
Donald Trump Will NOT Run For President

Donald Trump announced on Monday morning that he would not be running for President in the 2012 election, though he’s sure he’d get the job.

During meeting with press for ‘The Celebrity Apprentice,’ Trump said, “I will not be running for president as much as I’d like to.”

The 64 year old tycoon was among several names on the potential candidate list for the republican party, but has decided to not run in the primaries.

“This decision does not come easily or without regret,” Trump adds in a statement. “I maintain the strong conviction that if I were to run, I would be able to win the primary, and ultimately, the general election.”

Trump made headlines recently when he challenged President Obama to provide a copy of his birth certificate proving he was a U.S. citizen.

Though some poll results showed that people would actually vote for him, he has decided against an attempt in taking on President Obama in 2012.

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