she’s dating are genuine. (this is questionable cause all hoes are saying that, yeah it’s about love all the time, it doesn’t cost a penny to say it and if the fools believe you why not?). That tumblr is fake I don’t know that simple picture isn’t a proof. He does have needs and K damm is there for that, maybe. He likes her, maybe. She has the freedom to suggest they are dating, or she’s just crossing the line to take maximum of benefits. She wants to be famous with any costs, and she has all the chances to be successful, Hollywood is always in a deep need for blonde blue eyed bimbos. Being ashamed to be seen with that kind of women is defining JL. Does a simple fck worth it? Wasn’t JL the one dating cam diaz? Isn’t JL the one saying you have to make your dreams come true? Maybe he’s admiring that kind of women.
Or, I’m completely wrong and she’s really dumb. Being possessed by such guilty feelings of using people around that was the only answer she could give.
OMG what a long mes a posted. I’m outta here!
hahaha well chris… time will tell
yeah, I’m outta here too! take care and have a great day guys 
kiddo, I spit on your idol and now you’re mad at me? Don’t be! I don’t want to
hurt your feelings. I didn’t say Jared Leto is a liar he’s just doing business,
if that requires lying, well… it may happen. I left US for quite sometime and I
have changed a lot my vision about all this stuff. I live now in Europe, in a country where the
music is great, especially the alt rock, and people here, not only have the guts
to boo madonna but lady gaga has no chance, the bearded woman is funny but few
people want to spend time & money to see that; about 30STM they don’t
really know what’s that and LP are gathering enthusiastic crowds every time
they come here. After several cultural shocks now I see things in a different
perspective, having a completely different mentality. You say you know the guy,
many fans believe they know their idols, it’s just an illusion. I say it’s a
shitty thing for J to take advantage like that of teenagers to sell his albums.
No other band is doing that and probably that’s why they are wider known and
sell more albums that 30STM. Applying madonnesque methods for better sales
while you have an alt rock band, which, btw, is not doing bad music, is
pathetic. I never said he doesn’t have to love & be loved & have a gf
& be happy, he just isn’t, look into his sad eyes. Damn’s blog is the perfect proof about how this
business is going on she’s focused to take advantage of every single step to be
famous, being nice (btw, here, were I live now, if you are nice, damm’s nicety,
people are peculiar & distant, they tear you down in tiny little pieces and if there is
nothing wrong hidden under yr behavior they become yr best friends, if not yr
fucked up you just have to run forrest run) following every echelon…(but
hey that’s the purpose of the echelon, isn’t it?)
she leaves the impression there is still something going on between them, even
if they’re not dating, which I doubt, and so on. Women like that cannot bring happiness
around the only thing they can do is making men be more cynical: a shit dressed
in a tuxedo walking down the avenue among other shits and being amazing. For me, being now here, detached of that world, is heartbreaking I don’t know how it sounds
for you. Maybe J doesn’t want to be happy. I believe is sick to use your love
life for fame & money but is also sick to hide your love life like it’s a
disease that must not be seen by others. Does the fuck worth that kind of life?
Chris I don’t know, only a man can answer that question. Lali don’t be mad at
me I don’t say JL is a jerk he’s a tragic figure. Take care of yourself kiddo!
ha, ha, ha OMG what a long message it’s infectious, I’m getting out of here!
carol…your absolutely right. at least some people realise their ‘idols’ portray a certain image..Jared is like that too, he makes his fans think they know him but if they took the time to think about it they know nothing because he is strict about his personal life what we ‘see’ is what he wants us to see apart from his talent. this business is all about getting some sort of attention or reaction. celebs live in a superficial world and get sucked into it never finding the meaning of their life. if he is single then ok, if he isn’t well then good for him and hope he is happy.. then we can hope for a baby who will be genetically blessed!!!
shannon is dating lara bingle
Hey guys, don’t be so cruel with Jared! From time to time I search for
the Artifact release I cross these sites by accident and here I am defending JL once
again as I did a few months ago. I’m not a fan or a teenie and I still believe
he wouldn’t hide his gf so viciously as you think. Even Terry showed his girl
to the world with delicacy and tenderness. I see J doing the same if someone
would be there with him. I’m not a fan so I’m not into their lives and I don’t
remember her name, all that I remember is a beautiful brunette and an enormous
amount of tenderness exhaling from that picture. Jared, in the pictures he
takes, reveals always all that’s dear to his heart too, almost the same way as
Terry does, why he wouldn’t do it with his girl?
brunette? what are you talking about? terry’s girlfriend?
I see where this is going. Is getting old.
Alena Gerber
Hardly laughing about Miss L. Bingle!!! She might be dating a lot of celebritys right now but defenetily not “him”
WHAT !? that alena crap wrote that !? hahahahaha
T.I.A do you think that Katharina on twitter and tumblr is the real Kat? I know that she knows about this website and abt wdw. as you wrote here, Jared is the most sweetest guy ever and to me this website and wdw shouldnt exist. don’t know why ppl still writing here, after this hipps thing this website was dead, and now when Kat(or not Kat) is on twitter and tumblr people began to write here again. and agree with you what you think about Shannon. He like to fuc k everyone, not just blonde fake bimbos, he f uck with blodnes skinny bitch and with fat brunnets. Jared and Shannon are like two different worlds. Jared is a good guy, with the rules, no drinking, no smoking, no drugs, and Shannon is Shannon. the worst thing is that Shannon is bad to Jared. To ALL OF YOU, you never know who is reading this shi t. stop pretended that you know J and S and live your life.
news thehothits.com/news/29483/is-lara-bingle-dating-shannon-leto-from-30-seconds-to-mars
They only fuck!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q4wg44CW4Pc shannon leto and lara bingle
who cares about Katharina Damm??ANYONE.
Who cares ? do you think that people really
believe all that crap? She didn’t know? did she found out NOW after so much time? It’s an
offense to our intelligence ! She’s determined to make it in Hollywood and
she’s ready to do everything it takes. Sorry she knows exactly what she’s doing! OMG not only that she’s not innocent at all
but she’s definitely stupid ; as long as J said I don’t have a gf don’t
believe that hype of course there is a PR working for that dannish lil tr*sh,
and now wow wow kat is suddenly surprised by everything, sleeping beauty and her
brothers and sisters woke up ! Really ? we do believe J not her so
please tell to yr friend kat&her family that they’re a bunch of idiots
some of people believe in everything what they read. Katharina knows how keep attention.she is the master of attention. Jared is not with her for a looooooong time but people still talk about it. she is the master. Look at this girl from tumblr said that Katharinaalexdamm is FAKE. Read her tumblr ( Gina J) and you will see what kind of person she is, we can’t trust her. She has right abt tumblr but nothing more.who believe what some junkie writing? definitely NOT me.
I really really don’t care if he’s dating her not dating her. I wish he would go for someone more his own age. They are some sexy women at there that he could go for. I find he looks older when he’s with these girls in there 20’s.
Katharina Damm by Terry Richardson http://katharina-alexandra.tumblr.com/post/19142409555/do-you-have-kats-photos-by-terry it’s fake to me but you need to know abt it
Yes it’s fake I asked someone close to Terry
Katharina or your friend I don’t care who start this page but it’s LAME!
tbh to me it’s Kat or her family behind this blog. after this what she worte here hipps i thought she is lame, but now I think she is just stup id.
Adele does Terry know abt what she wrote there?
been looking at this new tumblr page to do with kat the people who run it won’t say who they are which I found really odd. does anyone else?
what do you mean?do you know who they are?
No I don’t know who there are. I just think it’s odd that they won’t say who there are.
I found that page, too. Really strange.. They have tons of personal pics of her and her family. They say they are her friends, but my friends dont have pics of my family like that. Makes me wonder if she knows about it..
Of course she knows, how can you be so naive? You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to built someone’s image, there are people working for that. Anyone of you can do it, anyone can be famous. If you want to became famous there are some steps you have to take and ppl to work for you. Probably she’s the one furnishing personal pictures for that page…OMG yr so naive
I was totally being sarcastic when I said I wonder if she knows about it.. of course she does! No need to be rude and call me naive..
and this is the reason why i think that is kat and her family behind this page, Katharina aka hipps was there then next she was on twitter and now she is on tumbrl another FAME WHO
coke and vogue tumblr has come out about jared & kat saying it was all a publicity stunt. He dosen’t need the publicity the band doing fine & as for her who cares just a nobody. Who thinks that riding on the back of Jared leto’s name will get her places.
Is jared leto a satanist?
He’s wearing the reversed orthodox cross and now spreading it all over through
t-shirts…is this man evil spirited or just ignorant and stupid? I haven’t seen
before satanic symbols in his art but now I’m a lil disappointed….
he’s just ignorant about those issues, like most americans, me included, chanting a mantra with some guru in india and the orthodox cross to him is the same thing, being “spiritual”. I used to be such a p a t h e t i c human being once upon a time, now it’s over thank God!some might be offended, you’re right it’s reversed and any reversed symbol becomes satanic in its essence, he’s just a rock startrying to play an interesting roledo you believe he knows what he’s doing? he doesn’ticons to him are ancient christian art andI believe he never, ever read any christian orthodox book in hisentire life, or maybe if he did it was something like narnia :)))He likes his name to be associated with gaga’s but in my opinion it’s much more about his career, he must be there somewhere in the pantheonluckily most of the fans he has in the east are russians and those people don’t care too much about their own religionOr, maybe I’m wrong and he’s into some satanic stuff forreal..that would be a disappointment for me too
Yeah maybe you’re right he’s just ignorant. But why are you using my name?
That orthodox cross DOESN’T have anything to do with satanism or whatnot. I’ve read stuff about it and it means resurrection. Google it or get more informed before you start making false accusations. Thanks.
PS. I’m sure he knows what he’s wearing and using, he’s not at all ignorant. Stop hating.
Hatred – are you sure saskia?
First of all you mustn’t do your education on the internet
especially wikipedia – a friendly advice. Try to read books
printed books, on paper, stop using the computer monitor too much.
It destroys the left side of your brain. Just like the TV.
It was scientifically demonstrated for almost 50 yrs.
That’s the reason ADHD is increasingly present among children
If it didn’t already happened to your brain maybe we may have a conversation:(
I say that because you didn’t understand my post, you read it but
you didn’t understand it. You read the wikipedia article
but you didn’t understand it either…
I don’t need links about orthodox crosses, I’m an
orthodox christian myself and I have no problem if JL wears that.
My point is that he wears it REVERSED did you get that? REVERSED
Any reversed symbol, as becky said, is satanic in its essence.
That was my point. If he’s doing that at some show, if he’s
playing the role of a vampire wearing it it’s ok it’s a game, a role,
but spreading it by selling it all over the world is wrong…
For your knowledge in the first centuries of Christianity
the crosses, all of them, were painted, they’re painted nowadays too,
on the bottom bar you have the two thieves, the good one at His right
and the bad one at His left, this is the reason the lower bar is
at the angle.
Did you get it now? the good one at His right goes up and the bad guy goes down…
The cross on J’s T-shirt is mirrored – reversed – the right side pointing down and
the left side pointing up?
What is J trying to say? I’m the Antichrist people on my left
go to heaven and people on my right go to hell? I dont know, hope not…
I’m just asking. I’m not expecting any answer from the echelon because they’re fans,
whatever their idol is doing or saying is great…
Is JL part of the marry the night convoy or he’s just plain ignorant?
He’s extremely dedicated to his career…is he dedicated that much to
make some gross compromise? Just curious…
Maybe not, he’s just ignorant and these are exotic symbols to make the
show more interesting.
I viciously love to speak my mind, it makes me feel free in a way
you cannot even imagine,
saskia if you believe this is hatred, I feel sorry for you cause
when you’ll meet the real hatred you won’t be able to recognize it
at it will swallow you, you’re in a very dangerous place…
So, pray God and take care…
Well, excuse me, but the cross on his shirt is right, not reversed and whatnot. So, seriously, stop lecturing me about the internet and all that you took the time to type, because it is false. You keep making accusations based on what? books? Also, excuse me I’m not as literate as you, and I’d much rather read what’s written on the net, and I much highly believe it is false, I repeat. He is no Satanist and never will be. He speaks about God in his songs, and he visited a church when he was in Paris. So if my belief in someone who to you is the antichrist, or tries to be so, is blind, then so it be. I have a feeling he is a good man, so whatever you and a bunch of haters tell me, really, I could care less.
Thank you very much.
PS. I’m Catholic myself. So congrats to us both. Have a nice day.
1.The cross IS reversed, it’s not turned upside
down as you and people like you are used to but it’s a mirrored one. Now do you
get it? Btw for your knowledge the classical cross turned upside down it’s not
considered as being satanic by none of the apostolic churches…
2. I’m not lecturing you about books&internet I’m
just telling you, you cannot read properly a text, you lack attention and logic,
and too much computer is an aggravating factor to that.
3. 3.
I doesn’t take me too much to write a message don’t
4. 4.
What is false? I made no statement, I just asked
a question and I’m not interested in echelons/fans to answer me, you have no
discerning power so don’t bother to answer…
5. 5. Again I asked a question, where is the hate? If
Jared Leto is your personal Jesus Christ that’s your poblem, more
people like you means a harder life for Jared Leto, hope he has enough survival
instincts to stay away from fans like you.
6. 6. Not only that I made no statement and I only
asked a question, but in my first post I said I haven’t seen any satanic symbols on
his art before, this is the first one, and corroborated with his infinite admiration for lady gaga, I was just wondering…be more attentive.
7. 7. He speaks about God and visited a church in
Paris ok! So what? Many tourists visit churches in paris, and he repeatedly
said in interviews he doesn’t talk about God because “you simply can’t”, I’m
not a fan I like his music and this is a statement from a very old interview,
probably more than 10 yrs ago, maybe you were not even born back then…
8. 8. If you believe this is hate you’re in the middle
of confusion, you’re in a dangerous place where sorry, Jared Leto cannot help
you, trust me.
9. 9. You don’t have to thank me for anything, and if
you are a Catholic you must know idolatry is diabolic…
10. 10. I know I offended you criticizing yr idol but I wont apologize because idolatry is a sin. Take care!
Don’t rely on Wikipedia dear. You really need to read actual books on the subject. And the upside cross he sprays everywhere IS satanic. The Orthodox cross is satanic.
dear lord ..2954 comments ..a lot material to read ;D when i finish reading i’m sure i won’t want to hear nothing about jl personal life (which is good bc i’m sick of all this drama around him) it just makes him look cheap :/ and more sadly his music too… I read on another site sth very true …he sees the effect of all this photos with girls he’s posting and all the rumors that are made about him after that but he’s still doing that! it seems like he’s doing this so people could talk ..but in the same time he claims he wants his personal life to be private..he’s just playing with people …
did you saw the pictures of jared and some beautiful girl in nyc?
is he with annabelle wallis? she is perfect
I think Annabelle already has a boyfriend.
She’s dating James Rosseau.
Annabelle is a good friend of his, she is with someone else.
I hope he finds that which is perfect for him,his such an intelligent guy,always thought a lot of the stuff you hear does not ring true
As long as he is happy….Single or not….isn’t that all that should matter? After all, I think some of you forget that he is JUST A PERSON first…. like you and I. All the other things that he does are just his jobs (acting/30STM). Leave what he does behind closed doors his business. If he wants anyone to know anything involving his life, he will make it public.
How old is Andrea Marquez? and what’s her story with Jared?
I read one of her tweets to her friends in which she said that she wishes she couuld fall for a guy under35 years but she likes her men old? Jared?
forgot all about this lil site! thanks to the WDW w*nkers for reminding me