
Phil Collins Talks Suicide and Three Ways

There are a couple of shocking things about Rolling Stone’s recent interview with Phil Collins, the biggest being that Rolling Stone still does articles on musicians and hasn’t completely abandoned it’s roots for reality and tv stars.  The articles other revelations include that he considered suicide after his last marriage broke up and  he’s never had a three way. The singer joked about persuing a three way when he gives up on music, which he’s considered because of recent criticism of his work.  If this is the case we hope Collins goes on making music forever.

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One Response to Phil Collins Talks Suicide and Three Ways

  1. March 16, 2011 at 3:41 pm #

    Phil Collins. A small-time thief flees with his wife and daughter after a train robbery in 1963 London. (R) (1:40) ENC: Tue. 5:50 AM (CC) • Cairo Time ’09. Patricia Clarkson. During a vacation in Egypt, an unexpected love affair arises between a

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