
Police Investigating Rebecca Black Death Threats

We know she sucks, but give Rebecca Black a break people!

With the success of 100 million YouTube views for a horrible track, things have gone a little too far as Rebecca Black has faced death threats from angry teens, most likely in the form of internet messages and comments.

Bosses at Black’s record label notified authorities though after receiving menacing phone calls and voice messages back in march.

Sgt. Rick Martinez tells KCBS: “In essence, the threats were related to getting the music off the internet or they were going to kill her. We can’t validate how serious they are, but we do take it seriously.”

An investigation is ongoing, and it’s very likely that in the end nothing will happen, there will be a few teen girls who will be spending a few ‘Fridays’ grounded in their room without YouTube privileges, so they won’t even be able to listen to Black in a jealous fit.

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One Response to Police Investigating Rebecca Black Death Threats

  1. April 21, 2011 at 6:09 pm #

    I know she sucks but people back the fuck off!! geez.

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