
Kristin Cavallari is No Kardashian When it Comes to Sports Star Boyfriends

Sorry Kristin Cavallari, you are not changing your name to Kristin Kardashian yet.

Kim Kardashian lead to Reggie Bush winning the Super Bowl trophy last year, and Khloe’s Wedding to Lamar Odom got him another NBA championship, but K-Cav dating the Chicago Bears Jay Cutler got him a bum knee in the biggest game of his career.

Cutler and the Bears lost the NFC championship yesterday when he sat out the second half with a knee injury.   If you are a fan of profanity, google  “Jay Cutler Chicago Bears” and see what the Bears fans have to say about him sitting out the second half, keeping them out of the Super Bowl by having to play their third string QB.

To be fair to superstitious sports fans, Kim Kardashian is now dating the New Jersey Nets Kris Humphries, and there is about a zero percent chance the Nets win the title this year.  She’s not REALLY some kind of a good luck charm.

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  1. Tweets that mention Kristin Cavallari: Kristin Cavallari is No Kardashian When it Comes to Sports Star Boyfriends -- Topsy.com - January 25, 2011

    […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Hollywood Gossip and celebritytrainwreck, Kim K.. Kim K. said: Kristin Cavallari is No Kardashian When it Comes to Sports Star Boyfriends: Sorry Kristin Cavallari, you are not… http://bit.ly/fQNaSY […]

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