
Pink’s Pal Tweets Pregnancy News, then Retracts

Talk about the ultimate woops!  Even though the news that Pink is pregnant has been confirmed by sources, it’s not been confirmed by Pink herself.

But now a friend of hers may have let the cat out of the bag.

Tv host Jillian Barbarie wrote on her Twitter page: Hey, Pink, I’m sooooo happy for you lady!!! Congrats on baby!! Ps. You know your man whispered it to us at dinner. See I CAN keep a secret!!”

Once realizing that Pink had not yet confirmed the news, Barbarie deleted the tweet and exchanged it with this:

“So @pink hasn’t confirmed. My bad!!” Reynolds wrote. “Hubby says that I must have been tipsy that night cuz that’s not what Carey said!! My complete apologies.”

What could he have whispered that could be confused with that?

Let the cat out of the bag already, Pink!

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