
David Hasselhoff Struggling With New Girlfriend’s Welsh Accent

David Hasselhoff is struggling with dating his new girlfriend…

Hasselhoff met young Hayley Roberts, (who is 27 years his junior) when he was judging the reality competition ‘Britain’s Got Talent’ in her home country of Wales but admits he sometimes has understanding her Welsh accent.

He explains on the UK talk show, ‘Loose Women,’ “We have long conversations because she is from Wales and I can’t understand her. We met when I was doing an episode of Britain’s Got Talent in Cardiff. We are just starting.”

He also adds that he left it up to her whether she wanted to give it a go or not, because of the media pressure that was going to be put on them as a couple.

“It’s kind of tough (to avoid media coverage)… I wooed her (at first). I was a gentleman. I like to just say, ‘Here’s where I’m at, if you like we can do this, it’s up to you’. I just wait and wait… We are just getting started. We are just trying to go to the movies, have a bowl of soup (but) everyone’s turning us in (to the media).”

The woman is a model, did he really think she was going to say no thank you?

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