
Mariah Carey Wants You To Guess Babies’ Names

Mariah Carey has officially named her twins, but she’s not ready to share just yet!

Carey, who gave birth to twin babies with Nick Cannon on Saturday has updated her Twitter page saying:

“I wish I could personally thank all those around the world who continue 2 send congrats + prayers for #dembabies! They’re doing great and they are the most incredible gifts we could ever have imagined!”

As for the names?   You’ll have to guess!  Mariah adds,

“So we (sic) r bout (about) 2 reveal the actual names and b4 (before) we tell em 2 our friends etc. I had 2 C (see) if any (one) wanted 2 guess!!!”

The hint is, both names start with the letter M…

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