
MTV Says No Plans To Re-Cast ‘Shore’

MTV has come to the defense of their guidos, claiming that they are not planning to re-cast for the sixth season of Jersey Shore.

After the news broke on Friday that the cast would be replaced after one last hurrah in New Jersey, which begins filming this week, MTV said in a statement:

“We love the present cast and their summer adventures have just begun, we currently have no plans to recast the show.”

Chiming in on the situation, (not his cast-mate) DJ Pauly D added:

“I think we’re irreplaceable,  I don’t think they could replace us. They’d just be people trying to be like us, anyway.”

Pauly’s got a point.  However, it might be a risk they are willing to take for a season for the sake of the all mighty dollar.

The current cast is receiving a reported $100,000 per episode check for season five.

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