
John Mayer Joins MalariaNoMore for a PSA

Maybe he’s trying to clear up his image with the teens after Taylor Swift’s new song about him, or maybe John Mayer just wants to help a great cause!

Regardless of motives, John Mayer has joined the cause to help fight malaria in third world countries by filming a PSA for MaliaraNoMore.

John is hoping to help kids live to the same age as Justin Bieber by donations of mosquito nets

He says: , “Almost a million people a year die of malaria, and out of that number 85 per cent die under the age of Justin Bieber. With your help, by buying a mosquito net for just $10 we can help – by the end of the year – to get to Bieber. Next year, we’ll go Jonas Brothers. After that, Twilight kids. But baby steps.”

We like seeing John Mayer do these types of things.

At least after he breaks teen girls hearts, he helps other teens who are more in need!

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