
Apple Announces iPad 2 Release Date

We have been following engadget’s coverage of the iPad 2 announcement all morning long and the only real surprising detail is that it’s coming out sooner than later!

Steve Jobs announced that iPad 2 would ship on March 11th.

The specs are:

Front and rear cameras, slimmer design (even slimmer than iPhone 4) faster processer, better graphics, HDMI video output, 10 hour battery life, A5 processor, and it’s available in both white and black (just like the iPhone 4 was)

“Along with the iPad 2, we’re releasing the next release of iOS 4.3. It starts with significantly increased Safari performance. We took the Nitro JavaScript engine. Next, iTunes home sharing. It lets you get at all of your content directly over WiFi. Next, AirPlay improvements.”

Pretty much everything you’ve known was coming for months now, but now there’s photos to prove it, and a release date that is earlier than most expected.

A lot of the conference this morning was to rag on the competition, and talk about how they made billions of dollars off of apps alone.

It is currently still going on, and you can watch coverage here.

Mark your calendars!  March 11 is just a little over a week away!

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