
Kim Kardashian To Take Kris Humphries’ Last Name

We’ll see how long this one lasts, but Kim Kardashian is apparently claiming that she’ll take her fiance Kris Humphries’ last name when the couple weds.

TMZ is reporting that sources close to Kim are claiming that she will choose to go by Kim Humphries after the wedding, ditching the name that made her famous, and has about a billion products an reality shows named after it.

Her mother, who shares the same name with her fiance, Kris Jenner, has recently told Popeater.com she thinks it’s a bad idea. “I don’t think she should take his name and be Kim Humphries … She needs to be Kim Kardashian because she’s worked so hard to get where she is.”

To be fair to Kim, her sister Khloe took her husband Lamar Odom’s name at their wedding, and is now officially Khloe Kardashian Odom.  You wouldn’t really know it because everyone still calls her Khloe Kardashian.

What would be real good locker room laugh in New Jersey is if Kris Humphries took her name and became Kris Kardashian…

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