
Michael Lohan Breaks His Silence/Promise

Well it took Michael Lohan less than a week to break his silence about his reconciliation with Lindsay!

Though  he promised not to speak to the media, which might have got him a second chance with his daughter while she’s at Betty Ford clinic in the first place, Michael Lohan has sat down for his first interview since, though he did keep it cool and semi quiet.

Michael tells Ok Magazine:

What’s holding her back?
I think it’s just this business in general. They care more about themselves than the people around. People in this business can be very selfish. This is not about Lindsay because she’s a very unselfish person. As a matter of fact she’s a very giving person. But some other people don’t care what level they take someone down to.

So other people are taking her down. Why do people want to vilify Lindsay? Why do people judge her and not people who might be doing the same thing or having the same struggles?
She’s at the top. When you are at the top they want to bring them down.

What is it going to take for her to stay at the top?
Just being herself. Staying on the track she is now and focusing on being Lindsay. That’s it.

What do you think about the way she was brought being in the spotlight? Is that still part of the problem? Or is she over that?
It’s always a problem if you don’t deal with it the right way. This is not only about Lindsay. It’s about anyone in the spotlight. It’s harder. You are scrutinized more. You know there’s a lot more. A lot more people want to get in your life. It’s unfortunate but you have to be able to cut those people out. Say to yourself I don’t want those people.

What should she do next?
Focus on herself.

Lindsay spends long periods of time not talking to you. Why is that? Why not talk to you, then talk to you now?
I think divorce had a lot to do with it. It’s a very horrible thing but it happens at times.

Michael spend his second visit with Lindsay this week, taking in a movie with her near the Betty Ford Clinic,  but hopefuly his chances aren’t ruined when she picks up the new OK Magazine.

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