
Lindsay Lohan Dropping Her Last Name

It’s very fitting that the word LOL was added to the Oxford English Dictionary this week, because this is truly a moment where LOL is the perfect word.

Lindsay Lohan is planning on dropping the last name Lohan to start going simply by Lindsay.

The move is simply to move on from her troubled past, and distance her self from the same name that her father, Michael Lohan is currently making headlines with because of his domestic violence arrest.

Lindsay’s mom, Dina Lohan and sister Ali Lohan are planning on a change too.  Dina tells Popeater.com

“Lindsay is dropping the Lohan and just going by Lindsay. Plus, me and Ali will be officially changing our last names back to my maiden name, Sullivan.”

Not that Dina Sullivan and Ali Sullivan need their names in the news for anything, but the fact Lindsay Lohan thinks she can go by simply Lindsay or even Lindsay Sullivan makes us LOL.

We do think it’s funny and worth a try though, for no other reason than to hear Michael Lohan’s reaction.

Will you guys start acknowledging Lindsay Lohan as just plain “Lindsay?”

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