
Russell Brand Not Happy With His Fame

When it comes to fame making comedian turned actor Russell Brand happy, “it ain’t worked.”

A former drug addict, who totally revamped his image by getting sober, starring in movies such as ‘Forgetting Sarah Marshall, and ‘Get Him to the Greek’ and marrying pop superstar Katy Perry, Brand’s fame meter has sky rocketed over the past couple of years.  Unfortunately for Rusty, the fame has not been as kind to him as he imagined.

He explains in his new documentary: “I’m famous now. I didn’t used to be but, when I was younger, I always wanted to be famous. I thought it would make me happy. But now I’ve got fame and some of the things that I thought would make me happy – it ain’t worked.”

But don’t start writing your “cry me a river” comments just yet.  Russell Brand doesn’t want your sympathy.  He adds, ” I don’t want to say, ‘Lavish sympathy upon me.’ I can imagine what people will say, ‘Wasn’t it as good as you anticipated? Was it when you were single and all the sex and the boozing that was disappointing? Or is it really starting now you are living in a mansion with three cats and Katy Perry? You have suffered.’ It’s just peculiar to me, a lad growing up in Essex, London, that I would attach such importance to becoming famous and things, and it’s not all that good.”

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