
Miley Cyrus Receives Youth Leadership Award

Whether it was the right direction or not, Miley Cyrus is a leader of the youth!   Miley was honored with a Global Action Youth Leadership Award in Los Angeles this weekend at the first annual Global Action Awards Gala. Miley was even given the award by her own teen idol, Hilary Duff.

“I got to tell you that I never thought I would get an award from Hilary Duff. This is like a dream come true to me. She inspired me,” Miley said while accepting the award.   Both Cyrus and Duff got their starts as the star on a Disney Channel TV show before branching off into movies, music, partying, and relationships.

Miley added, “I want (kids) to do something they love. Not something that seems like a chore because someone tells them that’s the right thing to do or what their parents want or what’s important to people around them, but what’s in their heart.”

Between the photo scandals, bong-gate, and everything else that follows Miley Cyrus’ name that would make a parent cringe, she does do some charitable work, and should be acknowledged for it.

Cyrus even said during a recent interview that she’s hoping to do some missionary work in Indonesia in 2011 to help purify drinking water.

What do you guys think, is Miley Cyrus a good influence on the youth, or a bad one?

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