
Hilary Duff Talks Expanding Her Business

Hilary Duff may not be having the best luck landing big prestegious roles these days, but that doesn’t mean the Duff brand isn’t alive and kicking.

During a recent interview with an Orlando paper, Duff laid it all on the line about growing up, getting married, and expanding her business.

On being a brand:

“People aren’t just actors, singers or whatever these days. I like being a brand. I worked really hard for my brand and have gotten to do amazing things, go to amazing places because of it.”

On challenging herself with different movie roles:

“For a long time, I worried about my reputation and how people perceived me. One thing I did when I was younger was not concern myself with the project I was picking. I was just having fun. The characters seem all the same because they kind of were — a very relatable girl. That worked for me at that time. But now that I’m older, and if not exactly struggling, at least trying to prove myself by taking on different roles, I have to pay much more attention to that and do things that are a departure from each other. I worry about getting stuck doing one thing again. I liked that ‘Renee’ project very much. But I had done ‘Greta’ a couple of years ago, a very similar story…a girl who doesn’t fit in anywhere. Similar enough that I had to say I don’t want to go back to repeating myself.”

On her new film, Bloodworth:

“I don’t know much about Southern Gothic, but I read this script and the book, ‘Provinces of the Night’ that it’s based on and knew I wanted to try it, to be a part of this amazing cast. It’s about trust and betrayal and growing up in the worst circumstances. My character basically grew up in a brothel. I just put on those cowboy boots and those clothes and became Raven. One thing I knew this would do is help people view me in a different way.”

On going back to music:

“When I finished the last tour, I won’t say I fired everyone, but I took a step back from music. I wanted to focus more on my personal life, which I hadn’t done since I was a little kid — 10 ten years or more. But now I’ve got the itch again. So we’re just starting to get a new team together. With all of it, I’m taking my time more, these days, trying to make the best decisions possible.”

Interesting to see what’s next for Duff, and interested to see ‘Bloodworth.’

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One Response to Hilary Duff Talks Expanding Her Business

  1. May 27, 2011 at 5:32 am #

    Bloodworth is really good & intriguing good movie; it is for rent on itunes and Hilary did great work.  Might get it on dvd too and I never do that! I think Duff does NOT want to do the big budget films there was an audio clip of her saying mngmnt goes WHAT? when she turns down the money makers, because she does not want to play the cliche character or take the roles Megan Fox is in the act movies.  I hope she sticks w/ indies she has grown a lot, thinking back she never had good roles before so maybe I just never saw!

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