
Justin Bieber bullied at laser tag, called gay slur.

Turns out that  Justin Bieber may have been the victim of envy by a hatred filled bully in the laser tag fiasco.

According to TMZ.com who are  rarely wrong when reporting the news Bieber was called a “faggot” by the other kid.

A source tells TMZ  the kid cornered Bieber hand wouldn’t stop shooting and when Bieber told him, “That’s enough” … the kid responded, “What are you gonna do about it, faggot?”
Bieber replied, “Excuse me?” Sources say the other kid responded, “You’re a faggot” and then put his hand out toward Bieber and Bieber pushed it away as he left.

So it looks like Justin was the innocent one in all of this and that is also what the Police are saying in their investigation.

The father was telling everybody at the scene “I’m a lawyer”. Maybe he should be teaching his kid the proper way to behave instead of filling complaints.

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