
NFL Player’s Wife Induces Labor so Team Will Foot Medical Bill

According to ESPN’s Adam Schefter, an unnamed NFL player has gone to some extreme measures to make use of his insurance plan before the CBA deadline arrives and he loses out on the benefits.

With the collective bargaining agreement deadline less than two days away, an unnamed player reportedly had his wife induce labor of their child early, so that it would be covered by the player’s NFL team, not by COBRA insurance which NFL players have, and would run out provding an agreement is not reached and there is a lockout for the 2011/2012 season.

Schefter tweeted this week: “A different kind of labor: Wife of NFL player had labor induced last week so NFL team footed the bill, not the family through COBRA.”

Hard to believe someone would risk the safety of their wife and child to save a few bucks, especially when sources close to the NFL are reporting that as long as players continue to pay the $1,300 per month, their COBRA insurance will not go away.  However, for the players at the bottom of the league’s pay scale, that type of money could be a lot, when there is no steady pay coming in.

It’s a shame that it would have to come to this, which is all the more reason that the owners and players need to sit down and hash out a deal by Thursday’s deadline.

Plus, we want our football next season!

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