
Disney Responds to Billy Ray Cyrus’ Comments in GQ



Disney executives are firing back at Billy Ray Cyrus’ interview with GQ magazine where he blamed he and daughter Miley Cyrus’ run on ‘Hannah Montana’ for destroying their family.

Cyrus told the mag that if he could take back the day they signed the ‘Hannah Montana’ contract he would, explaining; “I’d take it back in a second. For my family to be here and just be everybody okay, safe and sound and happy and normal.”

He blames her handlers for handling her wrong, and using him to be responsible for all of the bad press.

But Disney is having none of that.  A rep for Mickey Mouse lashed back at Billy Ray Cyrus, saying in a statement:

“We saw it coming for a long time. She wanted to mature herself, but it kind of backfired. Her future without Disney is TBD.”

So who’s to blame?  Disney, Billy Ray Cyrus, Trish Cyrus, or Miley herself?

Hopefully Billy Ray Cyrus doesn’t really believe there would be “Miley Cyrus” to the magnitude that it is in this day without Disney and ‘Hannah Montana.’

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