Adam Lambert Booted From Lady Gaga’s Birthday Bash

Adam Lambert was asked to leave a birthday bash for Lady Gaga on Sunday night after his behavior got a little out of control, according to a report.

Gossip blogger Perez Hilton, who was present at the party has revealed to The Morning Dish radio program that Lambert arrived at the party as a guest of Gaga’s tour mates, Scissor Sisters, and had already had too much to drink, calling him “Super sloppy embarrassingly drunk!”

And according to another source, “Adam acted like an animal. He kept jumping up on the tables and chairs and screaming. When they brought the cake out he tried to smear it in Gaga’s face and put a doll from the cake in her mouth!”

After Lambert punched a hole in the ceiling while trying to fist pump, Gaga had security ask him to leave.

The former American Idol star tweeted about the incident, but only that he’d hurt his hand, not that he’d been given the boot.

“My hand still hurts. LoL. Was trying for celebratory gesture 4 gaga’s B- piƱata style…instead my fist is all bruised and la cita has a hole in the ceiling. #sloppy.”

We’re sure there’s no hard feelings between he and Gaga.

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2 Responses to Adam Lambert Booted From Lady Gaga’s Birthday Bash

  1. April 4, 2011 at 11:57 am #

    It was so funny! I saw the video from this party and unique episode, which shows Adam Lambert was drunk! I found it for free on and downloaded it. I laugh loudly. Poor Gaga, she was so disappointed for such terrible birthday present from Adam!

  2. April 27, 2011 at 5:39 am #

    Well done ADAM!!! WE LOVE YOU!!

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