
Kim Kardashian’s First Track Leaks, Producer Speaks

Kim Kardashian’s first single ‘Shake’ supposedly leaked today and has made a splash during it’s web debut.

While all of the reviews aren’t positive so to speak,  our friends over at Kikster.com got the dirt from a producer who helped work on the track:

“I co-produced T-Pain’s “Thr33 Rings” album back in 2008 and I never thought we would use the now infamous ‘auto tune’ as much as we did on this album…but Kim was just.that.bad.” He goes on to continue, “Don’t get me wrong, Kim is a doll and an absolute pleasure to work with..and her voice DOES have potential and Kim definitely has the work ethic to become a star in this business…But let’s just say that her potential is ‘untapped’ and yet to be seen as of yet! Let me simplify it for you in one sentence: For Kim, the first time’s DEFINITELY not a charm!”

We’ll say this.   It’s no Britney, it’s no Xtina, it’s no Gaga , and not even Miley Cyrus.

HOWEVER, if this is a song that is actually sang by Kim Kardashian ( there’s no way to tell with all the auto-tune, so it could go either way)  then she just put all of Heidi Montag’s years of hard work to put out an album to shame.

We give it a 6/10

In comparison, Paris Hilton’s  ‘Stars R Blind’ we’d rate a 5.

Check it out and tell us what you think?


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One Response to Kim Kardashian’s First Track Leaks, Producer Speaks

  1. November 4, 2010 at 6:30 pm #

    this song was not produced by the neptunes, it was produced by me Seantre an unknown female producer out of atlanta Ga. I have the Reason 4.0 files to prove it. holla at seantresongs@gmail.com.i made this ruff demo of this song an put it on myspace back in 2008 myspace.com/seantresongs i recut song with my friend saddiq and his pop artist thats the song you that you are hearing and the neptunes are getting credit for.

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