
Cameron Diaz Talks Awkward Sex Scene With Justin Timberlake

Cameron Diaz’s sex scene with ex boyfriend Justin Timberlake in ‘Bad Teacher’ wasn’t awkward because they are former lovers, but according to Diaz, because it was actually awkward.

Diaz tells Blackbook.com, “Justin and I wanted to create the least sexy sex scene ever seen on film, ever. And to show the total lack of chemistry between these two people, and I think that we succeeded.”

As for it being awkward because of the fact they previously dated:

“Yes, we went out, and yes, people think, Oh, shouldn’t that be awkward? It really isn’t. We’re friends. We haven’t gone out with each other for as long as we were together. But we know each other so well, and we have allowed our friendship and our love to totally morph and change into something completely appropriate for us to do this with one another.”

‘Bad Teacher’ hits theaters this Friday.

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