
Montel Williams Busted For Pot Pipe at Airport

Montel Williams is a bonehead!

Williams was arrested and cited for pot paraphernalia when he was caught going through airport security in Wisconsin carrying a marajuana pipe.

Williams is a medical marijuana patient who claims he uses the drug to ease the pain caused by his multiple sclerosis, which he was first diagnosed with in 1999.

The former talk show host paid the $484 fine for the crime and went on his way, but he should have known better than carrying the pipe if it had been used before.

Sure he could have picked up a new one wherever he was going!

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2 Responses to Montel Williams Busted For Pot Pipe at Airport

  1. January 6, 2011 at 3:21 am #

    The author of the article is the bone head, he is a legal medical marijuana patient, legal being the operative word. Doesn’t TSA have more important things to do than persecute sick people? The federal marijuana law says marijuana is a schedule 1 drug and has no recognized medical use in the United States. So what are the 15 states that allow medical use, what is the federal program that supplies the federal medical marijuana patients and why does the U.S. government hold the patent on medical marijuana? The law he was arrested under does not even meet its own definition, that is much more significant than if Montel Willams brought a used pipe with him. Cocaine and methamphetamine are schedule 2 drugs meaning safer than marijuana by federal definitions of the controlled substances act (CSA). When sick Americans travel they bring there doctor approved medication with them, most are far more dangerous than marijuana or the pipe to use it. Many are severely physically addictive yet they are issued like candy for any reason under the sun. The hypocrisy of that and the ignorant tone of this article are appaling in a free and civilized society. Reefer madness lives, get educated.

    • January 6, 2011 at 10:30 am #

      We agree with him being a patient.. However, Should registered gun owners be allowed to carry while they travel?

      Obviously guns are another subject because of the danger to others, and Montel could easily carry his medical marijuana on the plane as a patient. But carrying a pipe that has been used is just not allowed. Even people who use Marijuana and are not patients are allowed to carry the paraphernalia on a plane, but it must have never been used. Ask any pipe shop owner when purchasing. They’ll usually give you a second one for travel and one for immediate use.

      He should not have been persecuted for possession, that is unless there are TSA rules against possession even for those with prescriptions. In that case the whole thing needs looked at again.

      We support legalization, but one must play by the rules set in place, whether they make sense or not.

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