
LeBron James Mother Arrested in Miami

Gloria James, the mother of NBA star LeBron James was arrested last night at a Miami hotel on accusations of assault against a hotel valet parking attendant.

James reportedly got physical with a valet attendant at the Fountainbleu hotel in Miami, the night her son’s Miami Heat lost a home game to the Milwaukee Bucks.

The hotel was vague in their statement, but an eyewitness on the scene claims that it all started when James and company were parting at the hotel’s nightclub until the wee hours of the morning.  Upon leaving, James apparently became upset when she couldn’t find her keys, which the valet attendant assured her were in the car.

The violence began when the allegedly took a swing at the attendant with her purse and missed, so she followed up with a fist.

James was taken into custody and charged with simple battery and disorderly intoxication.

On Thursday at Miami Heat shoot around, LeBron James spoke briefly with reporters abut his mothers incident, saying; “It’s a sensitive subject. It’s a personal matter that’s being taken care of. She’s fine.” adding, “You have to move forward. It is my life. Just try to not let things be a distraction. I have a job to do.”

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