
Snooki and Mario Lopez Teaming Up For Secret Project

No, Snooki hasn’t found a new Valentine, but she’s got something cookin’ with Mario Lopez!

He would make the perfect juice head guido though, wouldn’t he?

Both Snooki and Lopez posted the following photo to their Twitter accounts this afternoon with similar messages for their followers.

Mario writes, complete with a Snooki re-tweet:” Love ya boo! RT @MarioLopezExtra: My girl Snookie and I grabbing lunch. We’re working on a cool project together.. Thank u Nicole! http://yfrog.com/hsm2ursj”

Snooki then follows up with: “My boy @MarioLopezExtra ! We’re so cute! http://plixi.com/p/77404345

We can’t wait to see what they are working on!

You can follow Snooki and Mario Lopez on Twitter at @Sn00ki and @MarioLopezExtra.

You can follow Starzlife by tweeting us @Starzlife

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