
Lindsay Refusing Painkillers After Tooth Surgery

It seems as if Lindsay Lohan may be defying all odds and taking a step in the right direction!

Either that or the PR machine is HARD at work.   We like to believe the former, but won’t bet the house on it.

According to a source, Lindsay had tooth surgery done last week while at her stay in rehab, and has been refusing pain killers in order to cope with the accompanying pain.

The source claims she’s become so dedicated to her rehabilitation that she’s been refusing the meds while recovering from the surgery.

Bravo if it’s the case!   But who’s to say that they just aren’t allowing her to have them in fear of a relapse, and this is what we call in the industry a “spin” job.

Lets give Lindsay the benefit of the doubt here, though.  Congrats on your recovery girl!

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