
Brett Favre Makes Tiger Look Like a Kitty?

It’s shocking/not shocking at the same time, but according to a source close to Kikster.com, Brett Favre has a black book of mistresses that would make Tiger Woods look like a model husband!

A high profile celebs attorney told the source: “I have been approached by numerous females claiming that they have had affairs with Brett Favre.  We are doing our due diligence on the matter, but from the looks of it… Brett is going to give Tiger a run for his money.”

One thing Favre doesn’t have though, is Tigers money!   We have to agree with the source here in the assumption that a scandal like this would drain Favre financially.

Yes, he’s played for a million years, had max contracts, and an endorsement deal with Wrangler, but he’s got nowhere near the amount of money Tiger had,  so a divorce settlement paired with hush money to these girls and he’d be coming back to football for another ten years.

Favre and his wife Deanna have been married since 1996 and have two kids, and a grandchild together .

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