
Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Cover Leaks on Twitter

The cover of the 2011 Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue was accidentally revealed on Twitter this afternoon, by Rana Wardlaw, who saw it out of her office window by chance.

The cover is set to be premiered tonight on The Late Show with David Letterman, but apparently when they uncovered it to tape the segment for the show, they weren’t quick enough to cover it back up.

Wardlaw told The Huffington Post:

“I work at a media agency called Starcom Worldwide. They unveiled the billboard for a few minutes to tape it for the Letterman Show and then covered it back up. I guess they didn’t cover it fast enough!”

What a hilarious “oops.”  There must have been another way to reveal it, rather than uncovering a huge billboard to tape a segment for late night television.  Especially in the camera phone day and age.

The cover girl is Irina Shayk, and the secret is out a little bit early!

Congrats on your thousands of new followers, Rana Wardlaw.

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One Response to Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Cover Leaks on Twitter

  1. February 15, 2011 at 1:36 am #

    I think its safe to say Irina Shayk is the luckiest girl in the world.

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