
Donald Trump’s Presidential Announcement During ‘Celebrity Apprentice’ Finale

Donald J. Trump is apparently dead serious in running for President in 2012!

You’ve heard the rumors by now, that Trump will be running for presidency in 2012, and that he may even be leading in some polls as a potential nominee so far.

The latest is that the Donald will be announcing something regarding his intent to run for President during the season finale of his TV show, ‘Celebrity Apprentice.’

Because he’s not allowed to officially announce a campaign during a network television show, any announcement is expected to be info regarding a press conference where he will announce if he will or will not run for President.

According to TV Guide “On the May 22 season finale of Celebrity Apprentice, Mr. Trump may announce the time and place of a press conference at which time he will make a statement as to whether or not he will run for president of the United States,”

The Trump circus, though seems serious, also seems like a huge ratings ploy.  If Trump announces candidacy, NBC immediately must stop airing ‘Celebrity Apprentice,’ and must offer equal air time to all other candidates.  Therefore, Trump is waiting for the finale, making it an event all about him, and bringing in new viewers just to hear what he has to say about the election, even if it’s “I will not be running for President.”

Either way, the guy is smart.  President material smart?  Not so sure about that one.

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One Response to Donald Trump’s Presidential Announcement During ‘Celebrity Apprentice’ Finale

  1. April 18, 2011 at 1:57 am #

    What a racist piece of dog crap.

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