
Ex-Husband Of Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Mistress Feels Betrayed

The man who thought he was the father of Arnold Schwarzenegger’s secret child for nearly fourteen years is feeling betrayed by the news.

The former action star turned California Governor came clean with the news that he fathered a child with household staffer Mildred Banea last week, and now Banea’s ex-husband is speaking out.

He tells Entertainment Weekly that he always looked at Schwarzenegger as a “hero” and that he now feels betrayed by his ex-wife’s relationship with her former boss.

But he still feels as if he is the child’s father, and would tell him: “I am your father. That’s all.”

Mildred Banea and Rogelio Banea ended their ten year marriage in 1997, just three weeks after the child was born. Rogelio is listed on the child’s birth certificate as the father.  Mildred filed for divorce back in 2008.

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