
Zach Galifinakis Protesting Hangover 2?

Zach Galafinakis steals the show in ‘The Hangover’ but is it possible he’s not happy about the way the sequel is going?

Galifinakis has been filming the sequel recently, but during a comedy podcast he had the following to say about one of his “current projects”

“…But a movie you’re acting in, you don’t have a lot of control — you just show up and vomit your lines out. I’m not the boss. I’m in a deep protest right now with a movie I’m working on, up in arms about something. But I can’t get the guys to [listen] … I’m not making any leeway.

…It has something to do with a movie I’m working on, yeah. I’ll tell you about it later. It’s very frustrating.”

Could it be having Mel Gibson in a scene?  Is he Team Oksana?

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