
Billy Ray Cyrus: “Hannah Montana Destroyed My Family”



Billy Ray Cyrus has a featured interview in the March issue of GQ Magazine, and he’s making some surprising revelations!

Most surprisingly, Cyrus tells the magazine that he blames the show that made his daughter, Miley Cyrus, a household name, and him relevant again, ‘Hannah Montana,’ for destroying his family.

“The damn show destroyed my family,” he says. “And I sit there and go, ‘Yeah, you know what? Some gave all.’ It is my motto, and guess what? I have to eat that one. I some-gave-all’d it all right. I some-gave-all’d it while everybody else was going to the bank. It’s all sad.”

While some of you may not be able to translate “some-gave all’d it,” Cyrus insists that he never made a dollar from his daughter, as some parents do from their child aged stars.  He explains, “For the record,” he says, “to set it straight, I want to tell you: I’ve never made a dime off of Miley. You got a lot of people have made percentages off of her. I’m proud to say to this day I’ve never made one commissioned dollar, or dime, off of my daughter.”

Cyrus insists it was her handlers at Disney who were all about the money, and after filming the final episode in early 2010, Billy Ray Cyrus was knee deep in divorce proceedings from his wife Trish Cyrus by fall.

The ‘achy-breaky’ heart singer also insists he’s scared for his daughter, who he claims  “She’s got a lot of people around her that’s putting her in a great deal of danger. I know she’s 18, but I still feel like as her daddy I’d like to try to help. Take care of her just a little bit, to at least get her out of danger.”

Though he did not come out and say it, but could his divorce from Trish Cyrus have been the result of her being one of the people putting Miley in “a great deal of danger?”

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