
Charlie Sheen Adds Tour Dates, Models Merchendise

Charlie Sheen just uploaded a couple of photos to his Twitter page which include him and his goddesses sporting some of his new Sheen-ism inspired gear that’s for sale on his official website.

Tigerblood, Bi-winning, and Duh, Winning, are all the subjects of the shirts that Charlie will be selling online and on his ‘Violent Torpedoes of Truth Tour’ which will be invading multiple cities across America very soon.

In fact, Sheen just revealed that dates were being added to Cleveland, New York City, Columbus, Connecticut, and Boston.

Tickets for those shows will go on sale Thursday morning, and more dates are still being added.

Keep checking back for when Charlie is coming to your city, or else you’re probably going to get labeled as one of the trolls.

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One Response to Charlie Sheen Adds Tour Dates, Models Merchendise

  1. March 15, 2011 at 11:49 pm #

    Why is everyone paying so much attention to Charlie Sheen? Because he is so darn entertaining! See why in “A Day in the Life of Charlie Sheen” on The Loop Now.


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