
Christina Aguilera Arrested and Released!

In the ongoing saga that is Christina Aguilera’s new life, the singer spent last night in the drunk tank!

Aguilera and new boyfriend Matthew Rutler were pulled over in West Hollywood around 2:45 AM this morning, when officers noticed the vehicle swerving.  Rutler was driving an Aguilera in the passenger seat.

Both were reportedly too intoxicated to drive, so they were both taken down to the station, finger printed, booked, and thrown in a cell.  Rutler is currently under investigation for DUI, but Aguilera was just kept at the station as a safety precaution, and was released when she could function on her own.

Christina was released around 7:30 AM Tuesday morning, and they will not prosecute says County Sheriff spokesperson Steve Whitmore; “We have no desire to prosecute, none whatsoever. It just for a public safety issue. When she was able to navigate and to think on her own and make her own way, she was released.”

Aguilera’s friends have shown great concern for her partying habits these past couple of months, and many are blaming Matthew Rutler as the bad influence.  It looks like maybe he could actually be the bad influence!

We’re sure she’s can take some of the blame, but he should have not been driving them home last night if the pair were that intoxicated!

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