
Heidi Montag’s Mom Demands “a Little Respect” in New Blog Post

In a new (way too long) post on Heidi Montag’s mother’s blog, ‘Metamorphosis of a Mother,’  Darlene Egelhoff tells Heidi that  “It’s time you showed a little respect!”

The post is about the holidays at the Egelhoff household in Crested Butte, Colorado, and the traditions that they are now carrying on without Heidi.

It’s also about Darlene’s purpose on the blogosphere, which may still be up for debate.  She writes that she : “decided to leave Heidi out of my blog because I had heard second hand she was accusing me of ‘using her.'” But Now Mrs. E thinks she might be helping her dater  “and if anything helping her image.”

You can click here to read the entire entry, but we must warn you again, it’s really, really long.

But hey maybe you’re in the mood for stories about ginger bread houses!

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