
Jimmy Kimmel Tweets After Evacuation Scare on Small Polynesian Island

Late night host Jimmy Kimmel didn’t plan on a vacation like this!

While vacationing on an island on French Polynesia, Kimmel felt the effects of the 8.9 magnitude earthquake and tsunami that stuck Japan on Friday first hand.

His first tweet went like this: Suddenly, relaxing on an island in the South Pacific isn’t so relaxing anymore. Good thing I brought my aqua stilts.

Funny joke for a comedian, only he wasn’t joking.  He’s really there.

After pouring concern from fans, Kimmel updated the fans periodically.

After responding to a fan that he was “level 7 scared” being on an “island with no  high ground” Kimmel announced that they were being evacuated.

“We are evacuating the island. dogspeed.”

Jimmy and co. have since returned to the island as all seems to be clear.

We are back, officially “unevacuated”. Thanks for your kind words. It was scary. Best wishes to our friends in Japan and all affected.

Stay dry, and safe, Jimmy!

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