
Did Jessica Simpson Buy Her Own Engagement Ring?

The latest LOL of the  engagement story is that she may have paid for her own engagement ring!

Just days after  Nick Lachey announced his engagement to Vanessa Manillo, his ex-wife Jessica announced hers to former NFL player Eric Johnson.

In addition to the first report that she’s ready to marry without a pre-nup, a new piece on Popeater  claims she may have paid for her own ring as well!

A source tells them: “No way could Eric, who doesn’t have a job at the moment, afford to purchase such an expensive ring. Yes, he made a little bit of money in the NFL and is from a wealthy family, but unless his parents helped him out, Jessica must have paid for it herself.”

The ring is estimated to have cost about $100,000.

Is it wrong for a girl to buy her own ring under any circumstance?  That’s one to think about.  We just hope Jess didn’t rush an engagement out of nowhere here just because Nick did the same.

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